#' @title summarize.batches
#' @description Summarize batches.
#' @param sets Probesets to summarize
#' @param probe.parameters Optional probe parameters, including priors.
#' @param batches Data batches for online learning
#' @param load.batches Logical. Load precalculated data for the batches.
#' @param mc.cores Number of cores for parallel computation
#' @param cdf CDF for alternative probeset definitions
#' @param bg.method Background correction method
#' @param normalization.method Normalization method
#' @param verbose Print progress information
#' @param save.batches.dir Specify the output directory for temporary batch saves.
#' @param Define identifier for this run for naming the temporary batch files. By default, a random id is generated.
#' @param save.batches Save batches?
#' @param set.inds Probeset indices
#' @param speedup Speed up calculations with approximations.
#' @param summarize.with.affinities Use affinity estimates in probe summarization step. Default: FALSE.
#' @details Sweeps through the batches. Summarizes the probesets within each batch based on the precalculated model parameter point estimates.
#' @return Expression matrix: probesets x samples.
#' @export
#' @references See citation("RPA")
#' @author Leo Lahti \email{}
#' @examples #
#' @keywords utilities
summarize.batches <- function (sets = NULL, probe.parameters = list(), batches, load.batches = FALSE, mc.cores = 1, cdf = NULL, bg.method = "rma", normalization.method = "quantiles", verbose = TRUE, save.batches.dir = ".", = NULL, save.batches = FALSE, set.inds, speedup = FALSE, summarize.with.affinities = FALSE) {
if ( verbose ) { message("Pick PM indices") }
if (is.null(sets)) {sets <- names(set.inds)}
# Initialize expression matrix
cel.files <- unlist(batches)
emat <- array(NA, dim = c(length(sets), length(cel.files)))
rownames(emat) <- sets
colnames(emat) <- cel.files # sapply(strsplit(cel.files, "/"), function (x) {x[[length(x)]]})
# Hyperparameters for probe variances have been estimated
# Get probeset-level signal estimate by online sweep with the fixed variances
for (i in 1:length(batches)) {
if (verbose) {message(paste("Summarizing batch", i, "/", length(batches)))}
# CEL files for this batch
batch.cels <- batches[[i]]
# Get background corrected, quantile normalized, and logged probe-level matrix
batch <- NULL
# Was in NAR version before speedup
if (load.batches && !speedup) {
batch.file <- paste(save.batches.dir, "/",, "-", names(batches)[[i]], ".RData", sep = "")
if (verbose) { message(paste("Load preprocessed data for this batch from: ", batch.file)) }
load(batch.file) # batch
# Get probes x samples matrices for each probeset
# No need to remove the reference sample for d.update here
# in the summarization step!
# (this returns quantile-normalized log2 data:)
#if ( verbose ) { message("Extract probe-level data") }
q <- get.probe.matrix(cels = batch.cels, cdf = cdf, quantile.basis = probe.parameters$quantile.basis, bg.method = bg.method, batch = batch, verbose = verbose)
} else if (load.batches && speedup) {
batch.file <- paste(save.batches.dir, "/",, names(batches)[[i]], "-hyper.RData", sep = "")
if (verbose) { message(paste("Load preprocessed data for this batch from: ", batch.file)) }
load(batch.file) # q
# Summarize this batch
res <- summarize.batch(q = q,
set.inds = set.inds,
probe.parameters = probe.parameters,
verbose = verbose,
mc.cores = mc.cores,
summarize.with.affinities = summarize.with.affinities)
# Store the summaries
emat[sets, batch.cels] <- res$exprs
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