#' @title Calculate RNA age
#' @description This function calculates RNA age based on pre-trained
#' calculators.
#' @param exprdata a matrix or data frame which contains gene expression data
#' with each row represents a gene and each column represents a sample. Use
#' the argument `exprtype` to specify raw count or FPKM. The rownames of
#' `exprdata` should be gene ids and colnames of `exprdata` should be sample
#' ids.
#' @param tissue a string indicate which tissue the gene expression data is
#' obtained from. Users are expected to provide one of the following tissues.
#' If the tissue argument is not provide or the provided tissue is not in this
#' list, then the age predictor trained on all tissues will be used to
#' calculate RNA age.
#' \itemize{
#' \item adipose_tissue
#' \item adrenal_gland
#' \item blood
#' \item blood_vessel
#' \item brain
#' \item breast
#' \item colon
#' \item esophagus
#' \item heart
#' \item liver
#' \item lung
#' \item muscle
#' \item nerve
#' \item ovary
#' \item pancreas
#' \item pituitary
#' \item prostate
#' \item salivary_gland
#' \item skin
#' \item small_intestine
#' \item spleen
#' \item stomach
#' \item testis
#' \item thyroid
#' \item uterus
#' \item vagina
#' }
#' @param exprtype either "counts" or "FPKM". For RPKM data, please use
#' `exprtype` = "FPKM".
#' @param idtype a string which indicates the gene id type in `exprdata`.
#' It should be one of "SYMBOL", "ENSEMBL", "ENTREZID" or "REFSEQ". Default is
#' "SYMBOL".
#' @param stype a string which specifies which version of pre-trained
#' calculators to be used. It should be either "all" or "Caucasian". "all"
#' means samples from all races (American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian,
#' Black/African American, and Caucasian) are used to obtain the
#' pre-trained calculator. "Caucasian" means only the Caucasian samples are
#' used to build up the pre-trained calculator.
#' @param signature a string which indicates the age signature to use when
#' calculating RNA age. This argument is not required. \cr
#' In the case that this argument is not provided, if `tissue` argument is also
#' provided and the tissue is in the list above, the tissue specific age
#' signature given by our DESeq2 analysis result on GTEx data will be used.
#' Otherwise, the across tissue signature "GTExAge" will be used. \cr
#' In the case that this argument is provided, it should be one of the
#' following signatures. A detailed description of the meaning of these
#' signatures is given in the package vignette.
#' \itemize{
#' \item DESeq2
#' \item Pearson
#' \item Dev
#' \item deMagalhaes
#' \item GenAge
#' \item GTExAge
#' \item Peters
#' \item all
#' }
#' @param genelength a vector which contains gene length in bp.
#' The size of `genelength` should be
#' equal to the number of rows in `exprdata`. This argument is optional. If
#' using `exprtype = "FPKM"`, `genelength` argument is ignored. If using
#' `exprtype = "counts"`, the raw count will be converted to FPKM. If
#' `genelength` is provided, the function will convert raw count to FPKM by the
#' user-supplied gene length. Otherwise, gene length is obtained from the
#' internal database.
#' @param chronage a data frame which contains the chronological age of each
#' sample. This argument is optional. If provided, it should be a dataframe
#' with 1st column sample id and 2nd column chronological age. The sample order
#' in `chronage` doesn't have to be in the same order as in
#' `exprdata`. However, the samples in `chronage` and `exprdata` should be the
#' same. If some samples' chronological age are not available, users are
#' expected to set the chronological age in `chronage` to NA. If `chronage`
#' contains more than 2 columns, only the first 2 columns will be considered.
#' If this argument is not provided, the age acceleration residual will not be
#' calculated. See package vignette for the definition of age acceleration
#' residual.
#' @param maxp the maxp argument used in \code{\link[impute]{impute.knn}}
#' function. This is optional.
#' @importFrom stats lm na.omit residuals
#' @importFrom impute impute.knn
#' @return a data frame contains RNA age.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(fpkmExample)
#' res = predict_age(exprdata = fpkm, exprtype = "FPKM")
predict_age <- function(exprdata, tissue, exprtype = c("FPKM","counts"),
idtype = c("SYMBOL", "ENSEMBL", "ENTREZID", "REFSEQ"),
stype = c("all", "caucasian"), signature = NULL, genelength = NULL,
chronage = NULL, maxp = NULL){
## check input:
stop("Only numeric values are allowed in the exprdata matrix.")
stop("Row names should be provided in the exprdata matrix.")
stop("Column names should be provided in the exprdata matrix.")
if( any(duplicated(rownames(exprdata))) ){
stop("Duplicated gene names found in the exprdata matrix.")
exprdata = data.frame(exprdata)
if(any(!vapply(exprdata, is.numeric, TRUE))){
stop("Only numeric values are allowed in the exprdata data.frame.")
if(any(exprdata<0, na.rm=TRUE)){
stop("Gene expression data cannot contain negative value(s).")
if(any(duplicated(rownames(exprdata)), na.rm = TRUE)){
stop("Duplicated gene names found in the exprdata matrix.")
exprtype = match.arg(exprtype)
idtype = match.arg(idtype)
stype = match.arg(stype)
message("More than 2 columns are provided in chronage. Only the
first 2 columns will be used.")
if(!is.character(chronage[,1]) & !is.factor(chronage[,1]) &
!is.numeric(chronage[,1]) ){
stop("The 1st column in chronage should be sample ids.")
stop("chronage contains duplicated sample ids.")
stop("The 2nd column in chronage should be chronological age.")
if(!setequal(chronage[,1], colnames(exprdata))){
stop("Samples in chronage and exprdata should be the same.")
if(any(chronage[,2]<0, na.rm=TRUE)){
stop("Chronological age contains negative value(s).")
if(length(maxp) > 1){
message("maxp contains more than 1 element. Only the first one
will be used.")
maxp = maxp[1]
## end check input
## process tissue and signature argument
message("tissue is not provided, using the RNA age predictor trained
by all tissues automatically.")
tissue = "all_tissues"
message("signature is not provided, using GTExAge signature
signature = "GTExAge"
signature = match.arg(signature, c("DESeq", "DESeq2", "Pearson",
"Dev", "deMagalhaes", "GenAge", "GTExAge", "Peters", "all"))
signature = "DESeq2" ## replace "DESeq" with "DESeq2"
message("DESeq2 signature is currently not available for
all tissues, using Pearson signature automatically.")
signature = "Pearson"
if( tolower(tissue) %in% names(genelist_all)){
tissue = tolower(tissue)
message("signature is not provided, using DESeq2 signature
signature = "DESeq2"
signature = match.arg(signature, c("DESeq", "DESeq2",
"Pearson", "Dev", "deMagalhaes", "GenAge", "GTExAge",
"Peters", "all"))
signature = "DESeq2" ## replace "DESeq" with "DESeq2"
message("the provided tissue was not found, using the RNA age
predictor trained by all tissues automatically.")
tissue = "all_tissues"
message("signature is not provided, using GTExAge signature
signature = "GTExAge"
signature = match.arg(signature, c("DESeq", "DESeq2",
"Pearson", "Dev", "deMagalhaes", "GenAge", "GTExAge",
"Peters", "all"))
signature = "DESeq2" ## replace "DESeq" with "DESeq2"
message("DESeq2 signature is currently not available for
all tissues, using Pearson signature automatically.")
signature = "Pearson"
## end: process tissue and signature argument
exprdata = count2FPKM(exprdata, genelength = genelength,
idtype = idtype)
## convert gene id type to gene symbol
mapid = suppressMessages(select(, rownames(exprdata),
columns = "SYMBOL", keytype = idtype))
mapid = mapid[which(!$SYMBOL)),]
mapid = mapid[!duplicated(mapid[,idtype]),]
ind1 = which(!mapid$SYMBOL %in% mapid$SYMBOL[duplicated(mapid$SYMBOL)])
mapid = mapid[ind1,]
rownames(mapid) = as.character(mapid[,idtype])
exprdata = exprdata[rownames(exprdata)%in%rownames(mapid),]
genesymbol = mapid[rownames(exprdata),"SYMBOL"]
rownames(exprdata) = genesymbol
genes_required = names(genelist_all[[tissue]][[signature]])[-1]
genes_required = names(genelist_cau[[tissue]][[signature]])[-1]
sig_in_expr = genes_required%in%rownames(exprdata)
"% genes in the gene signature are not included in the supplied
gene expression.")
## impute the gene expression in the log scale
message("performing imputation...")
tempmat = data.frame(matrix(NA, sum(!sig_in_expr), ncol(exprdata)))
rownames(tempmat) = setdiff(genes_required, rownames(exprdata))
colnames(tempmat) = colnames(exprdata)
exprdata_withNA = rbind(exprdata, tempmat)
exprdata_log = log2(exprdata_withNA + 1)
exprdata_log = as.matrix(exprdata_log)
maxp = nrow(exprdata_log)
tmp = suppressWarnings(impute.knn(exprdata_log, maxp=maxp))
exprdata_log_impute = data.frame(tmp$data)
exprdata_sub = t(exprdata_log_impute[genes_required,])
## check partial row NA, then applied pre-trained calculator
message("performing imputation...")
exprdata_log = log2(exprdata + 1)
exprdata_log = as.matrix(exprdata_log)
maxp = nrow(exprdata_log)
tmp = suppressWarnings(impute.knn(exprdata_log, maxp=maxp))
exprdata_log_impute = data.frame(tmp$data)
exprdata_sub = t(exprdata_log_impute[genes_required,])
exprdata_sub = t(log2(exprdata[genes_required,] + 1))
## make prediction using pre-trained calculator
coefs = genelist_all[[tissue]][[signature]]
coefs = genelist_cau[[tissue]][[signature]]
RNAAge = apply(exprdata_sub, 1, function(x) sum(x*coefs[-1])+coefs[1])
res = data.frame(RNAAge = RNAAge)
matchid = match(colnames(exprdata), chronage[,1])
res$ChronAge = chronage[matchid,2]
## if sample size is too small, age acceleration residual cannot be
## calculated
res$AgeAccelResid = NA
res[!$ChronAge),"AgeAccelResid"] =
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