#REBET function:
#Y: vector of Phenotye
#G: n*p matrix of Genotype
#E: sub-region annotation
#X: matrix of covariates
#a,b: parameters of beta distribution
rebet <- function(response, genotypes, subRegions, responseType=NULL,
covariates=NULL, shape1=1, shape2=1, saveMem=FALSE)
#need add some sanity check of parameter of REBET
if (!is.matrix(genotypes)) {
stop("ERROR: genotypes must be a matrix with at least two columns")
n <- nrow(genotypes)
p <- ncol(genotypes)
if ((is.null(p)) || (p < 2)) {
stop("ERROR: genotypes must be a matrix with at least two columns")
E.unique <- unique(subRegions)
if (p != length(subRegions)) {
stop("ERROR: length of subRegions and number of col of genotypes must be the same")
if (shape1 <= 0) stop("ERROR: shape1 must be positive")
if (shape2 <= 0) stop("ERROR: shape2 must be positive")
if (n != length(response)) {
stop("ERROR: length of response and number of rows of genotypes must be the same")
if (!is.null(responseType)) {
if (!(responseType %in% c("continuous","binary"))) {
stop("ERROR: responseType type must be continous, binary or NULL")
} else {
temp <- is.finite(response)
if (all(response[temp] %in% 0:1)) {
responseType <- "binary"
} else {
responseType <- "continuous"
if (is.null(covariates)) covariates <- matrix(data=1, nrow=n, ncol=1)
if (is.vector(covariates)) covariates <- matrix(covariates, ncol=1)
if ((!is.matrix(covariates)) && (!is.vector(covariates))) {
stop("ERROR: covariates must be a matrix or vector")
if (n != nrow(covariates)) {
stop("ERROR: length of response and number of rows of covariates must be the same")
# Remove missing values
temp <- (!is.finite(response)) | (rowSums(!is.finite(genotypes)) > 0) |
(rowSums(!is.finite(covariates)) > 0)
if (any(temp)) {
response <- response[!temp]
genotypes <- genotypes[!temp, , drop=FALSE]
covariates <- covariates[!temp, , drop=FALSE]
n <- nrow(genotypes)
if (!n) stop("ERROR: No data to process")
# Add intercept if needed
if (all(colSums(covariates == 1) != n)) covariates <- as.matrix(cbind(1, covariates))
ncov <- ncol(covariates)
#step 1:calculate score statistics vector and its variance matrix
if (responseType == "continuous"){
fit <- try(lm(response ~ covariates - 1))
if ("try-error" %in% class(fit)) {
stop("ERROR: Linear regression failed")
tilde.sigma2 <- summary(fit)$sigma^2
res <- fit$resid
Gt <- t(genotypes)
S <- Gt %*% res
XtX <- t(covariates)%*%covariates
inv.XtX <- try(solve(XtX))
if ("try-error" %in% class(inv.XtX)) {
stop("ERROR: matrix inversion failed")
SIGMA2 <- .getSIGMA2_cont(saveMem, p, genotypes, n, covariates, ncov,
inv.XtX, tilde.sigma2, Gt)
rm(Gt, XtX, res)
}else if (responseType == "binary"){
fit <- try(glm(formula = response ~ covariates - 1, family = binomial(link = logit)))
if (("try-error" %in% class(fit)) || (!fit$converged)) {
stop("ERROR: Logistic regression failed")
mu <- fit$fitted.value
res <- response - mu
Gt <- t(genotypes)
S <- Gt %*% res
d <- mu * (1 - mu)
XtDX <- .getXtDX(saveMem, ncov, covariates, d, n)
inv.XtDX <- try(solve(XtDX))
if ("try-error" %in% class(inv.XtDX)) {
stop("ERROR: matrix inversion failed")
SIGMA2 <- .getSIGMA2_binary(saveMem, p, genotypes, n, covariates, ncov,
inv.XtDX, d, Gt)
rm(Gt, XtDX, res, d, mu)
} else{
stop("ERROR: responseType must be continous or binary")
# Check SIGMA2
if (any(SIGMA2 <= 0)) stop("ERROR: values of SIGMA2 <= 0")
#step 2: specify weight OMEGA <- <- (colSums(genotypes))/(n) <-
OMEGA <- dbeta(, shape1=shape1, shape2=shape2)
#step 3: creat input for fastASSET.R: PI_k and Z_k
PI_Z_kGroups <- .PI_kGroups(subRegions,S,SIGMA2,OMEGA)
#step 4: run ASSET
snps <- "Gene"
traits.lab <- paste("Region_", E.unique, sep="")
omega <- sqrt(PI_Z_kGroups$PI_k)
alpha <- PI_Z_kGroups$Z_k
beta.hat <- alpha/omega
sigma.hat <- 1/omega
cor <- diag(length(E.unique))
ncase <- matrix(1,1,length(E.unique))
ncntl <- ncase
res <- h.traits(snps, traits.lab, beta.hat, sigma.hat, ncase, ncntl,
cor=cor, cor.numr=FALSE, search=NULL, side=2, meta=TRUE,
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