#' gaggregate
#' @description Aggregating individual judgments (pairwise comparison matrices - PCMs) into a group judgement or group priority.
#' @param srcfile a matrix with one or two columns. Column one (required) includes the path (location) to each individual pairwise comparison matrix and column two (optional) includes the individual weights. The matrix rowname is individuals identifier.
#' @param method two methods are available for aggregation of individual opinions, (1) arithmetic, which compute the arithmetic mean of individual priorities, (2) geometric, which computes the geometric mean of individual PCMs. If individuals are assigned with a weight, the weighted arithmetic/geometric mean will be computed. The default method is 'geometric'.
#' @param simulation simulation size for computation of Satty's inconsistency. The default value is 500.
#' @return An S4 object including group PCM/prioritise;
#' @return If geometric mean is used, the returning object includes: aggregated group PCM (AIJ), group consistency ratio (GCR), individual consistency ratios (ICR), consensus index (CI), and priority matrix (IP).
#' @return If aritmetic mean is used, the returning object includes: agrregated group priority (AIP), individual consistency ratios (ICR), and priority matrix (IP).
#' @author Daryanaz Dargahi
#' @references E. Forman and K. Peniwati. Aggregating individual judgments and priorities with the analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research, 108(1):165-169, 1998.
#' @examples
#' mat <- matrix(nrow = 4, ncol = 1, data = NA)
#' mat[,1] <- c(system.file('extdata','ind1.tsv',package = 'Prize'),
#' system.file('extdata','ind2.tsv',package = 'Prize'),
#' system.file('extdata','ind3.tsv',package = 'Prize'),
#' system.file('extdata','ind4.tsv',package = 'Prize'))
#' rownames(mat) <- c('ind1','ind2','ind3', 'ind4')
#' colnames(mat) <- c('individual_judgement')
#' # non-weighted aggregation
#' res <- gaggregate(srcfile = mat, method = 'geometric', simulation = 500)
#' # weighted aggregation
#' # Decision makers are assigned with a priority value based on their specialization and perspectives.
#' mat <- cbind(mat, c(0.35,0.25,0.15,0.25))
#' colnames(mat)[2] <- 'individual_weight'
#' res <- gaggregate(srcfile = mat, method = 'geometric', simulation = 500)
#' @export
gaggregate <- function(srcfile, method = 'geometric', simulation = 500){ # weight = NULL, method = 'geometric'
if(class(srcfile) %in% c('matrix', 'data.frame')){
x <- as.matrix(srcfile)
judge <- dim(x)[1] #number of judges
ICRname <- as.character(rownames(x))
if(dim(x)[2] > 1 && !all([,2]))){
weights <- as.numeric(x[,2])
if(sum(as.numeric(weights)) != 1){
stop ('Weights must add up to 1.')
} else {
weights <- NULL
tmp <- list()
file <- read.delim(as.character(x[1,1]), sep = '\t', header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
nRow <- dim(file)[1]
nCol <- dim(file)[2]
rname <- rownames(file)
cname <- colnames(file)
} else {
stop(paste(as.character(x[1,1]), ' is missing.', sep = ''))
message(paste("Reading individual judgements.",sep = ''))
for(i in seq_len(judge)){
file <- read.delim(as.character(x[i,1]), sep = '\t', header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
# check for zero
if(length(which(x==0,arr.ind = TRUE)) > 0){
stop('Zero is not allowed in the matrix, infinite values are being created in the square matrix.')
# check if the judgement matrices are square
if(dim(file)[1] != dim(file)[2]){
stop(paste(as.character(x[i,1]), 'is not a square/triangular matrix.', sep = ' '))
# check if the matrices are numeric
stop(paste(as.character(x[i,1]), 'is not a numeric matrix.', sep = ' '))
# check the # of row and columns are similar in all judgements
if(dim(file)[1] != nRow || dim(file)[2] != nCol){
stop('Judgement matrices has different number of rows or columns.')
# check the criteria/sub order
if(!all(rownames(file) == rname)){
stop('Judgement matrices have different orders.')
# check if PCM is triangular and compute a complete square PCM
if(all([upper.tri(file)])) || all([lower.tri(file)]))){
out <- ahmatrix(file)
file <- as.matrix(out@ahp_matrix)
tmp <- append(tmp, list(file))
} else {
stop(paste(as.character(x[i,1]), ' is missing.', sep = ''))
} else {
stop('\'srcfile\' must be a matrix/datafram that include the path to individual judgement matrices (PCM) and their weights (optional).')
x <- tmp
# aggregating judgement matrices
if (method == 'geometric'){
message(paste("Aggregating individual judgements with geometric mean (AIJ).", sep = ' '))
# computing non-weighted geometric mean
# 1. prod of all matrices
# 2. n th root where n = judge
tmp <- x[[1]]
iahp <- ahp(x[[1]], simulation = simulation)
CR <- iahp@saaty_inconsistency
IW <- iahp@weight
for(i in seq(from = 2, to = judge)){ # 2:judge
tmp <- tmp * x[[i]]
iahp <- ahp(x[[i]], simulation = simulation)
CR <- append(CR, iahp@saaty_inconsistency)
IW <- rbind(IW, iahp@weight)
gmean <- tmp ^ (1/judge)
names(CR) <- names(x)
IW = rbind(IW, ahp(gmean, simulation = simulation)@weight)
rownames(IW) <- append(rownames(srcfile), 'Group judgement')
else {
# computing weighted geometric mean
tmp <- x[[1]] ^ weights[1]
iahp <- ahp(x[[1]], simulation = simulation)
CR <- iahp@saaty_inconsistency
IW <- iahp@weight
for(i in seq(from = 2, to = judge)){ # 2:judge
tmp <- tmp * (x[[i]] ^ weights[i])
iahp <- ahp(x[[i]], simulation = simulation)
CR <- append(CR, iahp@saaty_inconsistency)
IW <- rbind(IW, iahp@weight)
gmean <- tmp
names(CR) <- ICRname
IW = rbind(IW, ahp(gmean, simulation = simulation)@weight)
rownames(IW) <- append(rownames(srcfile), 'Group judgement')
rmean <- gmean
names(CR) <- ICRname
# measuring the consistency of the aggregated matrix
message(paste("Computing group consistency ratio (GCR).",sep = ''))
GCR <- numeric()
group_consistency_ratio <- numeric()
if(simulation > 0){
GCR <- ahp(rmean, simulation = simulation)
group_consistency_ratio <- GCR@saaty_inconsistency
# computing consensus index
message(paste("Computing consensus index (CI).",sep = ''))
consensus_measure <- numeric()
for(i in seq_len(judge)){ # number of PCMs
GCI <- 0
for(j in seq_len(nRow)){
for(k in seq_len(nRow)){
GCI <- GCI + (rmean[j,k] * x[[i]][k,j])
GCI <- GCI / (nRow ^ 2)
consensus_measure <- append(consensus_measure, GCI)
names(consensus_measure) <- ICRname
return(new("geoAggreg", AIJ = rmean, GCR = group_consistency_ratio, CI = consensus_measure, ICR = CR, IP = IW))
} else if (method == 'arithmetic'){
# computing non-weighted arithmetic mean
message(paste("Aggregating individual priorities with arithmetic mean (AIP).", sep = ' '))
# arithmetic mean
temp <- ahp(x[[1]], simulation = simulation)
tmp <- temp@weight
CR <- temp@saaty_inconsistency
IW <- temp@weight
for(i in seq(from = 2, to = judge)){ #2:judge
temp <- ahp(x[[i]], simulation = simulation)
tmp <- tmp + (temp@weight)
CR <- append(CR, temp@saaty_inconsistency)
IW <- rbind(IW, temp@weight)
tmp <- tmp/judge
amean <- tmp
names(CR) <- ICRname
IW <- rbind(IW, amean)
rownames(IW) <- append(rownames(srcfile), 'Group judgement')
else {
# weighted arithmetic mean
temp <- ahp(x[[1]], simulation = simulation)
tmp <- temp@weight
CR <- temp@saaty_inconsistency
IW <- temp@weight
tmp <- tmp * weights[1]
for(i in seq(from = 2, to = judge)){ # 2:judge
temp <- ahp(x[[i]], simulation = simulation)
tmp <- tmp + (temp@weight * weights[i])
CR <- append(CR, temp@saaty_inconsistency)
IW <- rbind(IW, temp@weight)
amean <- tmp
names(CR) <- ICRname
IW <- rbind(IW, amean)
rownames(IW) <- append(rownames(srcfile), 'Group judgement')
rmean <- amean
names(CR) <- ICRname
return(new("ariAggreg", AIP = rmean, ICR = CR, IP = IW))
} else {
stop('Please choose one of the following methods: geometric, arithmetic')
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