#' Predict interactions using an ensemble of classifiers
#' Use an ensemble of classifiers to predict interactions from
#' co-elution dataset features. The ensemble approach ensures that
#' results are robust to the partitioning of the dataset into folds. For each
#' model, the median of classifier scores across all folds is calculated.
#' Then, the median of all such medians across all models is calculated.
#' @param dat a data frame containing interacting gene/protein pairs in the
#' first two columns, and the features to use for classification in the
#' remaining columns
#' @param labels labels for each interaction in \code{dat}: 0 for negatives,
#' 1 for positives, and NA for interactions outside the reference set
#' @param classifier the type of classifier to use; one of \code{"NB"}
#' (naive Bayes), \code{"SVM"} (support vector machine), \code{"RF"}
#' (random forest), or \code{"LR"} (logistic regression)
#' @param models the number of classifiers to train
#' @param cv_folds the number of folds to split the reference dataset into
#' when training each classifier. By default, each
#' classifier uses ten-fold cross-validation, i.e., the classifier is trained
#' on 90\% of the dataset and used to classify the remaining 10\%
#' @param trees for random forest classifiers only, the number of trees to
#' grow for each fold
#' @param node_columns a vector of length two, denoting either the indices
#' (integer vector) or column names (character vector) of the columns within
#' the input data frame containing the nodes participating in pairwise
#' interactions; defaults to the first two columns of the data frame
#' (\code{c(1, 2)})
#' @return the input data frame of pairwise interactions, ranked by the
#' median of classifier scores across all ensembled models
#' @examples
#' ## calculate features
#' data(scott)
#' data(scott_gaussians)
#' subset <- scott[seq_len(500), ] ## limit to first 500 proteins
#' gauss <- scott_gaussians[names(scott_gaussians) %in% rownames(subset)]
#' features <- calculate_features(subset, gauss)
#' ## make training labels
#' data(gold_standard)
#' ref <- adjacency_matrix_from_list(gold_standard)
#' labels <- make_labels(ref, features)
#' ## predict interactions with naive Bayes classifier
#' ppi <- predict_ensemble(features, labels, classifier = "NB",
#' cv_folds = 3, models = 1)
#' @importFrom stats predict binomial
#' @importFrom robustbase rowMedians
#' @importFrom progress progress_bar
#' @importFrom naivebayes naive_bayes
#' @importFrom LiblineaR LiblineaR
#' @importFrom ranger ranger
#' @importFrom speedglm speedglm
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange
#' @export
predict_ensemble <- function(dat,
classifier = c("NB", "SVM", "RF", "LR"),
models = 10,
cv_folds = 10,
trees = 500,
node_columns = c(1, 2)) {
classifier <- match.arg(classifier)
# length of node columns must be exactly two (pairwise interactions)
if (length(node_columns) != 2) {
stop("length of `node_columns` must be exactly 2")
## define global variables to prevent check complaining
score <- NULL
# replace missing data
if (classifier != "NB") {
dat <- replace_missing_data(dat)
# scale all features
if (is.numeric(node_columns)) {
node_colnames <- colnames(dat)[node_columns]
} else if (is.character(node_columns)) {
node_colnames <- node_columns
} else {
stop("`node_columns` must be an integer or character vector")
if (classifier == "SVM") {
dat[, !colnames(dat) %in% node_colnames] <- sapply(
dat[, !colnames(dat) %in% node_colnames], scale)
# extract training data
training_idxs <- which(!
training_labels <- as.factor(labels[training_idxs])
training <- dat[training_idxs, !colnames(dat) %in% node_colnames]
# create matrix to hold medians from each model
n_interactions <- nrow(dat)
col1 <- node_columns[1]
col2 <- node_columns[2]
interaction_names <- paste0(dat[[col1]], "_", dat[[col2]])
ensembled <- matrix(NA, ncol = models, nrow = n_interactions,
dimnames = list(interaction_names))
# create progress bar
total_models <- models * cv_folds
pb <- progress_bar$new(
format = "running fold :what [:bar] :percent eta: :eta",
clear = FALSE, total = total_models, width = 80)
counter <- 0
# create models
for (i in seq_len(models)) {
folds <- cut(seq_len(nrow(training)), breaks = cv_folds, labels = FALSE)
folds <- sample(folds) ## randomize
clf_scores <- matrix(NA, ncol = cv_folds, nrow = n_interactions,
dimnames = list(interaction_names))
for (fold in seq_len(cv_folds)) {
# print message
counter <- counter + 1
pb$tick(tokens = list(what = sprintf(
paste0("%-", nchar(total_models), "s"), counter)))
# train model
clf_data <- training[which(folds != fold),]
clf_labels <- as.factor(training_labels[which(folds != fold)])
clf_data_labeled <- cbind(clf_data, label = clf_labels)
clf <- switch(classifier,
NB = naive_bayes(clf_data, clf_labels),
SVM = LiblineaR(clf_data, clf_labels, type = 2),
RF = ranger(data = clf_data_labeled, = "label",
probability = TRUE,
num.trees = trees),
LR = speedglm(label ~ ., clf_data_labeled,
family = binomial()))
# classify
withheld_idxs <- as.integer(rownames(training))[folds == fold]
test_data <- dat[-withheld_idxs, !colnames(dat) %in% node_colnames]
predictions <- switch(
NB = predict(clf, test_data, type = 'prob', threshold = 1e-10),
SVM = predict(clf, test_data, decisionValues = TRUE),
RF = predict(clf, test_data),
LR = predict(clf, test_data, type = 'response'))
## extract predictions as numeric vector
predictions <- switch(
NB = predictions[, "1"],
SVM = -1.0 * predictions$decisionValues[, "0"],
RF = predictions[[1]][, "1"],
LR = predictions)
# assign scores
clf_scores[-withheld_idxs, fold] <- predictions
# call GC
medians <- setNames(rowMedians(clf_scores, na.rm = TRUE),
ensembled[, i] <- medians
# calculate median of medians across ensembled models
ensembled_medians <- setNames(rowMedians(ensembled, na.rm = TRUE),
# create ranked data frame
interactions <- cbind(dat[, node_columns], score = ensembled_medians,
label = labels)
interactions <- arrange(interactions, -score)
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