#' PrInCE: Prediction of Interactomes from Co-Elution
#' PrInCE is a computational approach to infer protein-protein interaction
#' networks from co-elution proteomics data, also called co-migration,
#' co-fractionation, or protein correlation profiling. This family of methods
#' separates interacting protein complexes on the basis of their diameter
#' or biochemical properties. Protein-protein interactions can then be
#' inferred for pairs of proteins with similar elution profiles. PrInCE
#' implements a machine-learning approach to identify protein-protein
#' interactions given a set of labelled examples, using features derived
#' exclusively from the data. This allows PrInCE to infer high-quality
#' protein interaction networks from raw proteomics data, without bias
#' towards known interactions or functionally associated proteins, making
#' PrInCE a unique resource for discovery.
#' PrInCE takes as input a co-elution matrix, with detected proteins in rows and
#' fractions as columns, and a set of 'gold standard' true positives and true
#' negatives. If replicate experiments were performed, a list of co-elution
#' matrices can be provided as input. PrInCE will construct features for each
#' replicate separately and use features from all replicates as input to the
#' classifier. The 'gold standard' can be either a data frame or adjacency
#' matrix of known interactions (and non-interactions), or a list of protein
#' complexes. For computational convenience, Gaussian mixture models can be
#' pre-fit to every profile and provided separately to the \code{PrInCE}
#' function. The matrix, or matrices, can be provided to PrInCE either as
#' numeric matrices or as \code{\linkS4class{MSnSet}} objects.
#' PrInCE implements three different types of classifiers to predict
#' protein-protein interaction networks, including naive Bayes (the default),
#' random forests, and support vector machines. The classifiers are trained
#' on the gold standards using a ten-fold cross-validation procedure, training
#' on 90% of the data and predicting on the remaining 10%. For protein pairs
#' that are part of the training data, the held-out split is used to assign
#' a classifier score, whereas for the remaining protein pairs, the median of
#' all ten folds is used. Furthermore, to ensure the results are not sensitive
#' to the precise classifier split used, an ensemble of multiple classifiers
#' (ten, by default) is trained, and the classifier score is subsequently
#' averaged across classifiers. PrInCE can also ensemble across a set of
#' classifiers.
#' By default, PrInCE calculates six features from each pair of co-elution
#' profiles as input to the classifier, including conventional similarity
#' metrics but also several features specifically adapted to co-elution
#' proteomics. For example, one such feature is derived
#' from fitting a Gaussian mixture model to each elution profile, then
#' calculating the smallest Euclidean distance between any pair of fitted
#' Gaussians. The complete set of features includes:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item the Pearson correlation between raw co-elution profiles;
#' \item the p-value of the Pearson correlation between raw co-elution
#' profiles;
#' \item the Pearson correlation between cleaned profiles, which are generated
#' by imputing single missing values with the mean of their neighbors,
#' replacing remaining missing values with random near-zero noise, and
#' smoothing the profiles using a moving average filter (see
#' \code{\link[PrInCE]{clean_profile}});
#' \item the Euclidean distance between cleaned profiles;
#' \item the 'co-peak' score, defined as the distance, in fractions, between
#' the maximum values of each profile; and
#' \item the 'co-apex' score, defined as the minimum Euclidean distance between
#' any pair of fit Gaussians
#' }
#' The output of PrInCE is a ranked data frame, containing the classifier score
#' for every possible protein pair. PrInCE also calculates the precision at
#' every point in this ranked list, using the 'gold standard' set of protein
#' complexes or binary interactions. Our recommendation is to select a
#' threshold for the precision and use this to construct an unweighted
#' protein interaction network.
#' @param profiles the co-elution profile matrix, or a list of profile matrices
#' if replicate experiments were performed. Can be a single numeric matrix,
#' with proteins in rows and fractions in columns, or a list of matrices.
#' Alternatively, can be provided as a single
#' \code{\linkS4class{MSnSet}} object or a list of objects.
#' @param gold_standard a set of 'gold standard' interactions, used to train the
#' classifier. Can be provided either as an adjacency matrix, in which
#' both rows and columns correspond to protein IDs in the co-elution matrix
#' or matrices, or as a list of proteins in the same complex, which will be
#' converted to an adjacency matrix by PrInCE. Zeroes in the adjacency matrix
#' are interpreted by PrInCE as "true negatives" when calculating precision.
#' @param gaussians optionally, provide Gaussian mixture models fit by
#' the \code{\link[PrInCE]{build_gaussians}} function. If \code{profiles} is
#' a numeric matrix, this should be the named list output by
#' \code{\link[PrInCE]{build_gaussians}} for that matrix; if \code{profiles}
#' is a list of numeric matrices, this should be a list of named lists
#' @param precision optionally, return only interactions above the given
#' precision; by default, all interactions are returned and the user can
#' subsequently threshold the list using the
#' \code{\link[PrInCE]{threshold_precision}} function
#' @param verbose if \code{TRUE}, print a series of messages about the stage
#' of the analysis
#' @param min_points filter profiles without at least this many total,
#' non-missing points; passed to \code{\link{filter_profiles}}
#' @param min_consecutive filter profiles without at least this many
#' consecutive, non-missing points; passed to \code{\link{filter_profiles}}
#' @param impute_NA if true, impute single missing values with the average of
#' neighboring values; passed to \code{\link{clean_profiles}}
#' @param smooth if true, smooth the chromatogram with a moving average filter;
#' passed to \code{\link{clean_profiles}}
#' @param smooth_width width of the moving average filter, in fractions;
#' passed to \code{\link{clean_profiles}}
#' @param max_gaussians the maximum number of Gaussians to fit; defaults to 5.
#' Note that Gaussian mixtures with more parameters than observed (i.e.,
#' non-zero or NA) points will not be fit. Passed to
#' \code{\link{choose_gaussians}}
#' @param criterion the criterion to use for model selection;
#' one of "AICc" (corrected AIC, and default), "AIC", or "BIC". Passed to
#' \code{\link{choose_gaussians}}
#' @param max_iterations the number of times to try fitting the curve with
#' different initial conditions; defaults to 50. Passed to
#' \code{\link{fit_gaussians}}
#' @param min_R_squared the minimum R-squared value to accept when fitting the
#' curve with different initial conditions; defaults to 0.5. Passed to
#' \code{\link{fit_gaussians}}
#' @param method the method used to select the initial conditions for
#' nonlinear least squares optimization (one of "guess" or "random");
#' see \code{\link{make_initial_conditions}} for details. Passed to
#' \code{\link{fit_gaussians}}
#' @param pearson_R_raw if true, include the Pearson correlation (R) between
#' raw profiles as a feature
#' @param pearson_R_cleaned if true, include the Pearson correlation (R) between
#' cleaned profiles as a feature
#' @param pearson_P if true, include the P-value of the Pearson correlation
#' between raw profiles as a feature
#' @param euclidean_distance if true, include the Euclidean distance between
#' cleaned profiles as a feature
#' @param co_peak if true, include the 'co-peak score' (that is, the distance,
#' in fractions, between the single highest value of each profile) as a
#' feature
#' @param co_apex if true, include the 'co-apex score' (that is, the minimum
#' Euclidean distance between any pair of fit Gaussians) as a feature
#' @param classifier the type of classifier to use: one of \code{"NB"} (naive
#' Bayes), \code{"SVM"} (support vector machine), \code{"RF"} (random forest),
#' \code{"LR"} (logistic regression), or \code{"ensemble"} (an ensemble of
#' all four)
#' @param models the number of classifiers to train and average across, each
#' with a different k-fold cross-validation split
#' @param cv_folds the number of folds to use for k-fold cross-validation
#' @param trees for random forests only, the number of trees in the forest
#' @return a ranked data frame of interacting proteins, with the precision
#' at each point in the list
#' @examples
#' data(scott)
#' data(scott_gaussians)
#' data(gold_standard)
#' # analyze only the first 100 profiles
#' subset <- scott[seq_len(500), ]
#' gauss <- scott_gaussians[names(scott_gaussians) %in% rownames(subset)]
#' ppi <- PrInCE(subset, gold_standard, gaussians = gauss, models = 1,
#' cv_folds = 3)
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @importFrom MSnbase exprs
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
#' @references
#' \insertRef{stacey2017}{PrInCE}
#' \insertRef{scott2015}{PrInCE}
#' \insertRef{kristensen2012}{PrInCE}
#' \insertRef{skinnider2018}{PrInCE}
PrInCE = function(profiles, gold_standard,
gaussians = NULL,
precision = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
## build_gaussians
min_points = 1,
min_consecutive = 5,
impute_NA = TRUE,
smooth = TRUE,
smooth_width = 4,
max_gaussians = 5,
max_iterations = 50,
min_R_squared = 0.5,
method = c("guess", "random"),
criterion = c("AICc", "AIC", "BIC"),
## calculate_features
pearson_R_raw = TRUE,
pearson_R_cleaned = TRUE,
pearson_P = TRUE,
euclidean_distance = TRUE,
co_peak = TRUE,
co_apex = TRUE,
## predict_interactions
classifier = c("NB", "SVM", "RF", "LR", "ensemble"),
models = 10,
cv_folds = 10,
trees = 500
) {
method <- match.arg(method)
criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
classifie <- match.arg(classifier)
# check profile input
if (is.list(profiles)) {
for (replicate_idx in seq_along(profiles)) {
replicate <- profiles[[replicate_idx]]
if (is(replicate, "MSnSet")) {
profile_matrix <- exprs(replicate)
} else {
profile_matrix <- data.matrix(replicate)
if (!is.numeric(profile_matrix)) {
stop("list input (item #", replicate_idx,
") could not be coerced to numeric matrix")
profiles[[replicate_idx]] <- profile_matrix
# also check Gaussians
if (!is.null(gaussians)) {
if (length(gaussians) < replicate_idx) {
stop("fewer Gaussians than profiles provided")
check_gaussians(gaussians[[replicate_idx]], rownames(profile_matrix),
} else {
if (is(profiles, "MSnSet")) {
profile_matrix <- exprs(profiles)
} else {
profile_matrix <- data.matrix(profiles)
if (!is.numeric(profile_matrix))
stop("input could not be coerced to numeric matrix")
# wrap in a list
profiles <- list(profile_matrix)
# also check Gaussians
if (!is.null(gaussians)) {
gaussians <- list(gaussians)
# check gold standard input
if ( {
# convert to adjacency matrix
gold_standard <- adjacency_matrix_from_data_frame(gold_standard)
} else if (is.list(gold_standard)) {
gold_standard <- adjacency_matrix_from_list(gold_standard)
if (!is_unweighted(gold_standard)) {
stop("could not convert supplied gold standards to adjacency matrix")
# get features for each matrix separately
features <- list()
for (replicate_idx in seq_along(profiles)) {
if (verbose) {
message("generating features for replicate ", replicate_idx, " ...")
mat <- profiles[[replicate_idx]]
# read Gaussians, or fit if they haven't been yet
if (!is.null(gaussians)) {
gauss <- gaussians[[replicate_idx]]
} else {
if (verbose) {
message(" fitting Gaussians ...")
gauss <- build_gaussians(mat,
min_points = min_points,
min_consecutive = min_consecutive,
impute_NA = impute_NA,
smooth = smooth,
smooth_width = smooth_width,
max_gaussians = max_gaussians,
max_iterations = max_iterations,
min_R_squared = min_R_squared,
method = method)
# filter matrix based on Gaussians
before <- nrow(mat)
mat <- mat[names(gauss), ]
after <- nrow(mat)
if (verbose) {
message(" fit mixtures of Gaussians to ", after, " of ", before,
" profiles")
# calculate features
feat <- calculate_features(mat, gauss,
pearson_R_raw = pearson_R_raw,
pearson_R_cleaned = pearson_R_cleaned,
pearson_P = pearson_P,
euclidean_distance = euclidean_distance,
co_peak = co_peak,
co_apex = co_apex)
features[[replicate_idx]] <- feat
# collapse into a single data frame
if (verbose) {
message("concatenating features across replicates ...")
input <- concatenate_features(features)
# predict interactions
interactions <- predict_interactions(input, gold_standard,
classifier = classifier,
models = models,
cv_folds = cv_folds,
trees = trees,
verbose = verbose)
# optionally threshold based on precison
if (!is.null(precision)) {
before <- nrow(interactions)
interactions <- threshold_precision(interactions, precision)
if (nrow(interactions) == 0) {
warning("none of ", before, " ranked protein pairs had precision >= ",
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