#' @export Bucketing
Bucketing <- function(Spectrum_data, width = FALSE, mb = 500, boundary = NULL,
intmeth = c("r", "t"), tolbuck = 10^-4, verbose = FALSE) {
# Data initialisation and checks ----------------------------------------------
checkArg(verbose, c("bool"))
begin_info <- beginTreatment("Bucketing", Spectrum_data, verbose = verbose)
Spectrum_data <- begin_info[["Signal_data"]]
checkArg(mb, c("num", "pos"))
checkArg(width, "bool", = FALSE)
checkArg(boundary, "num", = TRUE)
checkArg(tolbuck, "num", = TRUE)
intmeth <- match.arg(intmeth)
if(length(boundary)>2) {
warning("boundary has a length > 2, only the first two elements are taken into account.")
if (mb == 1 & width == FALSE) {
stop("A minimum of 2 buckets is required")
ppm <- as.numeric(colnames(Spectrum_data))
old_width <- abs(ppm[2] - ppm[1])
n <- nrow(Spectrum_data)
old_m <- ncol(Spectrum_data)
# calculates the limits of the old buckets
old_buckets <- c((ppm[1] - (ppm[2] - ppm[1])/2), (ppm[2:old_m] + ppm[1:(old_m -
1)])/2, ppm[old_m] + (ppm[old_m] - ppm[old_m - 1])/2)
if (is.null(boundary)) {
boundary <- c(ppm[1], ppm[length(ppm)])
} else if ((boundary[2] - boundary[1]) == 0){
stop("the boundaries are identical")
if (n == 0) {
stop("Empty ppm scale")
decreasing <- (ppm[old_m] <= ppm[1])
if (width == TRUE) {
if (mb <= old_width) {
stop("mb is <= old_width")
boundary <- sort(boundary, decreasing=FALSE)
new_width <- mb
if (decreasing){
buckets <- seq(from = boundary[2], to = boundary[1], by = - new_width)# new limits of the buckets intervals
mb <- length(buckets)-1
ppmleft <- buckets[1]
ppmright <- buckets[mb+1]
} else{
buckets <- seq(from = boundary[1], to = boundary[2], by = new_width)# new limits of the buckets intervals
mb <- length(buckets)-1
ppmleft <- buckets[1]
ppmright <- buckets[mb+1]
if (length(buckets) == 1 | is.null(buckets)) {
stop("modify width, mb or boundary to create at leat 2 buckets")
} else { # width == FALSE
checkArg(mb, c("int", "pos"), = FALSE)
if (mb == 1 ) {
stop("A minimum of 2 buckets is required")
# values of ppmleft and ppmright
if(decreasing & ((boundary[2] - boundary[1])>0)){
boundary <- rev(boundary)
ppmleft = boundary[1]
ppmright = boundary[2]
# Verifies if the new ppm interval is effective and in the right direction
if (!decreasing) {
if ((ppmright - ppmleft) <= 0)
stop("Your new ppm interval is not coherent with the old spectral matrix")
if (decreasing) {
if ((ppmright - ppmleft) >= 0)
stop("Your new ppm interval is not coherent with the old spectral matrix")
# Check for values of ppmleft and ppmright when manually imputed
# Verifies if the new ppm interval is included in the old one
if (decreasing == FALSE) {
if ((ppmleft < old_buckets[1]) | (ppmright > old_buckets[old_m +
stop("new ppm limits not included in original ppm limits")
} else {
if ((ppmleft > old_buckets[1]) | (ppmright < old_buckets[old_m + 1])) {
stop("new ppm limits not included in original ppm limits")
# Calculates the limits of the buckets intervals and centers for the
# new spectral matrix
buckets <- seq(ppmleft, ppmright, length.out = mb + 1) # new limits of the buckets intervals
# Bucketting ----------------------------------------------
# Verifies if buckets are of constant length,test if the old buckets
# are decreasing or not
old_buckets_lengths <- abs(ppm[1:(mb - 1)] - ppm[2:mb]) #vector of length of old buckets
mbl_old <- mean(old_buckets_lengths) # mean length of old buckets
if (sum(abs(old_buckets_lengths - mbl_old) > tolbuck * old_buckets_lengths) > 0) {
warning("The buckets of your original spectra are not of constant length")
# calculation
centers <- (buckets[1:mb] + buckets[2:(mb + 1)])/2 # new centers of the buckets intervals
bl_new <- abs(ppmright - ppmleft)/(mb)
# verifies if data reduction is effective
if (bl_new < mbl_old) {
stop("Bucketing (data reduction) is not effective: the size of new buckets is smaller than the size of old buckets.")
# creates the matrix for the bucketed data
bucketed <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = mb, dimnames = list(rownames(Spectrum_data),
# Loop on the ppms of the new matrix - Integrates original spectra on
# each new bucket
for (i in 1:mb) {
# locates the window of the original spectra to be used to integrate
# old_buckets[from] is at the left of buckets[i] and old_buckets[to] is
# at the right of buckets[i+1] if ppm it is decreasing, that means we
# want it higher e.g. ppm[from] >= buckets[i]
from <- binarySearch(ppm, buckets[i], !decreasing)
to <- binarySearch(ppm, buckets[i + 1], decreasing)
# Now that old_buckets[from] is on the left and old_buckets[to] is on
# the right, we can intergrate the intensity in the interval
# (bucket[i],bucket[i+1]) by rectangular or trapezoidal method
# RECTANGULAR METHOD ======================
if (intmeth == "r") {
# Integration on the old buckets that are completely inside the new
# bucket
if ((from + 1) < (to - 1)) {
# calculates the sum of intensities x the bucket length
if (n>1){
int_inside <- base::apply(as.matrix(Spectrum_data[, as.vector((from + 1):(to - 2))],
nrows = n, ncol = to - from - 2), 1, sum) *
} else{
int_inside <- sum(Spectrum_data[, as.vector((from + 1):(to - 2))]) *
} else {
# else the integral is just 0
int_inside <- 0
# Integrates on the last old bucket which is on the left of the new
# bucket
int_left <- Spectrum_data[, from] * abs(buckets[i] - old_buckets[from + 1])
# Integrates on the last old bucket which is on the right of the new
# bucket (if it is not the same than the last one...)
if (to > (from + 1)) {
int_right <- Spectrum_data[, to - 1] * abs(buckets[i +
1] - old_buckets[to - 1])
} else {
int_right <- 0
# Calculates intensity for bucket i and Normalizes the bucketed
# intensities to the same integral than the previous ones
bucketed[, i] <- (int_inside + int_left + int_right)/bl_new
# TRAPEZOIDAL METHOD ======================
if (intmeth == "t") {
left_part_trapz <- function(x1, x2, xmid, y1, y2) {
# Integral from x1 to xmid of the trapezium defined by (x1,y1) and
# (x1,y2) /| y2 / | / | # : Integral /# | y1 /## | |## | |## | x1 | x2
# xmid
if (x1 == x2) {
# Integral is 0 but should be of the form of y1 and y2
return(y1 * 0)
} else {
ymid <- y1 + (y2 - y1) * (xmid - x1)/(x2 - x1)
half_interval <- abs(xmid - x1)/2
return((y1 + ymid) * half_interval)
# Now that ppm[from] is on the left and ppm[to] is on the right, we can
# take the trapezium over this interval and remove * the integral from
# ppm[from] to buckets[i] and * the integral from buckets[i+1¯ to
# ppm[to]. else the integral is just 0 Trapezium from ppm[from] to
# ppm[to]] (we will need to remove some at the extremities)
if (from < to && buckets[i] != buckets[i + 1]) {
half_intervals_length <- abs(ppm[(from + 1):to] - ppm[from:(to - 1)])/2
# The contribution of the points to half the area of the trapezium on
# their right
trapz_right <- base::rowSums(sweep(Spectrum_data[, from:(to - 1), drop = FALSE],
MARGIN = 2, half_intervals_length, `*`))
# The contribution of the points to half the area of the trapezium on
# their left
trapz_left <- base::rowSums(sweep(Spectrum_data[, (from + 1):to, drop = FALSE],
MARGIN = 2, half_intervals_length, `*`))
# Integral of the part of the integral of the leftmost trapezium that
# is after buckets[i]
left_part <- left_part_trapz(ppm[from], ppm[from + 1], buckets[i],
Spectrum_data[, from], Spectrum_data[, from + 1])
right_part <- left_part_trapz(ppm[to], ppm[to - 1], buckets[i + 1],
Spectrum_data[, to], Spectrum_data[, to - 1])
bucketed[, i] <- (trapz_right + trapz_left - left_part - right_part)/bl_new
# Data finalisation ----------------------------------------------
if (verbose == TRUE){
cat("PPM range of the bucketted spectral matrix:",
as.numeric(colnames(bucketed)[mb])+bl_new/2)), "\n")
cat("PPM width between 2 buckets:",
sprintf("%.5f",abs(as.numeric(colnames(bucketed)[1]) -
as.numeric(colnames(bucketed)[2]))), "\n")
return(endTreatment("Bucketing", begin_info, bucketed, verbose = verbose))
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