# Globals from Biostrings
DNA_BASES = c("A", "C", "G", "T")
DNA_ALPHABET = c("A", "C", "G", "T", "M", "R", "W", "S", "Y", "K", "V", "H", "D", "B", "N", "-", "+")
#' Input parameter normalization function for PWMUnscaled
#' This function is from Biostrings package
#' @param prior.params Typical 'prior.params' vector: c(A=0.25, C=0.25, G=0.25, T=0.25)
.normargPriorParams <- function(prior.params)
if (!is.numeric(prior.params))
stop("'prior.params' must be a numeric vector")
if (length(prior.params) != length(DNA_BASES) ||
!setequal(names(prior.params), DNA_BASES))
stop("'prior.params' elements must be named A, C, G and T")
## Re-order the elements.
prior.params <- prior.params[DNA_BASES]
if (any( || any(prior.params < 0))
stop("'prior.params' contains NAs and/or negative values")
#' Input parameter normalization for PWMUnscaled
#' This function is from Biostrings package.
#' A Position Frequency Matrix (PFM) is also represented as an ordinary
#' matrix. Unlike a PWM, it must be of type integer (it will typically be
#' the result of consensusMatrix()).
#' @param x a frequency matrix
.normargPfm <- function(x)
if (!is.matrix(x) || !is.integer(x))
stop("invalid PFM 'x': not an integer matrix")
## Check the row names.
if (is.null(rownames(x)))
stop("invalid PFM 'x': no row names")
if (!all(rownames(x) %in% DNA_ALPHABET))
stop("invalid PFM 'x': row names must be in 'DNA_ALPHABET'")
if (!all(DNA_BASES %in% rownames(x)))
stop("invalid PFM 'x': row names must contain A, C, G and T")
if (any(duplicated(rownames(x))))
stop("invalid PFM 'x': duplicated row names")
## Check the nb of cols.
if (ncol(x) == 0L)
stop("invalid PFM 'x': no columns")
## Check the values.
if (any( || any(x < 0L))
stop("invalid PFM 'x': values cannot be NA or negative")
if (any(x[!(rownames(x) %in% DNA_BASES), ] != 0L))
stop("invalid PFM 'x': IUPAC ambiguity letters are represented")
x <- x[DNA_BASES, , drop=FALSE]
#' The PWM function from Biostrings without unit scaling
#' By default the Biostrings package scales the log-odds score so it is within 0 and 1. In this function
#' we take a more traditional approach with no unit scaling and offer unit scaling as an additional parameter.
#' See ?PWM from Biostrings for more information on input arguments.
#' @title Create a PWM from PFM
#' @param x the integer count matrix representing the motif, rows as nucleotides
#' @param id a systematic ID given to this PWM, could include the source, version, etc
#' @param name the name of the transcription factor (TF) to which the PWM corresponds to
#' @param type the type of PWM calculation, either as log2-odds, or posterior probability (frequency matrix)
#' @param prior.params the pseudocounts for each of the nucleotides
#' @param pseudo.count the pseudo-count values if different from priors
#' @param unit.scale if to unit.scale the pwm (default is no unit scaling)
#' @param seq.count if x is a normalised PFM (i.e. with probabilities instead of sequence counts), then this sequence count
#' will be used to convert \code{x} into a count matrix
#' @return a new PWM object representing the PWM
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(requireNamespace("PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")){
#' data(MotifDb.Dmel.PFM, package = "PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")
#' ttk = MotifDb.Dmel.PFM[["ttk"]]
#' # make a PWM with uniform background
#' PWMUnscaled(ttk, id="ttk-JASPAR", name="ttk")
#' # custom background
#' PWMUnscaled(ttk, id="ttk-JASPAR", name="ttk",
#' prior.params=c("A"= 0.2, "C" = 0.3, "G" = 0.3, "T" = 0.2))
#' # get background for drosophila (quick mode on a reduced dataset)
#' prior = getBackgroundFrequencies("dm3", quick=TRUE)
#' # convert using genomic background
#' PWMUnscaled(ttk, id="ttk-JASPAR", name="ttk", prior.params=prior)
#' }
PWMUnscaled = function(x, id="", name="", type=c("log2probratio", "prob"), prior.params=c(A=0.25, C=0.25, G=0.25, T=0.25), pseudo.count=prior.params,
unit.scale=FALSE, seq.count=NULL){
# convert to PFM if needed
x = apply(round(x * seq.count), 1:2, as.integer)
# match input params
x <- .normargPfm(x)
nseq <- colSums(x)
type <- match.arg(type)
prior.params <- .normargPriorParams(prior.params)
# total prior added
priorN <- sum(prior.params)
# posterior probabilities with unequal number of counts per row
postProbs <- divideRows(x + prior.params, nseq + priorN)
rownames(postProbs) = rownames(x)
colnames(postProbs) = colnames(x)
# calculate logodds, or return probabilities
if (type == "log2probratio") {
if (any(prior.params == 0))
stop("infinite values in PWM due to 0's in 'prior.params'")
prior.probs <- prior.params/priorN
ans <- log2(postProbs/prior.probs)
else {
ans <- postProbs
# if to apply unit.scale
ans = unitScale(ans)
# return an object
new("PWM", id=id, name=name, pfm=x, prior.params=prior.params, pwm=ans)
#' Scan the whole sequence on both strands
#' The whole sequence is scanned with a PWM and scores returned beginning at each position. Partial motif
#' matches are not done, thus the last #[length of motif]-1 scores are NA.
#' The function returns either an odds average (*not* log-odds average), maximal score on each strand,
#' or scores on both strands.
#' The function by default returns the score in log2 following the package \code{Biostrings}.
#' @param pwm PWM object
#' @param dna a DNAString or other sequence from Biostrings
#' @param pwm.rev the reverse complement for a pwm (if it is already pre-computed)
#' @param odds.score if to return raw scores in odds (not logodds) space
#' @param both.strands if to return results on both strands
#' @param which function to use to summarise values over two strands (default is "mean")
#' @return a vector representing scores starting at each position, or a matrix with score in the two strands
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(requireNamespace("PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")){
#' data(MotifDb.Dmel, package = "PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")
#' ttk = MotifDb.Dmel[["ttk"]]
#' # odds average over the two strands expressed as log2-odds
#' scanWithPWM(ttk, DNAString("CGTAGGATAAAGTAACT"))
#' # log2-odds scores on both strands
#' scanWithPWM(ttk, DNAString("CGTAGGATAAAGTAACT"), both.strands=TRUE)
#' }
scanWithPWM = function(pwm, dna, pwm.rev=NULL, odds.score=FALSE, both.strands=FALSE,"mean"){
dna = DNAString(dna)
if(!inherits(dna, c("DNAString", "DNAStringSet")))
stop("The input sequence needs to be either of type DNAString or DNAStringSet")
pwm.rev = reverseComplement(pwm)
# extract only the PWM matrices
pwm = pwm$pwm
pwm.rev = pwm.rev$pwm
if(length(dna) < ncol(pwm)){
stop("DNA sequence needs to be at least as long as the PWM")
fwd.motif = PWMscoreStartingAt(pwm, dna,
back.motif = PWMscoreStartingAt(pwm.rev, dna,
res = cbind(fwd.motif, back.motif)
colnames(res) = c("fwd", "rev")
res = rbind(res, matrix(NA, nrow=(ncol(pwm)-1), ncol=2))
} else {
if( == "max"){
res = apply(cbind(fwd.motif, back.motif), 1, max)
} else if( == "mean"){
res = 2^cbind(fwd.motif, back.motif)
res = log2(rowMeans(res))
} else {
stop("Unknown strand function",, ". Valid values are: mean, max")
# pad out the result so it is of same length as input sequence
res = c(res, rep(NA, ncol(pwm)-1))
#' Convert frequencies into motifs using PWMUnscaled
#' Note that this function is deprecated and replaced by \code{toPWM()}.
#' @param motifs a list of motifs represented as matrices of frequencies (PFM)
#' @param id the set of IDs for the motifs (defaults to names of the 'motifs' list)
#' @param name the set of names for the motifs (defaults to names of the 'motifs' list)
#' @param seq.count if frequencies in the motifs are normalized to 1, provides a vector of sequence counts (e.g. for MotifDb motifs)
#' @param ... other parameters to PWMUnscaled
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (requireNamespace("PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")) {
#' data(MotifDb.Dmel.PFM, package = "PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")
#' # convert to PWM with uniform background
#' PFMtoPWM(MotifDb.Dmel.PFM)
#' # get background for drosophila (quick mode on a reduced dataset)
#' prior = getBackgroundFrequencies("dm3", quick=TRUE)
#' # convert with genomic background
#' PFMtoPWM(MotifDb.Dmel.PFM, prior.params=prior)
#' }
#' }
PFMtoPWM = function(motifs, id=names(motifs), name=names(motifs), seq.count=NULL, ...){
was.list = FALSE
motifs = list(motifs)
} else {
was.list = TRUE
id = rep("", length(motifs))
name = rep("", length(motifs))
if(length(id) != length(motifs))
stop("The number of IDs (parameter 'id') need to be the same as number of motifs (parameter 'motifs')")
if(length(name) != length(motifs))
stop("The number of names (parameter 'name') need to be the same as number of motifs (parameter 'motifs')")
if(!is.null(seq.count) && length(seq.count) != length(motifs)){
stop("The 'seq.count' vector needs to be of the same length as the list of motifs (parameters 'motifs')")
# call PWMUnscaled
res = list()
for(i in 1:length(motifs)){
res[[i]] = PWMUnscaled(motifs[[i]], id=id[i], name=name[i], ...)
} else {
res[[i]] = PWMUnscaled(motifs[[i]], id=id[i], name=name[i], seq.count=seq.count[i], ...)
names(res) = names(motifs)
# convert back to single object if that's how the input was
} else {
#' Convert motifs into PWMs
#' @param motifs a list of motifs either as position probability matrices (PPM) or frequency matirces (PFMs)
#' @param ids the set of IDs for the motifs (defaults to names of the 'motifs' list)
#' @param targets the set of target TF names for the motifs (defaults to names of the 'motifs' list)
#' @param seq.count provides a vector of sequence counts for probability matrices (PPMs). Default it 50.
#' @param prior frequencies of the four letters in the genome. Default is uniform background.
#' @param ... other parameters to PWMUnscaled
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (requireNamespace("PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")) {
#' data(MotifDb.Dmel.PFM, package = "PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")
#' toPWM(MotifDb.Dmel.PFM) # convert to PWM with uniform background
#' # get background for drosophila (quick mode on a reduced dataset)
#' prior = getBackgroundFrequencies("dm3", quick=TRUE)
#' toPWM(MotifDb.Dmel.PFM, prior=prior) # convert with genomic background
#' }
#' }
toPWM = function(motifs, ids=names(motifs), targets=names(motifs), seq.count=50, prior=c(A=0.25, C=0.25, G=0.25, T=0.25), ...){
was.list = FALSE
motifs = list(motifs)
} else {
was.list = TRUE
# extend seq.count if needed
if(length(seq.count) == 1 && length(seq.count) != length(motifs))
seq.count = rep(seq.count, length(motifs))
# convert each individual motif into integers or multiply with seq.count
for(i in 1:length(motifs)){
m = motifs[[i]]
mi = apply(m, 1:2, as.integer)
if(all(m == mi)){
# can be coersced to an integer matrix, use that
motifs[[i]] = mi
} else {
# if the values is NA use 50 as default
motifs[[i]] = apply(round(m * 50), 1:2, as.integer)
} else {
motifs[[i]] = apply(round(m * seq.count[i]), 1:2, as.integer)
ids = rep("", length(motifs))
targets = rep("", length(motifs))
if(length(ids) != length(motifs))
stop("The number of IDs (parameter 'ids') need to be the same as number of motifs (parameter 'motifs')")
if(length(targets) != length(motifs))
stop("The number of TF target names (parameter 'targets') need to be the same as number of motifs (parameter 'motifs')")
# call PWMUnscaled
res = list()
for(i in 1:length(motifs)){
res[[i]] = PWMUnscaled(motifs[[i]], id=ids[i], name=targets[i], prior.params=prior, ...)
names(res) = names(motifs)
# convert back to single object if that's how the input was
} else {
#' Normalizes the motifs input argument for multiple functions
#' @param motifs a list of motifs either as frequency matrices (PFM) or as PWM objects. If PFMs are specified
#' they are converted to PWMs using uniform background.
.inputParamMotifs = function(motifs){
# check motifs format and convert to PWM
motifs = list(motifs)
pwms = PFMtoPWM(motifs)
else if(inherits(motifs[[1]], "PWM"))
pwms = motifs
stop("motifs need to be either frequency matrices or PWM objects")
#' Normalize the sequences input argument
#' @param sequences a set of sequences to be scanned, a list of DNAString or other scannable objects
.inputParamSequences = function(sequences){
sequences = readDNAStringSet(sequences)
# make sure sequences are in the right format
if(!is.list(sequences) & !inherits(sequences, "DNAStringSet"))
sequences = list(sequences)
if(is.list(sequences) & length(sequences)>0){
sequences = lapply(sequences, function(s){
#if(class(sequences) == "DNAStringSet")
# sequences = DNAStringSetToList(sequences)
#' Motif affinity or number of hits over a threshold
#' Scan a number of sequences either to find overall affinity, or a number of hits over a score threshold.
#' @param sequences a set of sequences to be scanned, a list of DNAString or other scannable objects
#' @param motifs a list of motifs either as frequency matrices (PFM) or as PWM objects. If PFMs are specified
#' they are converted to PWMs using uniform background.
#' @param raw.scores if to return raw scores (odds) for each position in the sequence. Note that scores for forward and reverse
#' strand are concatenated into a single long vector of scores (twice the length of the sequence)
#' @param verbose if to print verbose output
#' @param cutoff if not NULL, will count number of matches with score above value specified (instead of returning the average affinity).
#' Can either be one value, or a vector of values for each of the motifs.
#' @return if raw.scores=FALSE, returns a matrix of mean scores (after cutoff if any), where columns are motifs.
#' The returned values are either mean odd scores (not log-odd), or number of hits above a threshold;
#' otherwise if raw.scores=TRUE, returns a list of raw score values (before cutoff)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(requireNamespace("PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")){
#' data(MotifDb.Dmel, package = "PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")
#' # affinity scores
#' affinity = motifScores(DNAString("CGTAGGATAAAGTAACTAGTTGATGATGAAAG"), MotifDb.Dmel)
#' # motif hit count with Patser score of 4
#' counts = motifScores(DNAString("CGTAGGATAAAGTAACTAGTTGATGATGAAAG"), MotifDb.Dmel,
#' cutoff=log2(exp(4)))
#' print(affinity)
#' print(counts)
#' # scanning multiple sequences
#' affinity2 = motifScores(sequences, MotifDb.Dmel)
#' print(affinity2)
#' }
motifScores = function(sequences, motifs, raw.scores=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, cutoff=NULL){
if(!is.null(.PWMEnrich.Options[["useBigMemory"]]) && .PWMEnrich.Options[["useBigMemory"]])
return(motifScoresBigMemory(sequences, motifs, raw.scores, verbose, cutoff))
# check motifs format and convert to PWM
pwms = .inputParamMotifs(motifs)
sequences = .inputParamSequences(sequences)
# check if any of the sequences is all Ns, if so, produce an error
if(is(sequences, "DNAStringSet")){
al = alphabetFrequency(sequences)
} else {
al ="rbind", lapply(sequences, alphabetFrequency))
# check if any of the sequences is all Ns
all.n = which(al[,"N"] == rowSums(al))
if(length(all.n) >0){
stop(paste("Sequence with index(es):", paste(all.n, collapse=","), "only contain N's. Please remove this sequence as the PWM score cannot be computed for any position."))
pwms.rev = lapply(pwms, reverseComplement)
# always unfold cutoff into a vector of values
if(length(cutoff) == 1){
cutoff = rep(cutoff, length(pwms))
} else if(length(cutoff) != length(pwms)) {
stop("The lengths of cutoff and pwms do not match. Either provide one values for cutoff, or a vector of values, one for each PWM")
# inner loop function to use for parallel processing
motifScoresLoop = function(i){
message(paste("Scanning sequence", i, "/", length(sequences)))
s = sequences[[i]]
# if using raw scores, record matrix of values;
# otherwise a single final value for each pwm
r = matrix(0, nrow=length(s)*2, ncol=length(pwms))
colnames(r) = names(pwms)
} else {
r = rep(0, length(pwms))
names(r) = names(pwms)
for(j in 1:length(pwms)){
# if we are interested in counts, use max over two strands
# record raw scores that are averages over strands
r[,j] = as.vector(scanWithPWM(pwms[[j]], s, pwms.rev[[j]], odds.score=TRUE, both.strands=TRUE))
} else if(!is.null(cutoff)){
# count number of hits on both strands
r.pwm = scanWithPWM(pwms[[j]], s, pwms.rev[[j]], odds.score=FALSE, both.strands=TRUE)
r[j] = sum(r.pwm >= cutoff[j], na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
# do average over both strands and also over all values
r[j] = mean(scanWithPWM(pwms[[j]], s, pwms.rev[[j]], odds.score=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)
####################################### END OF INNER LOOP ################
# either do it parallel or serial
cat("Parallel scanning with", .PWMEnrich.Options[["numCores"]], "cores\n")
# do it in parallel
res = parallel::mclapply(1:length(sequences), motifScoresLoop, mc.cores = .PWMEnrich.Options[["numCores"]])
if( any(sapply(res, is.null)) ){
stop("Parallel scanning failed for some sequences. This could be due to a number of reasons including not enough memory.")
} else {
# do it serial
res = lapply(1:length(sequences), motifScoresLoop)
## return either raw scores, or counts or means
names(res) = names(sequences)
} else {
if(length(pwms) == 1){
return( matrix(sapply(res, identity), ncol=1, dimnames=list(NULL, names(pwms))) )
} else {
r = t(sapply(res, identity))
rownames(r) = names(sequences)
colnames(r) = names(pwms)
return( r )
#' This is a memory intensive version of motifScore() which is about 2 times faster
#' The parameters and functionality are the same as \code{\link{motifScores}}. Please refer to documentation of this function
#' for detailed explanation of functionality.
#' This function is not meant to be called directly, but is indirectly called by motifScores() once a global parameters useBigMemory is set.
#' @param sequences set of input sequences
#' @param motifs set of input PWMs or PFMs
#' @param raw.scores if to return scores for each base-pair
#' @param verbose if to produce verbose output
#' @param cutoff the cutoff for calling binding sites (in base 2 log).
#' @param seq.all already concatenated sequences if already available (used to internally speed up things)
#' @seealso \code{\link{motifScores}}
motifScoresBigMemory = function(sequences, motifs, raw.scores=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, cutoff=NULL, seq.all=NULL){
# check motifs format and convert to PWM
pwms = .inputParamMotifs(motifs)
sequences = .inputParamSequences(sequences)
pwms.rev = lapply(pwms, reverseComplement)
pwms.len = sapply(pwms, length)
min.pwm.len = min(pwms.len)
# always unfold cutoff into a vector of values
if(length(cutoff) == 1){
cutoff = rep(cutoff, length(pwms))
} else if(length(cutoff) != length(pwms)) {
stop("The lengths of 'cutoff' and 'pwms' do not match. Either provide one values for 'cutoff' or a vector of values, one for each PWM")
# cutoff in odds space
cutoff.2 = 2^cutoff
# work on a single sequence that is all concatenated together because it's faster
seq.all = DNAString(concatenateSequences(sequences))
seq.len = sapply(sequences, length)
# a common error with shorter sequences
shorter.seq = which(seq.len < min.pwm.len)
stop(paste(length(shorter.seq), "sequence(s) have length shorter than the shortest PWM (", min.pwm.len, "), please identify and remove these sequences."))
# a grouping data frame
seq.len.sum = cumsum(seq.len) = data.frame("from"=rep(0, length(sequences)), "to"=0)$from = c(1, 1+seq.len.sum[-length(seq.len.sum)])$to = seq.len.sum
# inner loop function to use for parallel processing
# @param motif.start the index of the first motif
# @param motif.end the index of the last motif
motifScoresLoop = function(input.params){
motif.start = input.params[[1]]
motif.end = input.params[[2]]
if(motif.start == motif.end){
message(paste("Starting scanning with motif", names(pwms)[motif.start]))
} else {
message(paste("Starting scanning with motifs from", motif.start, "to", motif.end))
# local copy of the sequences and motifs used in the function
s = seq.all =
pwms.l = pwms[motif.start:motif.end]
pwms.rev.l = pwms.rev[motif.start:motif.end]
pwms.len.l = pwms.len[motif.start:motif.end]
cutoff.2.l = cutoff.2[motif.start:motif.end]
# create the output structure
res = list()
for(i in 1:nrow({
r = matrix(0, nrow=seq.len[i]*2, ncol=length(pwms.l))
colnames(r) = names(pwms.l)
res[[i]] = r
} else {
r = rep(0, length(pwms.l))
names(r) = names(pwms.l)
res[[i]] = r
### do the scanning, convert back to individual sequences and do the post-processing
for(j in 1:length(pwms.l)){
message(paste("Scanning all sequences with motif", j, "/", length(pwms.l)))
raw = as.vector(scanWithPWM(pwms.l[[j]], s, pwms.rev.l[[j]], odds.score=TRUE, both.strands=TRUE))
### split the raw results by sequence
for(i in 1:nrow({
# selector for this sequence
from =$from[i]
to =$to[i]
from.rev = length(raw)/2 +$from[i]
to.rev = length(raw)/2 +$to[i]
sel = c(from:to, from.rev:to.rev)
r = raw[sel]
# fwd strand
r[((seq.len[i]-pwms.len.l[j])+2):seq.len[i]] = NA
# rev strand
r[((2*seq.len[i]-pwms.len.l[j])+2):(2*seq.len[i])] = NA
# save the values
res[[i]][,j] = r
} else if(!is.null(cutoff)){
# count number of hits on both strands
res[[i]][j] = sum(r >= cutoff.2.l[j], na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
# MeanAffinity
res[[i]][j] = mean(r, na.rm=TRUE)
######################################## END OF INNER LOOP ######################################
# either do it parallel or serial
if(!is.null(.PWMEnrich.Options[["numCores"]]) && length(pwms) >= .PWMEnrich.Options[["numCores"]]){
cores = .PWMEnrich.Options[["numCores"]]
sel = round(seq(0, length(pwms), length.out=cores+1))
start = sel[1:cores]+1
end = sel[2:(cores+1)]
input = lapply(1:cores, function(i) list(start[i], end[i]))
# do it in parallel
res.parallel = parallel::mclapply(input, motifScoresLoop, mc.cores = cores)
if( any(sapply(res.parallel, is.null)) ){
stop("Parallel scanning failed for some sequences. This could be due to a number of reasons including not enough memory.")
# concatenate results for different motifs
res = lapply(1:length(sequences), function(i)"cbind", lapply(res.parallel, function(x) x[[i]])))
res = lapply(1:length(sequences), function(i)"c", lapply(res.parallel, function(x) x[[i]])))
} else {
# do it serial
res = motifScoresLoop(list(1, length(pwms)))
## return either raw scores, or counts or means
names(res) = names(sequences)
} else {
if(length(pwms) == 1){
return( matrix(sapply(res, identity), ncol=1, dimnames=list(names(sequences), names(pwms))) )
} else {
r = t(sapply(res, identity))
rownames(r) = names(sequences)
colnames(r) = names(pwms)
return( r )
#' Information content for a PWM or PFM
#' @param motif a matrix of frequencies, or a PWM object
#' @param prior.params the prior parameters to use when a matrix is given (ignored if motif is already a PWM)
#' @param bycol if to return values separately for each column
#' @return information content in bits (i.e. log2)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(requireNamespace("PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")){
#' data(MotifDb.Dmel, package = "PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")
#' data(MotifDb.Dmel.PFM, package = "PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")
#' # the nucleotide distribution is taken from the PWM (in this case genomic background)
#' motifIC(MotifDb.Dmel[["ttk"]])
#' # information content with default uniform background because the input is a matrix,
#' # not PWM object
#' motifIC(MotifDb.Dmel.PFM[["ttk"]])
#' }
motifIC = function(motif, prior.params=c(A=0.25, C=0.25, G=0.25, T=0.25), bycol=FALSE){
if(inherits(motif, "PWM")) {
p = PWMUnscaled(motif$pfm, type="prob", prior.params=motif$prior.params)
bg = motif$prior.params
} else {
p = PWMUnscaled(motif, type="prob", prior.params=prior.params)
bg = prior.params
bg = bg/sum(bg) # normalize to 1
cols = p$pwm * log2(p$pwm/bg)
#' Calculate motif enrichment using one of available scoring algorithms and background corrections.
#' This function provides and interface to all algorithms available in PWMEnrich
#' to find motif enrichment in a single or a group of sequences with/without
#' background correction.
#' Since for all algorithms the first step involves calculating raw scores without background correction, the output
#' always contains the scores without background correction together with (optional) background-corrected
#' scores.
#' Unless otherwise specified the scores are returned both separately for each sequence (without/with background) and
#' for the whole group of sequences (without/with background).
#' To use a background correction you need to supply a set of PWMs with precompiled background distribution parameters
#' (see function \code{\link{makeBackground}}). When such an object is supplied as the \code{pwm} parameter, the scoring
#' scheme and background correction are automatically determined.
#' There are additional packages with already pre-computed background (e.g. see package \code{PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background}).
#' Please refer to (Stojnic & Adryan, 2012) for more details on the algorithms.
#' @title Motif enrichment
#' @param sequences the sequences to be scanned for enrichment. Can be either a single sequence
#' (an object of class DNAString), or a list of DNAString objects, or a DNAStringSet object.
#' @param pwms this parameter can take multiple values depending on the scoring scheme and background correction used.
#' When the \code{method} parameter is set to "autodetect", the following default algorithms
#' are going to be used:
#' \itemize{
#' \item if \code{pwms} is a list containing either frequency matrices or a list of PWM objects then
#' the "affinity" algorithm is selected. If frequency matrices are given, they are converted
#' to PWMs using uniform background. For best performance, convert frequency matrices to PWMs
#' before calling this function using realistic genomic background.
#' \item Otherwise, appropriate scoring scheme and background correction are selected based on the
#' class of the object (see below).
#' }
#' @param score this parameter determines which scoring scheme to use. Following scheme as available:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "autodetect" - default value. Scoring method is determined based
#' on the type of \code{pwms} parameter.
#' \item "affinity" - use threshold-free affinity score. The \code{pwms}
#' parameter can either be a list of frequency matrices, \code{PWM} objects, or a
#' \code{PWMLognBackground} object.
#' \item "cutoff" - use number of motif hits above a score cutoff. The \code{pwms}
#' parameter can either be a list of frequency matrices, \code{PWM} objects, or a
#' \code{PWMCutoffBackground} object.
#' \item "clover" - use the Clover algorithm (Frith et al, 2004). The Clover score of a single
#' sequence is identical to the affinity score, while for a group of sequences is an
#' average of products of affinities over all sequence subsets.
#' }
#' @param bg this parameter determines how the raw score is compared to the background distribution.
#' \itemize{
#' \item "autodetect" - default value. Background correction is determined based on the type
#' of the \code{pwms} parameter.
#' \item "logn" - use a lognormal distribution background pre-computed for a set of PWMs.
#' This requires \code{pwms} to be of class \code{PWMLognBackground}.
#' \item "z" - use a z-score for the number of significant motif hits compared to background number of hits.
#' This requires \code{pwms} to be of class \code{PWMCutoffBackground}.
#' \item "pval" - use empirical P-value based on a set of background sequences. This requires
#' \code{pwms} to be of class \code{PWMEmpiricalBackground}. Note that PWMEmpiricalBackground
#' objects tend to be very large so that the empirical P-value can be calculated in reasonable time.
#' \item "ms" - shuffle columns of motif matrices and use that as basis for P-value calculation. Note that
#' since the sequences need to rescanned with all of the new shuffled motifs this can be very slow.
#' Also, this also works only no *individual* sequences, not groups.
#' \item "none" - no background correction
#' }
#' @param cutoff the score cutoff for a significant motif hit if scoring scheme "cutoff" is selected.
#' @param verbose if to print verbose output
#' @param motif.shuffles number of times to shuffle motifs if using "ms" background correction
#' @param B number of replicates when calculating empirical P-value
#' @param group.only if to return statistics only for the group of sequences, not individual sequences. In the case of
#' empirical background the P-values for individual sequences are not calculated (thus saving time), for other
#' backgrounds they are calculated but not returned.
#' @return a MotifEnrichmentResults object containing a subset following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "score" - scoring scheme used
#' \item "bg" - background correction used
#' \item "params" - any additional parameters
#' \item "sequences" - the set of sequences used
#' \item "pwms" - the set of pwms used
#' \item "sequence.nobg" - per-sequence scores without any background correction.
#' For "affinity" and "clover" a matrix of mean affinity scores; for
#' "cutoff" number of significant hits above a cutoff
#' \item "" - per-sequence scores after background correction. For "logn" and "pval" the P-value (smaller is better);
#' for "z" and "ms" background corrections the z-scores (bigger is better).
#' \item "group.nobg" - aggregate scores for the whole group of sequences without background correction. For "affinity"
#' and "clover" the mean affinity over all sequences in the set; for "cutoff" the total number of hits in all
#' sequences.
#' \item "" - aggregate scores for the whole group of sequences with background correction. For "logn" and "pval",
#' the P-value for the whole group (smaller is better); for "z" and "ms" the z-score for the whole set (bigger is better).
#' \item "sequence.norm" - (only for "logn") the length-normalized scores for each of the sequences. Currently only implemented
#' for "logn", where it returns the values normalized from LogN(0,1) distribution
#' \item "group.norm" - (only for "logn") similar to sequence.norm, but for the whole group of sequences
#' }
#' @export
#' @references \itemize{
#' \item R. Stojnic & B. Adryan: Identification of functional DNA motifs using a binding affinity lognormal background distribution, submitted.
#' \item MC Frith et al: Detection of functional DNA motifs via statistical over-representation, Nucleid Acid Research (2004).
#' }
#' @examples
#' if(requireNamespace("PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")){
#' ###
#' # load the pre-compiled lognormal background
#' data(PWMLogn.dm3.MotifDb.Dmel, package = "PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")
#' # scan two sequences for motif enrichment
#' res = motifEnrichment(sequences, PWMLogn.dm3.MotifDb.Dmel)
#' # most enriched in both sequences (lognormal background P-value)
#' head(motifRankingForGroup(res))
#' # most enriched in both sequences (raw affinity, no background)
#' head(motifRankingForGroup(res, bg=FALSE))
#' # most enriched in the first sequence (lognormal background P-value)
#' head(motifRankingForSequence(res, 1))
#' # most enriched in the first sequence (raw affinity, no background)
#' head(motifRankingForSequence(res, 1, bg=FALSE))
#' ###
#' # Load the pre-compiled background for hit-based motif counts with cutoff of P-value = 0.001
#' data(PWMPvalueCutoff1e3.dm3.MotifDb.Dmel, package = "PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")
#' res.count = motifEnrichment(sequences, PWMPvalueCutoff1e3.dm3.MotifDb.Dmel)
#' # Enrichment in the whole group, z-score for the number of motif hits
#' head(motifRankingForGroup(res))
#' # First sequence, sorted by number of motif hits with P-value < 0.001
#' head(motifRankingForSequence(res, 1, bg=FALSE))
#' }
motifEnrichment = function(sequences, pwms, score="autodetect", bg="autodetect", cutoff=NULL, verbose=TRUE, motif.shuffles=30, B=1000,
# detect scoring method
if(score == "autodetect"){
if(inherits(pwms, "PWMLognBackground")) {
score = "affinity"
} else if(inherits(pwms, "PWMCutoffBackground")) {
score = "cutoff"
} else {
score = "affinity"
if(score == "cutoff" & is.null(cutoff))
cutoff = pwms@bg.cutoff
# the PWM* object
pwmobj = NULL
# detect background correction
if(!(bg %in% c("none", "ms"))){
if(inherits(pwms, "PWMLognBackground")) {
bg = "logn"
pwmobj = pwms
pwms = pwmobj@pwms
} else if(inherits(pwms, "PWMCutoffBackground")) {
bg = "z"
pwmobj = pwms
pwms = pwmobj@pwms
} else if(inherits(pwms, "PWMEmpiricalBackground")) {
bg = "pval"
pwmobj = pwms
pwms = pwmobj@pwms
} else if(inherits(pwms, "PWMGEVBackground")) {
bg = "gev"
pwmobj = pwms
pwms = pwmobj@pwms
} else {
bg = "none"
pwms = list(pwms)
sequences = .inputParamSequences(sequences)
# return list
res = list(score=score, bg=bg, pwms=pwms, sequences=sequences, params=list())
# apply no-bg scoring
if(score == "affinity"){
# lengths of sequences and PWMs
seq.len = sapply(sequences, length)
pwm.len = sapply(pwms, length)
res$sequence.nobg = motifScores(sequences, pwms, verbose=verbose)
res$group.nobg = affinitySequenceSet(res$sequence.nobg, seq.len, pwm.len)
} else if(score == "clover"){
res$sequence.nobg = motifScores(sequences, pwms, verbose=verbose)
res$group.nobg = cloverScore(res$sequence.nobg, verbose=verbose)
} else if(score == "cutoff"){
res$params = list(cutoff=cutoff)
res$sequence.nobg = motifScores(sequences, pwms, cutoff=cutoff, verbose=verbose)
res$group.nobg = colSums(res$sequence.nobg)
} else {
stop(paste("Unknown scoring algorithm: '", score, "'. Please select one of: 'affinity', 'cutoff', 'clover'", sep=""))
cat("Calculating motif enrichment scores ...\n")
# apply background correction if needed
if(bg == "none"){
res$ = NULL
res$ = NULL
} else if(bg == "logn"){
# lengths of sequences and PWMs
seq.len = sapply(sequences, length)
pwm.len = sapply(pwms, length)
# do it per sequence
res$ = logNormPval(res$sequence.nobg, seq.len, pwm.len, pwmobj@bg.mean,, pwmobj@bg.len)
colnames(res$ = names(pwms)
# convert logn P-values into normalized observations and run Clover on that
res$sequence.norm = apply(res$, 1:2, qlnorm, lower.tail=FALSE)
if(score == "affinity"){
# and for the group
# convert back to P-values, using the chi-sq distribution
res$ = apply(res$, 2, function(x) {
pchisq(-2*sum(log(x)), 2*length(x), lower.tail=FALSE)
#res$ = colMeans(log(res$
res$group.norm = sapply(res$, qlnorm, lower.tail=FALSE)
} else {
res$ = logNormPvalSequenceSet(res$sequence.nobg, seq.len, pwm.len, pwmobj@bg.mean,, pwmobj@bg.len)
res$group.norm = sapply(res$, qlnorm, lower.tail=FALSE)
} else if(score == "clover"){
# now run Clover on normalized scores
res$ = cloverScore(res$sequence.norm, verbose=verbose)
} else if(bg == "z"){
# lengths of sequences and PWMs
seq.len = sapply(sequences, length)
pwm.len = sapply(pwms, length)
res$ = cutoffZscore(res$sequence.nobg, seq.len, pwm.len, pwmobj@bg.P)
res$ = cutoffZscoreSequenceSet(res$sequence.nobg, seq.len, pwm.len, pwmobj@bg.P)
} else if(bg == "pval"){
seq.len = sapply(sequences, length)
pwm.len = sapply(pwms, length)
# if to use cutoff
usecutoff = NULL
if(score == "cutoff")
usecutoff = cutoff
res$ = t(sapply(1:length(seq.len), function(i)
empiricalPvalue(res$sequence.nobg[i,], seq.len[i], pwm.len, pwmobj@bg.fwd, pwmobj@bg.rev, cutoff=usecutoff, B=B, verbose=verbose)))
# do empirical P-value
if(score == "clover")
res$ = cloverPvalue1seq(res$sequence.nobg, seq.len, pwm.len, pwmobj@bg.fwd, pwmobj@bg.rev, B=B, verbose=verbose, clover=res$group.nobg)
res$ = empiricalPvalueSequenceSet(res$sequence.nobg, seq.len, pwm.len, pwmobj@bg.fwd, pwmobj@bg.rev, cutoff=usecutoff, B=B, verbose=verbose)
} else if(bg == "ms"){
# if to use cutoff
usecutoff = NULL
if(score == "cutoff")
usecutoff = cutoff
res$ = matrixShuffleZscorePerSequence(res$sequence.nobg, sequences, pwms, cutoff=usecutoff, B=motif.shuffles)
} else if(bg == "gev"){
seq.len = sapply(sequences, length)
pwm.len = sapply(pwms, length)
res$ = gevPerSequence(res$sequence.nobg, seq.len, pwm.len, pwmobj@bg.loc, pwmobj@bg.scale, pwmobj@bg.shape)
res$ = NULL
} else {
stop(paste("Uknown background correction algorithm: '", bg, "', Please select one of: 'none', 'logn', 'z', 'pval', 'ms'", sep=""))
# only store the values for the group, not individual sequences!
seq.n = grep("^sequence[.]", names(res))
res = res[-seq.n]
# restore the sequence names
if("sequence.nobg" %in% names(res)){
rownames(res$sequence.nobg) = names(sequences)
if("" %in% names(res)){
rownames(res$ = names(sequences)
return(new("MotifEnrichmentResults", res=res))
#' Obtain z-score for motif column shuffling
#' All PWMs are shuffled at the same time. This function would be too slow to produce
#' empirical P-values, thus we return a z-score from a small number of shuffles.
#' The z-scores are calculated for each sequence individually.
#' @param scores a set of already calculated scores
#' @param sequences either one sequence or a list/set of sequences (objects of type DNAString or DNAStringSet)
#' @param pwms a list of PWMs
#' @param cutoff if NULL, will use affinity, otherwise will use number of hits over this log2 odds cutoff
#' @param B number of replicates, i.e. PWM column shuffles
matrixShuffleZscorePerSequence = function(scores, sequences, pwms, cutoff=NULL, B=30){
# scores from different replicates for each of the sequences
scores.matrix = array(0, dim=c(nrow(scores), ncol(scores), B))
dimnames(scores.matrix) = list(rownames(scores), colnames(scores), NULL)
# perfom shuffles
for(i in 1:B){
cat("Perfoming shuffle", i, "/", B, "\n")
pwms.shuffled = pwms
for(j in 1:length(pwms)){
p = pwms[[j]]
pwms.shuffled[[j]]@pwm = p@pwm[, sample(ncol(p@pwm))]
scores.suffled = motifScores(sequences, pwms.shuffled, cutoff=cutoff, verbose=FALSE)
scores.matrix[,,i] = scores.suffled
# work out mean and sd
shuffled.mean = apply(scores.matrix, c(1,2), mean) = apply(scores.matrix, c(1,2), sd)
return( (scores - shuffled.mean) / )
#' Calculate the P-value from lognormal distribution with background of equal length
#' @param scores affinity scores for the PWMs, can contain scores for more than one sequence (as rows), P-values are extracted separately
#' @param seq.len the length distribution of the sequences
#' @param pwm.len the leggths of PWMs
#' @param bg.mean the mean values from the background for PWMs
#' @param the sd values from the background
#' @param bg.len the length distribution of the background (we currently support only constant length)
#' @param log if to produce log p-values
logNormPval = function(scores, seq.len, pwm.len, bg.mean,, bg.len, log=FALSE){
scores = matrix(scores, nrow=1, dimnames=list(NULL, names(scores)))
if( length(seq.len) != nrow(scores) ){
stop("The sequence length distribution and number of rows for scores doesn't match")
if( !all(colnames(scores) == names(bg.mean)) ){
stop("The motifs column names in 'scores' and 'bg.mean' do not match")
seq.mean = = matrix(0, nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores))
slen = matrix(seq.len, nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores)) -
matrix(pwm.len, nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores), byrow=TRUE) + 1
# rows (i) - sequences
# cols (j) - motifs
# human implementation ...
bg.len.min = matrix(bg.len[1,], nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores), byrow=TRUE)
bg.len.max = matrix(bg.len[nrow(bg.len),], nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores), byrow=TRUE)
bg.len.all = lapply(1:nrow(bg.len), function(i) matrix(bg.len[i,], nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores), byrow=TRUE))
# split into three classes
min.inx = slen <= bg.len.min
max.inx = slen >= bg.len.max
int.inx = !min.inx & !max.inx
# correction factor value
bgsd = * sqrt(bg.len/matrix(bg.len[1,], nrow=nrow(bg.len), ncol=ncol(bg.len), byrow=TRUE))
bgsd = bgsd / matrix(bgsd[1,], nrow=nrow(bgsd), ncol=ncol(bgsd), byrow=TRUE)
bgsd.all = lapply(1:nrow(bgsd), function(i) matrix(bgsd[i,], nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores), byrow=TRUE))
# smaller
bg.mean.min = matrix(bg.mean[1,], nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores), byrow=TRUE) = matrix([1,], nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores), byrow=TRUE)
# keep mean, use quadratic for sd
seq.mean[min.inx] = bg.mean.min[min.inx][min.inx] =[min.inx] / sqrt(slen[min.inx]/bg.len.min[min.inx])
bg.mean.max = matrix(bg.mean[nrow(bg.mean),], nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores), byrow=TRUE) = matrix([nrow(,], nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores), byrow=TRUE)
# keep mean, use quadratic for sd
seq.mean[max.inx] = bg.mean.max[max.inx][max.inx] =[max.inx] / sqrt(slen[max.inx]/bg.len.max[max.inx])
bg.mean.all = lapply(1:nrow(bg.mean), function(i) matrix(bg.mean[i,], nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores), byrow=TRUE)) = lapply(1:nrow(, function(i) matrix([i,], nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores), byrow=TRUE))
# interpolate!
for(k in 1:(nrow(bg.mean)-1)){
a = bg.len.all[[k]]
b = bg.len.all[[k+1]]
inx = int.inx & slen >= a & slen < b
# direct linear interpolation for mean
seq.mean[inx] = bg.mean.all[[k]][inx] + (bg.mean.all[[k+1]][inx] - bg.mean.all[[k]][inx])/(b[inx]-a[inx]) * (slen[inx]-a[inx])
# base value of[inx] =[[1]][inx] / sqrt(slen[inx]/bg.len.all[[1]][inx])
# this correction factor would ideally be 1[inx] =[inx] * (bgsd.all[[k]][inx] + (bgsd.all[[k+1]][inx]-bgsd.all[[k]][inx])/(b[inx]-a[inx]) * (slen[inx]-a[inx]))
} else {
# default implementation
seq.mean = matrix(bg.mean, nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores), byrow=TRUE) = matrix(, nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores), byrow=TRUE) /
sqrt(slen / matrix(bg.len, nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores), byrow=TRUE))
# calculate p-values
seq.p = matrix(0, nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores))
colnames(seq.p) = colnames(scores)
rownames(seq.p) = rownames(scores)
# calculate the mean/sd parameters of the lognormal distribution = 2*log(seq.mean) - 0.5*log(seq.mean^^2) = sqrt(-2*log(seq.mean) + log(seq.mean^^2))
# convert to z-scores so we can streamline...
z = (log(scores) - /
seq.p[,] = plnorm(exp(z), meanlog=0, sdlog=1, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=log)
# convert to log10 P-values
seq.p = seq.p * log10(exp(1))
#' Lognormal P-value for a set of sequences
#' @param scores a matrix of per-sequence affinity scores
#' @param seq.len lengths of sequences
#' @param pwm.len lengths of pwms
#' @param bg.mean mean background at length of bg.len
#' @param standard deviation of background at length of bg.len
#' @param bg.len the length for which mean and sd are calculated
#' @return P-value
logNormPvalSequenceSet = function(scores, seq.len, pwm.len, bg.mean,, bg.len){
# total score for all the sequences
s = structure(rep(0, ncol(scores)), names=colnames(scores))
res = structure(rep(0, ncol(scores)), names=colnames(scores))
for(i in 1:ncol(scores)){
# lengths of sequences for this pwm, all of them are shorter by pwm.len-1
seq.len.pwm = seq.len - pwm.len[i] + 1
# sum over sequences then average by total length
s[i] = sum(scores[,i] * seq.len.pwm) / sum(seq.len.pwm)
res[i] = logNormPval(s[i], sum(seq.len.pwm)+pwm.len[i]-1, pwm.len[i], bg.mean[,i,drop=FALSE],[,i,drop=FALSE], bg.len[,i,drop=FALSE])
} else {
res[i] = logNormPval(s[i], sum(seq.len.pwm)+pwm.len[i]-1, pwm.len[i], bg.mean[i],[i], bg.len[i])
#' Replace all infinite values by 0
#' @param x a vector of values
keepFinite = function(x) {
x[!is.finite(x)] = 0
#' Z-score calculation for cutoff hits
#' The Z-score is calculated separately for each sequence
#' @param scores the hit counts for the sequences
#' @param seq.len the length distribution of sequences
#' @param pwm.len the length distribution of the PWMs
#' @param bg.P background probabilities of observing a motif hit at nucleotide resolution
#' (scaled to sequence length, not 2 * length)
#' @return Z-score
cutoffZscore = function(scores, seq.len, pwm.len, bg.P){
scores = matrix(scores, nrow=1)
# actual probability is 1/2 because we have two strands
bg.P = bg.P / 2
z = matrix(0, nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores))
rownames(z) = rownames(scores)
colnames(z) = colnames(scores)
for(i in 1:nrow(scores)){
# actualy length is 2x because we have two strands
P.n = 2 * (seq.len[i] - pwm.len + 1)
P.mean = bg.P * P.n = sqrt(P.n * bg.P * (1-bg.P))
# so this would be the poisson approximation
# z[i,] = 1 / ppois(scores[i,], P.mean, lower.tail=FALSE)
z[i,] = keepFinite( (scores[i,] - P.mean) / )
#' Z-score calculation for cutoff hits for group of sequences
#' The Z-score is calculated as if the sequence came for one very long sequence
#' @param scores the hit counts for the sequences
#' @param seq.len the length distribution of sequences
#' @param pwm.len the length distribution of the PWMs
#' @param bg.P background probabilities of observing a motif hit at nucleotide resolution
#' @return Z-score
cutoffZscoreSequenceSet = function(scores, seq.len, pwm.len, bg.P){
total.hits = colSums(scores)
total.len = sum(seq.len) - length(seq.len)*(pwm.len-1) + pwm.len - 1
# do it seperate for each PWM to make sure the lengths are right
res = sapply(1:length(total.hits), function(i) cutoffZscore(total.hits[i], total.len[i], pwm.len[i], bg.P[i]))
names(res) = names(total.hits)
#' Calculate the empirical P-value by affinity of cutoff.
#' This is the new backend function for empirical P-values for either affinity or cutoff.
#' The function only works on single sequences.
#' @param scores the scores obtained for the sequence
#' @param seq.len the length of the sequence, if a single value will take a single sequence
#' of given length. If a vector of values, will take sequences of given lengths
#' and joint them together
#' @param pwm.len the lengths of PWMs
#' @param bg.fwd raw odds scores for the forward strand of background
#' @param bg.rev raw odds scores for the reverse strand of background
#' @param cutoff if not NULL, will use hit count above this cutoff. The cutoff should be specified in log2.
#' @param B the number of random replicates
#' @param verbose if to give verbose progress reports
#' @param exact.length if to take into consideration that the actual sequence lengths differ for different PWMs.
#' For very long sequences (i.e. seq.len >> pwm.len) this make very little difference, however
#' the run time with exact.length is much longer.
empiricalPvalue = function(scores, seq.len, pwm.len, bg.fwd, bg.rev, cutoff=NULL, B=10000, verbose=FALSE, exact.length=FALSE){
# length of sequences
bg.len = nrow(bg.fwd)
if(max(seq.len) > bg.len){
stop("The length of sequence greater than background!")
if(max(seq.len) * B > bg.len){
warning("The length of the sequence multiplied by number of runs (B) is greater than background length. This might lead to unreliable P-value estimates.")
# the empricial p-value
score.p = rep(0, length(scores))
for(i in 1:B){
message("Random sample ", i, " / ", B)
# calculate the final score as sum over different seq.len sequences
final.score = 0
for(k in 1:length(seq.len)){
# choose a subsequence with matching length
start.range = 1:(bg.len - seq.len[k])
start = sample(start.range, 1)
# fetch the scores from the two strands
score.fwd = bg.fwd[start:(start+seq.len[k]-1),]
score.rev = bg.rev[start:(start+seq.len[k]-1),]
# simulate that we don't have scores for last pwm.len+1 nucleotides
for(j in 1:length(pwm.len)){
score.fwd[(nrow(score.fwd)-pwm.len[j]+1):nrow(score.fwd),j] = NA
score.rev[(nrow(score.rev)-pwm.len[j]+1):nrow(score.rev),j] = NA
# append both strands to one long string
score.both = rbind(score.fwd, score.rev)
# affinity algorithm
new.score = colSums(score.both, na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
# number of hits above threshold
new.score = colSums(score.both >= 2^cutoff, na.rm=TRUE)
final.score = final.score + new.score
# to obtain the mean we divide by twice the length (because it's both strands)
final.score = final.score / (2 * sum(seq.len))
score.p = score.p + ((final.score > scores) + 0)
return(score.p / B)
#' Empirical P-value for a set of sequences
#' Calculate empirical P-value for a set of sequences, using either affinity or cutoff. When cutoff is used, the score
#' is a number of motif hits above a certain log-odds cutoff.
#' @param scores a matrix of scores, rows for sequences, columns for PWMs
#' @param seq.len the lengths of sequences
#' @param pwm.len the lengths of PWMs
#' @param bg.fwd raw odds scores for the forward strand of background
#' @param bg.rev raw odds scores for the reverse strand of background
#' @param cutoff if not NULL, will use hit count above this cutoff. The cutoff should be specified in log2.
#' @param B the number of random replicates
#' @param verbose if to give verbose progress reports
empiricalPvalueSequenceSet = function(scores, seq.len, pwm.len, bg.fwd, bg.rev, cutoff=NULL, B=10000, verbose=FALSE){
# affinity
# total score for all the sequences
s = structure(rep(0, ncol(scores)), names=colnames(scores))
res = structure(rep(0, ncol(scores)), names=colnames(scores))
exact.lengths = structure(rep(0, ncol(scores)), names=colnames(scores))
for(i in 1:ncol(scores)){
# lengths of sequences for this pwm, all of them are shorter by pwm.len-1
seq.len.pwm = seq.len - pwm.len[i] + 1
exact.lengths[i] = sum( seq.len.pwm )
# sum over sequences then average by total length
s[i] = sum(scores[,i] * seq.len.pwm) / sum(seq.len.pwm)
# approximate sequence length without all the last positions being matched
total.len = seq.len - round(mean(pwm.len))
# run it on mean sequence length
res = empiricalPvalue(s, total.len, pwm.len, bg.fwd, bg.rev, cutoff, B, verbose, exact.length=FALSE)
} else {
total.hits = colSums(scores)
total.len = seq.len - round(mean(pwm.len)) #sum(seq.len) - length(seq.len)*pwm.len
# run ti on mean sequence lengths (with pwm.len)
res = empiricalPvalue(total.hits, total.len, pwm.len,
bg.fwd, bg.rev, cutoff, B, verbose, exact.length=FALSE)
#' Apply GEV background normalization per every sequence
#' @param scores affinity scores for the PWMs, can contain scores for more than one sequence (as rows), P-values are extracted separately
#' @param seq.len the length distribution of the sequences
#' @param pwm.len the lengths of PWMs
#' @param bg.loc list of linear regression for location parameter
#' @param bg.scale list of linear regression for scale parameter
#' @param bg.shape list of linear regression for shape parameter
gevPerSequence = function(scores, seq.len, pwm.len, bg.loc, bg.scale, bg.shape){
scores = matrix(scores, nrow=1, dimnames=list(NULL, names(scores)))
if( length(seq.len) != nrow(scores) ){
stop("The sequence length distribution and number of rows for scores doesn't match")
# calculate the expected sd values for the length distribution for each sequence = matrix(0, nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores))
log.seqlen = data.frame("log.len"=log(seq.len))
# predict loc, scale, shape for each PWM
loc = matrix(0, nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores))
scale = matrix(0, nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores))
shape = matrix(0, nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores))
for(i in 1:ncol(scores)){
loc[,i] = as.vector(predict.lm(bg.loc[[i]], newdata=log.seqlen))
scale[,i] = as.vector(predict.lm(bg.scale[[i]], newdata=log.seqlen))
shape[,i] = as.vector(predict.lm(bg.shape[[i]], newdata=log.seqlen))
## work out the P-values
seq.p = matrix(0, nrow=nrow(scores), ncol=ncol(scores))
colnames(seq.p) = colnames(scores)
rownames(seq.p) = rownames(scores)
for(i in 1:nrow(seq.p)){
for(j in 1:ncol(seq.p)){
# if scale is <0 the GEV approximation is no longer valid
if(scale[i,j] < 0)
seq.p[i,j] = NA
seq.p[i,j] = pgev(log(scores[i,j]), loc=loc[i,j], scale=scale[i,j], shape=shape[i,j], lower.tail=FALSE)
#' Calculate total affinity over a set of sequences
#' @param scores affinity scores for individual sequences
#' @param seq.len lengths of sequences
#' @param pwm.len lengths of PWMs
affinitySequenceSet = function(scores, seq.len, pwm.len){
scores = matrix(scores, nrow=1, dimnames=list(NULL, names(scores)))
# final scores for the group
final = structure(rep(0, ncol(scores)), names=colnames(scores))
for(i in 1:ncol(scores)){
# actual length of scanned sequence
seq.len.pwm = seq.len - pwm.len[i] + 1
final[i] = sum(scores[,i] * seq.len.pwm) / sum(seq.len.pwm)
#' Calculate Recovery-AUC for motifs ranked according to some scoring scheme
#' Note that this function asssumes that smaller values are better!
#' @param seq.res a matrix where each column represents a PWM and each row a result for a different sequence.
motifRecoveryAUC = function(seq.res){
# calculate the ranks
r = t(apply(seq.res, 1, rank))
# previous point needed to calculate AUC-ROC
auc = rep(0, ncol(r))
names(auc) = colnames(r)
# do it for all whole steps
rec = t(sapply(1:ncol(r), function(i) colSums(r<=i)))
list("rec"=rec, "auc"=colSums(rec))
#' Calculate PR-AUC for motifs ranked according to some scoring scheme
#' Note that this function asssumes that smaller values are better!
#' @param seq.res a matrix where each column represents a PWM and each row a result for a different sequence.
motifPrAUC = function(seq.res){
# calculate the ranks
r = t(apply(seq.res, 1, rank))
# previous point needed to calculate AUC-ROC
auc = rep(0, ncol(r))
names(auc) = colnames(r)
# do it for all whole steps
rec = t(sapply(1:ncol(r), function(i) colSums(r<=i)))
recall = rec / nrow(r)
prec = recall / 1:nrow(rec)
list("prec"=prec, "recall"=recall)
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