## cellData: data of each type.
#' The cellData class
#' The main class used in \code{OperaMate} to hold all levels of experiment
#' data of a specific type.
#' @slot name character, one parameter in the Columbus system report.
#' @slot posctrwell a character vector, the positive control well IDs, e.g. B05.
#' @slot negctrwell a character vector, the negative control well IDs, e.g. B05.
#' @slot expwell a character vector, the sample well IDs, e.g. C15.
#' @slot cellNum matrix, cell numbers
#' @slot a numeric matrix,
#' the raw data matrix with rows the well IDs and columns the plate IDs.
#' @slot a numeric matrix, the normalized data.
#' @slot a numeric matrix, the data after quality
#' control, with the rows are "barcode:wellID" and columns are the data of
#' all replicated samples and their means, and if they have passed the quality
#' control.
#' @slot norm.method character the normalization method.
#' @slot QC.threshold numeric, the thresholds in the quality control.
#' @slot plate.quality a logical matrix, the quality data with
#' the rows are the barcode and columns are the replicateIDs.
#' @slot a list of plate correlations and plate z' factors
#' @slot Sig a list of the following components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{SigMat}:}{a logic matrix marking the high and low expressed hits}
#' \item{\code{threshold}:}{the threshold of the high and low expressed hits}
#' \item{\code{stats}:}{the numbers of the high and low expressed hits}
#' \item{\code{pvalue}:}{the pvalue of each sample by t tests}
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' \item{Constructor}{
#' \code{cellData(name, positive.ctr = character(0), negative.ctr = character(0),
#' expwell = character(0), norm.method = getOption("opm.normalization.method"),
#' QC.threshold = getOption("opm.QC.threshold")}.
#' }
#' \item{Show}{signature(object="cellLoad"). Displays object content as text.}
#' \item{Accessor}{x[i]. \code{x}: a cellData object;
#' \code{i}: character, a cellData slot name.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' oneCell <- cellData(name = "Average Intensity of Nuclei",
#' positive.ctr = c("H02", "J02", "L02"),
#' negative.ctr = c("C23", "E23", "G23"))
#' oneCell
#' oneCell["name"]
#' @exportClass cellData
#' @docType class
#' @name cellData-class
#' @rdname cellData-class
#' @aliases cellData, cellData-class
setClass("cellData", slots = c(name = "character",
posctrwell = "character",
negctrwell = "character",
expwell = "character",
cellNum = "matrix", = "matrix", = "matrix", = "data.frame",
norm.method = "character",
QC.threshold = "numeric",
plate.quality = "matrix", = "list",
Sig = "list"),
prototype = list(
QC.threshold = c(correlation = 8, zfactor = 0.5, cellnum = 50),
norm.method = "MP"
#' @name cellData
#' @param name character, the analyzed item
#' @param positive.ctr a character vector, the positive control well IDs,
#' e.g. c("E05", "E06")
#' @param negative.ctr a character vector, the positive control well IDs,
#' e.g. c("B05", "B06")
#' @param expwell include all wells except control and neglect.well if NULL
#' @param norm.method character the normalization method.
#' @param QC.threshold numeric, the thresholds in the quality control.
#' @rdname cellData-class
#' @return a cellData object
#' @aliases cellData, cellData-method
#' @export
cellData <- function(name, positive.ctr = character(0),
negative.ctr = character(0), expwell = character(0),
norm.method = getOption("opm.normalization.method"),
QC.threshold = getOption("opm.QC.threshold")) {
if (any(sapply(combn(list(positive.ctr, negative.ctr, expwell),
2, simplify = FALSE),
function(x) length(Reduce(intersect, x)))))
stop("Intersection exists between different types of wells")
name <- gsub(" ", ".", name)
new("cellData", name = name,
posctrwell = positive.ctr, negctrwell = negative.ctr, expwell = expwell,
norm.method = norm.method[1], QC.threshold = QC.threshold)
## Getter
#' @rdname cellData-class
#' @param x a cellData object
#' @param i a requested slot name
setMethod("[", signature = c(x = "cellData", i = "character"), function(x, i) {
if(i == "name") { return(x@name) } else {}
if(i == "") { return( } else {}
if(i == "") { return( } else {}
if(i == "") { return( } else {}
if(i == "plate.quality") { return(x@plate.quality) } else {}
if(i == "") { return(} else {}
if(i == "Sig") { return(x@Sig) } else {}
if(i == "norm.method") { return(x@norm.method) } else {}
if(i == "posctrwell") { return(x@posctrwell) } else {}
if(i == "negctrwell") { return(x@negctrwell) } else {}
if(i == "expwell") { return(x@expwell) } else {}
if(i == "cellNum") { return(x@cellNum) } else {}
if(i == "QC.threshold") { return(x@QC.threshold) } else {}
## Show method
#' @rdname cellData-class
#' @param object a cellData class
#' @aliases show,cellData-method
setMethod("show", signature = (object = "cellData"), function(object) {
cat("An object of cellData class.\n")
cat("Parameter: ", object@name,".\n")
cat("Raw Data: ")
if (length( {
} else {
cat("Data Normalization: ",
ifelse(length(, "Done", "ToDo..."), ";\n", sep = "")
cat(" method: ",
paste(object@norm.method, collapse=" "),
".\n", sep = "")
cat("Quality Control: ",
ifelse(length(, "Done", "ToDo..."), ".\n", sep = "")
cat("Significant hits: \n")
if (length(object@Sig)) {
} else {
cat(" ToDo...\n")
#' Data importing
#' Extracts data of a specific type in a list of \code{expData} objects to
#' initialize a \code{cellData} object.
#' @param object a cellData object
#' @param lstPlates a list of expData objects
#' @param positive.ctr a character vector, the positive control well IDs,
#' e.g. c("E05", "E06")
#' @param negative.ctr a character vector, the positive control well IDs,
#' e.g. c("B05", "B06")
#' @param neglect.well a character vector, the neglect wells.
#' Accept regular expression, e.g. c("*02", "*23")
#' @param expwell include all wells except control and neglect.well if NULL
#' @param ... other parameters
#' @details negative.ctr accept regular expression
#' @return a \code{cellData} object, with initialized slot \code{}
#' @docType methods
#' @examples
#' data(platemap)
#' platemap$Path <- file.path(
#' system.file("Test", package = "OperaMate"), platemap$Path)
#' data(demoCell)
#' datapath <- file.path(system.file("Test", package = "OperaMate"), "Matrix")
#' lstPlates <- loadAll(cellformat = "Matrix", datapath = datapath)
#' oneCell <- cellLoad(oneCell, lstPlates, neglect.well = c("*02", "*23"))
#' str(oneCell[""])
#' @export
#' @rdname cellLoad
setGeneric("cellLoad", function(object, lstPlates, ...) {
#' @rdname cellLoad
#' @aliases cellLoad
setMethod("cellLoad", signature = "cellData",
function(object, lstPlates, positive.ctr = NULL, negative.ctr = NULL,
neglect.well = NULL, expwell = NULL) {
allWell <- unique(unlist(lapply(lstPlates,
function(onePlate) onePlate["wellID"])))
if (!is.null(positive.ctr)) {
object@posctrwell <- positive.ctr
if (!is.null(negative.ctr)) {
object@negctrwell <- negative.ctr
if (is.null(expwell) & !length(object@expwell)) {
neglect.well <-
allWell[grep(paste(neglect.well, collapse = "|"), allWell)]
not.expwell <- c(object@posctrwell, object@negctrwell, neglect.well)
object@expwell <- allWell[! allWell %in% not.expwell]
allWell <- c(object@posctrwell, object@negctrwell, object@expwell)
onecelldata <- matrix(NA, length(allWell), length(lstPlates))
i <- 0
for(onePlate in lstPlates){
i <- i + 1
tmpdata <- (onePlate["data"])[[object@name]]
onecelldata[, i] <- tmpdata[match(allWell,
colnames(onecelldata) <- sapply(lstPlates, function(x) x["name"])
rownames(onecelldata) <- allWell <- onecelldata
#' Load cell number
#' @param object a cellData object
#' @param object.cellnum a cellData object for cell numbers
#' @return a \code{cellData} object, with initialized slot \code{cellNum}
#' @examples
#' data(demoCell)
#' data(demoCellNum)
#' oneCell <- cellNumLoad(oneCell, oneCellNum)
#' str(oneCell["cellNum"])
#' @docType methods
#' @export
#' @rdname cellNumLoad
setGeneric("cellNumLoad", function(object, object.cellnum) {
#' @rdname cellNumLoad
#' @aliases cellNumLoad
setMethod("cellNumLoad", signature = c(object = "cellData",
object.cellnum = "cellData"),
function(object, object.cellnum) {
cell.num <-
IDRow <- match(rownames(, rownames(cell.num))
IDCol <- match(colnames(, colnames(cell.num))
object@cellNum <- cell.num[IDRow, IDCol]
#' Data normalization
#' Normalizes raw data based on different normalization methods.
#' Method description: "MP" employes the median polish algorithm which
#' divides data by the median of their plates and wells recursively, while
#' "PMed" only divides data by the median of their plates; "Z" substracts
#' data by their plate medians, and then divides by the median absolute
#' deviations; "Ctr" divides data by the mean of their plate negative controls;
#' "None" avoids the data normalization in this step. The first three
#' methods are based on the assumption that most samples display no
#' biological effects in the assay be analyzed. They are often more
#' effective than "Ctr" method as to the high throughput screening.
#' @param object a cellData object
#' @param norm.method getOption("opm.normalization.method")
#' @return a \code{celldata} object with initialized slot \code{}
#' @examples
#' data(demoCell)
#' oneCell <- cellNorm(oneCell, norm.method = "MP")
#' str(oneCell[""])
#' @export
#' @rdname cellNorm
setGeneric("cellNorm", function(object, norm.method) {
#' @rdname cellNorm
#' @aliases cellNorm
setMethod("cellNorm", signature = "cellData",
function(object, norm.method = getOption("opm.normalization.method")) {
if (length(object@norm.method) > 1) {
object@norm.method <- norm.method[1]
} else if(length(norm.method) == 1 && object@norm.method != norm.method) {
object@norm.method <- norm.method
} else {}
norm.method <- object@norm.method
if (norm.method == "None") { <-
} else if(norm.method == "PMed") { <- t( t(
/apply(, 2, median, na.rm = TRUE))
} else if(norm.method == "MP") {
log <- capture.output(
{tmp <- medpolish(log2(, na.rm = TRUE)}) <- 2^(tmp$residuals)
} else if(norm.method == "Ctr") {
if (! is.null(object@negctrwell)) {
lstctr <- apply(, 2, function(x)
mean(x[object@negctrwell], na.rm = TRUE)) <- t(t( / lstctr)
} else {
stop("Please specify the negative control wells")
} else if( norm.method == "Z") { <- t( t(
- apply(, 2, median, na.rm = TRUE)
/ apply(, 2, mad, na.rm = TRUE) )
} else {
stop("Set your own normalization rule to object@norm.method
and the corresponding normalized data to")
#' Quality control
#' Checks quality of all plates and then wells.
#' Requires three or more replicated samples.
#' @param object a cellData object
#' @param qcType the type of quality control
#' @param qc.threshold quality control thresholds
#' @param replace.badPlateData if TRUE,
#' replace the values of bad plate by their replicates
#' @param plot if TRUE, plot figures
#' @param outpath directory of output figures, default: getOption("opm.outpath")
#' @param ... arguments for the graphic device
#' @details qcType include c("plateCorrelation", "wellSd", "zFactor", "cellNumber"),
#' An example of qc.threshold is c(correlation = 0.8, zfactor = 0.5, cellnumber = 50).
#' @return a \code{cellData} object with intialized slot \code{},
#' \code{plate.quality} and \code{}.
#' @rdname cellQC
#' @examples
#' data(demoCell)
#' op <- options("device")
#' options("device" = "png")
#' oneCell <- cellQC(oneCell, qcType = c("plateCorrelation", "wellSd", "cellNumber"),
#' qc.threshold = c(correlation = 0.7), outpath = tempdir())
#' options(op)
#' str(oneCell[""])
#' str(oneCell["plate.quality"])
#' @import pheatmap
#' @export
setGeneric("cellQC",function(object, qcType = NULL, qc.threshold = NULL,
replace.badPlateData = TRUE,
plot = TRUE, outpath = getOption("opm.outpath"), ...) {
#' @rdname cellQC
#' @aliases cellQC
setMethod("cellQC", signature = "cellData",
function(object, qcType = getOption("opm.QC.type"),
qc.threshold = getOption("opm.QC.threshold"),
replace.badPlateData = getOption("opm.replace.badPlateData"),
plot = TRUE, outpath = getOption("opm.outpath"), ...) {
tmp <- getOption("opm.QC.threshold")
qc.threshold <- c(qc.threshold, tmp[!names(tmp) %in% names(qc.threshold)])
object@QC.threshold <- qc.threshold
out <- plateQC(object, type = qcType,
qth = qc.threshold["correlation"],
zth = qc.threshold["zfactor"],
plot = plot, outpath = outpath, prefix = object@name, ...)
object@plate.quality <- out$plate.quality <- out$ <- wellQC(out$welldata, out$plate.quality, cell.num = object@cellNum,
type = qcType, replace.badPlateData = replace.badPlateData,
nth = qc.threshold["cellnumber"],
plot = plot, outpath = outpath, prefix = object@name, ...)
#' Hit identification
#' Detects samples those are most different from the negative controls.
#' @param object a cellData object
#' @param method method = c("stable","ksd","kmsd").
#' Details are referred in the vignette.
#' @param th numeric, the thresholds. It can be one threshold for both
#' high and low expressed hit or two thresholds for each respectively.
#' @param thPval numeric, threshold of pvalues in the t-test
#' between the sample and control replicates
#' @param digits integer, the number of digits used to show the thresholds
#' @param adjust.method pvalue correction method
#' @param plot plot QQ-plot when method is "stable" if TRUE.
#' @param outpath directory of output figures, default: getOption("opm.outpath")
#' @param ... arguments of the graphic device
#' @return a \code{cellData} object with initialized slot \code{Sig}.
#' @rdname cellSig
#' @examples
#' data(demoCell)
#' op <- options("device")
#' options("device" = "png")
#' oneCell <- cellSig(oneCell, method = "stable", th = c(0.05, 0.05),
#' outpath = tempdir())
#' options(op)
#' names(oneCell["Sig"])
#' @import stats fBasics stabledist
#' @export
setGeneric("cellSig", function(object, method = c("stable", "ksd", "kmsd"),
th = NULL, thPval = 0.05, digits=3,
adjust.method = p.adjust.methods, plot = TRUE,
outpath = getOption("opm.outpath"), ...) {
#' @rdname cellSig
#' @aliases cellSig
setMethod("cellSig", signature = "cellData", function(
object, method = c("stable","ksd","kmsd"),
th = NULL, thPval = 0.05, digits = 3,
adjust.method = p.adjust.methods, plot = TRUE,
outpath = getOption("opm.outpath"), ...) {
if (is.null(th) & method == "stable") {
th <- c(0.05, 0.05)
} else if (is.null(th) & method != "stable") {
th <- c(3, 3)
} else if (length(th) == 1) {
th <- c(th, th)
} else {
th <- th[1:2]
names(th) <- c("thLow", "thHigh")
if (is.logical([,"pass.wellQC"])) {
goodWellID <- which([,"pass.wellQC"])
} else {
goodWellID <- 1:nrow(
repdata <-[goodWellID,
- grep("pass", colnames(,
drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(repdata) == 0) {
repdata <- repdata[, -ncol(repdata), drop = FALSE]
if (ncol(repdata) < 3) {
message("Cannot obtain p value with replicates less than three.")
if (is.null(thPval) | ncol(repdata) < 3) {
flag <- 0
well.pvalue <- NULL
} else {
flag <- 1
sigP <- sigByTTest(repdata, object@negctrwell,
pth = thPval, adjust.method = adjust.method)
well.pvalue <- sigP$pvalue[match(rownames(,
names(well.pvalue) <- rownames(
gene.exp <-[goodWellID, "mean"]
names(gene.exp) <- rownames([goodWellID,])
sig <- sigDetect(gene.exp, th["thLow"], th["thHigh"], method,
digits = digits, plot = plot,
prefix = object@name, outpath = outpath, ...)
threshold <- c(th, sig$threshold)
SigMat <- sig$sig.matrix & sigP$sig.matrix
SigMat <- sig$sig.matrix
stats <- apply(SigMat,2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
SigMat <- SigMat[match(rownames(,rownames(SigMat)), ,
drop = FALSE]
rownames(SigMat) <- rownames(
object@Sig <- list(SigMat = SigMat,
threshold = threshold,
stats = stats,
pvalue = well.pvalue
#' Mean of two cellData objects
#' Merges the intensities in nucleus and cytoplasm to their averages for
#' signature detection.
#' @param name the name of mean cellData object
#' @param cell1 one cellData object
#' @param cell2 another celldata object
#' @return the mean cellData object
#' @export
#' @rdname cellMean
#' @examples
#' data(demoCell)
#' meanCell <- cellMean(oneCell, oneCell, "meanCell")
#' meanCell
setGeneric("cellMean", function(cell1, cell2, name) {
#' @rdname cellMean
#' @aliases cellMean
signature = c(cell1 = "cellData", cell2 = "cellData", name = "character"),
function(cell1, cell2, name){
oneCell <- cellData(name = name,
expwell = cell1@expwell,
positive.ctr = cell1@posctrwell,
negative.ctr = cell1@negctrwell,
QC.threshold =
apply(rbind(cell1@QC.threshold, cell2@QC.threshold),
1, max, na.rm = TRUE),
norm.method =
unique(c(cell1@norm.method, cell2@norm.method))
) <-
( + / 2 <-
( + / 2
oneCell@plate.quality <- ifelse(
(cell1@plate.quality & cell2@plate.quality), TRUE, FALSE) <- c(,
oneCell@cellNum <- (cell1@cellNum + cell2@cellNum) / 2
ID <- grep("pass", colnames(
if(is.logical([, ID[length(ID)]]) &
is.logical([, ID[length(ID)]])){
qc.pass <-[, ID] &[, ID]
} else{
qc.pass <-[, ID[-length(ID)]] &[, ID[-length(ID)]]
qc.pass <- data.frame(qc.pass, pass.wellQC = rep("-", nrow(qc.pass)))
colnames(qc.pass) <- colnames([, ID]) <- data.frame(
([, -ID] +[, -ID]) / 2,
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