cat(paste("\n Starting at mutPropGrowth long", date(), "\n"))
## Note that many of the tests below where we do a test and have a
## comparison like "whatever$p.value > " are, of course, expected
## to fail with prob. ~ even if things are perfectly OK.
## Why this does not really reflect what we want, and why number of clones
## is better that capture the idea of "more mutations". NumClones reflects
## the creation of a new clone, something that happens whenever there is a
## mutation (that does not land you on a pre-existing clone).
## ## The functions below measure number of mutated positions by summing
## ## number of alleles and dividing by pop.size. But only at final time.
## ## And large pops of clones with few muts remain and swamp.
## popS <- function(out) unlist(lapply(out, function(x) x$TotalPopSize))
## muts <- function(out) {
## popSize <- popS(out)
## gc <- rowSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(out))
## Muts.per.indiv <- na.omit(gc/popSize)
## return(list(PopSize = popSize,
## Muts = gc,
## Muts.per.indiv = Muts.per.indiv,
## = Muts.per.indiv[gc > 0]))
## }
## This is better, but still you need time to allow accumulation of clones
## with many mutations, and those with few remain
mutsPerClone <- function(x, per.pop.mean = TRUE) {
perCl <- function(z)
unlist(lapply(z$GenotypesWDistinctOrderEff, length))
perCl2 <- function(z)
mean(unlist(lapply(z$GenotypesWDistinctOrderEff, length)))
unlist(lapply(x, function(u) perCl2(u)))
lapply(x, function(u) perCl(u))
## RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") ## for the mclapplies
## If crashes I want to see where: thus output seed.
p.value.threshold <- 0.001
## this tests takes 10 seconds. Moved to long. So this was in the standard
## ones.
test_that("mutPropGrowth diffs with s> 0", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n mgp1: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
ft <- 100 ## 4 we are stopping on size
pops <- 50
lni <- 150 ## 100
no <- 1e3 ## 5e1
ni <- c(2, rep(0, lni)) ## 2 ## 4 ## 5
mu <- 1e-5 ## 1e-6
names(ni) <- c("a", paste0("n",
ni <- sample(ni) ## scramble
fe <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
cat("\n mpg1a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
nca <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
mu = mu, detectionSize = 3e4,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
initSize = no, sampleEvery = 0.1,
initMutant = "a", keepEvery = 1,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
cat("\n mpg1c: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
nca2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
mu = mu, detectionSize = 3e4,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
initSize = no, sampleEvery = 0.1,
initMutant = "a", keepEvery = 1,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
summary(nca)[1:20, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
summary(nca2)[1:20, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## I once saw a weird thing
## summary(summary(nca)$NumClones)
## summary(summary(nca2)$NumClones)
## summary(mutsPerClone(nca))
## summary(mutsPerClone(nca2))
## The real comparison
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(summary(nca)$NumClones,
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(mutsPerClone(nca),
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
test_that("mutPropGrowth diffs with s> 0, stopping on time", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n mgp1,ontime : a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
ft <- 2 ## 4 we are stopping on time; sizes are similar
pops <- 50
lni <- 150 ## 100
no <- 1e3 ## 5e1
ni <- c(2, rep(0, lni)) ## 2 ## 4 ## 5
mu <- 1e-5 ## 1e-6
names(ni) <- c("a", paste0("n",
ni <- sample(ni) ## scramble
fe <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
cat("\n mpg1a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
nca <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
mu = mu, detectionSize = 3e9,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
initSize = no, sampleEvery = 0.1,
initMutant = "a", keepEvery = 1,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
cat("\n mpg1c: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
nca2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
mu = mu, detectionSize = 3e9,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
initSize = no, sampleEvery = 0.1,
initMutant = "a", keepEvery = 1,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
summary(nca)[1:20, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
summary(nca2)[1:20, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## I once saw a weird thing
## summary(summary(nca)$NumClones)
## summary(summary(nca2)$NumClones)
## summary(mutsPerClone(nca))
## summary(mutsPerClone(nca2))
## The real comparison
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(summary(nca)$NumClones,
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(mutsPerClone(nca),
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
### Now, test mutPropGrowth does not lead to differences when there are no differences in growth.
## Same settings as other tests with similar names, but now no fitness, so
## no growth. So no effect of mutationPropGrowth. Note that if we carry
## out the tests below when there are differences as in previous tests, we
## p <<< 1e-6.
## Note that these tests will fail, as they are based on p-values, with
## ... well, a frequency given approx. by the p-value. Thus, we do not use
## them in the standard tests. But I run them as part of the long tests;
## if they fail, run again to make sure it is just that an unlikely event
## happened.
test_that("mutPropGrowth no diffs with s = 0", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n mgp1ND: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
ft <- 4 ## There is no growth expected, so stopping on time is
## fine. Actually, the only reasonable thing
pops <- 100
lni <- 150 ## 100
no <- 1e3 ## 5e1
ni <- c(0, rep(0, lni)) ## 2 ## 4 ## 5
mu <- 1e-5 ## 1e-6
names(ni) <- c("a", paste0("n",
ni <- sample(ni) ## scramble
fe <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
cat("\n mpg1NDa: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
nca <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
initSize = no, sampleEvery = 0.1,
initMutant = "a", keepEvery = 1,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
cat("\n mpg1NDc: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
nca2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
initSize = no, sampleEvery = 0.1,
initMutant = "a", keepEvery = 1,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
summary(nca)[1:20, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
summary(nca2)[1:20, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)] <- 1e-3
TTT <- c(TTT, t.test(sqrt(summary(nca)$NumClones),
sqrt(summary(nca2)$NumClones))$p.value >
TTT <- c(TTT, t.test(sqrt(mutsPerClone(nca)),
sqrt(mutsPerClone(nca2)))$p.value >
## I once saw a weird thing
## expect_true(var(summary(nca)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## expect_true(var(summary(nca2)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## summary(summary(nca)$NumClones)
## summary(summary(nca2)$NumClones)
## summary(mutsPerClone(nca))
## summary(mutsPerClone(nca2))
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
test_that("mutPropGrowth no diffs with s = 0, McFL", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n mcfND1: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
ft <- 3
pops <- 200
lni <- 100
no <- 1e3 ## 5e1
ni <- c(0, rep(0, lni)) ## 5
names(ni) <- c("a", paste0("n",
ni <- sample(ni) ## scramble
fe <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
cat("\n mcfND1a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
nca <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
initSize = no,
initMutant = "a", model = "McFL",
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
cat("\n mcfND1c: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
nca2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
initSize = no,
initMutant = "a", model = "McFL",
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## summary(nca)[1:20, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## summary(nca2)[1:20, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## summary(summary(nca)$NumClones)
## summary(summary(nca2)$NumClones)
## summary(mutsPerClone(nca))
## summary(mutsPerClone(nca2)) <- 1e-3
TTT <- c(TTT, t.test(sqrt(summary(nca)$NumClones),
sqrt(summary(nca2)$NumClones))$p.value >
TTT <- c(TTT, t.test(sqrt(mutsPerClone(nca)),
sqrt(mutsPerClone(nca2)))$p.value >
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
test_that("mutPropGrowth no diffs with s = 0, oncoSimulSample", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n oss1: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
ft <- 3.5
pops <- 250
lni <- 200
no <- 1e3
ni <- c(0, rep(0, lni))
mu <- 5e-7
x <- 1e-9
names(ni) <- c("a", paste0("n",
ni <- sample(ni) ## scramble
fe <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
cat("\n oss1a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
nca <- oncoSimulSample(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
initSize = no, sampleEvery = 0.1,
initMutant = "a",
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL,
detectionSize = 1e9,
detectionDrivers = 99,
thresholdWhole = x)
cat("\n oss1c: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
nca2 <- oncoSimulSample(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
initSize = no, sampleEvery = 0.1,
initMutant = "a",
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL,
detectionSize = 1e9,
detectionDrivers = 99,
thresholdWhole = x)
## nca$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
## summary(nca$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
## summary(nca$popSummary[, "TotalPopSize"])
## nca2$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
## summary(nca2$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
## summary(nca2$popSummary[, "TotalPopSize"])
## ## cc1 and cc2 should all be smaller than pops, or you are maxing
## ## things and not seeing patterns
## summary(cc1 <- colSums(nca$popSample))
## summary(cc2 <- colSums(nca2$popSample))
## which(cc1 == pops)
## which(cc2 == pops)
## Of course, these are NOT really mutationsPerClone: we collapse over
## whole population. Ends up being very similar to NumClones, except
## fr the few that go extinct.
mutsPerClone1 <- rowSums(nca$popSample)
mutsPerClone2 <- rowSums(nca2$popSample)
## summary(mutsPerClone1)
## summary(mutsPerClone2) <- 1e-3
TTT <- c(TTT, t.test(sqrt( nca$popSummary[, "NumClones"] ),
sqrt( nca2$popSummary[, "NumClones"] ))$p.value >
TTT <- c(TTT, t.test(sqrt(mutsPerClone1),
sqrt(mutsPerClone2))$p.value >
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
test_that("mutPropGrowth no diffs with s = 0, oncoSimulSample, McFL", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n ossmcfND1: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
ft <- 40 ## 4
pops <- 250
lni <- 200 ## 150
no <- 1e3 ## 5e1
ni <- c(0, rep(0, lni)) ## 2 ## 4 ## 5
mu <- 5e-7 ## 1e-6
x <- 1e-9
names(ni) <- c("a", paste0("n",
ni <- sample(ni) ## scramble
fe <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
cat("\n ossmcfND1a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
nca <- oncoSimulSample(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
mu = mu, model = "McFL",
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
initSize = no, sampleEvery = 0.01,
initMutant = "a",
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL,
detectionSize = 1e9,
detectionDrivers = 99,
thresholdWhole = x)
cat("\n ossmcfND1c: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
nca2 <- oncoSimulSample(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
mu = mu, model = "McFL",
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
initSize = no, sampleEvery = 0.01,
initMutant = "a",
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL,
detectionSize = 1e9,
detectionDrivers = 99,
thresholdWhole = x)
## nca$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
## summary(nca$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
## summary(nca$popSummary[, "TotalPopSize"])
## nca2$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
## summary(nca2$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
## summary(nca2$popSummary[, "TotalPopSize"])
## ## cc1 and cc2 should all be smaller than pops, or you are maxing
## ## things and not seeing patterns
## summary(cc1 <- colSums(nca$popSample))
## summary(cc2 <- colSums(nca2$popSample))
## which(cc1 == pops)
## which(cc2 == pops)
## Of course, these are NOT really mutationsPerClone: we collapse over
## whole population. Ends up being very similar to NumClones, except
## fr the few that go extinct.
mutsPerClone1 <- rowSums(nca$popSample)
mutsPerClone2 <- rowSums(nca2$popSample)
## summary(mutsPerClone1)
## summary(mutsPerClone2) <- 1e-3
TTT <- c(TTT, t.test(sqrt( nca$popSummary[, "NumClones"] ),
sqrt( nca2$popSummary[, "NumClones"] ))$p.value >
TTT <- c(TTT, t.test(sqrt(mutsPerClone1),
sqrt(mutsPerClone2))$p.value >
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
## The tests below can occasionally fail (but that probability decreases
## as we increase number of pops), as they should.
## Some of these tests take some time. For now, show times.
## I got obfuscated in many tests below. They are left as they have some
## interesting ideas for playing, but are not good for testing because
## they take forever.
## Beware of exiting because max number of subjects reached, and that
## could happen sooner for the faster growing, so less time to accumulate
## mutations. Likewise, differences between nca and nca2 depend on large
## enough differences in mutation, and thus a relatively large multiplier
## factor, so a large s.
## Idea is that the mutation will be to the module that increases growth
## rate. And in one case that will lead to increase in mutation rate. But
## we have increased variability in outcome because when that mutant hits
## is, well, stochastic.
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
test_that("oncoSimulSample Without initmutant and modules", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n osS: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
pops <- 70
lni <- 1 ## no fitness effects genes
fni <- 50 ## fitness effects genes
no <- 1e4
ft <- 5 ## we stop on time; sizes are roughly similar
s3 <- 2.5
mu <- 1e-5
## noInt have no fitness effects, but can accumulate mutations
ni <- rep(0, lni)
## Those with fitness effects in one module, so
## neither fitness nor mut. rate blow up
gn <- paste(paste0("a", 1:fni), collapse = ", ")
f3 <- allFitnessEffects(epistasis = c("A" = s3),
geneToModule = c("A" = gn),
noIntGenes = ni)
x <- 1e-9 ## so basically anything that appears once
cat("\n osSa: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b1 <- oncoSimulSample(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
finalTime =ft,
initSize = no,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
sampleEvery = 0.01,
detectionSize = 3e9,
detectionDrivers = 99,
seed =NULL,
thresholdWhole = x)
cat("\n osSb: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b2 <- oncoSimulSample(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
finalTime =ft,
initSize = no,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
sampleEvery = 0.01,
detectionSize = 3e9,
detectionDrivers = 99,
seed =NULL,
thresholdWhole = x)
b2$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
b1$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
summary(b2$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
summary(b1$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
summary(b2$popSummary[, "TotalPopSize"])
summary(b1$popSummary[, "TotalPopSize"])
## cc1 and cc2 should all be smaller than pops, or you are maxing
## things and not seeing patterns
(cc1 <- colSums(b1$popSample))
(cc2 <- colSums(b2$popSample))
## Of course, these are NOT really mutationsPerClone: we collapse over
## whole population.
(mutsPerClone1 <- rowSums(b1$popSample))
(mutsPerClone2 <- rowSums(b2$popSample))
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(mutsPerClone2,
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(b2$popSummary[, "NumClones"],
b1$popSummary[, "NumClones"],
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
test_that("oncoSimulSample Without initmutant and modules, McFL", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n osSMcFL: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
pops <- 90
lni <- 1 ## no fitness effects genes
fni <- 50 ## fitness effects genes
no <- 1e4 ## note we use only 10 in the other example below
ft <- 10 ## stopping on time and sizes are roughly similar
s3 <- 2.5
mu <- 1e-5
## noInt have no fitness effects, but can accumulate mutations
ni <- rep(0, lni)
## Those with fitness effects in one module, so
## neither fitness nor mut. rate blow up
gn <- paste(paste0("a", 1:fni), collapse = ", ")
f3 <- allFitnessEffects(epistasis = c("A" = s3),
geneToModule = c("A" = gn),
noIntGenes = ni)
x <- 1e-9 ## 1/no
cat("\n osSMcFLa: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b1 <- oncoSimulSample(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
finalTime =ft,
initSize = no,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
sampleEvery = 0.01,
detectionSize = 5e9,
detectionDrivers = 99,
seed =NULL,
model = "McFL",
thresholdWhole = x)
cat("\n osSMcFLb: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b2 <- oncoSimulSample(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
finalTime =ft,
initSize = no,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
sampleEvery = 0.01,
detectionSize = 5e9,
detectionDrivers = 99,
seed =NULL,
model = "McFL",
thresholdWhole = x)
b1$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
summary(b1$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
summary(b1$popSummary[, "TotalPopSize"])
b2$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
summary(b2$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
summary(b2$popSummary[, "TotalPopSize"])
## cc1 and cc2 should all be smaller than pops, or you are maxing
## things and not seeing patterns
(cc1 <- colSums(b1$popSample))
(cc2 <- colSums(b2$popSample))
(mutsPerClone1 <- rowSums(b1$popSample))
(mutsPerClone2 <- rowSums(b2$popSample))
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(mutsPerClone2,
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(b2$popSummary[, "NumClones"],
b1$popSummary[, "NumClones"],
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
## Same as above, but we stop in detectionSize, so no differences are
## attributable just to differences in population size.
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
test_that("oncoSimulSample Without initmutant and modules, fixed size", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n osSFPS: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
pops <- 90
lni <- 1 ## no fitness effects genes
fni <- 50 ## fitness effects genes
no <- 1e4
ft <- 900 ## stopping on size
s3 <- 2.5
mu <- 1e-5
## noInt have no fitness effects, but can accumulate mutations
ni <- rep(0, lni)
## Those with fitness effects in one module, so
## neither fitness nor mut. rate blow up
gn <- paste(paste0("a", 1:fni), collapse = ", ")
f3 <- allFitnessEffects(epistasis = c("A" = s3),
geneToModule = c("A" = gn),
noIntGenes = ni)
x <- 1e-9 ## so basically anything that appears once
cat("\n osSFPSa: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b1 <- oncoSimulSample(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
finalTime =ft,
initSize = no,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
sampleEvery = 0.01,
detectionSize = 6e4,
detectionDrivers = 99,
seed =NULL,
thresholdWhole = x)
cat("\n osSFPSb: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b2 <- oncoSimulSample(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
finalTime =ft,
initSize = no,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
sampleEvery = 0.01,
detectionSize = 6e4,
detectionDrivers = 99,
seed =NULL,
thresholdWhole = x)
b1$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
summary(b1$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
summary(b1$popSummary[, "TotalPopSize"])
b2$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
summary(b2$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
summary(b2$popSummary[, "TotalPopSize"])
## cc1 and cc2 should all be smaller than pops, or you are maxing
## things and not seeing patterns
(cc1 <- colSums(b1$popSample))
(cc2 <- colSums(b2$popSample))
## Of course, these are NOT really mutationsPerClone: we collapse over
## whole population.
(mutsPerClone1 <- rowSums(b1$popSample))
(mutsPerClone2 <- rowSums(b2$popSample))
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(mutsPerClone2,
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(b2$popSummary[, "NumClones"],
b1$popSummary[, "NumClones"],
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
test_that("oncoSimulSample Without initmutant and modules, McFL, fixed size", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n osSFPSMcFL: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
pops <- 70
lni <- 1 ## no fitness effects genes
fni <- 50 ## fitness effects genes
no <- 1e4 ## note we use only 10 in the other example below
ft <- 1000 ## stop on size
s3 <- 2.5
mu <- 1e-5
## noInt have no fitness effects, but can accumulate mutations
ni <- rep(0, lni)
## Those with fitness effects in one module, so
## neither fitness nor mut. rate blow up
gn <- paste(paste0("a", 1:fni), collapse = ", ")
f3 <- allFitnessEffects(epistasis = c("A" = s3),
geneToModule = c("A" = gn),
noIntGenes = ni)
x <- 1e-9 ## 1/no
cat("\n osSFPSMcFLa: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b1 <- oncoSimulSample(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
finalTime =ft,
initSize = no,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
sampleEvery = 0.01,
detectionSize = 5e4,
detectionDrivers = 99,
seed =NULL,
model = "McFL",
thresholdWhole = x)
cat("\n osSFPSMcFLb: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b2 <- oncoSimulSample(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
finalTime =ft,
initSize = no,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
sampleEvery = 0.01,
detectionSize = 5e4,
detectionDrivers = 99,
seed =NULL,
model = "McFL",
thresholdWhole = x)
b1$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
summary(b1$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
summary(b1$popSummary[, "TotalPopSize"])
b2$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
summary(b2$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
summary(b2$popSummary[, "TotalPopSize"])
## cc1 and cc2 should all be smaller than pops, or you are maxing
## things and not seeing patterns
(cc1 <- colSums(b1$popSample))
(cc2 <- colSums(b2$popSample))
(mutsPerClone1 <- rowSums(b1$popSample))
(mutsPerClone2 <- rowSums(b2$popSample))
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(mutsPerClone2,
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(b2$popSummary[, "NumClones"],
b1$popSummary[, "NumClones"],
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
## Psss ideas. The idea here is that you hit the module with fitness
## effects, that sets things to grow, and then you either have or not
## mutation proportional to growth.
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
test_that("Without initmutant", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n s3: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
pops <- 50
lni <- 1 ## no fitness effects genes
fni <- 50 ## fitness effects genes
no <- 1e3
ft <- 5 ## we stop on time; below we repeat stopping on size
ds <- 1e9
s3 <- 3.0
mu <- 5e-5 ## easier to see
## noInt have no fitness effects, but can accumulate mutations
ni <- rep(0, lni)
## Those with fitness effects in one module, so
## neither fitness nor mut. rate blow up
gn <- paste(paste0("a", 1:fni), collapse = ", ")
f3 <- allFitnessEffects(epistasis = c("A" = s3),
geneToModule = c("A" = gn),
noIntGenes = ni)
cat("\n s3a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n") <- oncoSimulPop(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE, sampleEvery = 0.01,
finalTime =ft, detectionSize = ds,
initSize = no, detectionDrivers = 99999,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
cat("\n s3b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
s3.g <- oncoSimulPop(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE, sampleEvery = 0.01,
finalTime =ft, detectionSize = ds,
initSize = no,, detectionDrivers = 99999,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
summary(s3.g)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
summary([, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(mutsPerClone(s3.g),
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(summary(s3.g)$NumClones,
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
test_that("Without initmutant, 2", {
## More of the above. Use smaller s2 and smaller mutation, but then to
## see it reliably you need large ft and we also increase
## init. pop. size. Variability is huge specially because we stop on time.
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n s2: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
s2 <- 1.0
ft <- 6
ds <- 1e9
pops <- 200
lni <- 1 ## no fitness effects genes
fni <- 200 ## fitness effects genes
no <- 1e4
mu <- 5e-6 ## easier to see
## noInt have no fitness effects, but can accumulate mutations
ni <- rep(0, lni)
## Those with fitness effects in one module, so
## neither fitness nor mut. rate blow up
gn <- paste(paste0("a", 1:fni), collapse = ", ")
f2 <- allFitnessEffects(epistasis = c("A" = s2),
geneToModule = c("A" = gn),
noIntGenes = ni) <- oncoSimulPop(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE, sampleEvery = 0.01,
finalTime =ft, detectionSize = ds,
initSize = no, detectionDrivers = 99999,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
cat("\n s2b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
s2.g <- oncoSimulPop(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE, sampleEvery = 0.01,
finalTime =ft, detectionSize = ds,
initSize = no, detectionDrivers = 99999,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
if(! (inherits(, "oncosimulpop") &&
inherits(s2.g, "oncosimulpop"))) {
} else {
if(TTT) {
summary(s2.g)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
summary([, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(mutsPerClone(s2.g),
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(summary(s2.g)$NumClones,
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
test_that("McFL: Without initmutant", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n mcfls2: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
s2 <- 2.0
ft <- 250 ## which is similar to size, as we are in the plateau
pops <- 100
lni <- 1 ## no fitness effects genes
fni <- 50 ## fitness effects genes
no <- 1e3
mu <- 1e-5 ## easier to see
## noInt have no fitness effects, but can accumulate mutations
ni <- rep(0, lni)
## Those with fitness effects in one module, so
## neither fitness nor mut. rate blow up
gn <- paste(paste0("a", 1:fni), collapse = ", ")
f2 <- allFitnessEffects(epistasis = c("A" = s2),
geneToModule = c("A" = gn),
noIntGenes = ni)
cat("\n mcfls2a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n") <- oncoSimulPop(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
finalTime =ft,
initSize = no, keepEvery = 5,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, model = "McFL",
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
cat("\n mcfls2b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
s2.g <- oncoSimulPop(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
finalTime =ft,
initSize = no, keepEvery = 5,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, model = "McFL",
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
summary(s2.g)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
summary([, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(mutsPerClone(s2.g),
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(summary(s2.g)$NumClones,
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
## summary(mutsPerClone(s2.g))
## summary(mutsPerClone(
## summary(summary(s2.g)$NumClones)
## summary(summary($NumClones)
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
### As before, but fixing final population size.
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
test_that("detectionSize. Without initmutant", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n s3FPS: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
pops <- 200
lni <- 1 ## no fitness effects genes
fni <- 50 ## fitness effects genes
no <- 1e3
ft <- 10 ## 5
s3 <- 3.0
mu <- 5e-5 ## easier to see
## noInt have no fitness effects, but can accumulate mutations
ni <- rep(0, lni)
## Those with fitness effects in one module, so
## neither fitness nor mut. rate blow up
gn <- paste(paste0("a", 1:fni), collapse = ", ")
f3 <- allFitnessEffects(epistasis = c("A" = s3),
geneToModule = c("A" = gn),
noIntGenes = ni)
cat("\n s3FPSa: a runif is", runif(1), "\n") <- oncoSimulPop(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
detectionDrivers = 9999,
detectionSize = 5e5,
sampleEvery = 0.01,
keepEvery = 1,
finalTime =ft,
initSize = no,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
cat("\n s3FPSb: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
s3.g <- oncoSimulPop(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
detectionDrivers = 9999,
detectionSize = 5e5,
sampleEvery = 0.01,
keepEvery = 1,
finalTime =ft,
initSize = no,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## summary(s3.g)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## summary([, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(mutsPerClone(s3.g),
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(summary(s3.g)$NumClones,
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
summary(summary(s3.g)[, 2])
summary(summary([, 2])
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
test_that("detectionSize. Without initmutant, 2", {
## More of the above. Use smaller s2 and smaller mutation, but then to
## see it reliably you need large final popsize
## Can fail sometimes because differences are small
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n s2FPS: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
s2 <- 1.0
ft <- 500 ## very large, so we stop on size
pops <- 200
fni <- 300 ## fitness effects genes
no <- 1e3
mu <- 5e-6
## noInt have no fitness effects, but can accumulate mutations
## Those with fitness effects in one module, so
## neither fitness nor mut. rate blow up
gn <- paste(paste0("a", 1:fni), collapse = ", ")
f2 <- allFitnessEffects(epistasis = c("A" = s2),
geneToModule = c("A" = gn))
cat("\n s2FPSa: a runif is", runif(1), "\n") <- oncoSimulPop(pops,
mu = mu,
detectionDrivers = 9999,
detectionSize = 5e6,
sampleEvery = 0.01,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
finalTime =ft,
initSize = no, keepEvery = 1,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
cat("\n s2FPSb: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
s2.g <- oncoSimulPop(pops,
mu = mu,
detectionDrivers = 9999,
detectionSize = 5e6,
sampleEvery = 0.01,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
finalTime =ft,
initSize = no, keepEvery = 1,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## summary(s2.g)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## summary([, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(mutsPerClone(s2.g),
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(summary(s2.g)$NumClones,
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
summary(summary(s2.g)[, 2])
summary(summary([, 2])
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
test_that("detectionSize. McFL: Without initmutant", {
## with McFL limiting popSize in the simuls is not that relevant, as
## already limited.
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n FPSmcfls2: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
s2 <- 2.0
ft <- 250
pops <- 300 ## 200
lni <- 1 ## no fitness effects genes
fni <- 50 ## fitness effects genes
no <- 1e3
mu <- 1e-5 ## easier to see
## noInt have no fitness effects, but can accumulate mutations
ni <- rep(0, lni)
## Those with fitness effects in one module, so
## neither fitness nor mut. rate blow up
gn <- paste(paste0("a", 1:fni), collapse = ", ")
f2 <- allFitnessEffects(epistasis = c("A" = s2),
geneToModule = c("A" = gn),
noIntGenes = ni)
cat("\n FPSmcfls2a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n") <- oncoSimulPop(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
finalTime =ft,
detectionDrivers = 9999,
detectionSize = 1e4,
sampleEvery = 0.01,
initSize = no, keepEvery = 5,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, model = "McFL",
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
cat("\n FPSmcfls2b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
s2.g <- oncoSimulPop(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
finalTime =ft,
detectionDrivers = 9999,
detectionSize = 1e4,
sampleEvery = 0.01,
initSize = no, keepEvery = 5,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, model = "McFL",
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## summary(s2.g)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## summary([, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(mutsPerClone(s2.g),
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(summary(s2.g)$NumClones,
alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
summary(summary(s2.g)[, 2])
summary(summary([, 2])
## summary(mutsPerClone(s2.g))
## summary(mutsPerClone(
## summary(summary(s2.g)$NumClones)
## summary(summary($NumClones)
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
cat(paste("\n Ending mutPropGrwoth-long at", date(), "\n"))
## This comparison is actually a mess. If we stop on size, the very
## fast growing ones have been growing for a lot less, so they cannot
## have accumulated the same number of mutations.
## We are mixing phenomena here. This is a bad test.
## date()
## test_that("Ordering of number of clones with mutpropgrowth", {
## ## So here, we stop on time, not size, because of the huge differences
## ## in growth rate.
## max.tries <- 4
## for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
## TTT <- NULL
## cat("\n omp1: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## pops <- 100
## lni <- 200
## no <- 5e3
## ni <- c(4, 2, rep(0, lni))
## ft <- 2
## ds <- 5e8
## names(ni) <- c("a", "b", paste0("n",
## fe <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
## cat("\n omp1a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft, detectionSize = ds,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## initSize = no, sampleEvery = 0.01,
## initMutant = "a",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## cat("\n omp1b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft, detectionSize = ds,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## initSize = no,sampleEvery = 0.01,
## initMutant = "b",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## cat("\n omp1c: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft, detectionSize = ds,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## initSize = no,sampleEvery = 0.01,
## initMutant = "a",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## cat("\n omp1d: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft, detectionSize = ds,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## initSize = no,sampleEvery = 0.01,
## initMutant = "b",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## summary(nca)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## summary(ncb)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## summary(nca2)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## summary(ncb2)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## ## The real comparison
## TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(summary(nca)$NumClones,
## summary(nca2)$NumClones,
## alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
## TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(summary(nca)$NumClones,
## summary(ncb)$NumClones,
## alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
## TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(summary(ncb)$NumClones,
## summary(ncb2)$NumClones,
## alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
## if( all(TTT) ) break;
## }
## cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
## expect_true(all(TTT))
## })
## cat("\n", date(), "\n")
## cat("\n", date(), "\n")
## test_that("Ordering of number of clones with mutpropgrowth, McFL", {
## max.tries <- 4
## for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
## TTT <- NULL
## cat("\n omp2: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## pops <- 10
## lni <- 200
## no <- 5e3
## ni <- c(5, 2, rep(0, lni))
## ft <- 20
## ds <- 1e5
## names(ni) <- c("a", "b", paste0("n",
## fe <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
## cat("\n omp2a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft, detectionSize = ds,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## initSize = no, model = "McFL",
## initMutant = "a",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## cat("\n omp2b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft, detectionSize = ds,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## initSize = no, model = "McFL",
## initMutant = "b",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## cat("\n omp2c: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft, detectionSize = ds,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## initSize = no, model = "McFL",
## initMutant = "a",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## cat("\n omp2d: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft, detectionSize = ds,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## initSize = no, model = "McFL",
## initMutant = "b",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## summary(nca)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## summary(ncb)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## summary(nca2)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## summary(ncb2)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## ## The real comparison
## TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(summary(nca)$NumClones,
## summary(nca2)$NumClones,
## alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
## TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(summary(nca)$NumClones,
## summary(ncb)$NumClones,
## alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
## TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(summary(ncb)$NumClones,
## summary(ncb2)$NumClones,
## alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
## if( all(TTT) ) break;
## }
## cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
## expect_true(all(TTT))
## })
## ## This generally works, but not always. Because: a) starting with a you
## ## can get a mutation in b. Or starting with b you can get a mutation in
## ## a. When either happens is stochastic. And we are also mixing the
## ## mutation proportional to birth with the simple increase in clones due
## ## to larger pop sizes. So this ain't a good test. When you start, say,
## ## from b and you hit a soon, you can get HUGE growth rates and that
## ## induces huge variability, slow times, etc.
## cat("\n", date(), "\n")
## test_that("Ordering of number of clones and mutsPerClone with mutpropgrowth, 1", {
## cat("\n mpc1: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ft <- 2.5
## pops <- 200
## lni <- 500 ## with, say, 40 or a 100, sometimes fails the comparisons
## ## with small differences.
## no <- 10
## ni <- c(5, 3, rep(0, lni))
## names(ni) <- c("a", "b", paste0("n",
## fe <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
## cat("\n mpc1a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## initSize = no,
## initMutant = "a",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## cat("\n mpc1b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## initSize = no,
## initMutant = "b",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## cat("\n mpc1c: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## initSize = no,
## initMutant = "a",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## cat("\n mpc1d: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## initSize = no,
## initMutant = "b",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## expect_true(var(summary(nca)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## expect_true(var(summary(ncb)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## expect_true(var(summary(nca2)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## expect_true(var(summary(ncb2)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## ## The real comparison
## expect_true( median(summary(nca)$NumClones) >
## median(summary(ncb)$NumClones))
## expect_true( median(summary(ncb)$NumClones) >
## median(summary(ncb2)$NumClones))
## expect_true( mean(mutsPerClone(nca)) >
## mean(mutsPerClone(ncb)))
## expect_true( mean(mutsPerClone(ncb)) >
## mean(mutsPerClone(ncb2)))
## ## These can fail in this case, since small diffs. as small mutlipliers
## expect_true( mean(mutsPerClone(nca)) >
## mean(mutsPerClone(nca2)))
## expect_true( median(summary(nca)$NumClones) >
## median(summary(nca2)$NumClones))
## ## In this cases, we would expect differences in total population size
## ## between a and a2, but minor or non detectable between b and b2. In
## ## a we expect them because, since those affect a lot the mutation
## ## rate, we expect them to get b faster, and thus grow faster noticeably.
## gc()
## })
## cat("\n", date(), "\n")
## cat("\n", date(), "\n")
## test_that("Ordering of number of clones and mutsPerClone with mutpropgrowth, 3", {
## cat("\n mpc3: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ## The s coefficient is small, and so small differences. Here, much large
## ## mu
## ft <- 12 ## going beyond 13 or so, gets it to bail because of reaching max
## ## pop in nca
## pops <- 200
## lni <- 50
## no <- 10
## ni <- c(1.0, 0.8, rep(0, lni))
## mu <- 1e-5
## names(ni) <- c("a", "b", paste0("n",
## fe <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
## cat("\n mpc3a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## mu = mu,
## initSize = no, keepEvery = 1,
## initMutant = "a",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## cat("\n mpc3b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## mu = mu,
## initSize = no, keepEvery = 1,
## initMutant = "b",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## cat("\n mpc3c: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## mu = mu,
## initSize = no, keepEvery = 1,
## initMutant = "a",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## cat("\n mpc3d: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## mu = mu,
## initSize = no, keepEvery = 1,
## initMutant = "b",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## expect_true(var(summary(nca)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## expect_true(var(summary(ncb)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## expect_true(var(summary(nca2)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## expect_true(var(summary(ncb2)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## ## The real comparison
## expect_true( median(summary(nca)$NumClones) >
## median(summary(ncb)$NumClones))
## expect_true( median(summary(ncb)$NumClones) >
## median(summary(ncb2)$NumClones))
## expect_true( mean(mutsPerClone(nca)) >
## mean(mutsPerClone(ncb)))
## expect_true( mean(mutsPerClone(ncb)) >
## mean(mutsPerClone(ncb2)))
## ## These can fail in this case, since small diffs. as small mutlipliers
## expect_true( mean(mutsPerClone(nca)) >
## mean(mutsPerClone(nca2)))
## expect_true( median(summary(nca)$NumClones) >
## median(summary(nca2)$NumClones))
## gc()
## })
## cat("\n", date(), "\n")
## test_that("McFL: Ordering of number of clones and mutsPerClone with mutpropgrowth, 1", {
## cat("\n mpcmcf1: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ft <- 20 ## unless large you rarely get triple, etc, mutatns
## pops <- 200
## lni <- 50
## no <- 1e3
## ni <- c(3, 1.5, rep(0, lni))
## names(ni) <- c("a", "b", paste0("n",
## fe <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
## cat("\n mpcm1a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## initSize = no, model = "McFL",
## initMutant = "a", keepEvery = 1,
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## cat("\n mpcm1b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## initSize = no, model = "McFL",
## initMutant = "b", keepEvery = 1,
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## cat("\n mpcm1c: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## initSize = no, model = "McFL",
## initMutant = "a", keepEvery = 1,
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## cat("\n mpcm1d: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## initSize = no, model = "McFL",
## initMutant = "b", keepEvery = 1,
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## expect_true(var(summary(nca)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## expect_true(var(summary(ncb)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## expect_true(var(summary(nca2)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## expect_true(var(summary(ncb2)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## ## The real comparison
## expect_true( median(summary(nca)$NumClones) >
## median(summary(ncb)$NumClones))
## expect_true( median(summary(ncb)$NumClones) >
## median(summary(ncb2)$NumClones))
## expect_true( mean(mutsPerClone(nca)) >
## mean(mutsPerClone(ncb)))
## expect_true( mean(mutsPerClone(ncb)) >
## mean(mutsPerClone(ncb2)))
## ## These can fail in this case, since small diffs. as small mutlipliers
## expect_true( mean(mutsPerClone(nca)) >
## mean(mutsPerClone(nca2)))
## expect_true( median(summary(nca)$NumClones) >
## median(summary(nca2)$NumClones))
## gc()
## })
## cat("\n", date(), "\n")
## ## A variation of the former
## cat("\n", date(), "\n")
## test_that("McFL: Ordering of number of clones and mutsPerClone with mutpropgrowth, 2", {
## cat("\n mpcmcf2: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ## Increase ft
## ft <- 350
## pops <- 150
## lni <- 30
## no <- 1e3
## ni <- c(2, 0.8, rep(0, lni))
## names(ni) <- c("a", "b", paste0("n",
## fe <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
## cat("\n mpcmcf2a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## initSize = no, model = "McFL",
## initMutant = "a", keepEvery = 1,
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## cat("\n mpcmcf2b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## initSize = no, model = "McFL",
## initMutant = "b", keepEvery = 1,
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## cat("\n mpcmcf2c: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## initSize = no, model = "McFL",
## initMutant = "a", keepEvery = 1,
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## cat("\n mpcmcf2d: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## initSize = no, model = "McFL",
## initMutant = "b", keepEvery = 1,
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## ## summary(nca)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## ## summary(nca2)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## ## summary(ncb)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## ## summary(ncb2)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## expect_true(var(summary(nca)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## expect_true(var(summary(ncb)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## expect_true(var(summary(nca2)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## expect_true(var(summary(ncb2)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## ## The real comparison
## expect_true( median(summary(nca)$NumClones) >
## median(summary(ncb)$NumClones))
## expect_true( median(summary(ncb)$NumClones) >
## median(summary(ncb2)$NumClones))
## expect_true( median(summary(nca)$NumClones) >
## median(summary(nca2)$NumClones))
## expect_true( mean(mutsPerClone(nca)) >
## mean(mutsPerClone(ncb)))
## expect_true( mean(mutsPerClone(nca)) >
## mean(mutsPerClone(nca2)))
## expect_true( mean(mutsPerClone(ncb)) >
## mean(mutsPerClone(ncb2)))
## ## These can fail in this case, since small diffs. as small mutlipliers
## gc()
## })
## date()
## ## When diffs are very tiny in s, as we increase ft, it is easy to get a
## ## mutant in the second gene with non-zero s and thus the growth rates
## ## will be the same and there will be no differences. This is exacerbated
## ## with McFL as the less fit clone disappears
## ## We take this further below. When we init from a1 below, we start from a
## ## clone with smaller growth rate. But there are many b to jump
## ## to. However, if you start from b, you can only increase birth rate
## ## mutating exactly one a. Thus, over moderate finalTimes, starting a a
## ## will lead to more clones, etc
## ## But, as above, this can fail if you hit the unlikely gene.
## cat("\n", date(), "\n")
## test_that("McFL: Ordering of number of clones and mutsPerClone with mutpropgrowth, and different mmodules",{
## cat("\n mpcmcf3: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ft <- 10
## pops <- 200
## mu <- 1e-5
## lni <- 10
## fni <- 50
## no <- 1e4
## s1 <- 0.9
## s2 <- 1
## gn <- paste(paste0("b", 1:fni), collapse = ", ")
## ni <- rep(0, lni)
## names(ni) <- paste0("n",
## f1 <- allFitnessEffects(epistasis = c("A" = s1,
## "B" = s2),
## geneToModule = c("A" = "a1",
## "B" = gn),
## noIntGenes = ni)
## cat("\n mpcmcf3a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca <- oncoSimulPop(pops, f1, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## mu = mu, keepEvery = 1,
## initSize = no, model = "McFL",
## initMutant = "a1",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## cat("\n mpcmcf3b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb <- oncoSimulPop(pops, f1, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## mu = mu, keepEvery = 1,
## initSize = no, model = "McFL",
## initMutant = "b1",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## ## OK, but it also happens below just because init a1 eventually grows
## ## faster, so larger pop, so more mutants, etc
## ## We could try just counting the number of mutation events, but we would
## ## need to standardize by total time of life over all cells.
## ## As growth rates are faster (those that start with a, here, and then
## ## get a b), even when mutationPropGrowth is false, the population
## ## gets larger. And thus, it is easier to get a clone with three
## ## mutations, etc.
## gc()
## cat("\n mpcmcf3c: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, f1, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## mu = mu, keepEvery = 1,
## initSize = no, model = "McFL",
## initMutant = "a1",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc();
## cat("\n mpcmcf3d: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, f1, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## mu = mu, keepEvery = 1,
## initSize = no, model = "McFL",
## initMutant = "b1",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## expect_true(var(summary(nca)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## expect_true(var(summary(ncb)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## expect_true(var(summary(nca2)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## expect_true(var(summary(ncb2)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## ## The real comparison
## expect_true( median(summary(nca)$NumClones) >
## median(summary(ncb)$NumClones))
## expect_true( median(summary(ncb)$NumClones) >
## median(summary(ncb2)$NumClones))
## expect_true( mean(mutsPerClone(nca)) >
## mean(mutsPerClone(ncb)))
## expect_true( mean(mutsPerClone(ncb)) >
## mean(mutsPerClone(ncb2)))
## ## These can fail in this case, since small diffs. as small mutlipliers
## expect_true( mean(mutsPerClone(nca)) >
## mean(mutsPerClone(nca2)))
## expect_true( median(summary(nca)$NumClones) >
## median(summary(nca2)$NumClones))
## gc()
## })
## cat("\n", date(), "\n")
## test_that("Ordering of number of clones and mutsPerClone with initMutant and modules, oncoSimulSample", {
## cat("\n ossmpc1: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ft <- 2
## pops <- 400
## lni <- 500 ## with, say, 40 or a 100, sometimes fails the comparisons
## ## with small differences.
## no <- 10
## x <- 1e-40
## ni <- c(5, 3, rep(0, lni))
## names(ni) <- c("a", "b", paste0("n",
## fe <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
## cat("\n ossmpc1a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca <- oncoSimulSample(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## initSize = no,
## initMutant = "a",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, sampleEvery = 0.01,
## detectionSize = 1e9,
## detectionDrivers = 99,
## seed =NULL, max.wall.time = 3000,
## thresholdWhole = x)
## gc();
## cat("\n ossmpc1b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb <- oncoSimulSample(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## initSize = no,
## initMutant = "b",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, sampleEvery = 0.01,
## detectionSize = 1e9,
## detectionDrivers = 99,
## seed =NULL, max.wall.time = 3000,
## thresholdWhole = x)
## gc();
## cat("\n ossmpc1c: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca2 <- oncoSimulSample(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## initSize = no,
## initMutant = "a",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, sampleEvery = 0.01,
## detectionSize = 1e9,
## detectionDrivers = 99,
## seed =NULL, max.wall.time = 3000,
## thresholdWhole = x)
## gc();
## cat("\n ossmpc1d: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb2 <- oncoSimulSample(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## initSize = no,
## initMutant = "b",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, sampleEvery = 0.01,
## detectionSize = 1e9,
## detectionDrivers = 99,
## seed =NULL, max.wall.time = 3000,
## thresholdWhole = x)
## ## nca$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
## ## ncb$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
## ## nca2$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
## ## ncb2$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
## ## summary(nca$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
## ## summary(ncb$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
## ## summary(nca2$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
## ## summary(ncb2$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
## ## cat("\n mutsperclone\n")
## ## summary(mutsPerCloneNCA <- rowSums(nca$popSample))
## ## summary(mutsPerCloneNCB <- rowSums(ncb$popSample))
## ## summary(mutsPerCloneNCA2 <- rowSums(nca2$popSample))
## ## summary(mutsPerCloneNCB2 <- rowSums(ncb2$popSample))
## ## (cc1 <- colSums(nca$popSample))
## ## Because of how we do the "mutsPerClone", mutsPerClone almost the
## ## same ans number of clones (except for the few cases when a clone
## ## has gone extinct)
## if(!is.array(nca$popSample)) {
## ## occasionally, I get funny things
## warning("nca$popSample not an array")
## cat(class(nca$popSample))
## cat(dim(nca$popSample))
## cat(str(nca$popSample))
## }
## mutsPerCloneNCA <- rowSums(nca$popSample)
## mutsPerCloneNCB <- rowSums(ncb$popSample)
## mutsPerCloneNCA2 <- rowSums(nca2$popSample)
## mutsPerCloneNCB2 <- rowSums(ncb2$popSample)
## expect_true( median(mutsPerCloneNCA) >
## median(mutsPerCloneNCA2))
## expect_true( median(mutsPerCloneNCB) >
## median(mutsPerCloneNCB2))
## expect_true( median(mutsPerCloneNCA) >
## median(mutsPerCloneNCB))
## expect_true( median(nca$popSummary[, "NumClones"]) >
## median(nca2$popSummary[, "NumClones"]))
## expect_true( median(ncb$popSummary[, "NumClones"]) >
## median(ncb2$popSummary[, "NumClones"]))
## expect_true( median(nca$popSummary[, "NumClones"]) >
## median(ncb$popSummary[, "NumClones"]))
## gc()
## })
## cat("\n", date(), "\n")
## cat("\n", date(), "\n")
## test_that("Ordering of number of clones and mutsPerClone with initMutant and modules, oncoSimulSample, McFL", {
## cat("\n ossmpc1McFL: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ft <- 2
## pops <- 200 ## 200
## lni <- 500 ## with, say, 40 or a 100, sometimes fails the comparisons
## ## with small differences.
## no <- 100
## x <- 1e-40
## ni <- c(5, 3, rep(0, lni))
## names(ni) <- c("a", "b", paste0("n",
## fe <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
## cat("\n ossmpc1McFLa: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca <- oncoSimulSample(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## initSize = no,
## initMutant = "a", model = "McFL",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, sampleEvery = 0.01,
## detectionSize = 1e9,
## detectionDrivers = 99,
## seed =NULL, max.wall.time = 3000,
## thresholdWhole = x)
## gc();
## cat("\n ossmpc1McFLb: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb <- oncoSimulSample(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## initSize = no,
## initMutant = "b", model = "McFL",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, sampleEvery = 0.01,
## detectionSize = 1e9,
## detectionDrivers = 99,
## seed =NULL, max.wall.time = 3000,
## thresholdWhole = x)
## gc();
## cat("\n ossmpc1McFLc: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca2 <- oncoSimulSample(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## initSize = no,
## initMutant = "a", model = "McFL",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, sampleEvery = 0.01,
## detectionSize = 1e9,
## detectionDrivers = 99,
## seed =NULL, max.wall.time = 3000,
## thresholdWhole = x)
## gc();
## cat("\n ossmpc1McFLd: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb2 <- oncoSimulSample(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## initSize = no,
## initMutant = "b", model = "McFL",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, sampleEvery = 0.01,
## detectionSize = 1e9,
## detectionDrivers = 99,
## seed =NULL, max.wall.time = 3000,
## thresholdWhole = x)
## ## nca$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
## ## ncb$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
## ## nca2$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
## ## ncb2$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
## ## summary(nca$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
## ## summary(ncb$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
## ## summary(nca2$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
## ## summary(ncb2$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
## ## cat("\n mutsperclone\n")
## ## summary(mutsPerCloneNCA <- rowSums(nca$popSample))
## ## summary(mutsPerCloneNCB <- rowSums(ncb$popSample))
## ## summary(mutsPerCloneNCA2 <- rowSums(nca2$popSample))
## ## summary(mutsPerCloneNCB2 <- rowSums(ncb2$popSample))
## ## (cc1 <- colSums(nca$popSample))
## ## Because of how we do the "mutsPerClone", mutsPerClone almost the
## ## same ans number of clones (except for the few cases when a clone
## ## has gone extinct)
## if(!is.array(nca$popSample)) {
## ## occasionally, I get funny things
## warning("nca$popSample not an array")
## cat(class(nca$popSample))
## cat(dim(nca$popSample))
## cat(str(nca$popSample))
## }
## if(!is.array(ncb$popSample)) {
## ## occasionally, I get funny things
## warning("ncb$popSample not an array")
## cat(class(ncb$popSample))
## cat(dim(ncb$popSample))
## cat(str(ncb$popSample))
## }
## mutsPerCloneNCA <- rowSums(nca$popSample)
## mutsPerCloneNCB <- rowSums(ncb$popSample)
## mutsPerCloneNCA2 <- rowSums(nca2$popSample)
## mutsPerCloneNCB2 <- rowSums(ncb2$popSample)
## ## median, because occasionally we can get something far out.
## expect_true( median(mutsPerCloneNCA) >
## median(mutsPerCloneNCA2))
## expect_true( median(mutsPerCloneNCB) >
## median(mutsPerCloneNCB2))
## expect_true( median(mutsPerCloneNCA) >
## median(mutsPerCloneNCB))
## expect_true( median(nca$popSummary[, "NumClones"]) >
## median(nca2$popSummary[, "NumClones"]))
## expect_true( median(ncb$popSummary[, "NumClones"]) >
## median(ncb2$popSummary[, "NumClones"]))
## expect_true( median(nca$popSummary[, "NumClones"]) >
## median(ncb$popSummary[, "NumClones"]))
## gc()
## })
## cat("\n", date(), "\n")
## Commented out because it is about the same as 1 and 3, but here with
## tinier diffs which are harder to detect and can fail unless we use a
## huge number of pops. This is an overkill.
## cat("\n", date(), "\n")
## test_that("Ordering of number of clones and mutsPerClone with mutpropgrowth, 2", {
## cat("\n mpc2: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ## The s coefficient is small, and so small differences between nca and
## ## nca2.
## ft <- 15 ## going beyond 16 or so, gets it to bail because of reaching max
## ## pop
## pops <- 400
## lni <- 300
## no <- 10
## ni <- c(1, 0.5, rep(0, lni))
## names(ni) <- c("a", "b", paste0("n",
## fe <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
## cat("\n mpc2a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## initSize = no, keepEvery = 1,
## initMutant = "a",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## cat("\n mpc2b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
## initSize = no, keepEvery = 1,
## initMutant = "b",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## cat("\n mpc2c: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## nca2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## initSize = no, keepEvery = 1,
## initMutant = "a",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## cat("\n mpc2d: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## ncb2 <- oncoSimulPop(pops, fe, finalTime = ft,
## mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
## initSize = no, keepEvery = 1,
## initMutant = "b",
## onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA, seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
## gc()
## ## summary(nca)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## ## summary(nca2)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## ## summary(ncb)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## ## summary(ncb2)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
## expect_true(var(summary(nca)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## expect_true(var(summary(ncb)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## expect_true(var(summary(nca2)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## expect_true(var(summary(ncb2)$NumClones) > 1e-4)
## ## The real comparison
## expect_true( median(summary(nca)$NumClones) >
## median(summary(ncb)$NumClones))
## expect_true( median(summary(ncb)$NumClones) >
## median(summary(ncb2)$NumClones))
## expect_true( median(mutsPerClone(nca)) >
## median(mutsPerClone(ncb)))
## ## next can fail, as differences are small
## expect_true( median(mutsPerClone(ncb)) >
## median(mutsPerClone(ncb2)))
## ## These can fail in this case, since small diffs. as small mutlipliers
## expect_true( mean(mutsPerClone(nca)) >
## mean(mutsPerClone(nca2)))
## expect_true( median(summary(nca)$NumClones) >
## median(summary(nca2)$NumClones))
## gc()
## })
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