#' @title Fit Models without Feature Selection
#' @description Applies models to high-dimensional data for classification.
#' @param X A scaled matrix or dataframe containing numeric values of
#' each feature
#' @param Y A factor vector containing group membership of samples
#' @param method A vector listing models to be fit.
#' Available options are \code{"plsda"} (Partial Least Squares Discriminant
#' Analysis), \code{"rf"} (Random Forest), \code{"gbm"} (Gradient Boosting
#' Machine), \code{"svm"} (Support Vector Machines), \code{"glmnet"}
#' (Elastic-net Generalized Linear Model), and \code{"pam"} (Prediction
#' Analysis of Microarrays)
#' @param p Percent of data to by 'trained'
#' @param optimize Logical argument determining if each model should be
#' optimized. Default \code{"optimize = TRUE"}
#' @param tuning.grid Optional list of grids containing parameters to optimize
#' for each algorithm. Default \code{"tuning.grid = NULL"} lets function
#' create grid determined by \code{"res"}
#' @param k.folds Number of folds generated during cross-validation.
#' Default \code{"k.folds = 10"}
#' @param repeats Number of times cross-validation repeated.
#' Default \code{"repeats = 3"}
#' @param resolution Resolution of model optimization grid.
#' Default \code{"resolution = 3"}
#' @param metric Criteria for model optimization.
#' Available options are \code{"Accuracy"} (Predication Accuracy),
#' \code{"Kappa"} (Kappa Statistic), and \code{"AUC-ROC"} (Area Under the
#' Curve - Receiver Operator Curve)
#' @param allowParallel Logical argument dictating if parallel processing
#' is allowed via foreach package.
#' Default \code{allowParallel = FALSE}
#' @param verbose Logical argument if should output progress
#' @param ... Extra arguments that the user would like to apply to the models
#' @return \item{Methods}{Vector of models fit to data}
#' @return \item{performance}{Performance metrics of each model and
#' bootstrap iteration}
#' @return \item{specs}{List with the
#' following elements:}
#' @return \itemize{
#' \item{total.samples: Number of samples in original dataset}
#' \item{number.features: Number of features in orginal dataset}
#' \item{number.groups: Number of groups}
#' \item{group.levels: The specific levels of the groups}
#' \item{ Number of observations in each group}}
#' @author Charles Determan Jr
#' @example inst/examples/fit.only.model.R
#' @import DiscriMiner
#' @import randomForest
#' @import e1071
#' @import gbm
#' @import pamr
#' @import glmnet
#' @export
fit.only.model <-
p = 0.9,
optimize = TRUE,
tuning.grid = NULL,
k.folds = if(optimize) 10 else NULL,
repeats = if(optimize) 3 else NULL,
resolution = if(optimize) 3 else NULL,
metric = "Accuracy",
allowParallel = FALSE,
verbose = 'none',
#### Filter Methods???
## Bhattacharyya Distance
## Relative Entropy
verify(x = X, y = Y, method = method, na.rm = FALSE)
if (is.null(colnames(X))){
colnames(X) = paste(rep("X",ncol(X)),seq_len(ncol(X)), sep='')
if (is.null(rownames(X))) rownames(X) = 1:nrow(X) <-$.classes <- Y
nr <- nrow(X)
nc <- ncol(X)
# number of groups <- nlevels(Y)
# what the groups are
grp.levs <- levels(Y)
# how many obs in each group <- as.vector(table(Y))
theDots <- list(...)
inTrain <- caret::createDataPartition(Y, p = p, list = FALSE)
outTrain <- seq(nr)[-unique(inTrain)]
trainVars <- X[inTrain,, drop=FALSE]
trainGroup <- Y[inTrain, drop=FALSE]
trainData <-
trainData$.classes <- trainGroup
# must add repeat loops (same as k in fs.stability for StDev)
if(optimize == TRUE){
tuned.methods <-
trainVars = trainVars,
trainGroup = trainGroup,
method = method,
k.folds = k.folds,
repeats = repeats,
res = resolution,
grid = tuning.grid,
metric = metric,
#savePerformanceMetrics = NULL,
verbose = verbose,
allowParallel = allowParallel,
theDots = theDots)
finalModel <- tuned.methods$finalModel <- tuned.methods$bestTune
names( <- method
# end of single optimized loop
# end of optimize loop
#theDots <- list(ncomp = 3, mtry = 10)
names(theDots) <- paste(".", names(theDots), sep="")
# sequester appropriate parameters to fit models
args.seq <- sequester(theDots, method)
# remove arguments used from theDots - also remove '.' from each
names(theDots) <- sub(".", "", names(theDots))
moreDots <- theDots[!names(theDots) %in% args.seq$pnames]
if(length(moreDots) == 0){
moreDots <- NULL
tmp <- vector("list", length(method))
for(q in seq(along = method)){
tmp[[q]] <- training(data = trainData,
method = method[q],
tuneValue = args.seq$parameters[[q]],
obsLevels = grp.levs,
theDots = moreDots)$fit
finish.Model <- tmp
} # end of non-optimized sequence
### Performance Metrics
cat("Calculating Model Performance Statistics\n")
final.metrics <-
finalModel = finalModel,
method = method, =,
inTrain = inTrain,
outTrain = outTrain,
features = NULL,
bestTune = if(optimize) else args.seq$parameters,
grp.levs = grp.levs,
stability.metric = NULL)
### Extract Performance Metrics
if(optimize == TRUE){
colnames(final.metrics) <- gsub("^\\.", "", colnames(final.metrics))
performance <- vector("list", length(method))
names(performance) <- method
x <- final.metrics[,!grepl("^cell",
drop = FALSE]
for(h in seq(along = method)){
tmp <- subset(x, rownames(x) == method[h])
performance[[h]] <- c(colMeans(tmp, na.rm = TRUE),
apply(tmp, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE))
names(performance[[h]])[-(1:ncol(tmp))] <-
sep = " ")
performance[[h]] <-,
c(as.vector([[h]]), performance[[h]]))
colnames(performance[[h]]) <-
gsub("^\\.", "", colnames(performance[[h]]))
rownames(performance[[h]]) <- 1
colnames(final.metrics) <-
gsub("^\\.", "", colnames(final.metrics))
performance <- vector("list", length(method))
names(performance) <- method
for(h in seq(along = method)){
x <- final.metrics[,!grepl("^cell", colnames(final.metrics)),
drop = FALSE]
tmp <- subset(x, rownames(x) == method[h])
performance[[h]] <- c(colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE),
apply(tmp, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE))
names(performance[[h]])[-(1:ncol(tmp))] <-
"SD", sep = " ")
performance[[h]] <-,
colnames(performance[[h]]) <-
gsub("^\\.", "", colnames(performance[[h]]))
rownames(performance[[h]]) <- 1
### Desired Output
## specifications
specs = list(total.samples=nr,
## add remainder of data
overall <- list(methods = method,
performance = performance,
specs = specs
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