setGeneric( "makeQCReport", function( rccSet, ... ) standardGeneric( "makeQCReport" ) )
##' @rdname makeQCReport
##' @aliases makeQCReport
##' @title
##' Make NanoString QC report
##' @description
##' Creates an html QC report for an RccSet object. Alongside the html file, a
##' directory with matching filename is produced that contains additional files
##' as well as high resolution versions of the various plots in the report.
##' In addition to generating the QC report, the function returns a copy of the
##' input RccSet with columns added to phenoData that show the QC flags for each
##' sample.
##' @description
##' The various plots in the report depend upon correct annotation and
##' preprocessing in the input object. If the input is missing any elements
##' required for a given plot, the plot will be replaced with a message
##' indicating the missing elements. If the preprocOverride argument is set to
##' TRUE, the input's preprocessing will be ignored and a default configuration
##' will be used so that all applicable plots will be rendered.
##' @param rccSet
##' RccSet object for which to generate the QC report.
##' @param outputBaseName
##' Character string specifying the base filename (without extension) to use
##' for the output file.
##' @param outputDir
##' Character string specifying the path to the output directory for the QC
##' report and associated files.
##' @param preprocOverride
##' Logical. If TRUE, the input's preprocessing will be ignored, and a default
##' preprocessing configuration (specifically, the defaults for
##' preprocRccSet()) will be applied so that all applicable plots can be
##' rendered in the report.
##' @param experimentTitle
##' Character string specifying an easy to read identifier of the experiment.
##' @param covar
##' Character string specifying a covariate for stratifying samples (e.g.
##' "SampleType").
##' @param method
##' Method to determine outlier samples: either "cutoffByVar" or
##' "cutoffByMMAD".
##' @param stringency
##' Multiplier with which to adjust cutoff values for determining outlier
##' samples.
##' @param maxMiss
##' Numeric specifying the allowable fraction of genes below the lower limit
##' of detection in a sample.
##' @param sampleNameCol
##' Character string specifying the name of the phenoData column holding the
##' sample names.
##' @param heatmaps
##' Logical: render and show heatmaps?
##' @param cleanMarkdown
##' Logical: upon completion, delete markdown files used to produce QC report?
##' @param verbose
##' Logical: print progress messages?
##' @return
##' An html report is written to disk and a copy of the input RccSet is
##' invisibly returned with columns added to phenoData that show the QC flags
##' for each sample.
##' @examples
##' data(example_rccSet)
##' norm_example_rccSet <- preprocRccSet(example_rccSet)
##' qc_example_rccSet <- makeQCReport(norm_example_rccSet, "example_QC_report")
##' @import knitr
##' @export
##' @author Dorothee Nickles, Thomas Sandmann, Robert Ziman, Richard Bourgon
outputBaseName = "NanoStringQCPro_QC_report",
outputDir = getwd(),
preprocOverride = FALSE,
experimentTitle = expinfo(experimentData(rccSet))["title"],
covar = "SampleType",
method = c("cutoffByMMAD", "cutoffByVar"),
stringency = 4,
maxMiss = 0.2,
sampleNameCol = "SampleID",
heatmaps = FALSE,
cleanMarkdown = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE)
method <- match.arg(method)
outputExtrasDir <- outputBaseName
fileNames <- sapply(
c( "Rmd", "md", "html" ),
function( ext ) sprintf( "%s.%s", outputBaseName, ext ),
simplify = FALSE
# Create the output dirs if they don't exist.
if (!file.exists(outputDir))
if ( !dir.create(outputDir, recursive=TRUE) )
stop( "outputDir doesn't exist and couldn't be created" )
oldDir <- getwd()
on.exit( setwd( oldDir ) )
setwd( outputDir ) # Fails automatically if not successful
if (!file.exists(outputExtrasDir))
if ( !dir.create(outputExtrasDir) )
stop( "outputExtrasDir doesn't exist in outputDir and couldn't be created" )
# Validate arguments and check the input rccSet
checkRccSet(rccSet, reportWarnings=TRUE, showMessages=FALSE)
if (!is.numeric(stringency) || length(stringency) != 1)
stop("stringency needs to be a scalar numeric value")
if (!is.numeric(maxMiss) || length(maxMiss) != 1)
stop("maxMiss needs to be a scalar numeric value")
if (!(covar %in% colnames(pData(rccSet))))
stop("covar not found amongst the phenoData columns")
if (!(sampleNameCol %in% colnames(pData(rccSet))))
stop(sprintf("sampleNameCol ('%s') not found amongst the phenoData columns", sampleNameCol))
# Assign any additional variables required by the template.
blankLabel <- getBlankLabel(rccSet)
scMainImage <- file.path( outputExtrasDir, "SampleClustering.png" )
scPreviewImage <- file.path( outputExtrasDir, "SampleClustering_preview.png" )
gcibsMainImage <- file.path( outputExtrasDir, "GenewiseCountsInBlankSamples.png" )
gcibsPreviewImage <- file.path( outputExtrasDir, "GenewiseCountsInBlankSamples_preview.png" )
ncblMainImage <- file.path( outputExtrasDir, "NegativeControlsByLane.png" )
ncblPreviewImage <- file.path( outputExtrasDir, "NegativeControlsByLane_preview.png" )
gcgMainImage <- file.path( outputExtrasDir, "GeneClusteringGlobal.png" )
gcgPreviewImage <- file.path( outputExtrasDir, "GeneClusteringGlobal_preview.png" )
gchMainImage <- file.path( outputExtrasDir, "GeneClusteringHousekeeping.png" )
gchPreviewImage <- file.path( outputExtrasDir, "GeneClusteringHousekeeping_preview.png" )
cscMainImage <- file.path( outputExtrasDir, "CenteredSampleClustering.png" )
cscPreviewImage <- file.path( outputExtrasDir, "CenteredSampleClustering_preview.png" )
cscxfsMainImage <- file.path( outputExtrasDir, "CenteredSampleClusteringExcludingFlaggedSamples.png" )
cscxfsPreviewImage <- file.path( outputExtrasDir, "CenteredSampleClusteringExcludingFlaggedSamples_preview.png" )
# If specified, override the RccSet's preprocessing with a default
# configuration. This ensures the availability of assayData matrices
# and other elements required so that all applicable QC plots will be shown
# in the report.
if (preprocOverride) {
rccSet <- preprocRccSet(rccSet)
# Generate the report
message("Generating QC report...")
if (verbose) message(" Gene-wise counts in blank samples: main image...")
countsInBlankSamples_verticalPlot(rccSet, gcibsMainImage)
if (verbose) message(" Gene-wise counts in blank samples: preview image...")
previewPNG(gcibsMainImage, gcibsPreviewImage, width=1500, cropHeight=600, res=300)
if (verbose) message(" Negative controls by lane: main image...")
negCtrlsByLane_verticalPlot(rccSet, ncblMainImage)
if (verbose) message(" Negative controls by lane: preview image...")
previewPNG(ncblMainImage, ncblPreviewImage, width=1500, cropHeight=600, res=300)
if (verbose) message(" Raw and content normalized data for density plots and gene clustering...")
rawData <- assayData(rccSet)$exprs
if ("bgCorrData" %in% ls(assayData(rccSet)))
normInputMatrix <- "bgCorrData"
else if ("posCtrlData" %in% ls(assayData(rccSet)))
normInputMatrix <- "posCtrlData"
normInputMatrix <- "exprs"
if (preproc(rccSet)$normData_method %in% "global") { # Don't use == here (normData_method can be NA)
gmrccSet <- copyRccSet(rccSet)
gmnormData <- assayData(gmrccSet)$normData
} else {
gmrccSet <- contentNorm(rccSet,
method = "global",
summaryFunction = "median",
inputMatrix = normInputMatrix,
quietly = TRUE)
gmnormData <- assayData(gmrccSet)$normData
if (preproc(rccSet)$normData_method %in% "housekeeping") { # Don't use == here (normData_method can be NA)
hkrccSet <- copyRccSet(rccSet)
hknormData <- assayData(hkrccSet)$normData
} else if (hasPanelHousekeeping(rccSet)) {
hkrccSet <- contentNorm(rccSet,
summaryFunction = "median",
inputMatrix = normInputMatrix,
hknormData <- assayData(hkrccSet)$normData
} else {
hkrccSet <- NULL
hknormData <- NULL
flags <- rep(FALSE, ncol(rccSet)*3)
dim(flags) <- c(ncol(rccSet), 3)
rownames(flags) <- colnames(rccSet)
colnames(flags) <- c("TechnicalFlags", "ControlFlags", "CountFlags")
flags[,"TechnicalFlags"][flagSamplesTech(rccSet)] <- TRUE
flags[,"ControlFlags"][flagSamplesCtrl(rccSet, method, stringency)] <- TRUE
flags[,"CountFlags"][flagSamplesCount(rccSet, method, stringency, maxMiss)] <- TRUE
flags2 <- cbind(SampleIdentifier=rownames(flags),
SampleName=as.character(pData(rccSet)[, sampleNameCol]),
flags2 <- cbind(flags2, SampleType=pData(rccSet)$SampleType)
write.table(flags2, file=file.path(outputExtrasDir, "SampleFlags.txt"), sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
if (heatmaps) {
if (verbose) message(" Heatmaps...")
if (verbose) message(" Sample clustering: main image...")
sampleClustering(rccSet = rccSet,
outputFile = scMainImage,
covar = covar)
if (verbose) message(" Sample clustering: preview image...")
previewPNG(scMainImage, scPreviewImage, width=1500, cropHeight=1500, res=300)
if (verbose) message(" Gene clustering (global normalization): main image...")
geneClustering(rccSet = gmrccSet,
outputFile = gcgMainImage,
main = "Gene clustering (global normalization)")
if (verbose) message(" Gene clustering (global normalization): preview image...")
previewPNG(gcgMainImage, gcgPreviewImage, width=1500, cropHeight=1500, res=300)
if (!is.null(hkrccSet)) {
if (verbose) message(" Gene clustering (housekeeping normalization): main image...")
geneClustering(rccSet = hkrccSet,
outputFile = gchMainImage,
main = "Gene clustering (housekeeping normalization)")
if (verbose) message(" Gene clustering (housekeeping normalization): preview image...")
previewPNG(gchMainImage, gchPreviewImage, width=1500, cropHeight=1500, res=300)
} else {
if (verbose) message(" Gene clustering (housekeeping normalization): main image... skipped")
if (verbose) message(" Gene clustering (housekeeping normalization): preview image... skipped")
if (verbose) message(" Centered sample clustering: main image...")
outputFile = cscMainImage,
main = "Sample clustering of all samples run",
flags = flags,
excludeFlagged = FALSE)
if (verbose) message(" Centered sample clustering: preview image...")
previewPNG(cscMainImage, cscPreviewImage, width=1500, cropHeight=1500, res=300)
if (verbose) message(" Centered sample clustering (excluding flagged samples): main image...")
outputFile = cscxfsMainImage,
main = "Sample clustering after exclusion of outlier samples",
flags = flags,
excludeFlagged = TRUE)
if (verbose) message(" Centered sample clustering (excluding flagged samples): preview image...")
previewPNG(cscxfsMainImage, cscxfsPreviewImage, width=1500, cropHeight=1500, res=300)
} else {
if (verbose) message(" Heatmaps... skipped")
} <- date()
qcReportHeader <- system.file("misc", "qcReportHeader.html", package="NanoStringQCPro")
rmdTemplate <- system.file("templates", "QualityControlReportTemplate.Rmd", package="NanoStringQCPro")
file.copy( rmdTemplate, fileNames$Rmd, overwrite = TRUE )
# Some other potentially relevant arguments that can be passed, which go to markdownToHTML: stylesheet, title.
options = c( "use_xhtml", "smartypants", "toc" ), # passed to markdownToHTML. Skipping base64_images, mathjax, and highlight_code
header = qcReportHeader,
quiet = TRUE,
force_v1 = TRUE
# Fixes the "It seems you should call rmarkdown::render() instead of knitr::knit2html() because NanoStringQCPro_QC_report.Rmd
# appears to be an R Markdown v2 document" error that started coming up with knitr_1.12 (no such error was coming up with knitr_1.11).
# -RZ 2016-03-03
if ( cleanMarkdown ) {
unlink( fileNames$Rmd )
unlink( fileNames$md )
message( sprintf( "Report file has been generated: %s", file.path( outputDir, fileNames$html ) ) )
# Add sample flags and return.
sampleFlagFile <- file.path( outputExtrasDir, "SampleFlags.txt" )
if ( !file.exists(sampleFlagFile) )
stop(paste0("File not found: [", sampleFlagFile, "]"))
rccSet <- addQCFlags(rccSet, sampleFlagFile)
# on.exit() above returns us to previous working directory
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