## Copyright 2011 Laurent Jacob
## This file is part of NCIgraph.
## NCIgraph is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## NCIgraph is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with NCIgraph. If not, see <>.
# @RdocFunction mergeNodes
## @title "Merges a given list of nodes in a graph"
## \description{
## @get "title".
## }
## @synopsis
## \arguments{
## \item{g}{A \code{\link[=graph-class]{graph}} object.}
## \item{mEdges}{A @list of nodes to be merged.}
## \item{separateEntrez}{A @logical. If @TRUE, don't merge two nodes with entrezID.}
## \item{entrezOnly}{A @logical. If @TRUE, only keep nodes with an entrezID property.}
## }
## \value{The updated \code{\link[=graph-class]{graph}} object}
## @author
## \seealso{
## @see "parseNCInetwork"
## }
mergeNodes <- function(g,mEdges,separateEntrez=TRUE,entrezOnly=TRUE)
ng <- nodes(g)
ed <- g@edgeData@data
p <- length(ng)
## Build a graph with the same nodes as g and edges
## between any two nodes that should be merged.
A <- matrix(0,p,p)
rownames(A) <- colnames(A) <- ng
for(c in seq(along=mEdges))
A[mEdges[[c]][1],mEdges[[c]][2]] <- 1
A <- A | t(A)
lg <- new('graphAM', A)
cc <- connectedComp(as(lg,'graphNEL')) # The connected components of this graph
# will be the nodes of the new one.
## Filter: if several entities in the cc have an entrez ID, they
## must be assigned a different node each.
newCC <- list()
oldCC <- c() # Keep track of original cc to avoid creating spurious edges
ii <- 0
for(c in cc)
ii <- ii+1
eiList <- lapply(g@nodeData@data[c],FUN=function(node) node$biopax.xref.ENTREZGENE)
eids <- names(unlist(eiList))
if((length(c) == 1) || (length(eids) <= 1)) # length(eids) = 0 if no node in cc has an entregene
oldCC <- c(oldCC,ii)
newCC <- c(newCC,list(c))
## For each entrez id, remove nodes that are in a different
## connected component when removing the other entrez
## ids. Duplicate the others.
for(n in seq(along=eids))
## Connected comp without all entrez nodes except n
sg <- subGraph(c[-match(eids[-n],c)],g)
ccsg <- connectedComp(sg)
ccc <- ccsg[which(unlist(lapply(ccsg,FUN=function(e) eids[n] %in% e)))] # conn comp containing current entrez
oldCC <- c(oldCC,ii)
newCC <- c(newCC,ccc)
cc <- newCC
oldCC <- seq(along=cc)
## Define the new nodes (build list of nodes and nodeData)
ndata <- list()
for(c in cc)
## Is there an entrez node in the cc?
eidx <- which(unlist(sapply(c, FUN=function(s) 'biopax.xref.ENTREZGENE' %in% names(g@nodeData@data[[s]]))))
warning('One of the formed nodes contains more than one entrez id')
eidx <- eidx[1]
## If so, make sure the corresponding node is the first element of the list (used for naming)
if(length(eidx) != 0)
c = c(c[eidx],c[-eidx])
## What properties are present in the nodes of the connected comp
nppts <- unique(unlist(sapply(c, FUN=function(s) names(g@nodeData@data[[s]]))))
d <- list()
## Merge the nodes of the cc for each property
for(ppt in nppts)
d[[ppt]] <- unlist(sapply(c, FUN=function(s) g@nodeData@data[[s]][[ppt]]))
d$nodeNames <- c
cname <- d$canonicalName[1]
## Make sure the name is unique
ii <- 1
while(cname %in% names(ndata))
cname <- paste(d$canonicalName[1],ii,sep='')
ii <- ii+1
ndata[[cname]] <- d
## Deal with edges between the new nodes (build edgeL and edgeData)
eL <- as.list(rep(list(edges=NULL),length(cc))) ##vector("list",length(cc))
names(eL) <- names(ndata)
edata <- list()
for(i in seq(along=cc))
for(j in seq(along=cc)[-i])
ccjTargets <- nodes(g)[unlist(edgeL(g)[cc[[j]]])]
if(any(ccjTargets %in% cc[[i]]) && (oldCC[i] != oldCC[j])) ## Any node of cc[[j]] points to any node of cc[[i]]
## eList part
eL[[j]]$edges <- c(eL[[j]]$edges,i)#names(ndata)[i])
## edgeData part
## Edge ids
allEdgesL <- sapply(names(ed),FUN=function(s) strsplit(s,'\\|'))
jiEdges <- unlist(lapply(allEdgesL,FUN=function(e) return((e[1] %in% cc[[j]]) && (e[2] %in% cc[[i]]))))
## What properties are present among the original edges
eppts <- unique(unlist(lapply(ed[jiEdges], FUN=function(e) names(e))))
d <- list()
## Merge the edges for each property
for(ppt in eppts)
d[[ppt]] <- unlist(sapply(ed[jiEdges], FUN=function(e) e[[ppt]]))
edata[[paste(names(ndata)[j],'|',names(ndata)[i],sep='')]] <- d
eL <- lapply(eL,FUN=function(e) if(is.null(e$edges)) list(edges=numeric(0)) else e)
## Build the graph
pg <- new('graphNEL',names(eL),eL,'directed')
## Set up its edgeData
eppts <- unique(unlist(lapply(edata,FUN=function(e) names(e)))) # Existing edgeData properties (must be initialized)
for(ppt in eppts)
edgeDataDefaults(pg,ppt) <- ''
for(e in seq(along=edata))
fromTo <- strsplit(names(edata)[e],'\\|')[[1]]
for(p in seq(along=edata[[e]]))
edgeData(pg,fromTo[1],fromTo[2],names(edata[[e]])[p]) <- list(edata[[e]][[p]])
## Set up its nodeData
nppts <- unique(unlist(lapply(ndata,FUN=function(e) names(e)))) # Existing nodeData properties (must be initialized)
for(ppt in nppts)
nodeDataDefaults(pg,ppt) <- ''
for(e in seq(along=ndata))
for(p in seq(along=ndata[[e]]))
nodeData(pg,names(ndata)[e],names(ndata[[e]])[p]) <- list(ndata[[e]][[p]])
if(entrezOnly) # Remove nodes with no entrez id field
entrezNodes <- nodes(pg)[unlist(lapply(pg@nodeData@data,FUN=function(e) 'biopax.xref.ENTREZGENE' %in% names(e)))]
pg <- subGraph(entrezNodes,pg)
# 2011-02-15
# o Created.
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