#' Make mutation count matrix of 96 trinucleotides with
#' strand information
#' Make a mutation count matrix with 192 features: 96 trinucleotides and 2 strands,
#' these can be transcription or replication strand
#' @param vcf_list GRangesList or GRanges object.
#' @param ref_genome BSGenome reference genome object
#' @param ranges GRanges object with the genomic ranges of:
#' 1. (transcription mode) the gene bodies with strand (+/-) information, or
#' 2. (replication mode) the replication strand with 'strand_info' metadata
#' @param mode "transcription" or "replication", default = "transcription"
#' @param extension The number of bases, that's extracted upstream and
#' downstream of the base substitutions. (Default: 1).
#' @return 192 mutation count matrix (96 X 2 strands)
#' @examples
#' ## See the 'read_vcfs_as_granges()' example for how we obtained the
#' ## following data:
#' grl <- readRDS(system.file("states/read_vcfs_as_granges_output.rds",
#' package = "MutationalPatterns"
#' ))
#' ## Load the corresponding reference genome.
#' ref_genome <- "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19"
#' library(ref_genome, character.only = TRUE)
#' ## Transcription strand analysis:
#' ## You can obtain the known genes from the UCSC hg19 dataset using
#' ## Bioconductor:
#' # BiocManager::install("TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene")
#' library("TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene")
#' genes_hg19 <- genes(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)
#' mut_mat_s <- mut_matrix_stranded(grl, ref_genome, genes_hg19,
#' mode = "transcription"
#' )
#' ## You can also use a longer context
#' mut_mat_s <- mut_matrix_stranded(grl, ref_genome, genes_hg19,
#' mode = "transcription", extension = 2
#' )
#' ## Replication strand analysis:
#' ## Read example bed file with replication direction annotation
#' repli_file <- system.file("extdata/ReplicationDirectionRegions.bed",
#' package = "MutationalPatterns"
#' )
#' repli_strand <- read.table(repli_file, header = TRUE)
#' repli_strand_granges <- GRanges(
#' seqnames = repli_strand$Chr,
#' ranges = IRanges(
#' start = repli_strand$Start + 1,
#' end = repli_strand$Stop
#' ),
#' strand_info = repli_strand$Class
#' )
#' ## UCSC seqlevelsstyle
#' seqlevelsStyle(repli_strand_granges) <- "UCSC"
#' # The levels determine the order in which the features
#' # will be countend and plotted in the downstream analyses
#' # You can specify your preferred order of the levels:
#' repli_strand_granges$strand_info <- factor(
#' repli_strand_granges$strand_info,
#' levels = c("left", "right")
#' )
#' mut_mat_s_rep <- mut_matrix_stranded(grl, ref_genome, repli_strand_granges,
#' mode = "replication"
#' )
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{read_vcfs_as_granges}},
#' \code{\link{mut_matrix}},
#' \code{\link{mut_strand}}
#' @export
mut_matrix_stranded <- function(vcf_list,
mode = "transcription",
extension = 1) {
# Convert list to grl if necessary
if (inherits(vcf_list, "list")) {
vcf_list <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(vcf_list)
if (inherits(vcf_list, "CompressedGRangesList")) {
gr_sizes <- S4Vectors::elementNROWS(vcf_list)
gr <- unlist(vcf_list)
} else if (inherits(vcf_list, "GRanges")) {
gr <- vcf_list
gr_sizes <- length(gr)
names(gr_sizes) <- "My_sample"
} else {
strand <- mut_strand(gr, ranges, mode = mode)
type_context <- type_context(gr, ref_genome, extension)
mut_mat <- mut_192_occurrences(type_context, strand, gr_sizes)
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