# hPDI/import.R
library (
printf <- function(...) print(noquote(sprintf(...)))
run = function (dataDir)
dataDir <- file.path(dataDir, "hPDI")
filenames = getMatrixFilenames (dataDir)
matrices = readMatrices (filenames)
tbl.anno = readAnnotation (dataDir)
# make sure that all of the matrix names are geneSymbols represented in tbl.anno
stopifnot (length (intersect (names (matrices), tbl.anno$geneSymbol)) == length (names (matrices))) = createMetadata (matrices, tbl.anno)
# also required: the order of tbl.anno entries exactly follow that of the matrices
stopifnot (names (matrices) ==$providerName)
matrices = renameMatrices (normalizeMatrices (matrices),
serializedFile <- "hPDI.RData"
save (matrices,, file=serializedFile)
printf("saved %d matrices to %s", length(matrices), serializedFile)
printf("next step: copy %s to <packageRoot>/MotifDb/inst/extdata, rebuild package", serializedFile)
invisible (list (matrices=matrices,
} # run
getMatrixFilenames = function (dataDir)
files = list.files (file.path(dataDir, "pwm"))
invisible (file.path(dataDir, "pwm", files))
} # getMatrixFilenames
readMatrices = function (filenames)
max = length (filenames)
matrices = list ()
for (i in 1:max) {
filename = filenames [i] = strsplit (filename, '\\.')[[1]][1] = sub(".output", "", basename(filename))
mtx = as.matrix (read.table (filename, header=FALSE, sep='\t', row.names=1))
colnames (mtx) = 1:ncol (mtx)
matrices [[]] = mtx
} # readMatrices
invisible (matrices)
} # readMatrices
extractProteinIDs = function (raw.list)
# first go after all the explicit uniprot ids, map them to refseq NP
uniprot.rows = grep ('Source:Uniprot', raw.list)
uniprot.ids.raw = raw.list [uniprot.rows]
uniprot.names = sapply (strsplit ((uniprot.ids.raw), ';Acc:'), function (tokens) tokens [2])
uniprot.names = gsub ("\\].*$", '', uniprot.names)
mapped.refseq.names = uniprotToRefSeq (uniprot.names)
protein = rep (NA_character_, length (raw.list))
protein [uniprot.rows] = as.vector (mapped.refseq.names)
# now grab the rows with explicit RefSeq NP idneitifers
refseq.rows = grep ('Source:RefSeq', raw.list)
refseq.ids.raw = raw.list [refseq.rows]
refseq.names = sapply (strsplit ((refseq.ids.raw), ';Acc:'), function (tokens) tokens [2])
refseq.names = gsub ("\\].*$", '', refseq.names)
protein [refseq.rows] = refseq.names = which ( (protein))
#mystery.rows = setdiff (1:nrow (tbl.anno), c (uniprot.rows, refseq.rows))
invisible (protein)
} # extractProteinIDs
readRawAnnotation = function (dataDir)
filename <- file.path(dataDir, "protein_annotation.txt")
tbl.anno = read.table (filename, sep='\t', header=T, fill=T, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, quote="")
# oddly, there are 37 empty columns in this data.frame. locate the first of these, then delete all
stopifnot ('X' %in% colnames (tbl.anno))
first.empty.column = which (colnames (tbl.anno) == 'X')
tbl.anno = tbl.anno [, 1:(first.empty.column-1)]
stopifnot (length (colnames (tbl.anno)) == 16)
#protein.ids = extractIdentifiers (tbl.anno$ensembl_description)
# the goal is to create a new 'protein' column for the table, all refseq NP identifers, or NA
#tbl.anno = cbind (tbl.anno, protein, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
invisible (tbl.anno)
} # readRawAnnotation
addProteinColumn = function (tbl.anno)
target = "ensembl_description"
stopifnot (target %in% colnames (tbl.anno))
ensembl.desc = tbl.anno [, target]
protein = extractProteinIDs (ensembl.desc)
invisible (cbind (tbl.anno, protein, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
} # addProteinColumn
# remove all but symbol, locusID, Pfam_domains and protein. rename the first three
trimAnnoTable = function (tbl.anno)
tbl.fixed = tbl.anno [, c ('symbol', 'locusID', 'Pfam_domains', 'protein')]
colnames (tbl.fixed) = c ('geneSymbol', 'geneID', 'pfamDomain', 'protein')
invisible (tbl.fixed)
} # trimAnnoTable
# read raw, then process and trim to get a tidy 4-column table
readAnnotation = function (dataDir)
tbl.anno.raw = readRawAnnotation (dataDir)
tbl.anno = addProteinColumn (tbl.anno.raw)
tbl.anno = trimAnnoTable (tbl.anno)
invisible (tbl.anno)
} # readAnnotation
createMetadata = function (matrices, tbl.anno)
options ('stringsAsFactors'=FALSE)
dataSource = 'hPDI'
organism = 'Hsapiens'
provider.names = names (matrices)
full.names = paste (organism, dataSource, provider.names, sep='-') = data.frame (providerName=provider.names)
rownames ( = full.names = cbind (, providerId=provider.names)
# indices are crucial, retreiving values from tbl.anno columns in an order that corresponds to the
# order of the provider.names obtained from the names of the matrices
indices = match (provider.names, tbl.anno$geneSymbol)
geneId = as.character (tbl.anno$geneID [indices])
egSyms = as.character (mget (geneId, org.Hs.egSYMBOL, ifnotfound=NA))
egSyms [egSyms=='NA'] == NA_character_ = cbind (, dataSource = rep (dataSource, nrow ( = cbind (, geneSymbol=egSyms) = cbind (, geneId) = cbind (, geneIdType=rep('ENTREZ', nrow (
# find NP protein ids for each matrix. these are provided by hPDI, and made into NPs consistently by me.
protein.ids = tbl.anno$protein [indices] = cbind (, proteinId=tbl.anno$protein [indices])
proteinIdType = rep (NA_character_, length (protein.ids))
refseq.protein.ids = grep ('NP_', protein.ids)
proteinIdType [refseq.protein.ids] = 'REFSEQ' = cbind (, proteinIdType) = cbind (, organism = rep (organism, nrow (
counts = as.integer (sapply (matrices, function (mtx) as.integer (mean (round (colSums (mtx)))))) = cbind (, sequenceCount=counts) = cbind (, bindingSequence=rep(NA_character_, nrow (
bindingDomain = tbl.anno$pfamDomain [indices] = cbind (, bindingDomain) = cbind (, tfFamily=rep(NA_character_, nrow (
experiment.types = rep (NA_character_, nrow ( = cbind (, experimentType=experiment.types)
pubmedIDs = rep (NA_character_) = cbind (, pubmedID=pubmedIDs)
invisible (
} # createMetadata
uniprotToRefSeq = function (ids)
if (!exists ('tbl.prot')) {
tbl.refseq = toTable (org.Hs.egREFSEQ)
np.only = grep ('NP_', tbl.refseq$accession)
stopifnot (length (np.only) > 1000) # crude sanity check
tbl.refseq = tbl.refseq [np.only,]
tbl.uniprot = toTable (org.Hs.egUNIPROT)
tbl.prot <<- merge (tbl.refseq, tbl.uniprot, all.x=TRUE)
} # create tbl.protx
indices = match (ids, tbl.prot$uniprot_id)
result = tbl.prot$accession [indices]
names (result) = ids
return (result)
} # uniprotToRefSeq
normalizeMatrices = function (matrices)
mtx.normalized = sapply (matrices, function (mtx) apply (mtx, 2, function (colvector) colvector / sum (colvector)))
invisible (mtx.normalized)
} # normalizeMatrices
renameMatrices = function (matrices,
stopifnot (names (matrices) ==$providerName) # same length, same order
names (matrices) = rownames (
invisible (matrices)
} # renameMatrices
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