setGeneric('query', signature='object', function(object, andStrings, orStrings=c(), notStrings=c(), standardGeneric ('query'))
setGeneric('motifToGene', signature='object', function(object, motifs, source) standardGeneric('motifToGene'))
setGeneric('geneToMotif', signature='object', function(object, geneSymbols, source, standardGeneric('geneToMotif'))
setGeneric('associateTranscriptionFactors', signature='object',
function(object, tbl.withMotifs, source, expand.rows, motifColumnName="motifName")
#setGeneric('matchMotif', signature='object', function(object, motifs, genomeName, regions, pval.cutoff,
# fimoDataFrameStyle=FALSE) standardGeneric('matchMotif'))
setClass ('MotifList',
representation (elementMetadata='DataFrame',
setValidity('MotifList', function(object) {
msg = NULL
## what makes for a valid MotifList?
if (length (object) == 0)
return (TRUE)
if (is.null(names(object)))
msg = c(msg, '"names()" must not be NULL')
else if (any(duplicated(names(object))))
msg = c(msg, 'all "names()" must be unique')
if (!all(sapply(object, is.matrix)))
msg = c(msg, 'all matrices must be of class "matrix"')
if (!all(sapply(object, nrow) == 4))
msg = c(msg, 'all matrices must have 4 rows')
# all columns of all matrices should be normalized, summing to one.
# in fact, 2/2086 matrices
# Cparvum-UniPROBE-Cgd2_3490.UP00395
# Pfalciparum-UniPROBE-PF14_0633.UP00394
# fail to pass this test. rounding to one decimal place allows these matrices,
# also, to pass. round (0.98, digits=1) --> 1.0
# see the UniPROBE manpage for the full story on these two matrices
ok = sapply(object, function(elt) all (round (colSums(elt), digits=1) == 1))
if (!all(ok))
msg = c(msg, 'all elements must have colSums equal to 1')
if (is.null(msg)) TRUE else msg
MotifList = function (matrices=list(), tbl.metadata=data.frame ())
if (nrow (tbl.metadata) == 0)
df = DataFrame ()
df = DataFrame (tbl.metadata, row.names = rownames (tbl.metadata))
tbl.tfClass.filename <- system.file(package="MotifDb", "extdata", "tfClass.tsv")
tbl.tfClass <- read.table(tbl.tfClass.filename, header=TRUE,, sep="\t")
object = new ('MotifList', listData=matrices, elementMetadata = df,
if (length (matrices) == 0)
names (object) = character ()
names (object) = rownames (tbl.metadata)
} # ctor
# setMethod('matchMotif', signature='MotifList',
# function(object, motifs, genomeName, regions, pval.cutoff, fimoDataFrameStyle=FALSE){
# motifs.pfmatrix <- lapply(motifs, function(motif) convert_motifs(motif, "TFBSTools-PFMatrix"))
# motifs.pfmList <-, motifs.pfmatrix)
# gr.list <- motifmatchr::matchMotifs(motifs.pfmList, regions, genome=genomeName, out="positions", p.cutoff=pval.cutoff)
# result <- gr.list
# if(fimoDataFrameStyle){
# gr <- unlist(gr.list)
# motif.names <- names(gr)
# names(gr) <- NULL
# tbl <-
# tbl$motif_id <- motif.names
# colnames(tbl)[1] <- "chrom"
# tbl$chrom <- as.character(tbl$chrom)
# colnames(tbl)[grep("score", colnames(tbl))] <- "mood.score"
# new.order <- order(tbl$start, decreasing=FALSE)
# tbl <- tbl[new.order,]
# result <- tbl
# }
# return(result)
# })
setMethod ('subset', signature = 'MotifList',
function (x, subset, select, drop = FALSE, ...) {
if (missing (subset))
i = TRUE
else {
i = eval(substitute (subset), elementMetadata (x), parent.frame ())
i = try(as.logical(i), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(i, 'try-error'))
stop('"subset" must be coercible to logical')
i = i & !
} # else
return (x [i])
# transpose 4-row matrices to 4-column, so that there are as many rows as
# there are nucleotides in the motif sequence. meme requires normalized matrices
# exactly as we store them
transformMatrixToMemeRepresentation = function (m)
return (t (m))
} # transformMatrixToMemeRepresentation
# The motif itself is a position-specific probability matrix giving, for each
# position in the pattern, the observed frequency ('probability') of each
# possible letter. The probability matrix is printed 'sideways'--columns
# correspond to the letters in the alphabet (in the same order as shown in
# the simplified motif) and rows corresponding to the positions of the motif,
# position one first. The motif is preceded by a line starting with
# 'letter-probability matrix:' and containing the length of the alphabet,
# width of the motif, number of occurrences of the motif, and the E-value
# of the motif.
matrixToMemeText = function (matrices)
matrix.count = length (matrices)
# incoming matrices have nucleotide rows, position columns. meme
# format, however, requires position-rows, and nucleotide-columns
# calculate the number of lines of text by counting columns
total.transposed.matrix.rows = sum (as.integer (sapply (matrices, ncol)))
predicted.line.count = 12 + (3 * length (matrices)) +
#s = vector ('character', predicted.line.count)
s = character (predicted.line.count)
s [1] = 'MEME version 4'
s [2] = ''
s [3] = 'ALPHABET= ACGT'
s [4] = ''
s [5] = 'strands: + -'
s [6] = ''
s [7] = 'Background letter frequencies'
s [8] = 'A 0.250 C 0.250 G 0.250 T 0.250 '
s [9] = ''
index = 10
for (name in names (matrices)) {
# transpose the frequency matrix version of the incoming matrix,
# hence 'tfMat'
tfMat = transformMatrixToMemeRepresentation (matrices [[name]])
# meme output may be used by tomtom, which uses matrix names as
# part of image filenames. removed all file-system-unfriendly
# characters here = gsub ('\\/', '_', name)
s [index] = sprintf ('MOTIF %s',
index = index + 1
new.line =
sprintf ('letter-probability matrix: alength= 4 w= %d nsites= %d E=8.1e-020',
nrow (tfMat), 45, 8.1e-020)
s [index] = new.line
index = index + 1
for (r in 1:nrow (tfMat)) {
new.row = sprintf (' %12.10f %12.10f %12.10f %12.10f', tfMat [r,1],
tfMat [r,2], tfMat [r,3], tfMat [r,4])
s [index] = new.row
index = index + 1
s [index] = ''
index = index + 1
} # for name
invisible (s)
} # matrixToMemeText
# connection is a character string, create a file by that name, open the file.
# dispatch to export which dispatches on con='connection'
setMethod ('export', signature=c(object='MotifList', con='character',
function (object, con, format, ...) {
## do minimum work unique to this method, then dispatch to avoid
## code duplication
con = file (con, 'w')
export(object, con, format, ...)
# write to connection with specified format
# format includes TRANSFAC, meme (also good for tomtom), and tsv
setMethod ('export', signature=c(object='MotifList', con='connection',
function (object, con, format, ...) {
fmt = match.arg (tolower (format), c ('meme', 'transfac','jaspar'))
## match.arg fails if !fmt %in% c('meme', 'transfac'), so no need
## for test
## let the user manage opened cons
if (!isOpen(con)) {
if (fmt == 'meme') {
text = matrixToMemeText (object)
} else if (fmt == 'jaspar') {
text = matrixToJasparText (object)
cat (text, sep='\n', file=con)
# write to connection, using default format, ??? for matrix list, tsv for
# metadata
setMethod ('export', signature=c(object='MotifList', con='missing',
function (object, con, format, ...) {
fmt = match.arg (tolower (format), c ('meme','jaspar')) # , 'transfac'
if (fmt == 'meme') {
text = paste (matrixToMemeText (object), collapse='\n')
cat (text)
invisible (text)
} else if (fmt == 'jaspar') {
text = paste (matrixToJasparText (object), collapse='\n')
cat (text)
invisible (text)
setMethod('show', 'MotifList',
function(object) {
msg = sprintf ('MotifDb object of length %d', length (object))
cat (msg, '\n', sep='')
if (length (object) == 0)
return ()
cat ('| Created from downloaded public sources: 2013-Aug-30', '\n', sep='')
tbl.dataSource = (table (mcols (object)$dataSource)) = (table (mcols (object)$organism)) = head ( [order ($Freq, decreasing=TRUE),])
totalMatrixCount = length (object)
totalOrganismCount = length (unique (mcols (object)$organism))
dataSourceCount = nrow (tbl.dataSource)
source.singular.or.plural = 'sources'
if (dataSourceCount == 1)
source.singular.or.plural = 'source'
msg = sprintf ('| %d position frequency matrices from %d %s:',
totalMatrixCount, dataSourceCount, source.singular.or.plural)
cat (msg, '\n', sep='')
for (r in 1:nrow (tbl.dataSource)) {
dataSource = tbl.dataSource$Var1 [r]
matrixCount = tbl.dataSource$Freq [r]
msg = sprintf ('| %18s: %4d', dataSource, matrixCount)
cat (msg, '\n', sep='')
} # for r
msg = sprintf ('| %d organism/s', totalOrganismCount)
cat (msg, '\n', sep='')
for (r in 1:nrow ( {
organism =$Var1 [r]
orgCount =$Freq [r]
msg = sprintf ('| %18s: %4d', organism, orgCount)
cat (msg, '\n', sep='')
} # for r
otherOrgCount = totalMatrixCount - sum ($Freq)
if (otherOrgCount > 0) {
msg = sprintf ('| %18s: %4d', 'other', otherOrgCount)
cat (msg, '\n', sep='')
if (!is.null (names (object))) {
all.names = names (object)
count = length (all.names)
if (count <= 10)
cat (paste (all.names, '\n'), sep='')
else {
cat (paste (all.names [1:5], '\n'), sep='')
cat ('...', '\n', sep='')
end = length (all.names)
start = end - 4
cat (paste (all.names [start:end], '\n'), sep='')
#setMethod ('query', 'MotifList',
# function (object, queryString, {
# indices = unique (as.integer (unlist (sapply (colnames (mcols (object)),
# function (colname)
# grep (queryString, mcols (object)[, colname],
# object [indices]
# })
setMethod ('query', 'MotifList',
function (object, andStrings, orStrings=c(), notStrings=c(), {
find.indices <- function(queryString)
function(colname) grep(queryString, mcols(object)[,colname],
# setup defaults
and.indices <- list(seq_len(length(object)))
or.indices <- list(seq_len(length(object)))
not.indices <- list(c())
if(length(andStrings) > 0)
and.indices <- lapply(andStrings, find.indices)
if(length(orStrings) > 0)
or.indices <- lapply(orStrings, find.indices)
if(length(notStrings) > 0)
not.indices <- lapply(notStrings, find.indices)
# start with the indices of all elements
final.indices <- seq_len(length(object))
# get the cumulative intersection of all the "and" terms
# this steadily dimishes the set of indices
for(indices in and.indices){
final.indices <- intersect(final.indices, indices)
#message(sprintf(" final.indices length is now %d", length(final.indices)))
# lump all of the "or" terms together: they all get included
final.indices <- intersect(unlist(or.indices), final.indices)
# finally reduce the set to exclude all indices of all "not" terms
for(indices in not.indices)
final.indices <- setdiff(final.indices, indices)
object [final.indices]
# Addition on 2017/06/15 from Matt Richards
# This will not exactly match JASPAR because units are PFM and JASPAR uses PCM
# General JASPAR Format:
# > "Motif Name"\t"Transcription Factor"
# A [ PCMS ]
# C [ PCMS ]
# G [ PCMS ]
# T [ PCMS ]
# ...
# Note: the PCMs are space-delimited
matrixToJasparText <- function (matrices)
matrix.count <- length (matrices)
# Incoming matrices have nucleotide rows, position columns.
# This is the correct orientation for JASPAR; however, we need to also
# add brackets and letters to them
# Calculate the number of lines of text by counting matrices and assuming
# 6 lines per matrix
predicted.line.count <- 6*matrix.count
#s = vector ('character', predicted.line.count)
s <- character (predicted.line.count)
index <- 1
for (name in names (matrices)) {
# Print the name with an arrow, follwed by the motif
s[index] <- sprintf('>%s',name)
index <- index + 1
# For each line of the matrix, print the correct letter and the
# matrix row surrounded by brackets
motif.matrix <- matrices[name][[1]]
for (r in 1:nrow(motif.matrix)) {
s[index] <- sprintf("%s [ %s ]",
paste(motif.matrix[r,],collapse=" "))
index <- index + 1
s[index] <- ""
index <- index + 1
} # for name
# Remove the last blank line
s <- s[-length(s)]
invisible (s)
} # matrixToJasparText
# returns a data.frame with motif, geneSymbol, source, pubmedID columns
# setMethod ('oldMotifToGene', 'MotifList',
# function (object, motifs, source) {
# source <- tolower(source)
# stopifnot(source %in% c("motifdb", "tfclass"))
# tbl <- data.frame()
# if(source %in% c("motifdb")){
# providerId <- NULL # avoid R CMD check note
# tbl <-, providerId %in% motifs))
# if(nrow(tbl) == 0)
# return(data.frame())
# tbl <- unique(tbl [, c("geneSymbol", "providerId", "dataSource", "organism", "pubmedID")])
# colnames(tbl) <- c("geneSymbol", "motif", "dataSource", "organism", "pubmedID")
# tbl <- tbl[, c("motif", "geneSymbol", "dataSource", "organism", "pubmedID")]
# if(nrow(tbl) > 0)
# tbl$source <- "MotifDb"
# }
# if(source %in% c("tfclass")){
# motif <- NULL
# tbl <- subset(object@manuallyCuratedGeneMotifAssociationTable, motif %in% motifs)
# if(nrow(tbl) == 0)
# return(data.frame())
# tbl <- unique(tbl[, c("motif", "tf.gene", "pubmedID")])
# tbl <- tbl[order(tbl$motif),]
# rownames(tbl) <- NULL
# colnames(tbl) <- c("motif", "geneSymbol", "pubmedID")
# if(nrow(tbl) > 0)
# tbl$source <- "TFClass"
# }
# tbl
# }) # oldMotifToGene
# returns a data.frame with motif, geneSymbol, source, pubmedID columns
setMethod ('motifToGene', 'MotifList',
function (object, motifs, source) {
# for MotifDb, motif names come in a variety of forms, and our first step
# is to convert them all, if needed, into that which is found in
# the "providerId" column of the MotifDb metadata table.
# first check to see if the supplied motif name is actually a MotifDb
# matrix list name, e.g., Hsapiens-HOCOMOCOv10-IKZF1_HUMAN.H10MO.C
# when those cases are discovered, they are translated to the matrices
# providerId - which is our standard currency for lookup, using
# the mcols (the metadata, the annotation) which accompanies
# each pfm matrix
tbl.mdb <- data.frame()
tbl.tfc <- data.frame() <- as.list(motifs)
names( <- motifs
for(i in seq_len(length(motifs))){
x <-match(motifs[i], names(MotifDb));
newValue <- mcols(MotifDb[motifs[i]])$providerId
names([i] <- newValue
motifs[i] <-newValue
} # for i
source <- tolower(source)
stopifnot(all(source %in% c("motifdb", "tfclass")))
if("motifdb" %in% source){
providerId <- NULL # avoid R CMD check note
tbl.mdb <-, providerId %in% motifs))
if(nrow(tbl.mdb) > 0){
tbl.mdb <- unique(tbl.mdb [, c("geneSymbol", "providerId", "dataSource", "organism", "pubmedID")])
colnames(tbl.mdb) <- c("geneSymbol", "motif", "dataSource", "organism", "pubmedID")
tbl.mdb <- tbl.mdb[, c("motif", "geneSymbol", "dataSource", "organism", "pubmedID")]
tbl.mdb$source <- "MotifDb"
tbl.mdb <- tbl.mdb[, c("motif", "geneSymbol", "pubmedID", "organism", "source")]
rownames(tbl.mdb) <- NULL
} # nrow of tbl.mdb > 0
} # motifDb
if("tfclass" %in% source){
motif <- NULL
tbl.tfc <- subset(object@manuallyCuratedGeneMotifAssociationTable, motif %in% motifs)
if(nrow(tbl.tfc) > 0){
tbl.tfc <- unique(tbl.tfc[, c("motif", "tf.gene", "pubmedID")])
tbl.tfc <- tbl.tfc[order(tbl.tfc$motif),]
rownames(tbl.tfc) <- NULL
colnames(tbl.tfc) <- c("motif", "geneSymbol", "pubmedID")
tbl.tfc$source <- "TFClass"
tbl.tfc$organism <- "Hsapiens"
} # nrow(tbl.tfc) > 0
} # tfclass
if(nrow(tbl.mdb) == 0 && nrow(tbl.tfc) == 0)
tbl.out <- rbind(tbl.mdb, tbl.tfc)
dups <- which(duplicated(tbl.out[, c("motif", "geneSymbol", "organism", "source")]))
if(length(dups) > 0)
tbl.out <- tbl.out[-dups,]
if(length( > 0)
tbl.out$motif <- as.character([tbl.out$motif])
# returns a data.frame with motif, geneSymbol, source, pubmedID columns
setMethod ('geneToMotif', 'MotifList',
function (object, geneSymbols, source, {
source <- tolower(source)
stopifnot(all(source %in% c("motifdb", "tfclass")))
extract.mdb <- function(gene){
geneSymbol <- NULL # workaround the R CMD check "no visible binding for global variable"
tbl <-, tolower(geneSymbol) == tolower(gene)))
tbl <-, geneSymbol == gene))
tbl <- unique(tbl [, c("geneSymbol", "providerId", "dataSource", "organism", "pubmedID")])
colnames(tbl) <- c("geneSymbol", "motif", "dataSource", "organism", "pubmedID")
if("motifdb" %in% source){
tbls <- lapply(geneSymbols, extract.mdb)
result <-, tbls)
if(nrow(result) > 0)
result$source <- "MotifDb"
if("tfclass" %in% source){
tbl <- subset(object@manuallyCuratedGeneMotifAssociationTable, tolower(tf.gene) %in% tolower(geneSymbols))
tbl <- subset(object@manuallyCuratedGeneMotifAssociationTable, tf.gene %in% geneSymbols)
tf.gene <- NULL; motif <- NULL # workaround R CMD CHECK "no visible binding ..." bogus error
tbl <- unique(tbl[, c("motif", "tf.gene", "pubmedID")])
tbl <- tbl[order(tbl$tf.gene),]
rownames(tbl) <- NULL
colnames(tbl) <- c("motif", "geneSymbol", "pubmedID")
result <- tbl[, c("geneSymbol", "motif", "pubmedID")]
if(nrow(result) > 0)
result$source <- "TFClass"
setMethod('associateTranscriptionFactors', 'MotifList',
function(object, tbl.withMotifs, source, expand.rows, motifColumnName="motifName"){
stopifnot(motifColumnName %in% colnames(tbl.withMotifs)) <- motifToGene(object, unique(tbl.withMotifs[, motifColumnName]), source)
merge(tbl.withMotifs,, by.x=motifColumnName, by.y="motif", all.x=TRUE)
# setMethod('associateTranscriptionFactors', 'MotifList',
# function(object, tbl.withMotifs, source, expand.rows){
# source <- tolower(source)
# stopifnot(source %in% c("motifdb", "tfclass"))
# tbl.out <- data.frame()
# if(source %in% c("motifdb")){
# # lookup up in the object metadata, expect one TF geneSymbol per matrix name
# pfm.ids <- tbl.withMotifs[, "motifName"]
# matched.rows <- match(pfm.ids, names(as.list(object)))
# #if(length(matched.rows) == nrow(tbl.withMotifs)) {
# <- mcols(object)[matched.rows, c("geneSymbol", "pubmedID")]
#$geneSymbol[nchar($geneSymbol)==0] <- NA
#$pubmedID[nchar($pubmedID)==0] <- NA
# tbl.out <-,
# } # direct
# if(source %in% c("tfclass")){
# if(! "shortMotif" %in% colnames(tbl.withMotifs)){
# stop("MotifDb::assoicateTranscriptionFactors needs a 'shortMotif' column with the TFClass source")
# }
# tbl.tfClass <- read.table(system.file(package="MotifDb", "extdata", "tfClass.tsv"), sep="\t",, header=TRUE)
# motif.ids <- tbl.withMotifs[, "shortMotif"]
# geneSymbols <- lapply(motif.ids, function(id)
# paste(tbl.tfClass$tf.gene[grep(id, tbl.tfClass$motif, fixed=TRUE)], collapse=";"))
# geneSymbols <- unlist(geneSymbols)
# pubmedIds <- lapply(motif.ids, function(id)
# unique(tbl.tfClass$pubmedID[grep(id, tbl.tfClass$motif, fixed=TRUE)]))
# pubmedIds <- as.character(pubmedIds)
# pubmedIds <- gsub("integer(0)", "", pubmedIds, fixed=TRUE)
# <- data.frame(geneSymbol=geneSymbols, pubmedID=pubmedIds, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#$geneSymbol[nchar($geneSymbol)==0] <- NA
#$pubmedID[nchar($pubmedID)==0] <- NA
# tbl.out <-,
# if(expand.rows){
# <- which($geneSymbol))
# rows.with.geneSymbol <- setdiff(1:nrow(tbl.out),
# tbl.asIs <- tbl.out[,]
# tbl.toExpand <- tbl.out[rows.with.geneSymbol,]
# geneSymbols.split <- strsplit(tbl.toExpand$geneSymbol, ";")
# counts <- unlist(lapply(geneSymbols.split, length))
# geneSymbols.split.vec <- unlist(geneSymbols.split)
# tbl.expanded <- splitstackshape::expandRows(tbl.toExpand, counts,, drop=FALSE)
# stopifnot(length(geneSymbols.split.vec) == nrow(tbl.expanded))
# tbl.expanded$geneSymbol <- geneSymbols.split.vec
# tbl.out <- rbind(tbl.expanded, tbl.asIs)
# }
# } # indirect
# tbl.out
# })
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