#' @title Generate network
#' @description This function carries out the gene regulatory network inference using parmigene
#' @param TFs a vector of genes.
#' @param DEGsmatrix DEGsmatrix output from DEA such as dataDEGs
#' @param DiffGenes if TRUE consider only diff.expr genes in GRN
#' @param normCounts is a matrix of gene expression with genes in rows and samples in columns.
#' @param kNearest the number of nearest neighbors to consider to estimate the mutual information.
#' Must be less than the number of columns of normCounts.
#' @param nGenesPerm nGenesPerm
#' @param nBoot nBoot
#' @importFrom parmigene knnmi.cross
#' @export
#' @return an adjacent matrix
#' @examples
#' dataDEGs <- DEGsmatrix
#' dataGRN <- GRN(TFs = rownames(dataDEGs)[1:100],
#' DEGsmatrix = dataDEGs,
#' DiffGenes = TRUE,
#' normCounts = dataFilt)
GRN <- function(TFs, DEGsmatrix, DiffGenes = FALSE, normCounts, kNearest = 3, nGenesPerm = 10, nBoot = 10) {
normCountsA <- normCounts
normCountsB <- normCounts
commonGenes <- intersect(rownames(DEGsmatrix), rownames(normCountsB) )
normCountsB <- normCountsB[commonGenes,]
normCountsB <- normCountsA
MRcandidates <- intersect(rownames(normCountsA),TFs)
# Mutual information between TF and genes
sampleNames <- colnames(normCounts)
geneNames <- rownames(normCounts)
# messageMI_TFgenes <- paste("Estimation of MI among [", length(MRcandidates), " TRs and ", nrow(normCounts), " genes].....", sep = "")
# timeEstimatedMI_TFgenes1 <- length(MRcandidates)*nrow(normCounts)/1000
# timeEstimatedMI_TFgenes <- format(timeEstimatedMI_TFgenes1*ncol(normCounts)/17000, digits = 2)
# messageEstimation <- print(paste("I Need about ", timeEstimatedMI_TFgenes, "seconds for this MI estimation. [Processing 17000k elements /s] "))
# system.time(
miTFGenes <- knnmi.cross(normCountsA[MRcandidates, ], normCountsB, k = kNearest)
# )
# threshold with bootstrap
tfListCancer <- TFs
tfListCancer <- intersect(tfListCancer,rownames(normCountsA))
for (i in 1: nBoot){
# cat(paste( (nBoot-i),".",sep=""))
SampleS <- sample(1:ncol(normCountsA))
g <- sample(1:nrow(normCountsA), nGenesPerm)
# if(i == 1) system.time(mi <- knnmi.cross(normCounts[tfListCancer, ], normCounts[g, SampleS], k = kNum)) else
mi <- knnmi.cross(normCountsA[tfListCancer, ], normCountsA[g, SampleS], k = kNearest)
maxmiCurr <- apply(mi,1, max)
Cancer_null_distr[,i] <- maxmiCurr
index <- maxmi < maxmiCurr
maxmi[index]<- maxmiCurr[index]
names(maxmi) <- rownames(Cancer_null_distr)
return(list(miTFGenes = miTFGenes, maxmi = maxmi))
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