#' Runs the neighbor voting algorithm.
#' The function performs cell type identity prediction based on 'guilt by
#' association' using cross validation. Performance is evaluated by calculating
#' the AUROC for each cell type.
#' @param exp_labels A vector that indicates the dataset source of
#' each sample
#' @param cell_labels sample by cell type matrix that indicates the cell type
#' of each sample (0-absent; 1-present)
#' @param network sample by sample adjacency matrix, ranked and standardized
#' between 0-1
#' @param means default \code{TRUE}, determines output formatting
#' @param node_degree_normalization default \code{TRUE}, should predictions
#' be divided by node degree?
#' @return If \code{means = TRUE} (default) a vector containing the mean of
#' AUROC values across cross-validation folds will be returned. If FALSE a list
#' is returned containing a cell type by dataset matrix of AUROC scores, for
#' each fold of cross-validation. Default is over-ridden when more than one cell
#' type is assessed.
#' @examples
#' data("mn_data")
#' data("GOmouse")
#' library(SummarizedExperiment)
#' AUROC_scores = MetaNeighbor(dat = mn_data,
#' experiment_labels = as.numeric(factor(mn_data$study_id)),
#' celltype_labels = metadata(colData(mn_data))[["cell_labels"]],
#' genesets = GOmouse,
#' bplot = TRUE)
#' AUROC_scores
#' @seealso \code{\link{MetaNeighbor}}
#' @export
neighborVoting <- function (exp_labels,
exp_labels <- as.factor(exp_labels)
exp_names <- levels(exp_labels)
exp_labels <- as.numeric(exp_labels)
# cell_labels : needs to be in 1s and 0s
x1 <- dim(cell_labels)[2]
x2 <- dim(cell_labels)[1]
e <- unique(exp_labels)
#print("Make genes label CV matrix")
test_cell_labels <- matrix(cell_labels, nrow=x2, ncol = length(e)*x1)
exp_cols <- rep(e, each = x1)
for (i in seq_along(e)){
d <- which(exp_labels == i)
a <- which(exp_cols == i)
test_cell_labels[d,a] <- 0
#print("Get sums - mat. mul.")
sum_in <- (network %*% test_cell_labels)
#print("Get sums - calc predicts")
if (node_degree_normalization) {
#print("Get sums - calc sumall")
sum_all <- matrix(apply(network, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sum),
ncol = dim(sum_in)[2],
nrow = dim(sum_in)[1])
predicts <- sum_in/sum_all
} else {
predicts <- sum_in
#print("Hide training data")
nans <- which(test_cell_labels == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
predicts[nans] <- NA
#Hide other experiment data
for (i in seq_along(e)){
d <- which(exp_labels != i)
a <- which(exp_cols == i)
predicts[d,a] <- NA
#print("Rank test data")
predicts <- apply(abs(predicts),
FUN = rank,
na.last = "keep",
ties.method = "average")
filter <- matrix(cell_labels, nrow = x2, ncol = length(e)*x1)
for (i in seq_along(e)){
d <- which(exp_labels != i)
a <- which(exp_cols ==i )
filter[d,a] <- NA
negatives <- which(filter == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
positives <- which(filter == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
predicts[negatives] <- 0
#print("Calculate ROC - np")
np <- colSums(filter, na.rm = TRUE) # Postives
#print("Calculate ROC - nn")
nn <- apply(filter,
FUN = function(x) sum(x == 0, na.rm = TRUE)) # Negatives
#print("Calculate ROC - p")
p <- apply(predicts, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sum, na.rm = TRUE)
#print("Calculate ROC - rocN")
rocNV <- (p/np - (np+1)/2)/nn
rocNV <- matrix(rocNV, ncol = length(e), nrow = x1)
colnames(rocNV) <- exp_names
rownames(rocNV) <- colnames(cell_labels)
scores = rowMeans(rocNV ,na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
scores = rocNV
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