Man pages for MetaNeighbor
Single cell replicability analysis

extendClusterSetExtend cluster set to nearest neighbors on cluster graph.
extractMetaClustersExtracts groups of reciprocal top hits from a 1-vs-best AUROC...
getCellTypeReturn cell type from a label in format 'study_id|cell_type'
getStudyIdReturn study ID from a label in format 'study_id|cell_type'
makeClusterGraphConvert AUROC matrix into a graph.
makeClusterNameMake cluster names in format 'study_id|cell_type'
mergeSCEMerge multiple SingleCellExperiment objects.
MetaNeighborRuns MetaNeighbor
MetaNeighborUSRuns unsupervised version of MetaNeighbor
neighborVotingRuns the neighbor voting algorithm.
plotBPlotPlot Bean Plot, showing how replicability of cell types...
plotClusterGraphPlot cluster graph generated with makeClusterGraph.
plotDotPlotPlot dot plot showing expression of a gene set across cell...
plotHeatmapPlots symmetric AUROC heatmap, clustering cell types by...
plotHeatmapPretrainedPlots rectangular AUROC heatmap, clustering train cell types...
plotMetaClustersPlot meta-cluster badges, each badge is a small AUROC heatmap...
plotUpsetPlot Upset plot showing how replicability depends on input...
scoreMetaClustersSummarize meta-cluster information in a table.
splitClustersSplit clusters according to symmetric AUROC similarity.
splitTestClustersSplit test clusters according to AUROC similarity to train...
splitTrainClustersSplit train clusters according to AUROC similarity to test...
standardizeLabelRemove special characters ("|") from labels to avoid later...
subsetClusterGraphSubset cluster graph to clusters of interest.
topHitsFind reciprocal top hits
trainModelPretrains model for the unsupervised version of MetaNeighbor
variableGenesIdentify a highly variable gene set
MetaNeighbor documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:40 p.m.