#' Preprocess fcs files from a single experiment
#' A function that preprocesses fcs files from a single experiment.
#' @param fcsFiles A vector specifying the location of all fcs files.
#' @param assay Either "FCM" or "CyTOF" to indicate the type of cytometry data.
#' @param b A positive number used to specify the arcsinh transformation. f(x) =
#' asinh (b*x) where x is the original value and f(x) is the value after
#' transformation. The suggested value is 1/150 for flow cytometry (FCM) data
#' and 1/8 for CyTOF data. If b = 0, the transformation is skipped.
#' @param fileSampleSize An integer specifying the number of events sampled from
#' each fcs file. If NULL, all the events will be pre-processed and wrote out
#' to the new fcs files.
#' @param excludeTransformParameters A vector specifying the name of parameters
#' not to be transformed (left at linear scale).
#' @param compFiles A vector specifying the paths of user supplied compensation
#' matrix for each fcs file. The matrix must be stored in csv files.
#' @return Returns a flowFrame object containing the preprocessed cytometry
#' data. Cells from different fcs files are combined into one flow frame. A
#' new parameter, sample_id, is introduced to indicate the origin of each
#' cell.
#' @examples
#' # Find fcs files
#' files=system.file("extdata","SDY420/ResultFiles/CyTOF_result",
#' package="MetaCyto")
#' files=list.files(files,pattern="fcs$",full.names=TRUE)
#' # Preprocess
#' fcs = preprocessing(fcsFiles=files,assay ="CyTOF",b=1/8)
#' @importFrom flowCore read.flowSet fsApply keyword logTransform transformList
#' transform compensate arcsinhTransform colnames
#' @export
assay=c("FCM", "CyTOF"),
fcs_names= gsub(".*/","",fcsFiles)
cat("Preprocessing \n")
# 1) identify sample :
# 2) read the fcs files
fcs = flowCore::read.flowSet(fcsFiles,transformation="linearize",alter.names=FALSE,truncate_max_range=FALSE)
if(!is.null(fileSampleSize)& (! ){
fcs = flowCore::fsApply(fcs, function(f){
# 3) compensation and transformation
if (assay == "FCM") {
# retreiving fluorescent biomarkers
w=which(!grepl(excludeTransformParameters,flowCore::colnames(fcs), = TRUE))
biomarker_vector = flowCore::colnames(fcs)[w]
# identify the fcs file format
version = flowCore::fsApply(fcs, function(frame) {
return(flowCore::keyword(frame, "FCSversion")[[1]])
unique_version = as.numeric(unique(as.vector(version)))
# compensation, transformation
## if the file version is 2.0, then code will log transform the data
if (unique_version == 2) {
trans = flowCore::logTransform()
translist = flowCore::transformList(biomarker_vector,trans)
fcs = flowCore::transform(fcs, translist)
} else if (unique_version >= 3) {
# check if user have provided the compmatrix
if({return(as.matrix(NA))}else{return(as.matrix(read.csv(x,row.names = 1,check.names = FALSE)))}
for(id in 1:length(fcs)){
fcs[[id]]@description$SPILL <- compList[[id]]
### function first checks if the spill matrix in the flowframe is an actual spill matrix or an identity matrix
if (is.null(flowCore::keyword(fcs[[1]], "SPILL")[[1]]) == FALSE) {
check = flowCore::fsApply(fcs, function(x) {
result = isSymmetric(flowCore::keyword(x, "SPILL")[[1]])
### if all flowframes have spill matrices then my function
### will apply them to each flowframe in the flowset for compensation
if (unique(check)[[1]] == FALSE) {
fcs = flowCore::fsApply(fcs, function(x) {
new_frame = flowCore::compensate(x, flowCore::keyword(x, "SPILL")[[1]])
if(b != 0){
trans = flowCore::arcsinhTransform(transformationId="defaultArcsinhTransform",a=0,b=b,c=0)
translist = flowCore::transformList(biomarker_vector, trans)
fcs = flowCore::transform(fcs, translist)
} else if (assay == "CyTOF") {
w=which(!grepl(excludeTransformParameters,flowCore::colnames(fcs), = TRUE))
biomarker_vector = flowCore::colnames(fcs)[w]
if(b != 0){
trans = flowCore::arcsinhTransform(transformationId = "defaultArcsinhTransform", a = 0, b = b, c = 0)
translist = flowCore::transformList(biomarker_vector, trans)
fcs = flowCore::transform(fcs, translist)
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