data("convertMsp2Spectra", package = "MetCirc")
spl <- convertMsp2Spectra(msp2spectra)
simMat <- compare_Spectra(spl[1:2], fun = "dotproduct")
## START unit test compare_Spectra
test_that("compare_Spectra", {
matrix(c(1, 1.004575e-05, 1.004575e-05, 1),
ncol = 2, dimnames = list(1:2, 1:2)), tolerance = 1e-6)
expect_error(compare_Spectra(spl[1], "dotproduct"), "n < m")
expect_error(compare_Spectra(spl[1:2], "dotproduct2"),
"'arg' should be one of ")
## END unit test compare_Spectra
## START unit test normalizeddotproduct
ndp <- normalizeddotproduct(spl[[1]], spl[[2]])
test_that("normalizeddotproduct", {
expect_equal(ndp, 1.591002e-07, tolerance = 1e-6)
expect_error(normalizeddotproduct(spl[[1]], 1),
"trying to get slot \"intensity\"")
expect_error(normalizeddotproduct(1, spl[[1]]),
"trying to get slot \"intensity\"")
expect_error(normalizeddotproduct(spl[[1]], spl[[2]], "a"),
"non-numeric argument to binary operator")
expect_error(normalizeddotproduct(spl[[1]], spl[[2]], 1, "a"),
"non-numeric argument to binary operator")
## END unit test normalizeddotproduct
## START unit test neutralloss
nl <- neutralloss(spl[[1]], spl[[2]])
test_that("neutralloss", {
expect_equal(nl, 5.899399e-05, tolerance = 1e-6)
expect_error(neutralloss(spl[[1]], 1),
"trying to get slot \"intensity\"")
expect_error(neutralloss(1, spl[[1]]),
"trying to get slot \"intensity\"")
expect_error(neutralloss(spl[[1]], spl[[2]], "a"),
"non-numeric argument to binary operator")
expect_error(neutralloss(spl[[1]], spl[[2]], 1, "a"),
"non-numeric argument to binary operator")
## END unit test neutralloss
## START unit test orderSimilarityMatrix
simMat_o_mz <- orderSimilarityMatrix(simMat, spl, type = "mz", group = FALSE)
simMat_o_rt <- orderSimilarityMatrix(simMat, spl, type = "retentionTime",
group = FALSE)
simMat_o_cl <- orderSimilarityMatrix(simMat, spl, type = "clustering",
group = FALSE)
## create a matrix with groups
simMat_gr <- simMat
rownames(simMat_gr) <- colnames(simMat_gr) <- paste("A", rownames(simMat),
sep = "_")
test_that("orderSimilarityMatrix", {
expect_error(orderSimilarityMatrix(simMat, spl, type = "foo"),
"'arg' should be one of ")
expect_error(orderSimilarityMatrix(simMat, spl, type = "mz", group = "a"),
"group has to be TRUE or FALSE")
expect_error(orderSimilarityMatrix(type = "mz"),
"is missing, with no default")
expect_error(orderSimilarityMatrix(type = "retentionTime"),
"is missing, with no default")
expect_error(orderSimilarityMatrix(type = "clustering"),
"is missing, with no default")
expect_equal(colnames(simMat), colnames(simMat_o_mz))
expect_equal(rownames(simMat), rownames(simMat_o_mz))
expect_equal(colnames(simMat_o_mz), rownames(simMat_o_mz))
expect_equal(dim(simMat), dim(simMat_o_mz))
expect_equal(colnames(simMat_o_rt), rownames(simMat_o_rt))
expect_equal(dim(simMat), dim(simMat_o_rt))
expect_equal(colnames(simMat_o_cl), rownames(simMat_o_cl))
expect_equal(dim(simMat), dim(simMat_o_cl))
orderSimilarityMatrix(simMat_gr, spl, type = "mz", group = TRUE)))
orderSimilarityMatrix(simMat_gr, spl, type = "mz", group = TRUE)))
expect_equal(rownames(orderSimilarityMatrix(simMat_gr, spl, type = "mz",
group = TRUE)), c("A_1", "A_2"))
expect_equal(colnames(orderSimilarityMatrix(simMat_gr, spl, type = "mz",
group = TRUE)), c("A_1", "A_2"))
## END unit test orderSimilarityMatrix
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