#' Sample size calculation plot for hypothesis testing
#' Calculate sample size for future experiments based on intensity-based linear model.
#' @details The function fits intensity-based linear model on the input `data'.
#' Then it uses the fitted models and the fold changes estimated from the models to calculate
#' sample size for hypothesis testing through `designSampleSize' function from MSstats package.
#' It outputs the minimal number of biological replciates per condition to acquire the expected
#' FDR and power under different fold changes.
#' @param data Protein abundance data matrix.
#' Rows are proteins and columns are biological replicates (samples).
#' @param annotation Group information for samples in data.
#' `BioReplicate' for sample ID and `Condition' for group information are required.
#' `BioReplicate' information should match with column names of `data'.
#' @param desired_FC the range of a desired fold change.
#' The first option (Default) is "data",
#' indicating the range of the desired fold change is directly estimated from the input `data',
#' which are the minimal fold change and the maximal fold change in the input `data'.
#' The second option is a vector which includes
#' the lower and upper values of the desired fold change (For example, c(1.25,1.75)).
#' @param select_testing_proteins the standard to select the proteins for hypothesis testing and sample size calculation.
#' The variance (and the range of desired fold change if desiredFC = "data") for sample size calculation
#' will be estimated from the selected proteins.
#' It can be 1) "proportion" of total number of proteins in the input data or
#' 2) "number" to specify the number of proteins.
#' "proportion" indicates that user should provide the value for `protein_proportion' option.
#' "number" indicates that user should provide the value for `protein_number' option.
#' @param protein_proportion Proportion of total number of proteins in the input data to test.
#' For example, input data has 1,000 proteins and user selects `protein_proportion=0.1'.
#' Proteins are ranked in decreasing order based on their mean abundance across all the samples.
#' Then, 1,000 * 0.1 = 100 proteins will be selected from the top list to test.
#' Default is 1.0, which meaans that all the proteins will be used.
#' @param protein_number Number of proteins to test. For example, `protein_number=1000'.
#' Proteins are ranked in decreasing order based on their mean abundance across all the samples
#' and top `protein_number' proteins will be selected to test.
#' Default is 1000.
#' @param FDR a pre-specified false discovery ratio (FDR) to control the overall false positive.
#' Default is 0.05
#' @param power a pre-specified statistical power which defined as the probability of detecting a
#' true fold change. You should input the average of power you expect. Default is 0.9
#' @param width Width of the saved pdf file. Default is 5.
#' @param height Height of the saved pdf file. Default is 5.
#' @param address The name of folder that will store the results. Default folder is the current working directory.
#' The other assigned folder has to be existed under the current working directory.
#' An output pdf file is automatically created with the default name of `HypothesisTestingSampleSizePlot.pdf'.
#' The command address can help to specify where to store the file as well as how to modify the beginning of the file name.
#' If address=FALSE, plot will be not saved as pdf file but showed in window.
#' @importFrom MSstats designSampleSize designSampleSizePlots
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @export
#' @return sample size plot for hypothesis testing :
#' the plot for the minimal number of biological replciates per condition to acquire the expected
#' FDR and power under different fold changes.
#' @return data frame with columns desiredFC, numSample, FDR, power and CV
#' @author Ting Huang, Meena Choi, Olga Vitek
#' @examples
#' data(OV_SRM_train)
#' data(OV_SRM_train_annotation)
#' # sample size plot for hypothesis testing
#' HT_res <- designSampleSizeHypothesisTestingPlot(data = OV_SRM_train,
#' annotation= OV_SRM_train_annotation,
#' desired_FC = "data",
#' select_testing_proteins = "proportion",
#' protein_proportion = 1.0,
#' protein_number = 1000,
#' FDR=0.05,
#' power=0.9)
#' # data frame with columns desiredFC, numSample, FDR, power and CV
#' head(HT_res)
designSampleSizeHypothesisTestingPlot <- function(data,
desired_FC = "data",
select_testing_proteins = "proportion",
protein_proportion = 1.0,
protein_number = 1000,
height = 5,
width = 5,
address = "") {
## Estimate the mean abundance and variance of each protein in each phenotype group
parameters <- estimateVar(data, annotation)
## log file
## save process output in each step
loginfo <- .logGeneration()
finalfile <- loginfo$finalfile
processout <- loginfo$processout
processout <- rbind(processout,
as.matrix(c(" ", " ", "MSstatsSampleSize - designSampleSizeHypothesisTesting function", " "), ncol=1))
## match between data and annotation
data <- data[, annotation$BioReplicate]
group <- as.factor(as.character(annotation$Condition))
## input checking
## 2.1 desired_FC
if ( !is.element("data", desired_FC) & !length(desired_FC) == 2 ) {
processout <- rbind(processout, c("ERROR : desired_FC should be `data` or a a vector with
the lower and upper values of the desired fold change.
Please check it."))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
stop("ERROR : desired_FC should be `data` or a a vector with
the lower and upper values of the desired fold change.
Please check it. \n")
if(!is.element("data", desired_FC)){
processout <- rbind(processout, paste0(paste0("desired_FC = ", desired_FC), collapse=","))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
## 2.2 select_testing_proteins
if ( !is.element("proportion", select_testing_proteins) & !is.element("number", select_testing_proteins) ) {
processout <- rbind(processout, c("ERROR : select_testing_proteins should be either `proportion` or `number`. Please check it."))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
stop("ERROR : select_testing_proteins should be either `proportion` or `number`. Please check it. \n")
processout <- rbind(processout, c(paste0("select_testing_proteins = ", select_testing_proteins)))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
## 2.3 protein_proportion
if(is.element("proportion", select_testing_proteins)){
if (is.null(protein_proportion) ) {
processout <- rbind(processout, c("ERROR : protein_proportion is required for select_testing_proteins=`proportion`. Please provide the value for protein_proportion."))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
stop("ERROR : protein_proportion is required for select_testing_proteins=`proportion`. Please provide the value for protein_proportion. \n")
} else if ( protein_proportion < 0 | protein_proportion > 1 ) {
processout <- rbind(processout, c("ERROR : protein_proportion should be between 0 and 1. Please check the value for protein_proportion."))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
stop("ERROR : protein_proportion should be between 0 and 1. Please check the value for protein_proportion. \n")
processout <- rbind(processout, c(paste0("protein_proportion = ", protein_proportion)))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
## 2.4 protein_number
num_total_proteins <- nrow(data)
if(is.element("number", select_testing_proteins)){
if (is.null(protein_number) ) {
processout <- rbind(processout, c("ERROR : protein_number is required for select_testing_proteins=`number`. Please provide the value for protein_number."))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
stop("ERROR : protein_number is required for select_testing_proteins=`number`. Please provide the value for protein_number. \n")
} else if ( protein_number < 0 | protein_number > num_total_proteins ) {
processout <- rbind(processout,
c(paste0("ERROR : protein_number should be between 0 and the total number of protein(", num_total_proteins,
"). Please check the value for protein_number.")))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
stop(message(paste0("ERROR : protein_number should be between 0 and the total number of protein(", num_total_proteins,
"). Please check the value for protein_number. \n")))
processout <- rbind(processout, c(paste0("protein_number = ", protein_number)))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
## 2.5 FDR
if ( (!is.numeric(FDR)) | FDR < 0 | FDR > 1 ) {
processout <- rbind(processout, c("ERROR : FDR should be a numeric value between 0 and 1."))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
stop("ERROR : FDR should be a numeric value between 0 and 1. \n")
processout <- rbind(processout, c(paste0("FDR = ", FDR)))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
## 2.6 power
if ( (!is.numeric(power)) | power < 0 | power > 1 ) {
processout <- rbind(processout, c("ERROR : power should be a numeric value between 0 and 1."))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
stop("ERROR : power should be a numeric value between 0 and 1. \n")
processout <- rbind(processout, c(paste0("power = ", power)))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
## Prepare the parameters for hypothesis testing
models <- parameters$model
mu <- parameters$mu
sigma <- parameters$sigma
promean <- parameters$promean
proteins <- parameters$protein
## Generate the protein number to test
# 1. based on proportion
if (select_testing_proteins == "proportion") {
nproteins <- length(promean)
protein_num <- round(nproteins*protein_proportion)
# 2. based on number
} else {
protein_num <- protein_number
## select proteins based on their mean abundance
selectedPros <- order(promean, decreasing = TRUE)[seq_len(protein_num)]
processout <- rbind(processout, c(paste0(" Number of proteins to teset: ", protein_num)))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
message(" Number of proteins to test: ", protein_num)
## prepare the expected fold change and linear models for hypothesis testing
models_2 <- models[selectedPros]
mu_2 <- mu[selectedPros, ]
# sigma_2 <- sigma[selectedPros, ]
# promean <- parameters$promean[selectedPros]
# proteins_2 <- proteins[proteins %in% selectedPros]
## prepare the expected fold change for hypothesis testing
if (is.element("data", desired_FC)) {
# 1. use the fold change estimated from input data
for(i in seq(ncol(mu_2)-1)){
for(j in seq(i+1, ncol(mu_2))){
FCs <- c(FCs, 2^(mu_2[,i] - mu_2[,j]))
# make all the fold changes not less than 1
FCs <- ifelse(FCs > 1, FCs, 1/FCs)
desired_FC <- round(quantile(FCs, probs = c(0.05, 0.95)), 4)
if(desired_FC["5%"] < 1.1){
processout <- rbind(processout, c(paste0(" The 1st quantile of fold changes from input data is ",
", which is too small. The minimal fold change for sample size estimation is set to 1.1")))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
message(" The 1st quantile of fold changes from input data is ", desired_FC["5%"],
", which is too small. The minimal fold change for sample size estimation is set to 1.1")
# set the minimal fold change to 1.1
desired_FC["5%"] <- 1.1
} else {
# 2. use the predefined fold change range
desired_FC = desired_FC
## Calculate sample size for future experiments:
# Minimal number of biological replicates per condition
res <- designSampleSize(data = models_2,
numSample = TRUE,
desiredFC = desired_FC,
power = power)
if (address != FALSE) {
allfiles <- list.files()
num <- 0
plotfilenaming <- paste0(address, "HypothesisTestingSampleSizePlot")
plotfinalfile <- paste0(address, "HypothesisTestingSampleSizePlot.pdf")
while (is.element(plotfinalfile, allfiles)) {
num <- num + 1
plotfinalfile <- paste0(paste(plotfilenaming, num, sep="-"), ".pdf")
pdf(plotfinalfile, width=width, height=height)
if (address != FALSE) {
message(" Drew the sample size plot for hypothesis testing!")
processout <- rbind(processout, as.matrix(c(" Drew the sample size plot for hypothesis testing!"), ncol=1))
write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
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