Man pages for MBASED
Package containing functions for ASE analysis using Meta-analysis Based Allele-Specific Expression Detection

betaParametrizationConvertersFunctions to convert between shape parameters a and b for...
estimateMAF1sFunction that given observed count data returns a maximum...
estimateMAF2sFunction that given observed count data returns a maximum...
FreemanTukeyFunctionsFreeman-Tukey transformation functions.
generatingBetaBinomialCountsFunctions to generate beta-binomial random variables.
getPFinalFunction that adjusts true underlying allele frequency for...
getSimulationPvalueFunction to calculate simulations-based p-values
logLikelihoodCalculator1sFunction that given observed count data along a known...
logLikelihoodCalculator2sFunction that given observed count data along a known...
maxLogLikelihoodCalculator1sFunction that given observed count data along a known...
maxLogLikelihoodCalculator2sFunction that given observed count data along a known...
MBASEDMetaAnalysisGeneric function to perform standard meta analysis.
MBASEDMetaAnalysisGetMeansAndSEsHelper function to obtain estimate of underlying mean and the...
MBASEDVectorizedMetapropVectorized wrapper around metaprop() function from R package...
MBASEDVectorizedPropDiffTestVectorized wrapper around a test for difference of 2...
runMBASEDMain function that implements MBASED.
runMBASED1sFunction that runs single-sample ASE calling using data from...
runMBASED1s1aseIDFunction that runs single-sample ASE calling using data from...
runMBASED2sFunction that runs between-sample (differential) ASE calling...
runMBASED2s1aseIDFunction that runs between-sample (differential) ASE calling...
shiftAndAttenuateProportionsHelper function to adjust proportions for pre-existing...
testNumericDiffFunction that checks to see if the difference between 2...
testQuantilesFunction to test quantile equality for theoretical and...
MBASED documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:53 p.m.