#----------#' make title:
#' @title Convert two BAM files into one paired-end BAM file.
#----------#' author:
#' @author Ioannis Vardaxis, \email{}
#----------#' make reference on the article:
#' @references
#' Vardaxis I, Drabløs F, Rye M and Lindqvist BH (2018). \emph{MACPET: Model-based Analysis for ChIA-PET}.
#' To be published.
#----------#' for the current function to be exported on the NAMESPACE:
#' @export
#----------#' make discription:
#' @description Stage 2 in \code{\link{MACPETUlt}} needs a paired-end BAM file to run. This can be
#'created in Stage 1 using the usable_1 and usable_2 fastq files
#'created in Stage 0. However the user might have two single-end
#'BAM files already created but not paired (by filtering with another way than that in Stage 0 or
#'mapping using another algorithm than that in Stage 1)
#' and only needs to run Stages 2 and 3 in \code{\link{MACPETUlt}}.
#' \code{ConvertToPE_BAM} can be used on the two BAM files for pairing them, and the
#' resulted paired-end BAM file can then be used in Stage 2 in \code{\link{MACPETUlt}}.
#----------#' make details sections
#'@details The BAM files \code{BAM_file_1} and \code{BAM_file_2} do not need to
#'be sorted, but their Qnames have to end with /1 and /2 respectively.
#'Furthermore, the BAM files have to include the header section.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{MACPETUlt}}, \code{\link{SampleChIAPETDataRead_1.bam}},
#' \code{\link{SampleChIAPETDataRead_2.bam}}
#' @return A paired-end BAM file named \code{SA_prefix_MACPET_Paired_end.bam} and
#' its index, saved in \code{S1_AnalysisDir}.
#----------#' function parameters:
#'@param S1_AnalysisDir The directory where the resulted paired-end BAM file will be saved.
#'@param SA_prefix see \code{\link{MACPETUlt}}.
#'@param S1_BAMStream see \code{\link{MACPETUlt}}.
#'@param S1_image see \code{\link{MACPETUlt}}.
#'@param S1_genome see \code{\link{MACPETUlt}}.
#'@param BAM_file_1 The directory of the BAM file with the first reads. Their Qnames have to end with /1.
#'@param BAM_file_2 The directory of the BAM file with the second reads. Their Qnames have to end with /2.
#'@param S1_makeSam see \code{\link{MACPETUlt}}.
#'@importFrom methods is
#'@importFrom Rsamtools scanBamHeader sortBam mergeBam filterBam
# ----------#'
#' @examples
#' requireNamespace('ggplot2')
#' #Create a temporary forder, or anywhere you want:
#' S1_AnalysisDir=file.path(tempdir(),'MACPETtest')
#' dir.create(S1_AnalysisDir)#where you will save the results
#' #directories of the BAM files:
#' BAM_file_1=system.file('extdata', 'SampleChIAPETDataRead_1.bam', package = 'MACPET')
#' BAM_file_2=system.file('extdata', 'SampleChIAPETDataRead_2.bam', package = 'MACPET')
#' SA_prefix='MACPET'
#' #convert to paired-end BAM:
#' ConvertToPE_BAM(S1_AnalysisDir=S1_AnalysisDir,
#' SA_prefix=SA_prefix,
#' S1_BAMStream=2000000,
#' S1_image=TRUE,
#' S1_genome='hg19',
#' BAM_file_1=BAM_file_1,
#' BAM_file_2=BAM_file_2)
#' #test if the resulted BAM is paired-end:
#' PairedBAM=file.path(S1_AnalysisDir,paste(SA_prefix,'_Paired_end.bam',sep=''))
#' Rsamtools::testPairedEndBam(file = PairedBAM, index = PairedBAM)
#' bamfile = Rsamtools::BamFile(file = PairedBAM,asMates = TRUE)
#' GenomicAlignments::readGAlignmentPairs(file = bamfile,use.names = FALSE,
#' with.which_label = FALSE,
#' strandMode = 1)
#' #-----delete test directory:
#' unlink(S1_AnalysisDir,recursive=TRUE)
ConvertToPE_BAM = function(S1_AnalysisDir = "", SA_prefix = "MACPET", S1_BAMStream = 2e+06,
S1_image = TRUE, S1_genome = "hg19", BAM_file_1 = "", BAM_file_2 = "", S1_makeSam = FALSE) {
cat("Checking inputs...")
# check directory:
if (!methods::is(S1_AnalysisDir, "character")) {
stop("S1_AnalysisDir:", S1_AnalysisDir, " is not a directory!", call. = FALSE)
} else if (!dir.exists(S1_AnalysisDir)) {
stop("S1_AnalysisDir:", S1_AnalysisDir, " directory does not exist!", call. = FALSE)
# check prefix:
if (!methods::is(SA_prefix, "character")) {
stop("SA_prefix: ", SA_prefix, " variable has to be a string!", call. = FALSE)
} else if (nchar(SA_prefix) == 0) {
stop("SA_prefix: ", SA_prefix, " variable has to be a non-empty string!",
call. = FALSE)
# check the logical:
if (!methods::is(S1_image, "logical")) {
stop("S1_image: ", S1_image, " has to be logical!", call. = FALSE)
} else if (S1_image) {
if (!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("ggplot2 is needed if S1_image==TRUE. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
if (!methods::is(S1_makeSam, "logical")) {
stop("S1_makeSam: ", S1_makeSam, " has to be logical!", call. = FALSE)
# check S1_BAMStream:
if (!methods::is(S1_BAMStream, "numeric")) {
stop("S1_BAMStream: ", S1_BAMStream, " has to be a numeric!", call. = FALSE)
} else if (S1_BAMStream <= 0) {
stop("S1_BAMStream: ", S1_BAMStream, " has to be a positive numeric!", call. = FALSE)
} else {
S1_BAMStream = ceiling(S1_BAMStream)
# check S1_genome:
if (!methods::is(S1_genome, "character")) {
stop("S1_genome: ", S1_genome, " has to be a character!", call. = FALSE)
} else if (!S1_genome %in% names(sysdata)) {
LogFile = paste("S1_genome: ", S1_genome, ", is not a part of ", paste(names(sysdata),
collapse = "/"), ". If S2_BlackList==TRUE at stage 2, then no black-listed regions will be removed from the data.\n",
sep = "")
# check BAM_file_1:
if (!methods::is(BAM_file_1, "character")) {
stop("BAM_file_1: ", BAM_file_1, " variable has to be a file directory!",
call. = FALSE)
} else if (!file.exists(BAM_file_1)) {
stop("BAM_file_1: ", BAM_file_1, " file does not exist!", call. = FALSE)
# check format:
BAM_file_1_Name = basename(BAM_file_1)
BAM_file_1_Name = strsplit(BAM_file_1_Name, ".", fixed = TRUE)
BAM_file_1_Name = unlist(BAM_file_1_Name)
Format_1 = BAM_file_1_Name[length(BAM_file_1_Name)]
if (all(!c("bam") %in% Format_1)) {
stop("BAM_file_1: ", BAM_file_1, " has to be of .bam format!", call. = FALSE)
} else {
# check header:
Header_1 = Rsamtools::scanBamHeader(files = BAM_file_1, what = "text")
Header_1 = Header_1[[1]]$text
Header_1 = Header_1[which(names(Header_1) %in% "@SQ")]
if (length(Header_1) == 0) {
stop("The BAM file ", BAM_file_1, " is missing the header section!",
call. = FALSE)
Header_1 =, Header_1)
# check if any header is missing:
SNpos = which(grepl("SN:", Header_1[1, ]))
LNpos = which(grepl("LN:", Header_1[1, ]))
if (length(SNpos) == 0) {
stop("BAM file ", BAM_file_1, " header is missing the SN entry!\n", call. = FALSE)
if (length(LNpos) == 0) {
stop("BAM file ", BAM_file_1, " header is missing the LN entry!\n", call. = FALSE)
# check BAM_file_2:
if (!methods::is(BAM_file_2, "character")) {
stop("BAM_file_2: ", BAM_file_2, " variable has to be a file directory!",
call. = FALSE)
} else if (!file.exists(BAM_file_2)) {
stop("BAM_file_2: ", BAM_file_2, " file does not exist!", call. = FALSE)
# check format:
BAM_file_2_Name = basename(BAM_file_2)
BAM_file_2_Name = strsplit(BAM_file_2_Name, ".", fixed = TRUE)
BAM_file_2_Name = unlist(BAM_file_2_Name)
Format_2 = BAM_file_2_Name[length(BAM_file_2_Name)]
if (all(!c("bam") %in% Format_1)) {
stop("BAM_file_2: ", BAM_file_2, " has to be of .bam format!", call. = FALSE)
} else {
# check header:
Header_2 = Rsamtools::scanBamHeader(files = BAM_file_2, what = "text")
Header_2 = Header_2[[1]]$text
Header_2 = Header_2[which(names(Header_2) %in% "@SQ")]
if (length(Header_2) == 0) {
stop("The BAM file ", BAM_file_2, " is missing the header section!",
call. = FALSE)
Header_2 =, Header_2)
# check if any header is missing:
SNpos = which(grepl("SN:", Header_2[1, ]))
LNpos = which(grepl("LN:", Header_2[1, ]))
if (length(SNpos) == 0) {
stop("BAM file ", BAM_file_2, " header is missing the SN entry!\n", call. = FALSE)
if (length(LNpos) == 0) {
stop("BAM file ", BAM_file_2, " header is missing the LN entry!\n", call. = FALSE)
# check Header_1 and Header_2:
if (!identical(Header_1, Header_2)) {
stop("The headers of the two BAM files are not identical!", call. = FALSE)
# Keep track of files to delete:
FileToDelete = c()
# sort bam files by coordinates for index creation:
# first bam:
BAM_file_1.bai = paste(BAM_file_1, ".bai", sep = "")
if (!file.exists(BAM_file_1.bai)) {
cat("Sorting ", basename(BAM_file_1), " for index creation...")
# create output bam:
BAM_file_1.sorted = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir, paste(SA_prefix, "_BAM_1_sorted",
sep = ""))
# sort:
suppressWarnings(Rsamtools::sortBam(file = BAM_file_1, destination = BAM_file_1.sorted,
byQname = FALSE))
BAM_file_1.sorted = paste(BAM_file_1.sorted, ".bam", sep = "")
# create index:
cat("Creating BAM index...")
Rsamtools::indexBam(file = BAM_file_1.sorted)
BAM_file_1 = BAM_file_1.sorted
BAM_file_1.bai = paste(BAM_file_1, ".bai", sep = "")
# save files to delete:
FileToDelete = c(FileToDelete, BAM_file_1, BAM_file_1.bai)
# second bam:
BAM_file_2.bai = paste(BAM_file_2, ".bai", sep = "")
if (!file.exists(BAM_file_2.bai)) {
cat("Sorting ", basename(BAM_file_2), " for index creation...")
# create output bam:
BAM_file_2.sorted = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir, paste(SA_prefix, "_BAM_2_sorted",
sep = ""))
# sort:
suppressWarnings(Rsamtools::sortBam(file = BAM_file_2, destination = BAM_file_2.sorted,
byQname = FALSE))
BAM_file_2.sorted = paste(BAM_file_2.sorted, ".bam", sep = "")
# create index:
cat("Creating BAM index...")
Rsamtools::indexBam(file = BAM_file_2.sorted)
BAM_file_2 = BAM_file_2.sorted
BAM_file_2.bai = paste(BAM_file_2, ".bai", sep = "")
FileToDelete = c(FileToDelete, BAM_file_2, BAM_file_2.bai)
# Remove unmapped from the BAM files
# destinations:
BAMfilt1 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir, paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_1_filt.bam", sep = ""))
BAMfilt2 = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir, paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_2_filt.bam", sep = ""))
# make flag for keeping the mapped only:
MappedFlag = Rsamtools::scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery = FALSE, isSecondaryAlignment = FALSE,
isNotPassingQualityControls = FALSE, isDuplicate = FALSE)
# make ScanBamParam:
SBparam = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(flag = MappedFlag)
# split bam 1:
cat("Filtering ", basename(BAM_file_1), "...")
suppressWarnings(Rsamtools::filterBam(file = BAM_file_1, index = BAM_file_1.bai,
destination = BAMfilt1, param = SBparam, indexDestination = FALSE))
# split bam 2:
cat("Filtering ", basename(BAM_file_2), "...")
suppressWarnings(Rsamtools::filterBam(file = BAM_file_2, index = BAM_file_2.bai,
destination = BAMfilt2, param = SBparam, indexDestination = FALSE))
# add to FileToDelete:
FileToDelete = c(FileToDelete, BAMfilt1, BAMfilt2)
# Merge bam files
cat("Merging ", basename(BAMfilt1), ", ", basename(BAMfilt2), " files...", sep = "")
# output:
MergedBAMpath = file.path(S1_AnalysisDir, paste(SA_prefix, "_usable_merged.bam",
sep = ""))
suppressWarnings(Rsamtools::mergeBam(files = c(BAMfilt1, BAMfilt2), destination = MergedBAMpath,
overwrite = TRUE, byQname = FALSE, indexDestination = TRUE))
MergedBAMpath.bai = paste(MergedBAMpath, ".bai", sep = "")
# add to FileToDelete:
FileToDelete = c(FileToDelete, MergedBAMpath, MergedBAMpath.bai)
# sort by Qname:
cat("Sorting ", basename(MergedBAMpath), " file by Qname...", sep = "")
suppressWarnings(Rsamtools::sortBam(file = MergedBAMpath, destination = unlist(strsplit(MergedBAMpath,
".bam")), byQname = TRUE))
# fix mates
# option for logger:
# input and run:
MergedBAM = list(BAM = MergedBAMpath, BAMbai = MergedBAMpath.bai)
PairedEndBAMpath = FixMates_main_fun(MergedBAM = MergedBAM, S1_AnalysisDir = S1_AnalysisDir,
S1_BAMStream = S1_BAMStream, CalledFromConvToPE_BAM = TRUE, SA_prefix = SA_prefix,
S1_image = S1_image, S1_genome = S1_genome)
cat("Deleting unnecessary files.")
unlink(x = FileToDelete, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
# If they need the sam files, convert PairedEndBAM to two SAM files:
if (S1_makeSam) {
GetSAMFiles_fun(PairedEndBAMpath = PairedEndBAMpath, S1_AnalysisDir = S1_AnalysisDir,
SA_prefix = SA_prefix)
cat("The paired-end BAM is in: \n", PairedEndBAMpath, "\n")
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