
Defines functions AnalysisStatistics

Documented in AnalysisStatistics

#' @title Count Statistics for ChIA-PET.
#' @author Ioannis Vardaxis, \email{ioannis.vardaxis@@ntnu.no}
#' @references
#' Vardaxis I, Drabløs F, Rye M and Lindqvist BH (2018). \emph{MACPET: Model-based Analysis for ChIA-PET}.
#' To be published.
#' @export
#' @description \code{AnalysisStatistics} prints and saves count statistics
#' for the current inputs of the peak-calling analysis.
#--#' function parameters:
#' @param x.self An object of class \code{\linkS4class{PSelf}} or
#'  \code{\linkS4class{PSFit}}.
#' @param x.intra An object of class \code{\linkS4class{PIntra}}
#' (optional).
#' @param x.inter An object of class \code{\linkS4class{PInter}}
#' (optional).
#' @param file.out A string with the name of the output to be saved to
#' \code{savedir}. If \code{NULL} the function will only print the output.
#' @param threshold A numeric indicating the FDR cut-off, used when
#' \code{class(x.self)=\linkS4class{PSFit}}. If NULL, no threshold is applied.
#' @param savedir A string with the directory to save the ouput file. If
#' \code{NULL} then the function will only print the output.
#--#' what the function returns:
#' @return Based on the inputs, \code{AnalysisStatistics} prints the total
#'  Self-ligated, Intra- and Inter-chromosomal PETs, as well as the total regions,
#'   total candidate peaks and total significant
#' peaks (if \code{threshold!=NULL} and
#' \code{class(x.self)=\linkS4class{PSFit}}). If \code{file.out} and
#' \code{savedir} are not \code{NULL} then it also saves the output to a csv
#' file in \code{savedir}.
#' @seealso \code{\linkS4class{PSelf}},
#'  \code{\linkS4class{PSFit}},\code{\linkS4class{PIntra}},
#' \code{\linkS4class{PInter}}
#--#' import packages to NAMESPACE:
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @importFrom plyr ddply .
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb genome seqinfo
#' @importFrom knitr kable
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @examples
#' #Create a temporary test forder, or anywhere you want:
#' savedir=file.path(tempdir(),'MACPETtest')
#' dir.create(savedir)#where you will save the results
#' #load Inter-chromosomal data:
#' load(system.file('extdata', 'MACPET_pinterData.rda', package = 'MACPET'))
#' class(MACPET_pinterData)
#' #load Intra-chromosomal data:
#' load(system.file('extdata', 'MACPET_pintraData.rda', package = 'MACPET'))
#' class(MACPET_pintraData)
#' #load Self-ligated data: (class=PSelf)
#' load(system.file('extdata', 'MACPET_pselfData.rda', package = 'MACPET'))
#' class(MACPET_pselfData)
#' #Print analysis:
#' AnalysisStatistics(x.self=MACPET_pselfData,
#'                    x.intra=MACPET_pintraData,
#'                    x.inter=MACPET_pinterData,
#'                    file.out='AnalysisStats',
#'                    savedir=savedir)
#' #################################################################
#' #load Self-ligated data: (class=PSFit)
#' load(system.file('extdata', 'MACPET_psfitData.rda', package = 'MACPET'))
#' class(MACPET_psfitData)
#' #Print analysis:
#' AnalysisStatistics(x.self=MACPET_psfitData,
#'                    x.intra=MACPET_pintraData,
#'                    x.inter=MACPET_pinterData,
#'                    file.out='AnalysisStats',
#'                    savedir=savedir,
#'                    threshold=1e-5)
#' #-----delete test directory:
#' unlink(savedir,recursive=TRUE)
AnalysisStatistics = function(x.self, x.intra = NULL, x.inter = NULL, file.out = NULL,
    threshold = 1e-05, savedir = NULL) {
    # global variables for Rcheck:
    FDR = Chrom = NULL
    # input Check:
    if (!class(x.self) %in% c("PSelf", "PSFit")) {
        stop("x.self has to be on of the following classes:
             PSelf or PSFit",
            call. = FALSE)
    } else if (methods::is(x.self, "PSFit") & !is.numeric(threshold)) {
        threshold = NULL
    # take intra:
    if (!is.null(x.intra)) {
        if (!methods::is(x.intra, "PIntra")) {
            stop("x.intra has to be PIntra class!", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            RES.intra = S4Vectors::metadata(x.intra)$InteractionCounts
            Nintra = sum(RES.intra$Counts)
    # take inter:
    if (!is.null(x.inter)) {
        if (!methods::is(x.inter, "PInter")) {
            stop("x.inter has to be PInter class!", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            RES.inter = S4Vectors::metadata(x.inter)$InteractionCounts
            RES.inter = colSums(RES.inter)
            RES.inter = data.frame(Chrom = names(RES.inter), Counts = as.numeric(RES.inter))
            Ninter = sum(RES.inter$Counts)
    # take self:
    Nself = length(x.self)
    SLmean = S4Vectors::metadata(x.self)$SLmean
    MaxSize = S4Vectors::metadata(x.self)$MaxSize
    MinSize = S4Vectors::metadata(x.self)$MinSize
    hg = unique(GenomeInfoDb::genome(GenomeInfoDb::seqinfo(x.self)))
    Info = data.frame(SLmean = SLmean, hg = hg, SelfBord = paste(MinSize, "/", MaxSize,
        " bp", sep = ""), Total.PETs = Nself)
    RES = S4Vectors::metadata(x.self)$Self_info
    if (methods::is(x.self, "PSelf")) {
        colnames(RES) = c("Chrom", "Self")
        colnames(Info) = c("Self-lig. mean size", "Genome", "Self Borders", "Tot. Self")
    } else if (methods::is(x.self, "PSFit") & is.null(threshold)) {
        colnames(RES) = c("Chrom", "Self", "Regions", "Peaks")
        Info$Total.regions = sum(S4Vectors::metadata(x.self)$Self_info$Region.counts)
        Info$Total.bs = sum(S4Vectors::metadata(x.self)$Self_info$Peak.counts)
        colnames(Info) = c("Self-lig. mean size", "Genome", "Self Borders", "Tot. Self",
            "Regions", "Peaks")
    } else if (methods::is(x.self, "PSFit") & !is.null(threshold)) {
        colnames(RES) = c("Chrom", "Self", "Regions", "Peaks")
        Info$Total.regions = sum(S4Vectors::metadata(x.self)$Self_info$Region.counts)
        Info$Total.bs = sum(S4Vectors::metadata(x.self)$Self_info$Peak.counts)
        Sig.bs = S4Vectors::metadata(x.self)$Peaks.Info
        Sig.bs = subset(Sig.bs, FDR < threshold)
        Sig.bs = plyr::ddply(Sig.bs, plyr::.(Chrom), nrow)
        RES$`Sign. Peaks` = 0
        RES$`Sign. Peaks`[match(Sig.bs$Chrom, RES$Chrom)] = Sig.bs$V1
        Info$Total.sig = sum(RES$`Sign. Peaks`)
        colnames(Info) = c("Self-lig. mean size", "Genome", "Self Borders", "Tot. Self",
            "Regions", "Peaks", "Sign. Peaks")
    # append:
    if (!is.null(x.intra)) {
        RES[match(RES.intra$Chrom, RES$Chrom), c("Intra")] = RES.intra$Counts
        if (any(is.na(RES$Intra))) {
            RES$Intra[which(is.na(RES$Intra))] = 0
        Info[, c("Tot. Intra")] = Nintra
    if (!is.null(x.inter)) {
        RES[match(RES.inter$Chrom, RES$Chrom), c("Inter")] = RES.inter$Counts
        if (any(is.na(RES$Inter))) {
            RES$Inter[which(is.na(RES$Inter))] = 0
        Info[, c("Tot. Inter")] = Ninter
    # print:
    cat(rep("-", 25), sep = "")
    cat("\n PETs Counts Summary \n")
    cat(rep("-", 25), sep = "")
    print(knitr::kable(RES, row.names = FALSE, align = c("c"), format = "markdown",
        padding = 1, output = TRUE))
    # print:
    ICol = floor(ncol(Info)/2)
    print(knitr::kable(Info[,seq_len(ICol)], row.names = FALSE, align = c("c"),
                       format = "rst", padding = 1, output = TRUE))
    print(knitr::kable(Info[,seq_len(ncol(Info)-ICol)+ICol], row.names = FALSE,
                       align = c("c"), format = "rst", padding = 1,
                       output = TRUE))
    # save
    if (!is.null(file.out) & !is.null(savedir)) {
        if (!dir.exists(savedir)) {
            stop("savedir does not exist!", call. = FALSE)
        Desc = "#Count statistics for each chromosome:"
        writeLines(paste(Desc, sep = "\n"), file.path(savedir, paste(file.out, ".csv",
            sep = "")))
        suppressWarnings(utils::write.table(RES, quote = FALSE, file = file.path(savedir,
            paste(file.out, ".csv", sep = "")), sep = ";", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE,
            qmethod = "double", append = TRUE))
        return("The output has been saved at the savedir")

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MACPET documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:47 p.m.