
#' EBF1_disc1 transcription factor position weight matrix
#' A dataset of composition probabilities of A, C, G and T in 10 positions of 
#' the motif.
#' @format A matrix with 4 rows and 10 columns

#' An example of the position weight matrix taken from seqLogo package
#' A dataset of composition probabilities of A, C, G and T in 8 positions of 
#' the motif.
#' @format A matrix with 4 rows and 8 columns

#' Compositional data of histone marks in different regions of genome along with
#'  background information
#' A list containing two matrices storing composition of 5 histone marks
#'  (H3K4ME1, H3K4ME2, H3K4ME3, H3AC, H4AC)
#' in 5 regions of the genome
#' @format A list with 2 matrices - each with 5 rows (histone marks) and 
#' 5 columns (regions of genome). One is the
#' actual matrix (mat), the other is the background matrix (bgmat)

#' Position specific scoring matrix data
#' A dataset of position specific sores of various amino acids in 9 positions
#' binding domain.
#' @format A matrix with 20 rows (aminoa acids) and 9 columns

#' Compositional mutational signature data, with mismatch and flanking base
#' frequencies reported
#' A dataset of compositional weights for mismatches in the "0"the position 
#' (center of signature) and
#' that of the bases A, C, G, T for two left flanking bases (-1, -2) and two 
#' right flanking bases (1, 2).
#' @format A matrix with 10 rows (4 bases and 6 types of mismatches) and 
#' 5 columns (center - 0, flanking bases
#' 1,2 on the left and flanking bases 1, 2 on the right of the center)

#' An example of the position weight matrix of the bases in the first 30 
#' positions from ends of sequenced
#' reads (together with the barcode)
#' A dataset of composition probabilities of A, C, G and T in 30 positions 
#' from the 5' end of reads.
#' @format A matrix with 4 rows and 30 columns

#' Counts of the aRxiv field categories of 4 UChicago Statistics professors.
#' A dataset of compositional counts of 10 aRxiv field categories for 4 
#' professors' publications in aRxiv.
#' @format A matrix with 10 rows and 4 columns

#' Proportional abundances of different bird species in the Himalayan mountains
#' A dataset of proportional composition of 140 bird species in 3 regions of 
#' the Himalayas.
#' @format A matrix with 140 rows and 3 columns

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Logolas documentation built on April 28, 2020, 8:55 p.m.