#' Linnorm t-SNE Clustering pipeline for subpopulation Analysis
#' This function first performs Linnorm transformation on the dataset. Then, it will perform t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) dimensionality reduction on the dataset and use k-means clustering to identify subpopulations of cells.
#' @param datamatrix The matrix or data frame that contains your dataset. Each row is a feature (or Gene) and each column is a sample (or replicate). Raw Counts, CPM, RPKM, FPKM or TPM are supported. Undefined values such as NA are not supported. It is not compatible with log transformed datasets.
#' @param RowSamples Logical. In the datamatrix, if each row is a sample and each row is a feature, set this to TRUE so that you don't need to transpose it. Linnorm works slightly faster with this argument set to TRUE, but it should be negligable for smaller datasets. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param input Character. "Raw" or "Linnorm". In case you have already transformed your dataset with Linnorm, set input into "Linnorm" so that you can put the Linnorm transformed dataset into the "datamatrix" argument. Defaults to "Raw".
#' @param MZP Double >=0, <= 1. Minimum non-Zero Portion Threshold for this function. Genes not satisfying this threshold will be removed from the analysis. For exmaple, if set to 0.3, genes without at least 30 percent of the samples being non-zero will be removed. Defaults to 0.
#' @param num_PC Integer >= 2. Number of principal componenets to be used in K-means clustering. Defaults to 3.
#' @param num_center Numeric vector. Number of clusters to be tested for k-means clustering. fpc, vegan, mclust and apcluster packages are used to determine the number of clusters needed. If only one number is supplied, it will be used and this test will be skipped. Defaults to c(1:20).
#' @param Group Character vector with length equals to sample size. Each character in this vector corresponds to each of the columns (samples) in the datamatrix. In the plot, the shape of the points that represent each sample will be indicated by their group assignment. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param Coloring Character. "kmeans" or "Group". If Group is not NA, coloring in the plot will reflect each sample's group. Otherwise, coloring will reflect k means clustering results. Defaults to "Group".
#' @param kmeans.iter Numeric. Number of iterations in k-means clustering. Defaults to 2000.
#' @param plot.title Character. Set the title of the plot. Defaults to "t-SNE K-means clustering".
#' @param ... arguments that will be passed into Linnorm's transformation function.
#' @details This function performs t-SNE K-means clustering using Linnorm transformation.
#' @return It returns a list with the following objects:
##' \itemize{
##' \item{k_means:}{ Output of kmeans(for K-means clustering) from the stat package. Note: It contains a "cluster" object that indicates each sample's cluster assignment.}
##' \item{tSNE:}{ Output from Rtsne.}
##' \item{plot:}{ Plot of t-SNE K-means clustering.}
##' \item{Linnorm:}{ Linnorm transformed data matrix.}
##' }
#' @keywords Linnorm RNA-seq Raw Count Expression RPKM FPKM TPM CPM normalization transformation Parametric PCA Principal Component Analysis k-means K-means kmeans Clustering t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding t-SNE
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Obtain example matrix:
#' data(Islam2011)
#' #Example:
#' tSNE.results <- Linnorm.tSNE(Islam2011)
Linnorm.tSNE <- function(datamatrix, RowSamples = FALSE, input = "Raw", MZP = 0, num_PC=3, num_center=c(1:20), Group=NULL, Coloring="kmeans", kmeans.iter=2000, plot.title="t-SNE K-means clustering",...) {
#t-SNE K-means clustering with Linnorm transformed dataset
#Author: (Ken) Shun Hang Yip <>
if (input != "Raw" && input != "Linnorm") {
stop("input argument is not recognized.")
if (MZP > 1 || MZP < 0) {
stop("Invalid MZP.")
if (Coloring != "Group" && Coloring != "kmeans") {
stop("Coloring argument is not recognized.")
if (num_PC < 2) {
stop("num_PC is too small.")
if (!is.numeric(num_center)) {
stop("num_center must be a vector of integers.")
if (length(Group) > 0) {
if (length(Group) != length(datamatrix[1,])) {
stop("Group must be a vector with the same length as sample size.")
if (kmeans.iter < 10) {
stop("kmeans.iter is too small.")
if (!is.logical(RowSamples)){
stop("Invalid RowSamples.")
if (!RowSamples) {
datamatrix <- t(datamatrix)
#Linnorm transformation
if (input == "Raw") {
datamatrix <- Linnorm(datamatrix, RowSamples = TRUE, ...)
#Backup data that will be filtered, so that we can include them in the output
Backup <- colSums(datamatrix != 0) < nrow(datamatrix) * MZP
Backup2 <- 0
if (sum(Backup) != 0) {
Backup2 <- datamatrix[,Backup]
#Filter zeroes based on MZP threshold
datamatrix <- datamatrix[,colSums(datamatrix != 0) >= nrow(datamatrix) * MZP]
#Show important note to user.
x <- list(...)
showinfo <- FALSE
if (!is.null(x[['showinfo']])) {
showinfo <- x$showinfo
if (showinfo) {
message("To enhance running time, we use the t-SNE function without checking for duplicate samples.\nPlease do not allow any samples to be duplicates of each other.",appendLF=TRUE)
#Obtain principal components from t-SNE
res.pca <- Rtsne(datamatrix,dims=num_PC,check_duplicates = FALSE)
#Extract Principal Components for k means clustering.
data <- res.pca$Y
num_clust <- c()
if (length(num_center) == 1) {
num_clust <- num_center
} else {
#Automatically determine number of centers by fpc, vegan, mclust and apcluster packages.
#fpc <- pamk(data,num_center)
num_clust <- c($nc)
fit <- cascadeKM(scale(data, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE), min(num_center), max(num_center), iter = 500) <- as.numeric(which.max(fit$results[2,]))
num_clust <- c(num_clust,
d_clust <- Mclust(as.matrix(data), G=num_center) <- dim(d_clust$z)[2]
num_clust <- c(num_clust,
d.apclus <- apcluster(negDistMat(r=2), data)
num_clust <- c(num_clust, length(d.apclus@clusters))
#Mode of num_clust
ux <- unique(num_clust)
if (length(ux) == 4) {
num_clust <- sort(ux)[2]
} else {
num_clust <- ux[which.max(tabulate(match(num_clust, ux)))]
x <- list(...)
if (sum(x$showinfo == TRUE) == 1) {
cat("Number of clusters from the fpc package:",$nc, "\n")
cat("Number of clusters from the vegan package:",, "\n")
cat("Number of clusters from the mclust package:",, "\n")
cat("Number of clusters from the apcluster package:", length(d.apclus@clusters), "\n")
cat("Final number of clusters:", num_clust, "\n")
#K-means clustering
results <- kmeans(data, num_clust, iter.max = kmeans.iter)
PC1 <- c()
PC2 <- c()
Cluster <- c()
x <- c()
y <- c()
for (i in 1:length(data[,1])) {
PC1 <- c(PC1, data[i,1])
PC2 <- c(PC2, data[i,2])
Cluster <- c(Cluster, paste("Cluster",results[[1]][i] ))
if (length(Group) == 0) {
plotdata <- data.frame(PC1=PC1,PC2=PC2,Cluster=Cluster)
#Find cluster elipse
df_ell <- data.frame()
for(g in plotdata$Cluster){
df_ell <- rbind(df_ell, cbind([plotdata$Cluster==g,], ellipse(cor(PC1, PC2),scale=c(sd(PC1),sd(PC2)),centre=c(mean(PC1),mean(PC2))))),Cluster=g))
render_plot <- ggplot_build(ggplot(plotdata, aes(x=PC1, y=PC2, color=Cluster)) + geom_point(aes(shape=Cluster), size = 2) + geom_path(data=df_ell, aes(x=x, y=y,colour=Cluster), size=0.5, linetype=2) + scale_x_continuous("PC1") + scale_y_continuous("PC2") + ggtitle(plot.title) + theme(aspect.ratio=1))
} else {
shaping <- c()
numShape <- length(unique(Group))
shapeindex <- 1
for (i in 1:numShape) {
if (shapeindex <= 25) {
shaping <- c(shaping, shapeindex)
shapeindex <- shapeindex + 1
} else {
shapeindex <- 1
shaping <- c(shaping, shapeindex)
if (Coloring == "kmeans") {
plotdata <- data.frame(PC1=PC1,PC2=PC2,Cluster=Cluster,Group=Group)
#Find cluster elipse
df_ell <- data.frame()
for(g in plotdata$Cluster){
df_ell <- rbind(df_ell, cbind([plotdata$Cluster==g,], ellipse(cor(PC1, PC2),scale=c(sd(PC1),sd(PC2)),centre=c(mean(PC1),mean(PC2))))),Cluster=g))
render_plot <- ggplot_build(ggplot(plotdata, aes(x=PC1, y=PC2, color=Cluster)) + geom_point(aes(shape=Group), size = 2) + scale_shape_manual(values=shaping) + geom_path(data=df_ell, aes(x=x, y=y,colour=Cluster), size=0.5, linetype=2) + scale_x_continuous("PC1") + scale_y_continuous("PC2") + ggtitle(plot.title) + theme(aspect.ratio=1))
} else if (Coloring == "Group") {
plotdata <- data.frame(PC1=PC1,PC2=PC2,Cluster=Group,Group=Group)
#Find cluster elipse
df_ell <- data.frame()
for(g in plotdata$Group){
df_ell <- rbind(df_ell, cbind([plotdata$Group==g,], ellipse(cor(PC1, PC2),scale=c(sd(PC1),sd(PC2)),centre=c(mean(PC1),mean(PC2))))),Group=g))
render_plot <- ggplot_build(ggplot(plotdata, aes(x=PC1, y=PC2, color=Group)) + geom_point(aes(shape=Group), size = 2) + scale_shape_manual(values=shaping) + geom_path(data=df_ell, aes(x=x, y=y,colour=Group), size=0.5, linetype=2) + scale_x_continuous("PC1") + scale_y_continuous("PC2") + ggtitle(plot.title) + theme(aspect.ratio=1))
#Reconstruct Linnorm transformed matrix
if (sum(Backup) != 0) {
datamatrix <- cbind(datamatrix, Backup2)
if (!RowSamples) {
datamatrix <- t(datamatrix)
#Prepare for result output
listing <- list(results, res.pca, render_plot, datamatrix)
results <- setNames(listing, c("k_means", "tSNE", "plot", "Linnorm"))
return (results)
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