#' @export
doEnrichment = function(
genelist = NULL,
ids = NULL,
widget = NULL,
population = NULL,
maxp = 0.05,
correction = "Benjamini Hochberg",
filter = NULL,
organism = NULL
) {
if(!is.null(ids) & length(ids)>1){
# get defined Mine's widgets
g =
# index with the defined widget
#ind.widget = which(g$name == widget)
ind.widget = g$name == widget
# get feature (e.g. "Gene", "Protein", "SNP")
feature = as.character(g$targets[ind.widget])
# run getIds function in the background to get the InterMine object ids
# as comma-separated character string
string = getIds(im = im,
feature = feature,
values = ids,
organism = organism)
} else if(!is.null(ids) & length(ids)==1){
# assign directly the comma-separated string of ids if user has defined so
string = ids
} else {
string = NULL
# Assign the parameters of the enrichment query in a list
queryEnrich = list(
genelist = genelist,
ids = string, #ids,
widget = widget,
population = population,
maxp = maxp,
correction = correction,
filter = filter,
output = "xml"
# Create enrichment query character string
enq = ""
# add list OR ids
if(!is.null(queryEnrich[["genelist"]]) & is.null(queryEnrich[["ids"]])){
enq = paste0("list=",queryEnrich[["genelist"]])
} else if(is.null(queryEnrich[["genelist"]])& !is.null(queryEnrich[["ids"]])){
enq = paste0("ids=",queryEnrich[["ids"]])
} else {
stop("Set values for either list or ids in query")
# add widget
enq = paste(enq, paste0("widget=",queryEnrich[["widget"]]), sep = "&")
# add population
enq = paste(enq,
sep = "&")
# add maxp
enq = paste(enq, paste0("maxp=",queryEnrich[["maxp"]]), sep = "&")
# add error correction algorithm
enq = paste(enq, paste0("correction=",queryEnrich[["correction"]]), sep = "&")
# add filter
enq = paste(enq, paste0("filter=",queryEnrich[["filter"]]), sep = "&")
# add output
enq = paste(enq, paste0("format=",queryEnrich[["output"]]), sep = "&")
# percent-encode query string
enq.string = URLencode(enq)
mine.url = im$mine
# if(output == "xml") {
# perform GET request
r = GET(paste0(mine.url,"/service/list/enrichment?",enq.string))
# extract content from request
res = httr::content(r)
res.xml <- xmlRoot(xmlParse(res))
# get populationCount and notAnalysed values from xml attributes
#ind.populationCount = which(names(xmlAttrs(res.xml)) == "populationCount")
#ind.notAnalysed = which(names(xmlAttrs(res.xml)) == "notAnalysed")
ind.populationCount = names(xmlAttrs(res.xml)) == "populationCount"
ind.notAnalysed = names(xmlAttrs(res.xml)) == "notAnalysed"
# convert xml results to data.frame
if(length(getNodeSet(res.xml, "//result")) > 0){
answer = xmlToDataFrame(res.xml, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
} else {
# no results
answer = NULL
# store parameters
parameters = c(
genelist = genelist,
ids = string, #ids,
widget = widget,
population = population,
maxp = maxp,
correction = correction,
filter = filter
#if(length(ind.populationCount) == 0 & length(ind.notAnalysed) == 0){
if(sum(ind.populationCount) == 0 & sum(ind.notAnalysed) == 0){
answer = list(
data = answer,
im = im,
parameters = parameters)
} else {
answer = list(
data = answer,
populationCount = as.numeric(xmlAttrs(res.xml)[ind.populationCount]),
notAnalysed = as.numeric(xmlAttrs(res.xml)[ind.notAnalysed]),
im = im,
parameters = parameters)
# } else if (output == "json"){
# # perform request and convert json results in data.frame with
# # jsonlite::fromJSON function
# # Set xml as default because jsonlite interferes with RJSONIO!
# r = jsonlite::fromJSON(txt = paste0(mine.url,"/service/list/enrichment?",
# enq.string))
# if(length(r$results) > 0){
# # edit to be the same data.frame output as xml
# answer = r$results[,c(4,3,1,2)]
# colnames(answer) = c("identifier", "description", "pValue", "count")
# } else {
# # no results
# answer = NULL
# }
# }
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