#' Flexible two-cluster mixture fit of a numeric vector
#' \code{fit2clusters} uses an ECM algorithm to fit a two-component mixture
#' model. It is more flexible than mclust in some ways, but it only deals with
#' one-dimensional data.
#' @param Y The vector of numbers to fit.
#' @param Ysigsq The vector of variance estimates for Y.
#' @param Ylabel Label for the Y axis in a density fit figure.
#' @param piStart Starting values for the component proportions.
#' @param VStart Starting values for the component variances.
#' @param psiStart Starting values for the component means
#' @param NinnerLoop Number of iterations in the "C" loop of ECM.
#' @param nReps Upper limit of number of EM steps.
#' @param psi0Constraint If not missing, a fixed value for the first component
#' mean.
#' @param V0Constraint If not missing, a fixed value for the first component
#' variance.
#' @param sameV If TRUE, the components have the same variance.
#' @param estimatesOnly If TRUE, return only the estimates. Otherwise, returns
#' details per observations, and return the estimates as an attribute.
#' @param plotMe If TRUE, plot the mixture density and kernel smooth estimates.
#' @param testMe If TRUE, run a code test.
#' @param Ntest For testing purposes, the number of replications of simulated
#' data.
#' @param simPsi For testing purposes, the true means.
#' @param simPi For testing purposes, the true proportions
#' @param simV For testing purposes, the true variances.
#' @param simAlpha For testing purposes, alpha parameter in rgamma for
#' measurement error variance.
#' @param simBeta For testing purposes, beta parameter in rgamma for measurement
#' error variance.
#' @param seed For testing purposes, random seed.
#' @param ... Not used; testing roxygen2.
#' @return If estimatesOnly is TRUE, return only the estimates:
#' Otherwise, return a dataframe of
#' details per observations, and return the \code{estimates} as an attribute.
#' The \code{estimates} details are:
#' \item{pi1}{The probability of the 2nd mixture component}
#' \item{psi0}{The mean of the first component (psi0Constraint if provided)}
#' \item{psi1}{The mean of the second component }
#' \item{Var0}{The variance of the first component (V0Constraint if provided)}
#' \item{Var1}{The variance of the second component }
#' The \code{observations} details are:
#' \item{Y}{The original observations.}
#' \item{Ysigsq}{The original measurement variances.}
#' \item{posteriorOdds}{Posterior odds of being in component 2 of the mixture.}
#' \item{postProbVar}{Estimated variance of the posterior probability, using the delta method.}
#' @details See the document "ECM_algorithm_for_two_clusters.pdf".
fit2clusters = function(Y, Ylabel="correlation",
piStart = c(0.5, 0.5),
VStart = c(0.1,0.1),
psiStart = c(0,0.1),
NinnerLoop = 1,
plotMe = TRUE,
Ntest = 5000,
simPsi = c(0, 0.4),
simPi = c(2/3, 1/3),
simV = c(0.05^2, 0.05^2),
simAlpha = 5,
simBeta = 400,
seed, ...
) {
### EM algorithm for 2 clusters,
### with constraints on the cluster means and variances, and known data variances
if(!missing(seed) & ! {
cat("Assigning this value to .Random.seed :", seed, "\n")
assign(".Random.seed", seed, pos=1)
if(testMe) {
# NA ==> a new dataset.
simData = data.frame(G = 1+rbinom(Ntest, 1, simPi[2]))
simData$Ysigsq = rgamma(Ntest, simAlpha, simBeta)
simData$sd = sqrt(simV[simData$G] +simData$Ysigsq)
simData$Y = simPsi[simData$G] +
rnorm(Ntest)*sqrt(simV[simData$G]) +
Y = simData$Y
Ysigsq = simData$Ysigsq
############### Begining of EM algorithm ##############
piStar = piStart
VStar = VStart
psiStar = psiStart
stopMe = FALSE
iRep = 0
while(1) {
iRep = iRep + 1
# catn(", ", missing(V0Constraint))
VStar[1] = V0Constraint
psiStar[1] = psi0Constraint
# print(psiStar)
piStarOdds = piStar[2]/piStar[1]
piStarOddsGK = piStarOdds *
dnorm(Y, psiStar[2], sqrt(VStar[2] + Ysigsq)) /
dnorm(Y, psiStar[1], sqrt(VStar[1] + Ysigsq))
piStarGK = cbind(1/(1+piStarOddsGK), piStarOddsGK/(1+piStarOddsGK))
EstarN = apply(piStarGK, 2, sum)
piStar = apply(piStarGK, 2, mean)
psiHat = psiStar
VHat = VStar
for(iRepInner in 1:NinnerLoop) {
varHatTotal = colSums(outer(Y, psiHat, "-")^2 * piStarGK)
sigsqTotal = Ysigsq %*% piStarGK
VHat = pmax(0, varHatTotal - sigsqTotal) / EstarN
VHat[1] = V0Constraint
psiHat = colSums( Y %*% (piStarGK
/ outer(Ysigsq, VHat, "+"))) /
colSums( piStarGK
/ outer(Ysigsq, VHat, "+"))
psiHat[1] = psi0Constraint
VHat[1] = VHat[2] = mean(VHat[1], VHat[2])
if(max(abs(psiHat-psiStar), abs(VHat-VStar)) < 1e-7)
stopMe = TRUE;
psiHat -> psiStar
VHat -> VStar
if(iRep >= nReps) stopMe = TRUE
if(stopMe) break
cat(iRep, ifelse(iRep==nReps, ". Loop exhausted.", ". Converged."), "\n")
if(plotMe) {
# require("ggplot2") no thanks.
plot(col="blue", type="l", Ytemp<-seq(-1,1,length=100),
xlab=Ylabel, ylab="density",
piStar[1]*dnorm(Ytemp, psiStar[1], sqrt(VStar[1] + mean(Ysigsq)))
piStar[2]*dnorm(Ytemp, psiStar[2], sqrt(VStar[2] + mean(Ysigsq)))
for(g in 1:2) lines(col="blue", lty=2, Ytemp<-seq(-1,1,length=100),
piStar[g]*dnorm(Ytemp, psiStar[g], sqrt(VStar[g] + mean(Ysigsq))))
lines(density(Y), lwd=2, col="black")
### Should we make a better choice than the means of the Ysigsq?
if(testMe) {
for(g in 1:2)
lines(col="red", lty=2, Ytemp<-seq(-1,1,length=100),
piStar[g]*dnorm(Ytemp, simPsi[g],
# sqrt(simV[g] + mean(simData$Ysigsq))))
sqrt(simV[g] )))
lines(col="red", Ytemp<-seq(-1,1,length=100),
piStar[1]*dnorm(Ytemp, simPsi[1],
# sqrt(simV[1] + mean(simData$Ysigsq)))
sqrt(simV[1] ))
piStar[2]*dnorm(Ytemp, simPsi[2],
# sqrt(simV[2] + mean(simData$Ysigsq))))
sqrt(simV[2] )))
if(testMe) {
legendLegend = c("truth", "component","data smooth","estimate","component")
legendColor = c("red", "red", "black", "blue", "blue")
legendLty = c(1,2,1,1,2)
legendLwd = c(1,1,2,1,1)
} else {
legendLegend = c("data smooth","estimate","component")
legendColor = c("black", "blue", "blue")
legendLty = c(1,1,2)
legendLwd = c(2,1,1)
legend(x=par("usr")[1], y=par("usr")[4], legend=legendLegend,
col=legendColor, lty=legendLty, lwd=legendLwd)
estimates = c(pi1=piStar[2], psi0=psiHat[1],
psi1=psiHat[2], Var0=VStar[1], Var1=VStar[2])
posteriorOdds =
piStar[2]*dnorm(Y, psiHat[2], sqrt(VStar[2] + Ysigsq)) /
piStar[1]/dnorm(Y, psiHat[1], sqrt(VStar[1] + Ysigsq))
postProb = posteriorOdds/(1+posteriorOdds)
postProbVar = Ysigsq * (postProb*(1-postProb))^2 *
((Y-psiHat[1])/(VStar[1]+Ysigsq) - (Y-psiHat[2])/(VStar[2]+Ysigsq))^2
if(testMe) {
simTruth = c(pi1=simPi[2], psi0=simPsi[1],
psi1=simPsi[2], Var0=simV[1], Var1=simV[2])
estimates = data.frame(row.names=c("true","estimated"),
rbind(simTruth, estimates))
if(estimatesOnly) returnVal = estimates
else {
returnVal = data.frame(Y,Ysigsq,postProb,posteriorOdds,postProbVar)
attr(x=returnVal, which="estimates") = estimates
if(testMe) attr(x=returnVal, which="Y") = Y
if(testMe) attr(x=returnVal, which="Ysigsq") = Ysigsq
# clusterFitTest =
# (fit2clusters(testMe=T, seed=NA, simAlpha=50, simBeta=1000,
# simV=c(0.1,0.1)^2
# , psi0Constraint=0,
# # , V0Constraint=.02
# , estimatesOnly=T
# ))
# clusterFitTest
# print(summary(attr(clusterFitTest, "Ysigsq")))
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