
             model = c("Gaussian", "EMG"), 
             fitting = c("most_intense", "model"),
             formula.alpha = formula(~1),
             formula.sigma = formula(~1), 
             formula.mu = formula(~1),
             control = list(window = 6, threshold = NULL, rlm.maxit = 20))

          signature(mz = "numeric", intensities = "numeric"),
                   model = c("Gaussian", "EMG"),
                   fitting = c("most_intense", "model"),
                   formula.alpha = formula(~1),
                   formula.sigma = formula(~1),
                   formula.mu = formula(~1),
                   control = list(window = 6, threshold = NULL, rlm.maxit = 20)) {
    x <- mz
    if (any(is.na(x)))
        stop("'mz' contains missing values \n")

    y <- intensities
    if (any(is.na(y)))
        stop("'intensities' contains missing values \n")

    n <- length(x)
    if (length(y) != n)
        stop("Length of 'mz' and length of 'intensities differ \n")

    if(any(y < 0))
        stop("'y' must be nonnegative \n")

    model <- match.arg(model)
    if (!is.element(model, c("Gaussian", "EMG")))
        stop("'model' must be one of 'Gaussian' or 'EMG' \n")

    window <- control$window
    if (is.null(window)) {
        window <- 6

    if (window <= 0 | !(as.integer(window) == window))
        stop("Control parameter 'window' has to be positive \n")

    threshold <- control$threshold
    if (is.null(threshold)) {
        warning("'control$threshold' not specifed; set to 'max(intensities) - 1e-05' \n") 
        threshold <- max(y) - 1e-05

    if(threshold < 0)
        stop("Control parameter 'threshold' has to be nonnegative \n")

    rlm.maxit <- control$rlm.maxit
        rlm.maxit <- 20
    if(rlm.maxit <= 0 | !(as.integer(rlm.maxit) == rlm.maxit))
        stop("Control parameter 'rlm.maxit' has to be positive \n")

    fitting <- match.arg(fitting)
    if (!is.element(fitting, c("most_intense", "model")))
        stop("'fitting' must be one of 'most_intense' or 'model' \n")

    if (fitting == "most_intense") {
        if (any(formula.alpha != formula(~1), formula.sigma != formula(~1), formula.mu != formula(~1))) {
            warning("'fitting = 'most intense'', but non-default values for one of the formulae used. In the case a model should be fitted, set 'fitting = 'model'' \n")

        detection <-  simplepeakdetect(cbind(x,y), window = window, threshold = threshold)
        if (nrow(detection) < 2*window) {
            stop("No peak of the chosen width ('window') found. Try to reduce 'window' \n")
        } else {
            if (model == "Gaussian") {
                fitt <- try(fit.gauss(detection[,1], detection[,2]), silent = TRUE)
                if (inherits(fitt, "try-error")) {
                    stop("Fitting failed. \n")

                sigma <- fitt$sigma
                sigmafunction <- function(mz) {}
                body(sigmafunction) <- eval(substitute(expression(rep(sigmavar, length(mz))), list(sigmavar = sigma)))

                bestpeak <- list(mz = detection[,1], intensities = detection[,2], sigma = fitt$sigma, mu = fitt$mu)
                peakfitresults <- matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = 4, data = c(nrow(detection), fitt$rss, fitt$sigma, fitt$mu), byrow = TRUE)
                colnames(peakfitresults) <- c("datapoints", "rss", "sigma", "mz")
            if (model == "EMG") {
                fitt <- try(fit.EMG(detection[,1], detection[,2], gridsearch = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
                if (inherits(fitt, "try-error")) {
                    stop("Fitting failed. \n")

                alpha <- fitt$alpha
                sigma <- fitt$sigma
                mu <- fitt$mu

                alphafunction <- function(mz) {}
                sigmafunction <- function(mz) {}
                mufunction    <- function(mz) {}

                body(alphafunction) <- eval(substitute(expression(rep(alphavar, length(mz))), list(alphavar = alpha)))
                body(sigmafunction) <- eval(substitute(expression(rep(sigmavar, length(mz))), list(sigmavar = sigma)))
                body(mufunction)    <- eval(substitute(expression(rep(muvar, length(mz))),    list(muvar    = mu   )))

                bestpeak <- list(mz = detection[,1], intensities = detection[,2],  alpha = fitt$alpha, sigma = fitt$sigma, mu = fitt$mu)
                peakfitresults <- matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = 6, data = c(nrow(detection), fitt$rss, fitt$alpha, fitt$sigma, fitt$mu, mean(detection[,1])), byrow = TRUE)
                colnames(peakfitresults) <- c("datapoints", "rss", "alpha", "sigma", "mu", "mz")
    if (fitting == "model") { 
        detection <- peakdetect(cbind(x,y), window = window, threshold = threshold)
        detection <- detection

        if (model == "Gaussian") {
            varnames.sigma <- all.vars(formula.sigma)
            if (length(unique(varnames.sigma)) > 1) {
                stop("'formula.sigma' is invalid: only one variable is allowed \n'")

            if (length(unique(varnames.sigma)) > 0 && varnames.sigma != "mz") {
                stop("'formula.sigma' is invalid: one or several variables not equal to 'mz' are present \n")

            charsigma <- strsplit(as.character(formula.sigma), split = "")
            if (any(is.element(c(".", ":", "*"), charsigma))) {
                stop("Invalid characters in one of the formulae: interaction terms/multiplications are not allowed \n")

            intercept.sigma <- attr(terms(formula.sigma), "intercept")
            peakfitresults <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 4)
            colnames(peakfitresults) <- c("datapoints", "rss", "sigma", "mz")
            for (i in seq(along = detection)) {
                x.i <- detection[[i]][,1]
                if (length(x.i) < 2*window) 

                y.i <- detection[[i]][,2]
                fitt <- try(fit.gauss(x.i, y.i), silent = TRUE)
                if (inherits(fitt, "try-error")) {
                    warning("Fitting failed. \n")

                newcol <- c(length(x.i), fitt$rss, fitt$sigma, fitt$mu)
                peakfitresults <- rbind(peakfitresults, newcol)

            if(nrow(peakfitresults) == 0) {
                stop("No peak of the chosen width ('window') found. Try to reduce 'window' \n")

            mz       <- peakfitresults[,"mz"]
            sigmavec <- peakfitresults[,"sigma"]

            formula.sigmanew <- as.formula(paste("sigmavec", as.character(formula.sigma[2]), sep = "~")) 
            l1fitsigma <- try(rlm(formula.sigmanew, k = 1e-6, maxit = rlm.maxit), silent = TRUE)
            if (inherits(l1fitsigma, "try-error")) {
                stop("Error in linear model estimation for parameter 'sigma' \n")
            coefsigma <- coef(l1fitsigma)
            sigmafunction <- formulacoef2function(formula.sigma, coef = coefsigma, intercept = intercept.sigma)

            MSE <- peakfitresults[,"rss"]/peakfitresults[,"datapoints"]
            bestpeakind <- which.min(MSE)
            bestpeak <- list(mz = detection[[bestpeakind]][,1],
                             intensities = detection[[bestpeakind]][,2],
                             sigma = peakfitresults[bestpeakind,"sigma"],
                             mu = peakfitresults[bestpeakind,"mz"])
        if (model == "EMG") {
            varnames.alpha <- all.vars(formula.alpha)
            varnames.sigma <- all.vars(formula.sigma)
            varnames.mu <- all.vars(formula.mu)
            varnames <- c(varnames.alpha, varnames.sigma, varnames.mu)

            if (length(unique(varnames)) > 1) {
                stop('One or several of the formulae are invalid: only one variable is allowed \n')

            if (length(unique(varnames)) > 0 && varnames != "mz") {
                stop("One or several of the formulae are invalid: one or several variables not equal to 'mz' are present \n")

            charalpha <- strsplit(as.character(formula.alpha), split = "")
            charsigma <- strsplit(as.character(formula.sigma), split = "")
            charmu    <- strsplit(as.character(formula.mu),    split = "")

            if(any(is.element(c(".", ":", "*"), c(charalpha, charsigma, charmu)))) {
                stop("Invalid characters in one of the formulae: interaction terms/multiplications are not allowed \n")

            intercept.alpha <- attr(terms(formula.alpha), "intercept")
            intercept.sigma <- attr(terms(formula.sigma), "intercept")
            intercept.mu    <- attr(terms(formula.mu),    "intercept")   
            peakfitresults <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 6)
            colnames(peakfitresults) <- c("datapoints", "rss", "alpha", "sigma", "mu", "mz")

            grid.alpha.basis <- grid.alpha <- 10^((seq(from = -5, to = 5, length = 100)))
            grid.sigma.basis <- grid.sigma <- 10^((seq(from = -5, to = 5, length = 100)))
            grid.mu          <- seq(from = -1, to = 1, length = 100)
            for (i in seq(along = detection)) {
                x.i <- detection[[i]][,1]
                if (length(x.i) < 2*window)

                y.i <- detection[[i]][,2]
                fitt <- try(fit.EMG(x.i, y.i, gridsearch = TRUE, grid.alpha = grid.alpha, grid.sigma = grid.sigma, grid.mu = grid.mu), silent = TRUE)
                if (inherits(fitt, "try-error")) {
                    warning("Fitting failed. \n")
                newcol <- c(length(x.i), fitt$rss, fitt$alpha, fitt$sigma, fitt$mu, mean(x.i))
                peakfitresults <- rbind(peakfitresults, newcol)

                dist.alpha <- abs( fitt$alpha - grid.alpha.basis )
                dist.sigma <- abs( fitt$sigma - grid.sigma.basis )

                o.alpha <- order(dist.alpha)[1:20]
                o.sigma <- order(dist.sigma)[1:20]

                grid.alpha <- sort(grid.alpha.basis[o.alpha])
                grid.sigma <- sort(grid.sigma.basis[o.sigma])  

            if (nrow(peakfitresults) == 0) {
                stop("No peak of the chosen width ('window') found. Try to reduce 'window' \n")

            mz       <- peakfitresults[,"mz"]
            alphavec <- peakfitresults[,"alpha"]

            formula.alphanew <- as.formula(paste("alphavec", as.character(formula.alpha[2]), sep = "~")) 
            l1fitalpha <- try(rlm(formula.alphanew, k = 1e-6, maxit = rlm.maxit), silent = TRUE)
            if (inherits(l1fitalpha, "try-error")) {
                stop("Error in linear model estimation for parameter 'alpha' \n")

            coefalpha     <- coef(l1fitalpha)
            alphafunction <- formulacoef2function(formula.alpha, coef = coefalpha, intercept = intercept.alpha)

            sigmavec <- peakfitresults[,"sigma"]
            formula.sigmanew <- as.formula(paste("sigmavec", as.character(formula.sigma[2]), sep = "~")) 
            l1fitsigma <- try(rlm(formula.sigmanew, k = 1e-6, maxit = rlm.maxit), silent = TRUE)
            if (inherits(l1fitsigma, "try-error")) {
                stop("Error in linear model estimation for parameter 'sigma' \n")

            coefsigma <- coef(l1fitsigma)
            sigmafunction <- formulacoef2function(formula.sigma, coef = coefsigma, intercept = intercept.sigma)

            muvec <- peakfitresults[,"mu"]
            formula.munew <- as.formula(paste("muvec", as.character(formula.mu[2]), sep = "~")) 
            l1fitmu <- try(rlm(formula.munew, k = 1e-6, maxit = rlm.maxit), silent = TRUE)
            if (inherits(l1fitmu, "try-error")) {
                stop("Error in linear model estimation for parameter 'mu' \n")

            coefmu <- coef(l1fitmu)
            mufunction <- formulacoef2function(formula.mu, coef = coefmu, intercept = intercept.mu)

            MSE <- peakfitresults[,"rss"]/peakfitresults[,"datapoints"]
            bestpeakind <- which.min(MSE)
            bestpeak <- list(mz = detection[[bestpeakind]][,1], 
                             intensities = detection[[bestpeakind]][,2],
                             alpha = peakfitresults[bestpeakind,"alpha"],
                             sigma = peakfitresults[bestpeakind,"sigma"],
                             mu = peakfitresults[bestpeakind,"mu"])

    if (model == "Gaussian") {
        alphafunction <- mufunction <- function(mz) {}  

        model = model,
        fitting = fitting,
        alphafunction = alphafunction,
        sigmafunction = sigmafunction,
        mufunction = mufunction,
        peakfitresults = peakfitresults,
        bestpeak = bestpeak)

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IPPD documentation built on April 28, 2020, 6:58 p.m.