#' @rdname rocThresholds
#' @description
#' A method to visualize the performance in the classification of synthesis, degradation
#' and processing rates based on the comparison of the original simulated rates and the one
#' obtained by the function \code{\link{modelRates}}. For each rate, classification performance is measured
#' in terms of sensitivity and specificity using a ROC curve analysis. False negatives (FN) represent cases
#' where the rate is identified as constant while it was simulated as varying. False positives (FP) represent
#' cases where INSPEcT identified a rate as varying while it was simulated as constant. On the contrary,
#' true positives (TP) and negatives (TN) are cases of correct classification of varying and constant rates, respectively.
#' Consequently, at increasing brown p-values different sensitivity and specificity can be achieved.
#' @param object An object of class INSPEcT_model, with true rates
#' @param object2 An object of class INSPEcT or INSPEcT_model, with modeled rates
#' @param xlim A numeric representing limits for the x-axis (default is c(1-e-5,1))
#' @param plot A logical that indicates whether to plot or not. (default=TRUE)
#' @return The thresholds that maximize both sensitivity and specificity
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeSimModel}}, \code{\link{makeSimDataset}}, \code{\link{rocCurve}}
#' @examples
#' if(["sysname"] != "Windows" ) {
#' nascentInspObj <- readRDS(system.file(package='INSPEcT', 'nascentInspObj.rds'))
#' simRates<-makeSimModel(nascentInspObj, 1000, seed=1)
#' # newTpts<-simRates@params$tpts
#' # nascentSim2replicates<-makeSimDataset(object=simRates
#' # ,tpts=newTpts
#' # ,nRep=3
#' # ,NoNascent=FALSE
#' # ,seed=1)
#' # nascentSim2replicates<-modelRates(nascentSim2replicates[1:100]
#' # ,seed=1)
#' # (not evaluated to save computational time)
#' data("nascentSim2replicates",package='INSPEcT')
#' rocThresholds(simRates[1:100],nascentSim2replicates)
#' }
setMethod('rocThresholds', signature(object='INSPEcT_model', object2='INSPEcT'), function(object, object2, xlim=c(1e-5,1), plot=TRUE)
# reduce the set of genes to the one present in the modeled object
if( length(object@ratesSpecs) != length(featureNames(object2)) )
object <- object[as.numeric(featureNames(object2))]
# manage arguments
if( !is.numeric(xlim) )
stop('rocThresholds: xlim must be either numeric or NULL')
if( length(xlim) != 2 )
stop('rocThresholds: xlim must be a vector of length 2')
if( any(xlim<=0 | xlim>1) )
stop('rocThresholds: xlim must be between 0 and 1')
## obtain the response (true class)
allResponses <- geneClass(object)
## compare with p-values of rate variability
ratePvals <- ratePvals(object2)
rAlpha <- roc(response=grepl('a', allResponses)
, predictor=ratePvals$synthesis)
rBeta <- roc(response=grepl('b', allResponses)
, predictor=ratePvals$degradation)
rGamma <- roc(response=grepl('c', allResponses)
, predictor=ratePvals$processing)
outTmp <- list()
ix <- is.finite(rAlpha$thresholds)
ths <- rAlpha$thresholds[ix]
outTmp$synthesis <- ths[which.min(sqrt((rAlpha$sensitivities[ix]-rAlpha$specificities[ix])^2))]
ix <- is.finite(rGamma$thresholds)
ths <- rGamma$thresholds[ix]
outTmp$processing <- ths[which.min(sqrt((rGamma$sensitivities[ix]-rGamma$specificities[ix])^2))]
ix <- is.finite(rBeta$thresholds)
ths <- rBeta$thresholds[ix]
outTmp$degradation <- ths[which.min(sqrt((rBeta$sensitivities[ix]-rBeta$specificities[ix])^2))]
bTsh <- modelSelection(object2)$thresholds$brown
oldMfrow <- par()$mfrow
oldMar <- par()$mar
ix <- is.finite(rAlpha$thresholds)
matplot(rAlpha$thresholds[ix], cbind(rAlpha$sensitivities[ix], rAlpha$specificities[ix])
, type='l', lty=1, lwd=4, main='synthesis rate', log='x', xlab='Brown threshold'
, ylab='', xlim=xlim)
abline(v=bTsh[1], lwd=3, lty=2, col='blue')
abline(v=outTmp$synthesis, lwd=3, lty=3, col="blue")
ix <- is.finite(rBeta$thresholds)
matplot(rBeta$thresholds[ix], cbind(rBeta$sensitivities[ix], rBeta$specificities[ix])
, type='l', lty=1, lwd=4, main='degradation rate', log='x', xlab='Brown threshold'
, ylab='', xlim=xlim)
abline(v=bTsh[2], lwd=3, lty=2, col='blue')
abline(v=outTmp$degradation, lwd=3, lty=3, col="blue")
ix <- is.finite(rGamma$thresholds)
matplot(rGamma$thresholds[ix], cbind(rGamma$sensitivities[ix], rGamma$specificities[ix])
, type='l', lty=1, lwd=4, main='processing rate', log='x', xlab='Brown threshold'
, ylab='', xlim=xlim)
abline(v=bTsh[3], lwd=3, lty=2, col='blue')
abline(v=outTmp$processing, lwd=3, lty=3, col="blue")
legend('left', col=c('blue','blue','black','red'), lty=c(3,2,1,1), lwd=c(2,2,4,4)
, legend=c('optimal Brown\nthreshold','selected Brown\nthreshold', 'sensitivities', 'specificities'))
par(mfrow=oldMfrow, mar=oldMar)
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