#' Evaluate introns and exons expressions from BAM or SAM files
#' @description Given a TranscriptDb object and a list of bigWig (BW) files
#' "quantifyExpressionsFormBWs" evaluates exons and introns expressions
#' and the associated variances per each gene.
#' @param txdb A TranscriptDB object
#' @param BWfiles A vector of paths
#' @param experimentalDesign A numerical which reports the desing of the experiment in terms of time points and replicates.
#' Time points must be ordered according to the sequence of files submitted for the analysis, these labels characterize
#' different files as replicates of a given condition.
#' @param readLength A numerical that indicates the read length of the RNA-seq experiment. Used to normalize the coverage. By default, 50.
#' @param by A character, either "gene" or "tx", indicating if expressions and counts should be summarized at the levels of
#' genes or transcripts. "gene" by default.
#' In case "tx" is selected, we suggest to set argument "allowMultiOverlap" to TRUE, otherwise the reads mapping to overlapping
#' transcripts of the same gene will remain unassigned.
#' @param libsize A character, either "assigned" or "all", indicating whether the libsize for expression normalization should include all
#' mapped reads or only the reads assigned to any of the features. By default, "assigned" is selected.
#' @param DESeq2 A logical, if TRUE exons and introns variances are evaluated through the package DESeq2, if FALSE through plgem
#' @param varSamplingCondition A character reporting which experimental condition should be used to sample the variance if DESeq2 = FALSE.
#' @param BPPARAM Parallelization parameters for bplapply. By default SerialParam()
#' By default, the first element of "experimentalDesign" with replicates.
#' @return A list containing expressions and associated variances for exons and introns.
quantifyExpressionsFromBWs <- function(txdb
, BWfiles
, experimentalDesign
, readLength = 50
, by = c('gene','tx')
, libsize = c('assigned','all')
, DESeq2 = TRUE
, varSamplingCondition = NULL
, BPPARAM = SerialParam())
### CHECK ARGUMENTS ########################
# txdb
if( class(txdb) != 'TxDb' )
stop('quantifyExpressionsFromBWs: "txdb" must be an object of TxDb class.')
# BWfiles
if( any(!file.exists(BWfiles)) )
stop('quantifyExpressionsFromBWs: at least one file specified in "BWfiles" argument does not exist.')
# experimentalDesign
stop('quantifyExpressionsFromBWs: each bam file must be accounted in the experimentalDesign.')
warning("quantifyExpressionsFromBWs: at least one replicate is required.")
# by
by <- by[1]
if( !is.character(by) )
stop('quantifyExpressionsFromBWs: "by" must be either "tx" or "gene".')
if( !( by %in% c('gene','tx') ) )
stop('quantifyExpressionsFromBWs: "by" must be either "tx" or "gene".')
# DESeq2
if( !is.logical(DESeq2) )
stop('quantifyExpressionsFromBWs: "DESeq2" must be a logical.')
# varSamplingCondition
if( !DESeq2 ) {
if( is.null(varSamplingCondition) ) {
varSamplingCondition <- names(which(table(experimentalDesign)>1)[1])
} else {
if( length(which(as.character(experimentalDesign) == varSamplingCondition)) < 2 )
stop('quantifyExpressionsFromBWs: if DESeq2 is FALSE varSamplingCondition must be an experimental condition with replicates.')
### MAKE ANNOTATION ########################
message('Generating annotation from txdb...')
by <- by[1]
if( by=="gene" ) {
exonsDB <- reduce(exonsBy(txdb ,'gene'))
exonsDB <- exonsDB[elementNROWS(range(exonsDB))==1]
intronsDB <- psetdiff(unlist(range(exonsDB)),exonsDB)
intronsDB <- intronsDB[elementNROWS(intronsDB)>0]
} else if( by=="tx" ){
exonsDB <- exonsBy(txdb ,'tx', use.names=TRUE)
intronsDB <- intronsByTranscript(txdb, use.names=TRUE)
intronsDB <- intronsDB[elementNROWS(intronsDB)>0]
} else {
stop("quantifyExpressionsFromBWs: argument 'by' not recognized.")
### MAKE COUNTS FROM BAM ###################
if( is.null(names(BWfiles)) ) {
if( any(table(experimentalDesign)>1) ) {
replicate_id <- unlist(lapply(split(experimentalDesign, experimentalDesign), seq_along))
names(BWfiles) <- paste(experimentalDesign, paste0('rep',replicate_id), sep='_')
} else {
names(BWfiles) <- experimentalDesign
# BWfiles <- BigWigFileList(BWfiles)
iecounts <- bplapply(BWfiles, function(bwfile)
message(paste('##### - File:',bwfile,'- #####'))
coverage <- import(bwfile, as = 'RleList')
# normalize the coverege by the read length
coverage <- coverage/readLength
# check compatibility between BigWig and annotation
bigWigSeqLengths <- sapply(coverage, length)
annotationSeqLengths <- seqlengths(seqinfo(exonsDB))
commonSeq <- intersect(names(bigWigSeqLengths), names(annotationSeqLengths))
if( length(commonSeq) == 0 )
stop('quantifyExpressionsFromBWs: annotation and bigwig file have no common sequences')
if( !identical(bigWigSeqLengths[commonSeq], annotationSeqLengths[commonSeq]) )
stop('quantifyExpressionsFromBWs: annotation and bigwig file have different sequence lengths')
message('Counting reads on exon features...')
exonCounts <- round(unlist(lapply(names(coverage), function(chr) {
exonsDBchr <- exonsDB[seqnames(exonsDB) == chr]
counts <- sum(Views(coverage[[chr]], ranges(unlist(exonsDBchr))))
tapply(counts, names(counts), sum)
# names(exonCounts) <- names(exonsDB)
Assigned_Exons <- sum(exonCounts)
message('Counting reads on intron features...')
intronCounts <- round(unlist(lapply(names(coverage), function(chr) {
intronsDBchr <- intronsDB[seqnames(intronsDB) == chr]
counts <- sum(Views(coverage[[chr]], ranges(unlist(intronsDBchr))))
tapply(counts, names(counts), sum)
# names(intronCounts) <- names(intronsDB)
Assigned_Introns <- sum(intronCounts)
stat <- c(
Libsize=round(sum(sapply(coverage, sum)))
return(list(exonCounts=exonCounts, intronCounts=intronCounts, countsStats=stat))
allcounts <- lapply(c(exonsCounts="exonCounts",intronsCounts="intronCounts",countsStats="countsStats")
, function(name) sapply(iecounts,'[[',name))
libsize <- allcounts$countsStats['Libsize',]
exonsWidths <- sapply(width(exonsDB),sum)[rownames(allcounts$exonsCounts)]
intronsWidths <- sapply(width(intronsDB),sum)[rownames(allcounts$intronsCounts)]
out <- quantifyExpressionsFromTrCounts(allcounts = allcounts
, experimentalDesign = experimentalDesign
, exonsWidths=exonsWidths
, intronsWidths=intronsWidths
, libsize=libsize
, DESeq2 = DESeq2
, varSamplingCondition = varSamplingCondition)
out <- c( out, list(exonsWidths=exonsWidths, intronsWidths=intronsWidths), allcounts )
# importFrom("rtracklayer", "BigWigFileList", "import")
# importFrom("IRanges", "Views")
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