#' @rdname modelRates
#' @description
#' This method model the synthesis, degradation and processing rates after their estimation by the constructor function
#' \code{\link{newINSPEcT}}. Estimated rates are not guaranteed to optimally describes provided input data yet.
#' To this purpose, modeled rates can be generated and genes can be assigned to a transcriptional regulatory mechanism.
#' Modeled rates can be accessed via the method \code{\link{viewModelRates}} and gene classification according
#' to the regulatory mechanism can be accessed by \code{\link{geneClass}}. The modeling options used for the
#' modeling can be later accessed by the user via \code{\link{modelingParams}}. After modeling, model selection is run
#' by the method \code{\link{calculateRatePvals}} with default parameters.
#' @param object An object of class INSPEcT
#' @param estimateRatesWith Either "int" or "der". With "int" the degradation and processing
#' rates are estimated integrating the system between one time point and the following.
#' With "der" degradation and processing rates are estimated using the derivative of total
#' and pre mRNA. (default is "der")
#' @param useSigmoidFun A logical, whether to choose between sigmoid and impulse function
#' to fit rates and concentrations. In case not, always impulse function is used.
#' (default is TRUE)
#' @param nInit number of optimization to find the best functional representation of each rate (by default 10)
#' @param nIter number of max iteration during optimization (default is 300)
#' @param Dmin lower bondary for degradation rates in the NoNascent mode (default 1e-06)
#' @param Dmax upper bondary for degradation rates in the NoNascent mode (default 10)
#' @param seed A numeric, indicatindg the seed to be set for reproducible results. If NULL it is randomly selected (default NULL)
#' @param BPPARAM Parallelization parameters for bplapply. By default SerialParam()
#' @return An object of class INSPEcT with modeled rates
#' @seealso \code{\link{viewModelRates}}, \code{\link{calculateRatePvals}}, \code{\link{geneClass}}
#' @examples
#' if(["sysname"] != "Windows" ) {
#' nascentInspObj10 <- readRDS(system.file(package='INSPEcT', 'nascentInspObj10.rds'))
#' ## models removal
#' nascentInspObjThreeGenes <- removeModel(nascentInspObj10[1:3])
#' nascentInspObjThreeGenes <- modelRates(nascentInspObjThreeGenes,
#' seed=1, BPPARAM=SerialParam())
#' ## view modeled synthesis rates
#' viewModelRates(nascentInspObjThreeGenes, 'synthesis')
#' ## view gene classes
#' geneClass(nascentInspObjThreeGenes)
#' }
setMethod('modelRates', 'INSPEcT', function(object
, estimateRatesWith = c('der', 'int')
, useSigmoidFun = TRUE
, nInit = 10
, nIter = 300
, Dmin = 1e-06
, Dmax = 10
, seed = NULL
, BPPARAM = SerialParam())
if( length(object@model@ratesSpecs) > 0 )
stop('Remove the model before running the model again. (See "?removeModel")')
estimateRatesWith <- estimateRatesWith[1]
if( !estimateRatesWith %in% c('int', 'der') )
stop('modelRates: estimateRatesWith argument must be either "int" or "der"')
if( !is.logical(useSigmoidFun) )
stop('modelRates: useSigmoidFun argument must be a logical')
# if( !is.logical(testOnSmooth) )
# stop('modelRates: testOnSmooth argument must be a logical')
if( !is.numeric(nInit) )
stop('modelRates: nInit argument must be a numeric')
if( !is.numeric(nIter) )
stop('modelRates: nIter argument must be a numeric')
if( !is.numeric(Dmin) )
stop('modelRates: Dmin argument must be a numeric')
if( !is.numeric(Dmax) )
stop('modelRates: Dmax argument must be a numeric')
# if not set, select randomly a seed and store it in modelingParams
if( is.null(seed) ) {
seed <- sample(1:10000,1)
object@params <- list(
estimateRatesWith = estimateRatesWith,
useSigmoidFun = useSigmoidFun,
# testOnSmooth = testOnSmooth,
nInit = nInit,
nIter = nIter,
Dmin = Dmin,
Dmax = Dmax,
seed = seed
llConfidenceThreshold <- qchisq(0.95,1)
initialPenalityRelevance <- 1
derivativePenalityRelevance <- 10^-50
NoNascent <- object@NoNascent
if(NoNascent){message("No nascent RNA data mode.")}
if(!NoNascent){message("Nascent RNA data mode.")}
tpts <- tpts(object)
concentrations <- list(total = ratesFirstGuess(object, 'total')
, total_var = ratesFirstGuessVar(object, 'total')
, preMRNA = ratesFirstGuess(object, 'preMRNA')
, preMRNA_var = ratesFirstGuessVar(object, 'preMRNA')
, mature = ratesFirstGuess(object, 'total') - ratesFirstGuess(object, 'preMRNA')
, mature_var = ratesFirstGuessVar(object, 'total') + ratesFirstGuessVar(object, 'preMRNA'))
rates <- list(alpha=ratesFirstGuess(object, 'synthesis')
, alpha_var=ratesFirstGuessVar(object, 'synthesis')
, beta=ratesFirstGuess(object, 'degradation')
, gamma=ratesFirstGuess(object, 'processing'))
if( !is.numeric(tpts(object)) ) {
stop("modelRates is not supported in steady-state analysis without nascent, run compareSteadyNoNascent instead.")
if( !is.null(seed) && !is.numeric(seed) )
stop('Seed argument must be either NULL or numeric.')
ratesSpecs <- .inspect.engine_Derivative_NoNascent(tpts=tpts
, concentrations=concentrations
, rates=rates
, na.rm=TRUE
, verbose=TRUE
# , testOnSmooth=testOnSmooth
, seed=seed
, nInit=nInit
, nIter=nIter
, computeDerivatives=TRUE
, useSigmoidFun=useSigmoidFun
, initialPenalityRelevance = initialPenalityRelevance
, derivativePenalityRelevance = derivativePenalityRelevance
, llConfidenceThreshold = NULL)
}else if(object@params$estimateRatesWith=="int"){
message("Integrative modeling")
ratesSpecs <- .inspect.engine_Integrative_NoNascent(tpts=tpts
, concentrations=concentrations
, rates=rates
, na.rm=TRUE
, verbose=TRUE
# , testOnSmooth=testOnSmooth
, seed=seed
, nInit=nInit
, nIter=nIter
, computeDerivatives=TRUE
, useSigmoidFun=useSigmoidFun
, initialPenalityRelevance = initialPenalityRelevance
, derivativePenalityRelevance = derivativePenalityRelevance
, llConfidenceThreshold = NULL)
}else{stop('modelRates: the user must set the variable "estimateRatesWith" either equal to "int" or equal to "der" (default).')}
object@NF <- FALSE
object@model@ratesSpecs <- ratesSpecs
object <- calculateRatePvals(object)
# object <- makeModelRates(object) # called from calculateRatePvals
}else{ # Nascent
if( object@degDuringPulse ) stop('modelRates: degDuringPulse mode not implemented yet.')
if( !is.null(seed) && !is.numeric(seed) )
stop('Seed argument must be either NULL or numeric.')
# Split between genes with and without intronic signal
eiGenes <- rownames(concentrations$preMRNA)[is.finite(concentrations$preMRNA[,1])]
eGenes <- rownames(concentrations$preMRNA[!is.finite(concentrations$preMRNA[,1]),])
# change NA of eGenes (i.e. premature, prematureVar, k2) to the corresponding QSS values:
# k2 = QSSfactor ; premature = k1/k2 = k1/QSSfactor ; prematureVar = 1 (arbitrary)
# Not valid for 'int' modeling because it cannot handle ode stepsize with high value of k2
# The validity on 'der' was checked on the 500 genes provided with the package, retaining
# the intronic signal of only the first 10 genes: all the genes modeled had p(k2)=1
rates$gamma[eGenes,] <- 1e9
concentrations$preMRNA[eGenes,] <- rates$alpha[eGenes,] / rates$gamma[eGenes,]
concentrations$preMRNA_var[eGenes,] <- 1
concentrations$mature[eGenes,] <- concentrations$total[eGenes,]
concentrations$mature_var[eGenes,] <- concentrations$total_var[eGenes,]
ratesSpecs <- .inspect.engine_Derivative_Nascent(tpts=tpts
, concentrations=concentrations
, rates=rates
, na.rm=TRUE
, verbose=TRUE
# , testOnSmooth=testOnSmooth
, seed=seed
, nInit=nInit
, nIter=nIter
, computeDerivatives=TRUE
, useSigmoidFun=useSigmoidFun
, initialPenalityRelevance=initialPenalityRelevance
, derivativePenalityRelevance=derivativePenalityRelevance
, llConfidenceThreshold=llConfidenceThreshold)
confidenceIntervals <- ratesSpecs$confidenceIntervals
ratesSpecs <- ratesSpecs$ratesSpecs
# set to NA conf int relative to k2 of eGenes (uncomment)
for( i in which(names(ratesSpecs) %in% eGenes) ) {
tmp <- confidenceIntervals[[i]]$k2
tmp[1:nrow(tmp), 1:ncol(tmp)] <- NA
confidenceIntervals[[i]]$k2 <- tmp
}else if(object@params$estimateRatesWith=="int"){
message("Integrative modeling")
## remove eGenes and prompt a message
if( !is.null(eGenes) ) {
message(paste('Removing', length(eGenes), 'genes without intronic signal (integrative modeling not implemented for those genes).'))
message('Use estimateRatesWith="der" if you want to preserve them.')
filterIN <- setdiff(rownames(concentrations$total), eGenes)
concentrations <- lapply(concentrations, function(x) x[filterIN,])
rates <- lapply(rates, function(x) x[filterIN,])
suppressWarnings(ratesSpecs <- .inspect.engine_Integrative_Nascent(tpts=tpts
, concentrations=concentrations
, rates=rates
, na.rm=TRUE
, verbose=TRUE
# , testOnSmooth=testOnSmooth
, seed=seed
, nInit=nInit
, nIter=nIter
, computeDerivatives=TRUE
, useSigmoidFun=useSigmoidFun
, initialPenalityRelevance=initialPenalityRelevance
, derivativePenalityRelevance=derivativePenalityRelevance
, llConfidenceThreshold=llConfidenceThreshold))
confidenceIntervals <- ratesSpecs$confidenceIntervals
ratesSpecs <- ratesSpecs$ratesSpecs
}else{stop('modelRates: the user must set the variable "estimateRatesWith" either equal to "int" or equal to "der" (default).')}
if( is.null(names(ratesSpecs)) ) stop("No genes suitable for the analysis! ")
## update and return the object
object@NF <- FALSE
object <- object[names(ratesSpecs)]
object@model@ratesSpecs <- ratesSpecs
object <- setConfidenceIntervals(object=object,confidenceIntervals=confidenceIntervals)
object <- makeModelRates(object)
object <- calculateRatePvals(object)
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