#' @rdname makeSimDataset
#' @description
#' This method generates rates and concentrations where noise is added according to the desired number of
#' replicates that the user set as an arguments from the INSPEcT_model object that has been created by the
#' method of the class INSPEcT \code{\link{makeSimModel}}. Rates and concentrations can be generated at the
#' time-points of interest within the original time window. This method generates an INSPEcT object that can
#' be modeled and the performance of the modeling can be tested directly aginst the INSPEcT_model object
#' created by \code{\link{makeSimModel}}.
#' @param object An object of class INSPEcT_model, usually the output of \code{\link{makeSimModel}}
#' @param tpts A numeric vector of time points where rates and concentrations have to be evaluated
#' @param nRep Number of replicates to simulate
#' @param NoNascent A logical which, if true, makes the output of the method suitable for an analysis
#' without Nascent. (default=FALSE)
#' @param seed A numeric to obtain reproducible results. When NULL (default) no seed is set.
#' @param b A numeric which represents the probability of contamination of the unlabeled sample due to the labled one
#' @param tL A numeric which represents the labeling time for an ideal nascent RNA profiling, it is required for
#' the contamination analysis. (default=1/6)
#' @param noise_sd A numeric which represents the noise standard deviation. (default=4)
#' @return An object of the class ExpressionSet containing rates and concentrations
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeSimModel}}
#' @examples
#' if(["sysname"] != "Windows" ) {
#' nascentInspObj <- readRDS(system.file(package='INSPEcT', 'nascentInspObj.rds'))
#' simRates<-makeSimModel(nascentInspObj, 1000, seed=1)
#' tpts <- tpts(nascentInspObj)
#' nascentSim2replicates <- makeSimDataset(object=simRates,tpts=tpts,nRep=3,NoNascent=FALSE,seed=1)
#' }
setMethod('makeSimDataset', 'INSPEcT_model', function(object
, tpts
, nRep
, NoNascent = FALSE
, seed=NULL
, b = 0.3
, tL = 1/6
, noise_sd = 4.0)
if(!is.numeric(b)|!is.numeric(tL)){stop("makeSimDataset: b and tL must be numeric.")}
if(b>1|b<0){stop("makeSimDataset: b must be greater than 0 and lower than 1.")}
ratesSpecs <- object@ratesSpecs
nGenes <- length(ratesSpecs)
## I compute the corrupted data
## I solve the ode system starting from zero in order to quantify Mature and Premature RNA for the Nascent population
cleanRates <- lapply(1:nGenes, function(i) {
outTmp <- tryCatch(
, ratesSpecs[[i]][[1]]
# , log_shift
# , timetransf
# , deSolve::ode
# , .rxnrate
, nascent = TRUE)
, error=function(e)
totalSim <- t(sapply(cleanRates, function(x) unlist(x[,"total"])))
preMRNASim <- t(sapply(cleanRates, function(x) unlist(x[,"preMRNA"])))
L_exons <- totalSim
L_introns <- preMRNASim
## I solve the system for the total
ratesSpecs <- object@ratesSpecs
nGenes <- length(ratesSpecs)
# log_shift <- findttpar(tpts)
cleanRates <- lapply(1:nGenes, function(i) {
, ratesSpecs[[i]][[1]]
# , log_shift
# , timetransf
# , deSolve::ode
# , .rxnrate
, nascent = FALSE)
, error=function(e)
totalSim <- t(sapply(cleanRates, function(x) x$total))
preMRNASim <- t(sapply(cleanRates, function(x) x$preMRNA))
T_exons <- totalSim
T_introns <- preMRNASim
U_exons <- T_exons - L_exons
U_introns <- T_introns - L_introns
if(is.null(rownames(L_exons)) &
is.null(rownames(L_introns)) &
is.null(rownames(T_exons)) &
is.null(rownames(T_introns)) &
is.null(rownames(U_exons)) &
rownames(L_exons) <- rownames(L_introns) <- rownames(T_exons) <-
rownames(T_introns) <- rownames(U_exons) <- rownames(U_introns) <- as.character(1:nrow(L_exons))
## I remove from the analysis those genes with negative expressions
genesTmp <- apply(T_exons,1,function(r)all(r>0)) &
apply(T_introns,1,function(r)all(r>0)) &
apply(L_exons,1,function(r)all(r>0)) &
apply(L_introns,1,function(r)all(r>0)) &
apply(U_exons,1,function(r)all(r>0)) &
message(paste0("makeSimDataset: ",table(genesTmp)["TRUE"]," genes suitable for the corrupted analysis."))
T_exons <- T_exons[genesTmp,]
T_introns <- T_introns[genesTmp,]
L_exons <- L_exons[genesTmp,]
L_introns <- L_introns[genesTmp,]
U_exons <- U_exons[genesTmp,]
U_introns <- U_introns[genesTmp,]
totalFitVarianceLaw <- object@params$sim$noiseFunctions$total
preFitVarianceLaw <- object@params$sim$noiseFunctions$pre
## Evaluate sigma X from the sigma of b
# X_noise_sd <- mean((L_exons+L_introns)/(U_exons+U_introns)*((1/(1-b))-(b/(1-b)^2))*noise_sd)
## Standard deviation on X from the sd of b
X <- (b/(1 - b))*apply(((L_exons+L_introns)/(U_exons+U_introns)),1,mean)
# b <- X/(X+(L_exons+L_introns)/(U_exons+U_introns))
X_noisy <- X*rnorm(length(X), 1, sd = noise_sd)#matrix(rnorm(length(X), 1, sd = noise_sd),nrow=nrow(X),ncol=ncol(X))
X_noisy[X_noisy<0] <- 0
X_noisy[X_noisy>1] <- 1
b_noisy <- X_noisy/(X_noisy+apply((L_exons+L_introns)/(U_exons+U_introns),1,mean))
message(paste0("b_noisy momenta: ",signif(mean(b_noisy),3)," - ",signif(sd(b_noisy),3)))
## calculate the noise distribution
# X_noisy <- rnorm(1000*nrow(L_exons), X, sd = X_noise_sd)
# X_noisy <- X_noisy[X_noisy>=0&X_noisy<=1]
# if(length(X_noisy)<nrow(L_exons))
# {
# message("makeSimDataset: warning, very large noise coefficient standard deviation! ")
# X_noisy <- c(X_noisy,rep(X,length.out=nrow(L_exons) - length(X_noisy)))
# }
# X_noisy <- sample(X_noisy,nrow(L_exons))
# X_noisy x<- (L_exons+L_introns)/(U_exons+U_introns)*((1/(1-b))-(b/(1-b)^2))*noise_sd
# b_noisy <- X_noisy/(X_noisy+mean((L_exons+L_introns)/(U_exons+U_introns)))
### We set a standard deviation on X, instead of b, because the boundaries for this parameter
### are more clear and identical for all the genes (0 <= X <= 1) while for b the boundaries
### are gene dependent (0 <= b <= 1 - (L)/(L + U))
# ## Standard deviation on b
# b_noisy <- rnorm(1000*nrow(L_exons), b, sd = noise_sd)
# b_noisy <- b_noisy[b_noisy>=0&b_noisy<=1]
# if(length(b_noisy)<nrow(L_exons))
# {
# message("makeSimDataset: warning, very large noise coefficient standard deviation! ")
# b_noisy <- c(b_noisy,rep(b,length.out=nrow(L_exons) - length(b_noisy)))
# }
# b_noisy <- sample(b_noisy,nrow(L_exons))
# X_noisy <- (b_noisy/(1 - b_noisy))*apply(((L_exons+L_introns)/(U_exons+U_introns)),1,mean)
E_exons <- L_exons + X_noisy*U_exons
E_introns <- L_introns + X_noisy*U_introns
E_exons_var <- t(apply(E_exons,1,function(r){totalFitVarianceLaw(r)}))
E_introns_var <- t(apply(E_introns,1,function(r){preFitVarianceLaw(r)}))
T_exons_var <- t(apply(T_exons,1,function(r){totalFitVarianceLaw(r)}))
T_introns_var <- t(apply(T_introns,1,function(r){preFitVarianceLaw(r)}))
## Evaluation of the new simulated data
E_data <- list("exonsExpressions"=E_exons, "intronsExpressions"=E_introns, "exonsVariance"=E_exons_var, "intronsVariance"=E_introns_var)
T_data <- list("exonsExpressions"=T_exons, "intronsExpressions"=T_introns, "exonsVariance"=T_exons_var, "intronsVariance"=T_introns_var)
totalSim <- ratesFirstGuess(corruptedInspObj,"total")
preMRNASim <- ratesFirstGuess(corruptedInspObj,"preMRNA")
alphaSim <- ratesFirstGuess(corruptedInspObj,"synthesis")
## create the clean concentrations and rates for each gene
cleanRates <- lapply(1:nGenes, function(i) {
, ratesSpecs[[i]][[1]]
# , log_shift
# , timetransf
# , deSolve::ode
# , .rxnrate
, nascent = FALSE)
, error=function(e)
## store total, preMRNA and alpha
totalSim <- t(sapply(cleanRates, function(x) x$total))
preMRNASim <- t(sapply(cleanRates, function(x) x$preMRNA))
alphaSim <- t(sapply(cleanRates, function(x) x$alpha))
if(is.null(rownames(totalSim))){rownames(totalSim) <- 1:nrow(totalSim)}
totalFitVarianceLaw <- object@params$sim$noiseFunctions$total
preFitVarianceLaw <- object@params$sim$noiseFunctions$pre
alphaFitVarianceLaw <- object@params$sim$noiseFunctions$alpha
totalSim_noisevar <- t(apply(totalSim,1,function(r)
preMRNASim_noisevar <- t(apply(preMRNASim,1,function(r)
alphaSim_noisevar <- t(apply(alphaSim,1,function(r)
addNoise <- function(signal, noiseVar){
if(is.null(noiseVar)) # Control added to generate data without noise just for rebutal
noiseVar <- matrix(rep(0,length(signal)),nrow=nrow(signal))
noiseVar[,1] <- 0.01*signal[,1]
rownames(noiseVar) <- rownames(signal)
colnames(noiseVar) <- colnames(signal)
if( !is.null(seed) ) set.seed(seed)
totalSimReplicates <-'cbind',
lapply(1:nRep, function(i) addNoise(signal=totalSim,noiseVar=totalSim_noisevar)))#NULL)))#
rownames(totalSimReplicates) <- 1:nrow(totalSimReplicates)
preMRNASimReplicates <-'cbind',
lapply(1:nRep, function(i) addNoise(signal=preMRNASim,noiseVar=preMRNASim_noisevar)))#NULL)))#
rownames(preMRNASimReplicates) <- 1:nrow(preMRNASimReplicates)
alphaSimReplicates <-'cbind',
lapply(1:nRep, function(i) addNoise(signal=alphaSim,noiseVar=alphaSim_noisevar)))#NULL)))#
rownames(alphaSimReplicates) <- 1:nrow(alphaSimReplicates)
experimentalDesign <- rep(tpts, nRep)
colnames(totalSimReplicates)<-colnames(preMRNASimReplicates)<-colnames(alphaSimReplicates) <- experimentalDesign
# Required to keep track of the genes names after the dataset reduction caused by the contamination
nascentExpressions <- quantifyExpressionsFromTrAbundance(trAbundaces = list(exonsAbundances = alphaSimReplicates
, intronsAbundances = NULL)
, experimentalDesign = experimentalDesign
, varSamplingCondition = as.character(tpts[[1]])
, simulatedData = TRUE)
matureExpressions <- quantifyExpressionsFromTrAbundance(trAbundaces = list(exonsAbundances = totalSimReplicates
, intronsAbundances = preMRNASimReplicates)
, experimentalDesign = experimentalDesign
, varSamplingCondition = as.character(tpts[[1]]))
## create the INSPEcT object
newObject <- newINSPEcT(tpts = tpts
, labeling_time = 1
, nascentExpressions = nascentExpressions
, matureExpressions = matureExpressions
, simulatedData = TRUE)
## create the INSPEcT object
newObject <- newINSPEcT(tpts = tpts
, labeling_time = NULL
, nascentExpressions = NULL
, matureExpressions = matureExpressions
, simulatedData = TRUE)
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