#' A toy dataset with 500 cells downsampled from the pbmc3k dataset.
#' The preprocessing was done using Cell Ranger v2.2.0 and
#' the GRCh38.p12 human reference genome.
#' The Normalization was done using the LogNormalize method of Seurat v3 R package.
#' The sampling was done using the sample() function without replacement
#' and set.seed(1) as initialization.
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(pbmc3k_500)
#' @format pbmc3k_500, dgCMatrix object
#' @keywords datasets
#' @source \url{}
#' @examples
#' data(pbmc3k_500)
#' @title Iterative Clustering Projection (ICP) clustering
#' @description
#' The function implements Iterative Clustering Projection (ICP): a
#' supervised learning -based clustering, which maximizes clustering similarity
#' between the clustering and its projection by logistic regression.
#' @param A sparse matrix (dgCMatrix) containing
#' normalized gene expression data with genes in rows and cells in columns.
#' Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param k A positive integer greater or equal to 2, denoting the number of
#' clusters in ICP. Default is \code{15}.
#' @param d A numeric that defines how many cells per cluster should be
#' down- and oversampled (d in ceiling(N/k*d)), when stratified.downsampling=FALSE,
#' or what fraction should be downsampled in the stratified approach
#' ,stratified.downsampling=TRUE. Default is \code{0.3}.
#' @param r A positive integer that denotes the number of reiterations
#' performed until the algorithm stops. Default is \code{5}.
#' @param C Cost of constraints violation (\code{C}) for L1-regulatization.
#' Default is \code{0.3}.
#' @param reg.type "L1" for LASSO and "L2" for Ridge. Default is "L1".
#' @param max.iter A positive integer that denotes the maximum number of
#' iterations performed until the algorithm ends. Default is \code{200}.
#' @return A list that includes the probability matrix and the clustering
#' similarity measures: ARI, NMI, etc.
#' @keywords iterative clustering projection ICP clustering
#' @import Matrix
#' @importFrom aricode clustComp
#' @import LiblineaR
#' @import SparseM
RunICP <- function( = NULL,k = 15, d = 0.3, r = 5, C = 5,
reg.type = "L1", max.iter = 200) {
first_round <- TRUE
metrics <- NULL
idents <- list()
iterations <- 1
probs <- NULL
while (TRUE) {
# Step 1: initialize clustering (ident_1) randomly, ARI=0 and r=0
if (first_round) {
ident_1 <- factor(sample(seq_len(k),ncol(,replace = TRUE))
names(ident_1) <- colnames(
idents[[1]] <- ident_1
ari <- 0
reiterations <- 0
# Step 2: train logistic regression model
res <- LogisticRegression(training.sparse.matrix = t(,
training.ident = ident_1, C = C,
test.sparse.matrix = t(, d=d)
names(res$predictions) <- colnames(
rownames(res$probabilities) <- colnames(
# Projected cluster probabilities
probs <- res$probabilities
# Projected clusters
ident_2 <- res$predictions
# Safety procedure: If k drops to 1, start from the beginning.
# However, k should NOT decrease during the iteration when
# the down- and oversampling approach is used for the balancing training data.
if (length(levels(factor(as.character(ident_2)))) < 2)
first_round <- TRUE
metrics <- NULL
idents <- list()
iterations <- 1
# Step 3: compare clustering similarity between clustering and projection
comp_clust <- clustComp(c1 = ident_1, c2 = ident_2)
if(first_round & comp_clust$ARI <= 0)
# Step 3.1: If ARI did not increase, reiterate
if (comp_clust$ARI <= ari & !(first_round))
reiterations <- reiterations + 1
# Step 3.2: If ARI increased, proceed to next iteration round
else {
# Update clustering to the predicted clusters
ident_1 <- ident_2
first_round <- FALSE
metrics <- cbind(metrics,comp_clust)
iterations = iterations + 1
idents[[iterations]] <- ident_2
ari <- comp_clust$ARI
reiterations <- 0
# Step 4: If the maximum number of reiterations or iterations was
# reached, break the while loop
if (reiterations == r | iterations == max.iter)
# Step 5: Return result
return(list(probabilities=probs, metrics=metrics))
#' @title Down- and oversample data
#' @description
#' The function implements a script down- and oversamples data to
#' include n cells.
#' @param x A character or numeric vector of data to down-and oversample.
#' @param n How many cells to include per cluster.
#' @return a list containing the output of the LiblineaR prediction
#' @keywords downsampling oversampling
DownOverSampling <- function(x, n = 50) {
if (length(x) < n) {
res <- sample(x, size = n, replace = TRUE)
} else {
res <- sample(x, size = n, replace = FALSE)
#' @title Clustering projection using logistic regression from
#' the LiblineaR R package
#' @description
#' The function implements a script that downsamples data a dataset, trains
#' a logistic regression classifier model
#' and then projects its clustering onto itself using a trained
#' L1-regularized logistic regression model.
#' @param training.sparse.matrix A sparse matrix (dgCMatrix) containing training
#' sample's gene expression data with genes in rows and cells in columns.
#' Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param training.ident A named factor containing sample's cluster labels for
#' each cell in training.sparse.matrix. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param C Cost of constraints violation in L1-regularized logistic
#' regression (C). Default is \code{0.3}.
#' @param reg.type "L1" for LASSO and "L2" for Ridge. Default is "L1".
#' @param test.sparse.matrix A sparse matrix (dgCMatrix) containing test
#' sample's gene expression data with genes in rows and cells in columns.
#' Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param d A numeric smaller than \code{1} and greater than \code{0}
#' that determines how many cells per cluster should be
#' down- and oversampled (d in N/k*d), where N is the total number of cells
#' and k the number of clusters. Default is \code{0.3}.
#' @return a list containing the output of the LiblineaR prediction
#' @keywords logistic regression LiblineaR projection downsampling oversampling
#' @import Matrix
#' @import SparseM
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom LiblineaR LiblineaR
#' @importFrom stats predict
LogisticRegression <- function(training.sparse.matrix = NULL,
training.ident = NULL,
C = 0.3,
reg.type = "L1",
test.sparse.matrix = NULL,
d = 0.3) {
# Downsample training data
if (!is.null(d))
cells_per_cluster <- ceiling((length(training.ident) / (length(levels(training.ident)))) * d)
training_ident_subset <- as.character(unlist(lapply(split(names(training.ident),training.ident), function(x) DownOverSampling(x,cells_per_cluster))))
training.ident <- training.ident[training_ident_subset]
training.sparse.matrix <- training.sparse.matrix[training_ident_subset,]
# Transform training and test data from dgCMatrix to matrix.csr
training.sparse.matrix <- as(training.sparse.matrix,"matrix.csr")
test.sparse.matrix <- as(test.sparse.matrix,"matrix.csr")
if (reg.type=="L2")
type <- 7
} else if (reg.type=="L1")
type <- 6 #L1
} else {
stop("'reg.type' must be either 'L1' or 'L2'")
model <- LiblineaR(training.sparse.matrix, training.ident,
type = type, cost = C)
prediction <- predict(model,proba = TRUE,test.sparse.matrix)
#' @title Select top or bottom N genes based on a selection criterion
#' @description
#' The SelectTopGenes function enables selecting top or bottom N genes based
#' on a criterion (e.g. log2FC or adj.p.value).
#' @param gene.markers A data frame of the gene markers found by
#' FindAllGeneMarkers function.
#' @param top.N How many top or bottom genes to select. Default is \code{10}.
#' @param criterion.type Which criterion to use for selecting the genes.
#' Default is "log2FC".
#' @param inverse Whether to select bottom instead of top N genes.
#' Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return an object of `data.frame` class
#' @keywords select top bottom N genes
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by %>% top_n
#' @examples
#' library(SingleCellExperiment)
#' sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(logcounts = pbmc3k_500))
#' sce <- PrepareILoReg(sce)
#' ## These settings are just to accelerate the example, use the defaults.
#' sce <- RunParallelICP(sce,L=2,threads=1,C=0.1,k=5,r=1)
#' sce <- RunPCA(sce,p=5)
#' sce <- HierarchicalClustering(sce)
#' sce <- SelectKClusters(sce,K=5)
#' gene_markers <- FindAllGeneMarkers(sce)
#' ## Select top 10 markers based on log2 fold-change
#' top10_log2FC <- SelectTopGenes(gene_markers,
#' top.N = 10,
#' criterion.type = "log2FC",
#' inverse = FALSE)
#' @export
SelectTopGenes <- function(gene.markers = NULL, top.N = 10,
criterion.type = "log2FC", inverse=FALSE)
if (inverse)
top.N <- -top.N
gene.markers %>%
group_by(.data$cluster) %>% top_n(top.N, get(criterion.type)) -> top_N
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