
Defines functions conda_search

Documented in conda_search

#' Search package availabilty
#' Search package availabilty
#' @name conda_search
#' @rdname search_conda
#' @author Doug Barrows and Matt Paul
#' @param package Package to search for. If an exact match is found, the funtion will return true (assuming 'package_version' is left NULL or is a valid entry). If there is not an exact match and other packages contain this text, the function will return FALSE but the alternative options will be printed if print_out = TRUE.
#' @param channel A specific to search in addition to defaults (bioconda defaults and conda-forge are the default channels)
#' @param print_out Either True or FALSE indicating whether to print out information about available builds and channels for the search entry.
#' @param pathToMiniConda Path to miniconda installation. If this is set to NULL (default), then the output of 'reticulate::miniconda_path()' is used.
#' @import utils rjson
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @examples
#' condaDir <- file.path(tempdir(), "r-miniconda")
#' if(!dir.exists(condaDir)){
#'  condaPaths <- install_CondaTools("salmon", "salmon", pathToMiniConda = condaDir)
#' }
#' conda_search("salmon",pathToMiniConda=condaDir)
#' @export

conda_search <- function(package, channel = NULL, print_out = TRUE, 
                         pathToMiniConda = NULL) {

    #Check conda install
    if (is.null(pathToMiniConda)) {
        pathToMiniConda <- reticulate::miniconda_path()
    } else {
        pathToMiniConda <- file.path(pathToMiniConda)

    pathToCondaInstall <- pathToMiniConda
    pathToConda <- miniconda_conda(pathToCondaInstall)
    condaPathExists <- miniconda_exists(pathToMiniConda)
    if (!condaPathExists) {
        stop("There is no conda installed at", pathToMiniConda)} 
    # if (!condaPathExists) {
    #     result<-menu(c("Yes", "No"), title=strwrap(paste("Conda does not exist at", pathToMiniConda, ". Do you want to install it there?")))
    #     if(result==1){
    #         reticulate::install_miniconda(pathToMiniConda)
    #     }else{
    #         stop(strwrap("Please specify the location of an existing conda directory, or where you would like to install conda and retry."))    
    #     }}
    defaultChannels <- c("bioconda", "defaults", "conda-forge")
    channel <- unique(c(channel, defaultChannels))
    chan <- channel_list(channel)
    channel_command <- paste(unlist(chan), collapse=" ")
    #parse version info
    version_sep <- c("[<>)(=]")
    pkg_and_vers <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(package), version_sep, perl = TRUE))
    pkg_and_vers <- pkg_and_vers[!(nchar(pkg_and_vers) == 0)]
    pkg_and_vers[2] <- gsub(pattern = "[[:alpha:]]", "", pkg_and_vers[2])
    version_included <- grepl("=", package)
    if (version_included) {
        if (grepl(">=", package)) {
            ver_logic <- ">="
        } else if (grepl("<=", package)) {
            ver_logic <- "<="
        } else {
            ver_logic <- "=="

    package_input <- paste0('"', pkg_and_vers[1], '"')
    # run the search
    # message(paste0('Using conda at: ', pathToConda))
    condaSearch <- 
        system(paste(pathToConda, "search --quiet --json", package_input, channel_command),
            intern = TRUE,
            ignore.stderr = TRUE
        ) # if we want to include the output for 'conda search', which is a pretty informative error message, set this to FALSE
    condaSearch <- fromJSON(paste(condaSearch, collapse = ""))

    # parse search results
    if ("exception_name" %in% names(condaSearch)) {
        if (condaSearch$exception_name == "PackagesNotFoundError") {
            if (print_out) {
                warning("package ", package, " not found")
            } else {
                return(list(exact_match = FALSE, version_matches = NULL))
        } else if (condaSearch$exception_name == "UnavailableInvalidChannel") {
            if (print_out) {
                warning("channel ", channel, " not found")
            } else {
                return(list(exact_match = FALSE, version_matches = NULL))
        } else {
            if (print_out) {
                message("conda command failed, but not sure why. We didn't get the normal error messages we look for when a package or channel isn't found")
            } else {
                return(list(exact_match = FALSE, version_matches = NULL))
    # look at matches now. breakdown.
    } else if (pkg_and_vers[1] %in% names(condaSearch)) {
        condaSearch_df <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(condaSearch[[1]], function(x) {
                name = x$name,
                version = x$version,
                channel = x$channel
        })), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        condaSearch_df <- condaSearch_df[!duplicated(condaSearch_df$version, fromLast = TRUE), ]

        versions_no_letters <- gsub(pattern = "[[:alpha:]]", "", condaSearch_df$version)

        compareVersion_vapply <- function(versions_no_letters, package_version) {
            vapply(as.list(versions_no_letters), compareVersion, FUN.VALUE = numeric(length = 1), b = package_version)
        if (version_included) {
            package_version <- as.character(pkg_and_vers[2])
            vers_comparison <- compareVersion_vapply(versions_no_letters, package_version)
            res1 <- vers_comparison == (-1)
            res2 <- vers_comparison == 0
            res3 <- vers_comparison == 1
            res4 <- (vers_comparison >= 0)
            res5 <- (vers_comparison <= 0)
            equals_logic <- any(res2) & !(ver_logic %in% c("<=", ">="))
            if (equals_logic) {
                sub_df <- condaSearch_df[res2, ]
                rownames(sub_df) <- NULL
                if (print_out) {
                    message(paste(pkg_and_vers[1], "version", package_version, "is available from the following channels:"))
                } else {
                    return(list(exact_match = TRUE, version_matches = sub_df))
            } else if (ver_logic == ">=") {
                greater_logic <- (sum(res3, na.rm = TRUE) + sum(res2, na.rm = TRUE) > 0)
                if (greater_logic) {
                    sub_df <- condaSearch_df[res4, ]
                    if (print_out) {
                        message(paste(pkg_and_vers[1], "version", ver_logic, package_version, "are available from the following channels:"))
                    } else {
                        return(list(exact_match = TRUE, version_matches = sub_df))
                } else {
                    if (print_out) {
                        message(paste(pkg_and_vers[1], "is available, but versions", ver_logic, package_version, "are not. The following versions are currently available:"))
                    } else {
                        return(list(exact_match = FALSE, version_matches = condaSearch_df))
            } else if (ver_logic == "<=") {

                lesser_logic <- (sum(res1, na.rm = TRUE) +
                                                     sum(res2, na.rm = TRUE) > 0)
                if (lesser_logic) {
                    sub_df <- condaSearch_df[res5, ]
                    if (print_out) {
                        message(paste(pkg_and_vers[1], "versions", ver_logic, package_version, "are available from the following channels:"))
                    } else {
                        return(list(exact_match = TRUE, version_matches = sub_df))
                } else {
                    if (print_out) {
                        message(paste(pkg_and_vers[1], "is available, but version", ver_logic, package_version, "are not. The following versions are currently available:"))
                    } else {
                        return(list(exact_match = FALSE, version_matches = condaSearch_df))
            } else {
                if (print_out) {
                    message(paste(pkg_and_vers[1], "is available, but version", package_version, "is not. The following versions are currently available:"))
                } else {
                    return(list(exact_match = FALSE, version_matches = condaSearch_df))
        } else {
            if (print_out) {
                message(paste(pkg_and_vers[1], "is available in the following versions and channels:"))
            } else {
                return(list(exact_match = TRUE, version_matches = condaSearch_df))
    } else if (!pkg_and_vers[1] %in% names(condaSearch)) {
        if (print_out) {
            message("There are no exact matches for the query '",
                "', but multiple packages contain this text:\n",
                paste("-", names(condaSearch),
                    collapse = "\n"
        } else {
            return(list(exact_match = FALSE, version_matches = paste("-", names(condaSearch),
                collapse = "\n"

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Herper documentation built on Feb. 28, 2021, 2:02 a.m.