## Gviz functions
test_that("checking the class and structure works", {
expect_null(.checkClass(data.frame(), "data.frame"))
expect_error(.checkClass(data.frame(), "matrix"), "of class")
expect_error(.checkClass(class="matrix"), "is missing with no default")
expect_error(.checkClass(data.frame(), "data.frame", length=2), "of length")
test_that("conversion of chromosome names works", {
expect_identical(.chrName(character()), character())
options("ucscChromosomeNames" = TRUE)
expect_identical(.chrName(c("1", "chr1", "M", "MT", "X")), c("chr1","chr1","chrM","chrM","chrX"))
expect_identical(.chrName("foo", force=TRUE), "chrfoo")
expect_error(.chrName("foo"), "Please consider setting options\\(ucscChromosomeNames=FALSE\\)")
options("ucscChromosomeNames" = FALSE)
expect_identical(.chrName(c("1", "chr1", "M", "X")), c("1","chr1","M","X"))
## not sure how to set up the test for the device resolution
## with opening PDF device?
test_that("finding location and pixel-size of current viewport works", {
l <- list(location = c(x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 504, y2 = 504),
size = c(width = 504, height = 504),
ilocation = c(x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 7, y2 = 7),
isize = c(width = 7, height = 7))
## if (file.exists("Rplots.pdf")) unlink("Rplots.pdf")
## pdf(file="Rplots.pdf", width=7, height=5, pointsize=12)
## expect_identical(vpLocation(), l)
expect_equal(vpLocation(), l)
## unlink("Rplots.pdf")
test_that("estimating of device resolution works", {
## if (file.exists("Rplots.pdf")) unlink("Rplots.pdf")
## pdf(file="Rplots.pdf", width=7, height=5, pointsize=12)
## expect_identical(devRes(), c(xres=72, yres=72))
expect_equal(devRes(), c(xres=72, yres=72))
## unlink("Rplots.pdf")
## if (file.exists("Rplots.pdf")) unlink("Rplots.pdf")
## pdf(file="Rplots.pdf", width=7, height=5, pointsize=12)
## expect_identical(devRes(), c(xres=72, yres=72))
expect_equal(devRes(), c(xres=72, yres=72))
## unlink("Rplots.pdf")
test_that("estimating of coordinates for an HTML image map works", {
m <- matrix(rep(0:1, each=4), ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
mm <- matrix(rep(as.numeric(c(0,1,504,503)), 2), ncol=4,
dimnames=list(NULL, c("x1","y1","x2","y2")))
mm <-
## if (file.exists("Rplots.pdf")) unlink("Rplots.pdf")
## pdf(file="Rplots.pdf", width=7, height=5, pointsize=12)
## expect_identical(.getImageMap(m), mm)
expect_equal(.getImageMap(m), mm)
## unlink("Rplots.pdf")
test_that("deep copying of displaypars works", {
expect_identical(.needsStacking(annoTrack), TRUE)
expect_identical(.deepCopyPars(annoTrack), annoTrack)
expect_identical(displayPars(.deepCopyPars(annoTrack)), displayPars(annoTrack))
test_that("check of stacking works", {
expect_identical(.needsStacking(annoTrack), TRUE)
test_that("checking of the strand works", {
displayPars(dataTrack)$reverseStrand <- TRUE
displayPars(overTrack@trackList[[1]])$reverseStrand <- TRUE
expect_identical(.whichStrand(annoTrack), "forward")
expect_identical(.whichStrand(list(dataTrack, annoTrack, highTrack, overTrack)),
c("reverse", "forward", "forward", "reverse", "forward"))
test_that("import of sequence from FASTA file works", {
expect_identical(.import.fasta(fastafile, GRanges("chr3", IRanges(1, 4))), DNAStringSet())
expect_identical(.import.fasta(fastafile, GRanges("chr1", IRanges(1, 4))), DNAStringSet(c("chr1"="CTAN")))
test_that("import of sequence from 2bit file works", {
twobitfile <- system.file("extdata/test.2bit", package="Gviz")
expect_identical(.import.2bit(twobitfile, GRanges("chr3", IRanges(1, 4))), DNAStringSet())
expect_identical(.import.2bit(twobitfile, GRanges("chr1", IRanges(1, 4))), DNAStringSet(c("chr1"="CTAN")))
test_that("import of alignments from BAM file works", {
empty <- GRanges()
mcols(empty) <- DataFrame(id=character(), cigar=character(), mapq=integer(), flag=integer(),
md=character(), seq=DNAStringSet(), isize=integer(), groupid=integer(),
status=factor(levels=c("mated", "ambiguous", "unmated")))
expect_error(.import.bam.alignments(bamfile, GRanges("chr1", IRanges(189891401, 189894000))), "Unable to find index for BAM file")
bamfile <- Rsamtools::asBam(samfile, indexDestination = TRUE, overwrite=TRUE)
expect_identical(.import.bam.alignments(bamfile, GRanges("chr1", IRanges(189891401, 189894000))), bamgr)
expect_identical(.import.bam.alignments(bamfile, GRanges("chr2", IRanges(1,2))), empty)
seqlevels(empty) <- "chr1"
expect_identical(.import.bam.alignments(bamfile, GRanges("chr1", IRanges(1,2))), empty)
test_that("estimate of required verticalSpace works", {
expect_identical(.verticalSpace(dataTrack, 10), 5)
expect_identical(.verticalSpace(axisTrack, 10), 1)
expect_identical(.verticalSpace(ideoTrack, 10), 1)
expect_identical(.verticalSpace(seqTrack.dna, 10), 1)
expect_identical(.verticalSpace(setStacks(annoTrack), 10), 1) ## require stacks
expect_identical(.verticalSpace(alnTrack, 10), 1)
test_that("conversion of ranges to summarizedJunctions works", {
## with + strand defined in readStrand column
range <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(1,10), cigar="1M8N1M", readStrand=Rle(factor("+", levels=c("+","-","*"))), entityId=1)
juns <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(start=2,end=9), score=1L, plus_score=1L, minus_score=0L)
expect_identical(.create.summarizedJunctions.for.sashimi.junctions(range), juns)
## without strand definition
range <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(1,10), cigar="1M8N1M", entityId=1)
juns <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(start=2,end=9), score=1L, plus_score=0L, minus_score=0L)
expect_identical(.create.summarizedJunctions.for.sashimi.junctions(range), juns)
test_that("conversion of junction to list for plotting works", {
juns <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(start=2,end=9), score=1L, plus_score=0L, minus_score=0L)
out <- list(x = c(2, 5, 9),
y = c(0, 1, 0),
id = c(1L, 1L, 1L),
score = 1, scaled = 10)
filt <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(start=2,end=9))
out2 <- list(x = c(3, 5, 8),
y = c(0, 1, 0),
id = c(1L, 1L, 1L),
score = 1, scaled = 10)
filt2 <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(start=3,end=8))
expect_identical(, out)
## if minimum score filter works
expect_identical(, score=2L),
list(x=numeric(), y=numeric(), id=integer(), score=numeric(), scaled=numeric()))
## filter match
expect_identical(, filter=filt), out)
## filter match (none)
expect_identical(, filter=filt2),
list(x=numeric(), y=numeric(), id=integer(), score=numeric(), scaled=numeric()))
## filter match (with filterTolerance)
expect_identical(, filter=filt2, filterTolerance=1), out2)
## negative filterTolerance
expect_warning(, filter=filt, filterTolerance=-1),
"can't be negative, taking absolute value of it")
## transfromation
expect_identical(, trans=list(function(x) {x})), out)
expect_error(, trans=1),"must be a function with a single argument")
expect_error(, trans=function(x) {x[-1]}),"invalid output")
## test_that("only first warning works", {
## warn_once({
## for (i in 1:10) { warn_if_first("foo", "oh, no! foo!") }
## for (i in 1:10) { warn_if_first("bar", "oh, no! bar!") }
## sapply(1:10, function(x) {
## warn_if_first("foo", "oh, no! foo again! (not really)")
## warn_if_first("foobar", "foobar, too!")
## })
## "DONE!"
## })
## })
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