# NB: Several objects used in testing are defined in
# tests/testthat/helper-make-test-data.R
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Validity
context("GTuples validity methods")
test_that(".valid.GTuples.pos works for 1-tuples", {
expect_that(GTuples('chr1', tuples = matrix(12:1, ncol = 1)),
test_that(".valid.GTuples.pos works for 2-tuples", {
expect_error(GTuples('chr1', tuples = matrix(12:1, ncol = 2)),
"In range 1: 'end' must be >= 'start' - 1.")
expect_error(GTuples('chr1', tuples = cbind(11:20, 11:20)),
"positions in each tuple must be sorted")
expect_error(GTuples('chr1', tuples = cbind(11:20, c(12:20, 20L))),
"positions in each tuple must be sorted")
test_that(".valid.GTuples.pos works for m-tuples (m > 2)", {
expect_error(GTuples('chr1', tuples = matrix(12:1, ncol = 3)),
"In range 1: 'end' must be >= 'start' - 1.")
expect_error(GTuples('chr1', tuples = cbind(11:20, 1:10, 31:40)),
"positions in each tuple must be sorted")
expect_error(GTuples('chr1', tuples = cbind(11:20, c(12:20, 20L), 31:40)),
"positions in each tuple must be sorted")
expect_error(GTuples('chr1', tuples = matrix(12:1, ncol = 4)),
"In range 1: 'end' must be >= 'start' - 1.")
expect_error(GTuples('chr1', tuples = cbind(11:20, 1:10, 31:40, 41:50)),
"positions in each tuple must be sorted")
expect_error(GTuples('chr1', tuples = cbind(11:20, 31:40, 1:10, 41:50)),
"positions in each tuple must be sorted")
expect_error(GTuples('chr1', tuples = cbind(11:20, c(12:20, 20L), 31:40,
"positions in each tuple must be sorted")
test_that(".valid.GTuples.mcols works", {
expect_error(GTuples(seqnames = 'chr1', tuples = matrix(1:10), strand = '+',
seqnames = letters[1:10]),
"formal argument \"seqnames\" matched by multiple")
expect_error(GTuples(seqnames = 'chr1', tuples = matrix(1:10), strand = '+',
ranges = letters[1:10]),
"formal argument \"ranges\" matched by multiple")
expect_error(GTuples(seqnames = 'chr1', tuples = matrix(1:10), strand = '+',
strand = letters[1:10]),
"formal argument \"strand\" matched by multiple")
expect_error(GTuples(seqnames = 'chr1', tuples = matrix(1:10), strand = '+',
strand = letters[1:10]),
"formal argument \"strand\" matched by multiple")
expect_error(GTuples(seqnames = 'chr1', tuples = matrix(1:10), strand = '+',
seqlevels = letters[1:10]),
"names of metadata columns cannot be one of")
expect_error(GTuples(seqnames = 'chr1', tuples = matrix(1:10), strand = '+',
seqlengths = letters[1:10]),
"'seqlengths' must have names")
expect_error(GTuples(seqnames = 'chr1', tuples = matrix(1:10), strand = '+',
isCircular = letters[1:10]),
"names of metadata columns cannot be one of")
expect_error(GTuples(seqnames = 'chr1', tuples = matrix(1:10), strand = '+',
start = letters[1:10]),
"names of metadata columns cannot be one of")
expect_error(GTuples(seqnames = 'chr1', tuples = matrix(1:10), strand = '+',
end = letters[1:10]),
"names of metadata columns cannot be one of")
expect_error(GTuples(seqnames = 'chr1', tuples = matrix(1:10), strand = '+',
width = letters[1:10]),
"names of metadata columns cannot be one of")
expect_error(GTuples(seqnames = 'chr1', tuples = matrix(1:10), strand = '+',
element = letters[1:10]),
"names of metadata columns cannot be one of")
expect_error(GTuples(seqnames = 'chr1', tuples = matrix(1:10), strand = '+',
tuples = letters[1:10]),
"formal argument \"tuples\" matched by multiple")
expect_error(GTuples(seqnames = 'chr1', tuples = matrix(1:10), strand = '+',
internalPos = letters[1:10]),
"names of metadata columns cannot be one of")
expect_error(GTuples(seqnames = 'chr1', tuples = matrix(1:10), strand = '+',
size = letters[1:10]),
"names of metadata columns cannot be one of")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Constructor
context("GTuples constructor")
test_that("GTuples constructor returns a valid GTuples object when m = 0", {
test_that("GTuples constructor returns a valid object when m = 1", {
test_that("GTuples constructor returns a valid object when m = 2", {
test_that("GTuples constructor returns a valid object when m >= 3", {
test_that("GTuples constructor returns warnings on unexpected input", {
expect_warning(GTuples('chr1', tuples = matrix(c(1.1, 2, 3), ncol = 1)),
"Converting 'tuples' to integer mode")
test_that("GTuples constructor returns errors on bad input", {
expect_error(GTuples('chr1', tuples = 1:10),
"'tuples' must be an integer matrix")
expect_error(GTuples('chr1', tuples = as.matrix(letters)),
"'tuples' must be an integer matrix")
expect_error(GTuples('chr1', tuples = matrix(c(1, NA), ncol = 1)),
"'NA' detected in 'tuples'")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Coercion
context("GTuples coercion")
test_that("as.character works", {
expect_identical(as.character(gt0), character())
c("chr1:1:-", "chr2:2:+"))
expect_identical(as.character(gt1[1:2], ignore.strand = TRUE),
c("chr1:1", "chr2:2"))
c("chr1:1,2,3,4:-", "chr2:2,3,4,5:+"))
expect_identical(as.character(gt4[1:2], ignore.strand = TRUE),
c("chr1:1,2,3,4", "chr2:2,3,4,5"))
test_that("as.factor works", {
expect_identical(as.factor(gt0), factor(character()))
factor(c("chr1:1:-", "chr2:2:+")))
factor(c("chr1:1,2,3,4:-", "chr2:2,3,4,5:+")))
test_that(" works", {
data.frame(seqnames = factor(levels = paste0("chr", 1:3)),
strand = factor(levels = c("+", "-", "*"))))
data.frame(seqnames = S4Vectors:::decodeRle(seqnames(gt1)),
pos1 = start(gt1),
strand = S4Vectors:::decodeRle(strand(gt1)),
score = mcols(gt1)$score))
data.frame(seqnames = S4Vectors:::decodeRle(seqnames(gt4)),
pos1 = start(gt1),
pos2 = end(gt2),
strand = S4Vectors:::decodeRle(strand(gt2)),
score = mcols(gt2)$score)
data.frame(seqnames = S4Vectors:::decodeRle(seqnames(gt3)),
pos1 = start(gt3),
pos2 = gt3@internalPos,
pos3 = end(gt3),
strand = S4Vectors:::decodeRle(strand(gt3)),
score = mcols(gt1)$score)
data.frame(seqnames = S4Vectors:::decodeRle(seqnames(gt4)),
pos1 = start(gt4),
pos2 = gt4@internalPos[, 1],
pos3 = gt4@internalPos[, 2],
pos4 = end(gt4),
strand = S4Vectors:::decodeRle(strand(gt4)),
score = mcols(gt4)$score)
test_that("granges works", {
expect_identical(granges(gt0), GRanges(seqinfo = seqinfo(gt0)))
expect_identical(granges(gt1, use.mcols = FALSE),
GRanges(seqnames(gt1), IRanges(start(gt1), end(gt1)),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
expect_identical(granges(gt1, use.mcols = TRUE),
GRanges(seqnames(gt1), IRanges(start(gt1), end(gt1)),
strand(gt1), score = mcols(gt1)$score,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
expect_identical(granges(gt4, use.mcols = FALSE),
GRanges(seqnames(gt4), IRanges(start(gt4), end(gt4)),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt4)))
expect_identical(granges(gt4, use.mcols = TRUE),
GRanges(seqnames(gt4), IRanges(start(gt4), end(gt4)),
strand(gt4), score = mcols(gt4)$score,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt4)))
expect_identical(granges(gt3, use.mcols = FALSE),
GRanges(seqnames(gt3), IRanges(start(gt3), end(gt3)),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt3)))
expect_identical(granges(gt3, use.mcols = TRUE),
GRanges(seqnames(gt3), IRanges(start(gt3), end(gt3)),
strand(gt3), score = mcols(gt3)$score,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt3)))
expect_identical(granges(gt4, use.mcols = FALSE),
GRanges(seqnames(gt4), IRanges(start(gt4), end(gt4)),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt4)))
expect_identical(granges(gt4, use.mcols = TRUE),
GRanges(seqnames(gt4), IRanges(start(gt4), end(gt4)),
strand(gt4), score = mcols(gt4)$score,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt4)))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Updating and cloning
context("GTuples updating and cloning")
test_that("update works on all relevant slots", {
gt1_update <- update(gt1, seqnames = rev(seqnames(gt1)))
expect_identical(gt1_update, GTuples(rev(seqnames(gt1)), tuples(gt1),
strand(gt1), score = mcols(gt1)$score,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
gt1_update <- update(gt1, ranges = rev(ranges(gt1)))
expect_identical(gt1_update, GTuples(seqnames(gt1),
strand(gt1), score = mcols(gt1)$score,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
gt1_update <- update(gt1, strand = rev(strand(gt1)))
expect_identical(gt1_update, GTuples(seqnames(gt1), tuples(gt1),
score = mcols(gt1)$score,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
gt1_update <- update(gt1, elementMetadata = DataFrame(score = Rle(0L, 10)))
expect_identical(gt1_update, GTuples(seqnames(gt1), tuples(gt1), strand(gt1),
score = Rle(0L, 10),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
seqinfo <- Seqinfo(seqnames = c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
seqlengths = c(10000L, 20000L, 15000L),
isCircular = c(NA, NA, NA),
genome = c("mock1", "mock1", "mock1"))
gt1_update <- update(gt1, seqinfo = seqinfo)
expect_identical(gt1_update, GTuples(seqnames(gt1), tuples(gt1), strand(gt1),
score = mcols(gt1)$score,
seqinfo = seqinfo))
# metadata(gt1) is not the same as setting the metadata in the GTuples()
# constructor. This (somewhat confusing) behaviour is inherited from GRanges()
gt1_update <- update(gt1, metadata = list("foo" = "bar"))
gt1_metadata <- gt1
metadata(gt1_metadata) <- list("foo" = "bar")
expect_identical(gt1_update, gt1_metadata)
gt3_update <- update(gt3, ranges = IRanges(start(gt3) + 10L, end(gt3) + 10L),
internalPos = gt3@internalPos + 10L)
expect_identical(gt3_update, GTuples(seqnames(gt3), unname(tuples(gt3)) + 10L,
strand(gt3), score = mcols(gt3)$score,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt3)))
gt4_update <- update(gt4, ranges = IRanges(start(gt4) + 10L, end(gt4) + 10L),
internalPos = gt4@internalPos + 10L)
expect_identical(gt4_update, GTuples(seqnames(gt4), unname(tuples(gt4)) + 10L,
strand(gt4), score = mcols(gt4)$score,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt4)))
test_that("clone works", {
gt1_clone <- GenomicRanges:::clone(gt1, seqnames = rev(seqnames(gt1)))
expect_identical(gt1_clone, GTuples(rev(seqnames(gt1)), tuples(gt1),
strand(gt1), score = mcols(gt1)$score,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
gt1_clone <- GenomicRanges:::clone(gt1, ranges = rev(ranges(gt1)))
expect_identical(gt1_clone, GTuples(seqnames(gt1),
as.matrix(rev(tuples(gt1))), strand(gt1),
score = mcols(gt1)$score,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
gt1_clone <- GenomicRanges:::clone(gt1, strand = rev(strand(gt1)))
expect_identical(gt1_clone, GTuples(seqnames(gt1), tuples(gt1),
score = mcols(gt1)$score,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
gt1_clone <- GenomicRanges:::clone(gt1, elementMetadata =
DataFrame(score = Rle(0L, 10)))
expect_identical(gt1_clone, GTuples(seqnames(gt1), tuples(gt1), strand(gt1),
score = Rle(0L, 10),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
seqinfo <- Seqinfo(seqnames = c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
seqlengths = c(10000L, 20000L, 15000L),
isCircular = c(NA, NA, NA),
genome = c("mock1", "mock1", "mock1"))
gt1_clone <- GenomicRanges:::clone(gt1, seqinfo = seqinfo)
expect_identical(gt1_clone, GTuples(seqnames(gt1), tuples(gt1), strand(gt1),
score = mcols(gt1)$score,
seqinfo = seqinfo))
# metadata(gt1) is not the same as setting the metadata in the GTuples()
# constructor. This (somewhat confusing) behaviour is inherited from GRanges()
gt1_clone <- GenomicRanges:::clone(gt1, metadata = list("foo" = "bar"))
gt1_metadata <- gt1
metadata(gt1_metadata) <- list("foo" = "bar")
expect_identical(gt1_clone, gt1_metadata)
gt3_clone <- GenomicRanges:::clone(gt3, ranges = IRanges(start(gt3) + 10L,
end(gt3) + 10L),
internalPos = gt3@internalPos + 10L)
expect_identical(gt3_clone, GTuples(seqnames(gt3), unname(tuples(gt3)) + 10L,
strand(gt3), score = mcols(gt3)$score,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt3)))
gt4_clone <- GenomicRanges:::clone(gt4, ranges = IRanges(start(gt4) + 10L,
end(gt4) + 10L),
internalPos = gt4@internalPos + 10L)
expect_identical(gt4_clone, GTuples(seqnames(gt4), unname(tuples(gt4)) + 10L,
strand(gt4), score = mcols(gt4)$score,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt4)))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Combining
context("Combining GTuples")
test_that(".unlist_list_of_GTuples works", {
expect_identical(.unlist_list_of_GTuples(list(gt0)), gt0)
expect_identical(.unlist_list_of_GTuples(list(gt1)), gt1)
expect_identical(.unlist_list_of_GTuples(list(gt2)), gt2)
expect_identical(.unlist_list_of_GTuples(list(gt3)), gt3)
expect_identical(.unlist_list_of_GTuples(list(gt4)), gt4)
test_that("c works", {
expect_identical(c(gt1[1:5], gt1[6:10]), gt1)
expect_identical(c(gt2[1:5], gt2[6:10]), gt2)
expect_identical(c(gt3[1:5], gt3[6:10]), gt3)
expect_identical(c(gt4[1:5], gt4[6:10]), gt4)
expect_error(c(gt3, granges(gt3)),
paste0("unable to find an inherited method for function ",
sQuote('size'), " for signature ", sQuote('"GRanges"')))
expect_error(c(gt3, gt4),
paste0("Cannot combine GTuples containing tuples of ",
"different 'size'"))
setClass(Class = "MTuples", contains = "GTuples")
x <- new("MTuples", gt2)
expect_is(c(x, gt2), "GTuples")
expect_is(c(gt2, x), "GTuples")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Getters
context("GTuples getters")
test_that("GRanges inherited getters work", {
expect_identical(length(gt0), 0L)
expect_identical(length(gt1), 10L)
expect_identical(length(gt2), 10L)
expect_identical(length(gt3), 10L)
expect_identical(length(gt4), 10L)
expect_identical(seqnames(gt1), gt1@seqnames)
expect_identical(ranges(gt2), gt2@ranges)
expect_identical(strand(gt3), gt3@strand)
expect_identical(mcols(gt3), gt3@elementMetadata)
expect_identical(elementMetadata(gt3), gt3@elementMetadata)
expect_identical(seqinfo(gt3), gt3@seqinfo)
expect_identical(seqlevels(gt3), seqlevels(gt3@seqinfo))
expect_identical(seqlengths(gt3), seqlengths(gt3@seqinfo))
expect_identical(isCircular(gt3), isCircular(gt3@seqinfo))
expect_identical(genome(gt3), genome(gt3@seqinfo))
expect_identical(seqlevelsStyle(gt3), seqlevelsStyle(gt3@seqinfo))
expect_identical(score(gt3), gt3@elementMetadata$score)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Splitting
context("GTuples splitting")
test_that("inherited split works", {
## by integer
gt2_s <- split(gt2, 1:10)
expect_identical(length(gt2_s), 10L)
expect_is(gt2_s, "GTuplesList")
## by Rle
gt2_s <- split(gt2, seqnames(gt2))
expect_identical(length(gt2_s), 3L)
expect_is(gt2_s, "GTuplesList")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Setters
context("GTuples setters")
test_that("GRanges inherited getters work", {
gt1_ <- gt1
seqnames(gt1_) <- rev(seqnames(gt1))
expect_identical(seqnames(gt1_), rev(seqnames(gt1)))
gt1_ <- gt1
ranges(gt1_) <- rev(ranges(gt1))
expect_identical(ranges(gt1_), rev(ranges(gt1)))
gt1_ <- gt1
strand(gt1_) <- rev(strand(gt1))
expect_identical(strand(gt1_), rev(strand(gt1)))
gt1_ <- gt1
mcols(gt1_) <- DataFrame(score = rev(mcols(gt1)$score))
expect_identical(mcols(gt1_), DataFrame(score = rev(mcols(gt1)$score)))
gt1_ <- gt1
seqinfo(gt1_) <- Seqinfo(seqnames = c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
seqlengths = c(10000L, 20000L, 15000L),
isCircular = c(NA, NA, NA),
genome = c("mock1", "mock1", "mock1"))
expect_identical(seqinfo(gt1_), Seqinfo(seqnames = c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"),
seqlengths = c(10000L, 20000L,
isCircular = c(NA, NA, NA),
genome = c("mock1", "mock1",
gt1_ <- gt1
seqlevels(gt1_) <- c('chrI', 'chrII', 'chrIII')
expect_identical(seqlevels(gt1_), c('chrI', 'chrII', 'chrIII'))
gt1_ <- gt1
seqlengths(gt1_) <- c(10000L, 20000L, 15000L)
expect_identical(seqlengths(gt1_), c('chr1' = 10000L, 'chr2' = 20000L,
'chr3' = 15000L))
gt1_ <- gt1
isCircular(gt1_) <- c('chr1' = TRUE, 'chr2' = FALSE, 'chr3' = FALSE)
expect_identical(isCircular(gt1_), c('chr1' = TRUE, 'chr2' = FALSE,
'chr3' = FALSE))
gt1_ <- gt1
genome(gt1_) <- 'foo'
expect_identical(genome(gt1_), c('chr1' = 'foo', 'chr2' = 'foo',
'chr3' = 'foo'))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Tuples methods
context("GTuples tuples methods")
test_that("size works", {
expect_identical(size(gt0), NA_integer_)
expect_identical(size(gt1), 1L)
expect_identical(size(gt2), 2L)
expect_identical(size(gt3), 3L)
expect_identical(size(gt4), 4L)
test_that("IPD works", {
expect_error(IPD(gt0), "Cannot compute IPD from an empty 'GTuples'.")
"It does not make sense to compute IPD when 'size' = 1.")
expect_identical(IPD(gt2), matrix(1L, nrow = 10, ncol = 1))
expect_identical(IPD(gt3), matrix(1L, nrow = 10, ncol = 2))
expect_identical(IPD(gt4), matrix(1L, nrow = 10, ncol = 3))
test_that("tuples works", {
expect_identical(tuples(gt0), matrix())
expect_identical(tuples(gt1), matrix(1:10, ncol = 1,
dimnames = list(NULL, 'pos1')))
matrix(c(1:10, 2:11), ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(NULL, c('pos1', 'pos2'))))
matrix(c(1:10, 2:11, 3:12), ncol = 3,
dimnames = list(NULL, c('pos1', 'pos2', 'pos3'))))
matrix(c(1:10, 2:11, 3:12, 4:13), ncol = 4,
dimnames =
list(NULL, c('pos1', 'pos2', 'pos3', 'pos4'))))
test_that("tuples<- works", {
tuples(gt1) <- matrix(101:110, ncol = 1)
matrix(101:110, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, 'pos1')))
tuples(gt2) <- matrix(c(101:110, 102:111), ncol = 2)
matrix(c(101:110, 102:111), ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(NULL, c('pos1', 'pos2'))))
tuples(gt3) <- matrix(c(101:110, 102:111, 103:112), ncol = 3)
matrix(c(101:110, 102:111, 103:112), ncol = 3,
dimnames = list(NULL, c('pos1', 'pos2', 'pos3'))))
tuples(gt4) <- matrix(c(101:110, 102:111, 103:112, 104:113), ncol = 4)
matrix(c(101:110, 102:111, 103:112, 104:113), ncol = 4,
dimnames =
list(NULL, c('pos1', 'pos2', 'pos3', 'pos4'))))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Subsetting
context("GTuples subsetting")
test_that("extractROWS works", {
expect_identical(extractROWS(gt1, 1),
GTuples('chr1', matrix(1L), strand = '-', score = 1L,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
expect_identical(extractROWS(gt1, 1:2),
GTuples(c('chr1', 'chr2'), matrix(1:2), strand = c('-', '+'),
score = 1:2, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt2)))
expect_identical(extractROWS(gt2, 1),
GTuples('chr1', matrix(1:2, ncol = 2), strand = '-',
score = 1L, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
expect_identical(extractROWS(gt2, 1:2),
GTuples(c('chr1', 'chr2'), matrix(c(1:2, 2:3), ncol = 2),
strand = c('-', '+'), score = 1:2,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt2)))
expect_identical(extractROWS(gt3, 1),
GTuples('chr1', matrix(1:3, ncol = 3), strand = '-',
score = 1L, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt3)))
expect_identical(extractROWS(gt3, 1:2),
GTuples(c('chr1', 'chr2'), matrix(c(1:2, 2:3, 3:4),
ncol = 3),
strand = c('-', '+'), score = 1:2,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt2)))
expect_identical(extractROWS(gt4, 1),
GTuples('chr1', matrix(1:4, ncol = 4), strand = '-',
score = 1L, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt4)))
expect_identical(extractROWS(gt4, 1:2),
GTuples(c('chr1', 'chr2'), matrix(c(1:2, 2:3, 3:4, 4:5),
ncol = 4),
strand = c('-', '+'), score = 1:2,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt4)))
test_that("[ works", {
GTuples('chr1', matrix(1L), strand = '-', score = 1L,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
GTuples(c('chr1', 'chr2'), matrix(1:2), strand = c('-', '+'),
score = 1:2, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt2)))
GTuples('chr1', matrix(1:2, ncol = 2), strand = '-',
score = 1L, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
GTuples(c('chr1', 'chr2'),
matrix(c(1:2, 2:3), ncol = 2), strand = c('-', '+'),
score = 1:2, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt2)))
GTuples('chr1', matrix(1:3, ncol = 3), strand = '-',
score = 1L, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt3)))
GTuples(c('chr1', 'chr2'),
matrix(c(1:2, 2:3, 3:4), ncol = 3),
strand = c('-', '+'), score = 1:2,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt2)))
GTuples('chr1', matrix(1:4, ncol = 4), strand = '-',
score = 1L, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt4)))
GTuples(c('chr1', 'chr2'),
matrix(c(1:2, 2:3, 3:4, 4:5), ncol = 4),
strand = c('-', '+'),
score = 1:2, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt4)))
test_that("replaceROWS works", {
gt1_ <- replaceROWS(gt1, 1, GTuples('chr3', matrix(20L), score = 20L,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
expect_identical(gt1_, GTuples(c('chr3', as.vector(seqnames(gt1)[2:10])),
matrix(c(20L, 2:10)),
strand = c('*', as.vector(strand(gt1)[2:10])),
score = c(20L, 2:10),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
gt1_ <- replaceROWS(gt1, 1:2, GTuples('chr3', matrix(20:21), score = 20:21,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
expect_identical(gt1_, GTuples(c(rep('chr3', 2),
matrix(c(20:21, 3:10)),
strand = c(rep('*', 2),
score = c(20:21, 3:10),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
gt2_ <- replaceROWS(gt2, 1, GTuples('chr3', matrix(20:21, ncol = 2),
score = 20L, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt2)))
expect_identical(gt2_, GTuples(c('chr3', as.vector(seqnames(gt2)[2:10])),
rbind(20:21, unname(tuples(gt2)[2:10,])),
strand = c('*', as.vector(strand(gt2)[2:10])),
score = c(20L, 2:10),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt2)))
gt2_ <- replaceROWS(gt2, 1:2, GTuples('chr3', matrix(c(20:21, 21:22),
ncol = 2),
score = 20:21, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt2)))
expect_identical(gt2_, GTuples(c(rep('chr3', 2),
rbind(matrix(c(20:21, 21:22), ncol = 2),
strand = c(rep('*', 2),
score = c(20:21, 3:10),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt2)))
gt3_ <- replaceROWS(gt3, 1, GTuples('chr3', matrix(20:22, ncol = 3),
score = 20L, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt3)))
expect_identical(gt3_, GTuples(c('chr3', as.vector(seqnames(gt3)[2:10])),
rbind(20:22, unname(tuples(gt3)[2:10,])),
strand = c('*', as.vector(strand(gt3)[2:10])),
score = c(20L, 2:10),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt3)))
gt3_ <- replaceROWS(gt3, 1:2, GTuples('chr3', matrix(c(20:21, 21:22, 22:23),
ncol = 3),
score = 20:21, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt3)))
expect_identical(gt3_, GTuples(c(rep('chr3', 2),
rbind(matrix(c(20:21, 21:22, 22:23),
ncol = 3),
strand = c(rep('*', 2),
score = c(20:21, 3:10),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt3)))
gt4_ <- replaceROWS(gt4, 1, GTuples('chr3', matrix(20:23, ncol = 4),
score = 20L, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt4)))
expect_identical(gt4_, GTuples(c('chr3', as.vector(seqnames(gt4)[2:10])),
rbind(20:23, unname(tuples(gt4)[2:10,])),
strand = c('*', as.vector(strand(gt4)[2:10])),
score = c(20L, 2:10),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt4)))
gt4_ <- replaceROWS(gt4, 1:2, GTuples('chr3',
matrix(c(20:21, 21:22, 22:23, 23:24),
ncol = 4),
score = 20:21, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt4)))
expect_identical(gt4_, GTuples(c(rep('chr3', 2),
rbind(matrix(c(20:21, 21:22, 22:23, 23:24),
ncol = 4),
strand = c(rep('*', 2),
score = c(20:21, 3:10),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt4)))
test_that("[<- works", {
gt1_ <- gt1
gt1_[1] <- GTuples('chr3', matrix(20L), score = 20L, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1))
expect_identical(gt1_, GTuples(c('chr3', as.vector(seqnames(gt1)[2:10])),
matrix(c(20L, 2:10)),
strand = c('*', as.vector(strand(gt1)[2:10])),
score = c(20L, 2:10),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
gt1_ <- gt1
gt1_[1:2] <- GTuples('chr3', matrix(20:21), score = 20:21,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1))
expect_identical(gt1_, GTuples(c(rep('chr3', 2),
matrix(c(20:21, 3:10)),
strand = c(rep('*', 2),
score = c(20:21, 3:10),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt1)))
gt2_ <- gt2
gt2_[1] <- GTuples('chr3', matrix(20:21, ncol = 2), score = 20L,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt2))
expect_identical(gt2_, GTuples(c('chr3', as.vector(seqnames(gt2)[2:10])),
rbind(20:21, unname(tuples(gt2)[2:10,])),
strand = c('*', as.vector(strand(gt2)[2:10])),
score = c(20L, 2:10),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt2)))
gt2_ <- gt2
gt2_[1:2] <- GTuples('chr3', matrix(c(20:21, 21:22), ncol = 2),
score = 20:21, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt2))
expect_identical(gt2_, GTuples(c(rep('chr3', 2),
rbind(matrix(c(20:21, 21:22), ncol = 2),
strand = c(rep('*', 2),
score = c(20:21, 3:10),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt2)))
gt3_ <- gt3
gt3_[1] <- GTuples('chr3', matrix(20:22, ncol = 3), score = 20L,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt3))
expect_identical(gt3_, GTuples(c('chr3', as.vector(seqnames(gt3)[2:10])),
rbind(20:22, unname(tuples(gt3)[2:10,])),
strand = c('*', as.vector(strand(gt3)[2:10])),
score = c(20L, 2:10),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt3)))
gt3_ <- gt3
gt3_[1:2] <- GTuples('chr3', matrix(c(20:21, 21:22, 22:23), ncol = 3),
score = 20:21, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt3))
expect_identical(gt3_, GTuples(c(rep('chr3', 2),
rbind(matrix(c(20:21, 21:22, 22:23),
ncol = 3),
strand = c(rep('*', 2),
score = c(20:21, 3:10),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt3)))
gt4_ <- gt4
gt4_[1] <- GTuples('chr3', matrix(20:23, ncol = 4), score = 20L,
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt4))
expect_identical(gt4_, GTuples(c('chr3', as.vector(seqnames(gt4)[2:10])),
rbind(20:23, unname(tuples(gt4)[2:10,])),
strand = c('*', as.vector(strand(gt4)[2:10])),
score = c(20L, 2:10),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt4)))
gt4_[1:2] <- GTuples('chr3', matrix(c(20:21, 21:22, 22:23, 23:24), ncol = 4),
score = 20:21, seqinfo = seqinfo(gt4))
expect_identical(gt4_, GTuples(c(rep('chr3', 2),
rbind(matrix(c(20:21, 21:22, 22:23, 23:24),
ncol = 4),
strand = c(rep('*', 2),
score = c(20:21, 3:10),
seqinfo = seqinfo(gt4)))
expect_error(gt2[1:2] <- gt3[1:2],
"Cannot replace with tuples of a different 'size'")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Show
# TODO: Not sure how to test this. However, these tests are necessary due
# to the showGTuples function being rather fragile.
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