### =========================================================================
### makeGRangesListFromDataFrame()
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### 'df' must be a data.frame or DataFrame object.
makeGRangesListFromDataFrame <-
split.field = NULL,
names.field = NULL,
splitIdx <- namesIdx <- integer()
if (!is.null(split.field)) {
if (!isSingleString(split.field))
stop("'split.field' must be a single string")
splitIdx <- which(names(df) %in% split.field)
if (!length(splitIdx))
stop("'split.field' is not in 'names(df)'")
if (length(splitIdx) > 1L)
stop("'split.field' matched more than one 'names(df)'")
splitField <- df[[split.field]]
} else splitField <- seq_len(nrow(df))
if (!is.null(names.field)) {
if (!isSingleString(names.field))
stop("'names.field' must be a single string")
namesIdx <- which(names(df) %in% names.field)
if (!length(namesIdx))
stop("'names.field' is not found in 'names(df)'")
if (length(namesIdx) > 1L)
stop("'names.field' matched more than one 'names(df)'")
namesField <- df[[names.field]]
} else namesField <- NULL
if (length(c(splitIdx, namesIdx)))
df <- df[, -c(splitIdx, namesIdx)]
gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(df, ...)
names(gr) <- namesField
S4Vectors::split(gr, splitField)
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