#' Import multiple files of HTSeq-counts format
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols
#' @importFrom readr read_tsv
.htseq_importer = function(fnames) {
fnames = unlist(fnames)
first = readr::read_tsv(fnames[1], col_names = FALSE)
gene_ids = first[[1]]
res = dplyr::bind_cols(lapply(fnames, function(fname){
readr::read_tsv(fname, col_names = FALSE)[,2]
colnames(res) = names(fnames)
res = data.frame(gene_ids,res)
#' @describeIn gdc_rnaseq Show possible RNA-seq workflow types
#' @examples
#' available_rnaseq_workflows()
#' @export
available_rnaseq_workflows = function() {
possible_workflows = files() %>%
GenomicDataCommons::filter( ~ data_type=="Gene Expression Quantification" &
data_type=="Gene Expression Quantification") %>%
facet("analysis.workflow_type") %>%
#' Get RNA-seq quantification from the NCI GDC.
#' \code{gdc_rnaseq} is a high-level function for accessing the NCI GDC
#' RNA-seq data and summarizing as a
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{SummarizedExperiment}}.
#' @details The RNA-seq data are downloaded using \code{\link{gdcdata}}
#' with caching used as available. The resulting files are read and combined
#' without any transformation. It us up to the user to perform further
#' normalization or transformation if needed.
#' Clinical information for each file (see \code{\link{gdc_clinical}} for
#' details) is loaded into the \code{colData} slot. Quality control mapping
#' information is also stored in the \code{colData} with column names beginning
#' with "qc__".
#' @references See \url{}
#' for details of data processing that occurs at the GDC.
#' @param project_id character() vector with one or more project ids. Available
#' project_ids can be found using \code{ids(projects())}. Note that
#' not all projects contain RNA-seq data.
#' @param workflow_type character(1) with the workflow type. Possible values
#' can be accessed using \code{available_rnaseq_workflows}
#' @return a \code{SummarizedExperiment} object, populated with the expression
#' values, the gene ids in the \code{rowData}, and the clinical data associated
#' with each sample in the \code{colData}.
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows bind_cols select
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tcga_se = gdc_rnaseq('TCGA-ACC', 'HTSeq - Counts')
#' tcga_se
#' }
#' @export
gdc_rnaseq = function(project_id, workflow_type) {
# Just double-check that the specified workflow is available
possible_workflows = files() %>%
GenomicDataCommons::filter( ~ data_type=="Gene Expression Quantification" &
data_type=="Gene Expression Quantification") %>%
facet("analysis.workflow_type") %>%
possible_workflows = possible_workflows[['analysis.workflow_type']][['key']]
if(!(workflow_type %in% possible_workflows))
stop(sprintf("Workflow type must be one of: %s",paste(possible_workflows,"\n")))
# fetch the actual data
# Will use cached data if available
fnames = files() %>%
GenomicDataCommons::filter( ~ cases.project.project_id %in% project_id &
analysis.workflow_type==workflow_type) %>%
ids() %>%
# This retrieves basic case info for each file.
# Assumes that file_id is 1-1 with case_id
file_and_case_info = files() %>%
expand('cases') %>%
GenomicDataCommons::filter(~ file_id %in% names(fnames)) %>%
case_df = dplyr::bind_rows(file_and_case_info$cases, .id='file_id') %>%
# Expand the coldata with clinical data
clin_data_list = gdc_clinical(case_df[['case_id']])
# Some clinical data.frames may not be 1-1 with the case_ids.
# This just filters out those data.frames that do not have
# the same number of rows.
number_of_cases = nrow(clin_data_list$demographic)
clin_data_list = clin_data_list[sapply(clin_data_list,nrow) == number_of_cases]
# This is just to rename columns. A column like "submitter_id"
# is included in several of the clinical data.frames, but the
# information is different in each. This code disambiguates by
# attaching a suffix.
all_colnames = unlist(sapply(clin_data_list,colnames))
duped_colnames = unique(all_colnames[duplicated(all_colnames)])
duped_colnames = duped_colnames[! duped_colnames=='case_id']
clin_data_list_renamed = lapply(names(clin_data_list), function(n) {
df = clin_data_list[[n]]
df_colnames = colnames(df)
idx = df_colnames %in% duped_colnames
df_colnames[idx] = paste(df_colnames[idx],n,sep='.')
colnames(df) = df_colnames
names(clin_data_list_renamed) = names(clin_data_list)
for(i in names(clin_data_list_renamed)) {
case_df = case_df %>% dplyr::left_join(clin_data_list_renamed[[i]],
by = c('case_id' = 'case_id'),
suffix = c(paste0('.',i),'.case'))
coldata = case_df
# probably not needed, but reorder based on file_ids from fname
# vector to match up columns in the assays matrix
coldata = coldata[match(names(fnames), coldata$file_id),]
mat = .htseq_importer(fnames)
qc_idx = grepl("^__",mat[[1]])
mat_qc = data.frame(t(mat[qc_idx, -1]))
colnames(mat_qc) = paste0('qc',mat[qc_idx,1])
coldata = dplyr::bind_cols(coldata,mat_qc)
mat = mat[!qc_idx, ]
rowdata = S4Vectors::DataFrame(gene_id = mat[[1]])
se = SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(list(exprs=as.matrix(mat[,-1])),
rowData = rowdata, colData = coldata)
rownames(se) = rowdata[['gene_id']]
colnames(se) = names(fnames)
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