context("Testing the GenoGAMDataSetList-class")
## Unittests
wd <- system.file("extdata/Set1", package='GenoGAM')
dir <- file.path(wd, "bam")
config <- file.path(wd, "experimentDesign.txt")
region <- GRanges("chrI", IRanges(10000, 20000))
params <- Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(which = region)
settings <- GenoGAMSettings(bamParams = params)
## GenoGAMDataSetList
test_ggdl <- GenoGAMDataSet(config, chunkSize = 1000, overhangSize = 200,
design = ~ s(x) + s(x, by = genotype), directory = dir,
settings = settings, split = TRUE)
test_that("The constructor works correctly in default mode", {
df <- GenoGAMDataSetList()
expect_identical(new("GenoGAMDataSetList"), df)
test_that("The constructor works correctly for config files and data.frames", {
config <- system.file("extdata/Set1", "experimentDesign.txt", package = "GenoGAM")
dir <- system.file("extdata/Set1/bam", package = "GenoGAM")
region <- GRanges("chrI", IRanges(10000, 20000))
params <- Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(which = region)
settings <- GenoGAMSettings(bamParams = params)
ds <- GenoGAMDataSet(config, chunkSize = 1000, overhangSize = 200,
design = ~ s(x) + s(x, by = genotype), directory = dir,
settings = settings, split = TRUE)
expect_equal(getTileNumber(ds), 10)
expect_true(all(sapply(assay(ds)[[1]], sum) > 0))
df <- read.table(config, header = TRUE, sep = '\t')
ds <- GenoGAMDataSet(df, chunkSize = 1000, overhangSize = 200,
design = ~ s(x) + s(x, by = genotype), directory = dir,
settings = settings, split = TRUE)
expect_equal(getTileNumber(ds), 10)
expect_true(all(sapply(assay(ds)[[1]], sum) > 0))
region = GRanges("chrV", IRanges(105000, 108000))
params <- Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(which = region)
settings <- GenoGAMSettings(bamParams = params)
ds <- GenoGAMDataSet(config, chunkSize = 1000, overhangSize = 200,
design = ~ s(x) + s(x, by = genotype), directory = dir,
settings = settings, split = TRUE)
expect_true(length(assays(ds)) == 0)
gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges("chrV", IRanges::IRanges(1, 100000))
settings <- GenoGAMSettings(bamParams = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(which = gr))
ds <- GenoGAMDataSet(config, chunkSize = 1000, overhangSize = 200,
design = ~ s(x) + s(x, by = genotype), directory = dir,
settings = settings, split = TRUE)
expect_true(length(assays(ds)) == 0)
ds <- GenoGAMDataSet(config, chunkSize = 1000, overhangSize = 200,
design = ~ s(x) + s(x, by = myColumn), directory = dir,
split = TRUE)
test_that("Settings checking functions work correctly", {
ggdl <- makeTestGenoGAMDataSetList()
metadata(slot(ggdl, "index"))$check <- FALSE
metadata(slot(ggdl, "index"))$check <- NULL
metadata(slot(ggdl, "index"))$chunkSize <- 100
expect_true(is(.checkChunkSize(ggdl), "character"))
metadata(slot(ggdl, "index"))$tileSize <- 1000
expect_true(is(.checkTileSize(ggdl), "character"))
end(slot(ggdl, "index"))[1] <- 10000
expect_true(is(.checkEqualityOfTiles(ggdl), "character"))
gr2 <- GRanges("chr2", IRanges(1, 1000), id = 30)
seqlengths(gr2) <- 1e6
md <- metadata(slot(ggdl, "index"))
suppressWarnings(slot(ggdl, "index") <- c(slot(test_ggdl, "index"), gr2))
metadata(slot(ggdl, "index")) <- md
expect_true(is(.checkChromosomes(ggdl), "character"))
expect_true(is(.checkNumberOfTiles(ggdl), "character"))
metadata(slot(ggdl, "index"))$chromosomes <- gr2
expect_true(is(.checkTileRanges(ggdl), "character"))
test_that("Accessors return the right slots in line with GenoGAMDataSet", {
config <- system.file("extdata/Set1", "experimentDesign.txt", package = "GenoGAM")
dir <- system.file("extdata/Set1/bam", package = "GenoGAM")
region <- GRanges("chrI", IRanges(10000, 20000))
params <- Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(which = region)
settings <- GenoGAMSettings(bamParams = params)
## GenoGAMDataSet
ggd <- GenoGAMDataSet(config, chunkSize = 1000, overhangSize = 200,
design = ~ s(x) + s(x, by = genotype), directory = dir,
settings = settings)
ggdl <- test_ggdl
expect_identical(getIndex(ggd), getIndex(ggdl))
expect_identical(tileSettings(ggd), tileSettings(ggdl))
expect_identical(getChromosomes(ggd), getChromosomes(ggdl))
expect_identical(getTileSize(ggd), getTileSize(ggdl))
expect_identical(getChunkSize(ggd), getChunkSize(ggdl))
expect_identical(getOverhangSize(ggd), getOverhangSize(ggdl))
expect_identical(getTileNumber(ggd), getTileNumber(ggdl))
expect_true(design(ggd) == design(ggdl))
expect_true(all(sizeFactors(ggd) == sizeFactors(ggdl)))
expect_true(length(ggd) == length(ggdl))
expect_true(all(dim(ggd) == dim(ggdl)))
expect_true(all(seqlengths(ggd) == seqlengths(ggdl)))
expect_true(all(seqlevels(ggd) == seqlevels(ggdl)))
expect_identical(colData(ggd), colData(ggdl))
expect_identical(rowRanges(ggd),"c", rowRanges(ggdl))[[1]])
expect_identical(assay(ggd), assay(ggdl)[[1]])
expect_identical(assays(ggd), assays(ggdl)[[1]])
expect_true(all(colnames(ggd) == colnames(ggdl)))
expect_error(design(ggdl) <- ~ s(x) + s(by = myColumn))
getChunkSize(ggdl) <- 2000
expect_equal(getTileNumber(ggdl), 5)
getTileSize(ggdl) <- 10400
expect_equal(getTileNumber(ggdl), 1)
getOverhangSize(ggdl) <- 500
expect_equal(median(width(getIndex(ggdl))), 10001)
getTileNumber(ggdl) <- 10
expect_equal(getChunkSize(ggdl), getChunkSize(ggd))
test_that("The subsetting methods work correct", {
## normal subsetting reduces the list of elements to those used only
ggdl <- makeTestGenoGAMDataSetList()
gr <- GRanges(c("chrX", "chrY"), IRanges(c(1,1), c(2000,2000)))
res <- subsetByOverlaps(ggdl, gr)
gr$id <- 1:2
expect_true(all(seqlevelsInUse(res) == c("chrX", "chrY")))
expect_true(all(gr == getIndex(res)))
expect_true(length(rowRanges(res)) == 2)
expect_true(length(assay(res)) == 2)
## res <- subset(ggdl, seqnames == "chrX")
## expect_true(seqlevelsInUse(res) == "chrX")
## expect_true(length(rowRanges(res)) == 1)
## expect_true(length(assay(res)) == 1)
## expect_identical(.extractGR(rowRanges(res)[[1]]), getChromosomes(res))
## further tests
ggdl <- test_ggdl
getOverhangSize(ggdl) <- 0
gr <- GRanges("chrI", IRanges(11501,12500))
seqlengths(gr) <- seqlengths(ggdl)
res <- subsetByOverlaps(ggdl, gr)
dr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(S4Vectors::runValue(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(rowRanges(res)[[1]])),
seqinfo(dr) <- seqinfo(rowRanges(res)[[1]])
expect_identical(gr, dr)
expect_equal(getTileNumber(res), 1)
## test_gr <- GRanges("chrI", IRanges(10000,11999))
## seqlengths(test_gr) <- seqlengths(ggdl)
## res <- subset(ggdl, seqnames == "chrI" & pos < 12000)
## dr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(S4Vectors::runValue(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(rowRanges(res)[[1]])),
## IRanges::ranges(rowRanges(res)[[1]])@pos_runs)
## seqinfo(dr) <- seqinfo(rowRanges(res)[[1]])
## expect_identical(test_gr, dr)
## expect_equal(getTileNumber(res), 2)
## res <- ggdl[gr]
## dr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(S4Vectors::runValue(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(rowRanges(res)[[1]])),
## IRanges::ranges(rowRanges(res)[[1]])@pos_runs)
## seqinfo(dr) <- seqinfo(rowRanges(res)[[1]])
## expect_identical(gr, dr)
## expect_equal(getTileNumber(res), 1)
## res <- ggdl[[1]]
## dr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(S4Vectors::runValue(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(rowRanges(res)[[1]])),
## IRanges::ranges(rowRanges(res)[[1]])@pos_runs)
## seqinfo(dr) <- seqinfo(rowRanges(res)[[1]])
## expect_identical(granges(getIndex(ggdl)[1]), dr)
## expect_equal(getTileNumber(res), 1)
## gr <- GRanges("chrI", IRanges(7501,8500))
## res <- subsetByOverlaps(ggdl, gr)
## expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(0,4)))
## expect_true(all(colnames(res) == colnames(ggdl)))
## res <- subset(ggdl, seqnames == "chrI" & pos <= 9000)
## expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(0,4)))
## expect_true(all(colnames(res) == colnames(ggdl)))
test_that("Metric computation works correct in normal case", {
## make ggd and select random tile
ggdl <- makeTestGenoGAMDataSetList()
tile <- sample(1:5, 1)
l <- extractList(assay(ggdl)[[1]], ranges(getIndex(ggdl)[tile]))
## for sum
res <- sum(ggdl)
test_res <- sapply(l[[1]], sum)
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(length(getIndex(ggdl)), ncol(assay(ggdl)[[1]]))))
expect_true(all(res[tile,] == test_res))
## for mean
res <- mean(ggdl)
test_res <- sapply(l[[1]], mean)
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(length(getIndex(ggdl)), ncol(assay(ggdl)[[1]]))))
expect_true(all(res[tile,] == test_res))
## for var
res <- var(ggdl)
test_res <- sapply(l[[1]], var)
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(length(getIndex(ggdl)), ncol(assay(ggdl)[[1]]))))
expect_true(all(res[tile,] == test_res))
## for sd
res <- sd(ggdl)
test_res <- sapply(l[[1]], sd)
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(length(getIndex(ggdl)), ncol(assay(ggdl)[[1]]))))
expect_true(all(res[tile,] == test_res))
## for median
res <- median(ggdl)
test_res <- sapply(l[[1]], median)
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(length(getIndex(ggdl)), ncol(assay(ggdl)[[1]]))))
expect_true(all(res[tile,] == test_res))
## for mad
res <- mad(ggdl)
test_res <- sapply(l[[1]], mad)
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(length(getIndex(ggdl)), ncol(assay(ggdl)[[1]]))))
expect_true(all(res[tile,] == test_res))
## for IQR
res <- IQR(ggdl)
test_res <- sapply(l[[1]], IQR)
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(length(getIndex(ggdl)), ncol(assay(ggdl)[[1]]))))
expect_true(all(res[tile,] == test_res))
test_that("Metric computation works correct in case of one tile", {
## TODO: Continue here, correct .makeTile to not exceed given regions
## make ggd and select random tile
ggdl <- test_ggdl
getTileNumber(ggdl) <- 1
## for sum
res <- sum(ggdl)
test_res <- sapply(assay(ggdl)[[1]], sum)
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(length(getIndex(ggdl)), ncol(assay(ggdl)[[1]]))))
expect_true(all(res == test_res))
## for mean
res <- as.vector(mean(ggdl))
test_res <- as.vector(sapply(assay(ggdl)[[1]], mean))
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(length(getIndex(ggdl)), ncol(assay(ggdl)[[1]]))))
expect_true(all.equal(res, test_res))
## for var
res <- as.vector(var(ggdl))
test_res <- as.vector(sapply(assay(ggdl)[[1]], var))
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(length(getIndex(ggdl)), ncol(assay(ggdl)[[1]]))))
expect_true(identical(res, test_res))
## for sd
res <- as.vector(sd(ggdl))
test_res <- as.vector(sapply(assay(ggdl)[[1]], sd))
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(length(getIndex(ggdl)), ncol(assay(ggdl)[[1]]))))
expect_true(identical(res, test_res))
## for median
res <- as.vector(median(ggdl))
test_res <- as.vector(sapply(assay(ggdl)[[1]], median))
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(length(getIndex(ggdl)), ncol(assay(ggdl)[[1]]))))
expect_true(all(res == test_res))
## for mad
res <- as.vector(mad(ggdl))
test_res <- as.vector(sapply(assay(ggdl)[[1]], mad))
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(length(getIndex(ggdl)), ncol(assay(ggdl)[[1]]))))
expect_true(identical(res, test_res))
## for IQR
res <- as.vector(IQR(ggdl))
test_res <- as.vector(sapply(assay(ggdl)[[1]], IQR))
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(length(getIndex(ggdl)), ncol(assay(ggdl)[[1]]))))
expect_true(identical(res, test_res))
test_that("Metric computation works correct in case of empty GenoGAMDataSet", {
## make ggd and select random tile
ggdl <- GenoGAMDataSetList()
## for sum
res <- sum(ggdl)
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(1,1)))
## for mean
res <- mean(ggdl)
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(1,1)))
## for var
res <- var(ggdl)
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(1,1)))
## for sd
res <- sd(ggdl)
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(1,1)))
## for median
res <- median(ggdl)
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(1,1)))
## for mad
res <- mad(ggdl)
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(1,1)))
## for IQR
res <- IQR(ggdl)
expect_true(all(dim(res) == c(1,1)))
## test .getCoordinates (with and without gaps) and .getChunkCoords here
test_that("Coordinate and Chunk transformation work correctly", {
## empty input
emptyGGDL <- GenoGAMDataSetList()
emptyCoords <- .getCoordinates(emptyGGDL)
emptyChunks <- .getChunkCoords(emptyCoords)
expect_true(length(emptyCoords) == 0)
expect_true(length(emptyChunks) == 0)
## normal input without overhang
ggdl <- makeTestGenoGAMDataSetList()
getOverhangSize(ggdl) <- 0
index <- getIndex(ggdl)
coords <- .getCoordinates(ggdl)
chunks <- .getChunkCoords(coords)
expect_true(length(coords) == length(index))
widthCoords <- max(end(coords)) - min(start(coords)) + 1
expect_true(widthCoords == sum(width(dataRange(ggdl))))
expect_true(all(width(coords) == width(index)))
expect_true(length(chunks) == length(index))
widthChunks <- max(end(chunks)) - min(start(chunks)) + 1
expect_true(widthChunks == sum(width(dataRange(ggdl))))
expect_true(all(width(chunks) == width(index)))
## normal input with overhang
ggdl <- makeTestGenoGAMDataSetList()
coords <- .getCoordinates(ggdl)
index <- getIndex(ggdl)
expect_true(length(coords) == length(index))
widthCoords <- max(end(coords)) - min(start(coords)) + 1
expect_true(widthCoords == sum(width(dataRange(ggdl))))
expect_true(all(width(coords) == width(index)))
chunks <- .getChunkCoords(coords)
## all indices must be of same length
expect_true(all.equal(length(coords), length(index), length(chunks)))
## The first and the second chunks of a chromosome must be of same length
## as the last and the second-to-last.
expect_true(width(chunks[1,]) == width(chunks[length(chunks),]))
expect_true(width(chunks[2,]) == width(chunks[length(chunks) - 1,]))
## The rest should be of size = chunkSize
numEqualChunks <- length(which(width(chunks) == getChunkSize(ggdl)))
## 3*4 because we have 4 chunks (the first and last two beeing different)
## and that across 3 chromosomes, so it repeats three times
expect_true(numEqualChunks == (length(chunks) - 3*4))
## But on average they should always be exactly chunkSize
expect_true(all.equal(mean(width(chunks)), getChunkSize(ggdl)))
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