Man pages for GeneAnswers
Integrated Interpretation of Genes

buildNetbuild and display a network for given IDs and interaction...
caBIO2entrezmap caBIO gene IDs to Entrez gene IDs
caBIO.PATHGenesPresent top CABIO.PATH enrichment test information with genes
categoryNetPlot Category Links
chartPlotsPie Chart and Bar Plots
DmIALiteFly gene interaction matrix
DOSeveral data objects related with DO (Disease Ontology) and...
DOLiteDisease Ontology Annotation List
DOLiteTermDisease Ontology Annotation Vector
drawTableConcept-Gene Networking Plotting
entrez2caBIOmap Entrez gene IDs to caBIO gene IDs
geneAnnotationHeatmapMake a concept-gene cross tabulation
geneAnswersBuilderBuild an object of a GeneAnswers class
geneAnswersChartPlotsMake pie chart and bar plot
GeneAnswers-classClass GeneAnswers: contain and describe the relationship...
geneAnswersConceptNetConcept-Gene Networking Plotting
geneAnswersConceptRelationDisplay a network related to given concepts for a GeneAnswers...
geneAnswersConceptsConcept-Gene Networking Plotting
geneAnswersHeatmapGenerate Concept-Gene Tabulates
geneAnswersHomoMappingMapping homogenes for a GeneAnswers instance
GeneAnswers-packageIntegrated Interpretation of Genes
geneAnswersReadableMake GeneAnswers Instance readable
geneAnswersSortSort enrichmentInfo of a GeneAnswers instance
geneConceptNetGenerate Concept-gene network
getcaBIOPATHListRetrieve caBIO path categories containing given genes
getcaBIOPATHTermsGet Pathway names of given REACTOME PATH_DB IDs
getCategoryListRetrieve categories containing given genes
getCategoryTermsMapping Category IDs to Terms
getConceptTableGenerate top concepts-genes table
getConnectedGraphbuild and display a network for given IDs
getDOLiteTermsGet DOLite Terms of Given DOLite IDs
getGOListGet GO list of given genes
getHomoGeneIDsGet homologous genes of given genes
getMultiLayerGraphIDsretrieve multilayer interacted nodes for given IDs and...
getNextGOIDsretrieve parents or children GO IDs for given GO IDs
getPATHListRetrieve KEGG categories containing given genes
getPATHTermsGet Pathway names of given KEGG IDs
getREACTOMEPATHListRetrieve REACTOME path categories containing given genes
getREACTOMEPATHTermsGet Pathway names of given REACTOME PATH_DB IDs
getSingleLayerGraphIDsretrieve direct interacted nodes for given IDs and...
getSymbolsConvert entrez gene IDs to gene symbols
getTotalGeneNumberObtain the total number of genes in the given annotation...
groupReportGenerate a multigroup Concepts-genes analysis report
HsIALiteHuman gene interaction matrix
humanExprExample human expression data
humanGeneInputExample human gene data
MmIALiteMouse gene interaction matrix
mouseExprExample mouse expression data
mouseGeneInputExample mouse gene data
RnIALiteRat gene interaction matrix
sampleGroupsDataExample human expression data
searchEntrezSearch specified information from Entrez site
topcaBIO.PATHPresent top CABIO.PATH enrichment test information
topCategoryPresent top enrichment test information
topCategoryGenesPresent top enrichment test information with genes
topDOLITEPresent top DOLITE enrichment test information
topDOLITEGenesPresent top DOLITE enrichment test information with genes
topGOPresent top GO enrichment test information
topGOGenesPresent top GO enrichment test information with genes
topPATHPresent top KEGG enrichment test information
topPATHGenesPresent top KEGG enrichment test information with genes
topREACTOME.PATHPresent top REACTOME.PATH enrichment test information
topREACTOME.PATHGenesPresent top REACTOME.PATH enrichment test information with...
GeneAnswers documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:53 p.m.