### This function detects chromosomal breakpoints along genome
### Copyright (C) 2005 Institut Curie
### Author(s): Philippe Hupé (Institut Curie) 2005
### Contact:
daglad <- function(...)
daglad.profileCGH <- function(profileCGH, mediancenter = FALSE, normalrefcenter = FALSE, genomestep = FALSE,
OnlySmoothing = FALSE, OnlyOptimCall = FALSE,
smoothfunc = "lawsglad", lkern = "Exponential", model = "Gaussian",
qlambda = 0.999, bandwidth = 10, sigma = NULL, base = FALSE, round = 2,
lambdabreak = 8, lambdaclusterGen = 40, param = c(d = 6), alpha = 0.001, msize = 2,
method = "centroid", nmin = 1, nmax = 8, region.size = 2,
amplicon = 1, deletion = -5, deltaN = 0.10, forceGL = c(-0.15,0.15), nbsigma = 3,
MinBkpWeight = 0.35, DelBkpInAmp=TRUE, DelBkpInDel=TRUE, CheckBkpPos = TRUE, assignGNLOut = TRUE,
breaksFdrQ = 0.0001, haarStartLevel = 1, haarEndLevel = 5, = NULL,
verbose = FALSE, ...)
IQRdiff <- function(y) IQR(diff(y))/1.908
## Récupération des paramètres de la fonction
profileCGH$alpha <- alpha
profileCGH$msize <- msize
profileCGH$amplicon <- amplicon
profileCGH$deletion <- deletion
profileCGH$deltaN <- deltaN
profileCGH$method <- method
profileCGH$lambdaclusterGen <- lambdaclusterGen
profileCGH$nmax <- nmax
profileCGH$nmin <- nmin
profileCGH$forceGL <- forceGL
profileCGH$nbsigma <- nbsigma
profileCGH$smoothfunc <- smoothfunc
profileCGH$lambdabreak <- lambdabreak
profileCGH$param <- param
profileCGH$NbProbes <- length(profileCGH$profileValues[["PosOrder"]])
profileCGH$TooSmall <- FALSE
## ############################################################################
## Préparation des données
## ############################################################################
## vérification de l'object donné en entrée
if (verbose) print("daglad - step CheckData")
CheckData(profileCGH, bandwidth = bandwidth, smoothfunc = smoothfunc, =, OnlyOptimCall = OnlyOptimCall)
if(base == TRUE)
stop("Error in daglad: the aws package is required to use these function. The aws package can be installed from")
if((msize > region.size) & (region.size != 0))
stop("Error in daglad: msize must be lower than region.size")
### cette condition a été ajouté pour les cas ou par exemple une régions de 3 clones comporte un outliers
### compte-tenu du fait que le clustering se fait sur des moyennes et non pas sur des médianes
### il peut y avoir une forte différence entre les deux valeurs ce qui peut conduire à une incohérence sur le GNL
if(smoothfunc == "lawsglad" & model != "Gaussian")
stop("Error in daglad: for lawsglad, only Gaussian model is available")
if(smoothfunc == "lawsglad" & base == TRUE)
stop("Error in daglad: for lawsglad it is not possible to use the option base=TRUE. Choose laws smoothfunc instead.")
if (smoothfunc != "lawsglad" && smoothfunc != "haarseg")
print(paste("You have chosen smoothfunc=", smoothfunc))
print(paste("Choose smoothfunc=lawsglad or smoothfunc=haarseg if you want the process runs faster"))
inputfields <- names(profileCGH$profileValues)
if (!OnlyOptimCall)
excdudefields <- c("Level", "OutliersAws", "OutliersMad",
"OutliersTot", "Breakpoints", "Smoothing",
"NormalRef", "ZoneGNL")
excdudefields <- c("Level", "OutliersAws", "OutliersMad",
"OutliersTot", "Breakpoints", "Region",
"NormalRef", "ZoneGNL")
fieldstodel <- intersect(inputfields, excdudefields)
if (length(fieldstodel) > 0)
print("Error in daglad: the following fields must be removed from profileValues before starting the function:")
## on trie les données par chromosome et position
profileCGH$profileValues <- profileCGH$profileValues[order(profileCGH$profileValues[["Chromosome"]], profileCGH$profileValues[["PosOrder"]]),]
## ajout des champs nécessaires à la procédure
## et transformation des données en liste
if (OnlyOptimCall)
new.fields <- c("NewPosOrder",
"OutliersAws", "Region",
"Level", "Breakpoints",
"MinPosOrder", "MaxPosOrder",
"OutliersMad", "OutliersTot",
"NextLogRatio", "NormalRange",
"ZoneGen", "ZoneGNL")
## on force à haarseg de telle sorte que daglad définisse les points de cassure
## et les régions
smoothfunc <- "haarseg"
new.fields <- c("NewPosOrder", "Smoothing",
"OutliersAws", "Region",
"Level", "Breakpoints",
"MinPosOrder", "MaxPosOrder",
"OutliersMad", "OutliersTot",
"NextLogRatio", "NormalRange",
"ZoneGen", "ZoneGNL")
} <- length(new.fields)
if (smoothfunc == "haarseg")
profileCGH$profileValues <- as.list(profileCGH$profileValues)
profileCGH$profileValues[new.fields] <- lapply(as.list(rep(profileCGH$NbProbes,, numeric)
profileCGH$profileValues[new.fields] <- 0
## Il faut des PosOrder uniques
profileCGH$profileValues[["NewPosOrder"]] <- profileCGH$profileValues[["PosOrder"]]
profileCGH$profileValues[["PosOrder"]] <- 1:profileCGH$NbProbes
## LogRatio are median-centered
if (mediancenter)
med <- median(profileCGH$profileValues[["LogRatio"]])
profileCGH$profileValues[["LogRatio"]] <- profileCGH$profileValues[["LogRatio"]] - med
## ############################################################################
## Début de l'analyse daglad
## ############################################################################
## #####################################################
## AWS smoothing chromosome par chromosome
## #####################################################
print("Smoothing for each Chromosome")
profileCGH <- chrBreakpoints(profileCGH, smoothfunc = smoothfunc, OnlyOptimCall = OnlyOptimCall, base = base, sigma = sigma,
bandwidth=bandwidth, lkern=lkern, model=model, qlambda=qlambda,
round=round, verbose=verbose,
breaksFdrQ=breaksFdrQ, haarStartLevel=haarStartLevel , haarEndLevel=haarEndLevel, =
## estimation de l'écart-type chromosome par chromosome
profileCGH$SigmaC <- profileCGH$Sigma
profileCGH$Sigma <- NULL
if (OnlySmoothing)
junk.fields <- c("NewPosOrder",
"MinPosOrder", "MaxPosOrder",
"OutliersMad", "OutliersTot",
"NextLogRatio", "NormalRange",
"ZoneGen", "ZoneGNL")
## conversion en data.frame
profileCGH$profileValues <-$profileValues[setdiff(names(profileCGH$profileValues),junk.fields)])
## #####################################################
## AWS smoothing sur l'ensemble du génome
## #####################################################
if (genomestep)
profileCGH <- dogenomestep(profileCGH, =, new.fields = new.fields,
smoothfunc = smoothfunc, lkern = lkern, model = model,
qlambda = qlambda, bandwidth = bandwidth, sigma = sigma, base = FALSE, round = round,
lambdabreak = lambdabreak, lambdaclusterGen = lambdaclusterGen, param = param, alpha = alpha, msize = msize,
method = method, nmin = nmin, nmax = nmax,
amplicon = amplicon, deletion = deletion, deltaN = deltaN, forceGL = forceGL, nbsigma = nbsigma,
MinBkpWeight = MinBkpWeight, DelBkpInAmp=DelBkpInAmp, DelBkpInDel=DelBkpInDel, CheckBkpPos = CheckBkpPos, assignGNLOut = assignGNLOut,
breaksFdrQ = breaksFdrQ, haarStartLevel = haarStartLevel, haarEndLevel = haarEndLevel, =,
verbose = verbose)
} ## fin (if) de l'étape sur le génome
profileCGH$NormalRef <- 0
if (is.null(sigma))
IQRinfoG <- IQRdiff(profileCGH$profileValues[["LogRatio"]])
IQRinfoG <- sigma
profileCGH$SigmaG <- data.frame(Chromosome = 0,Value = IQRinfoG)
profileCGH$findClusterSigma <- profileCGH$SigmaG$Value[1]
} ### fin (else) de l'étape sur le génome
FieldOrder <- names(profileCGH$profileValues)
## position des points de cassure absolus (extrémités de chromosomes)
profileCGH$AbsoluteBkp <- data.frame(Chromosome = c(0, profileCGH$PosOrderRange$Chromosome),
PosOrder = c(0, profileCGH$PosOrderRange$MaxPosOrder),
AbsoluteBkp = 1)
print("Optimization of the Breakpoints and DNA copy number calling")
## Optimization of the Breakpoints and DNA copy number calling
profileCGH <- OptimBkpFindCluster(profileCGH)
## ajout PG pour retirer bkp dans Amp et Del
profileCGH$BkpInfo <- BkpInfo(profileCGH)
if (verbose) print("daglad - step filterBkpStep (pass 0)")
profileCGH <- filterBkpStep(profileCGH, MinBkpWeight=MinBkpWeight, DelBkpInAmp=DelBkpInAmp, DelBkpInDel=DelBkpInDel, assignGNLOut=assignGNLOut, verbose=verbose)
## suppression des points de cassure qui délimitent une région trop petite (il faut faire les deux étapes)
profileCGH <- DelRegionTooSmall(profileCGH, region.size = region.size) ### STEP 1
profileCGH <- DelRegionTooSmall(profileCGH, region.size = region.size) ### STEP 2
## Calcul d'un poids pour les Breakpoints
## Attention: comme on calcul une variable GNLchange
## il ne faut pas le statut des outliers pour définir le changement de statut
## car un outlier peut être aussi un breakpoints
if (verbose) print("daglad - step BkpInfo")
profileCGH$BkpInfo <- BkpInfo(profileCGH)
if (verbose) print("daglad - step OutliersGNL")
## ###############################################################################
## GNL des Outliers
## ###############################################################################
## on peut récupérer directement les paramètre passés à OutliersGNL depuis l'objet profileCGH
profileCGH <- OutliersGNL(profileCGH, alpha = alpha, sigma = profileCGH$SigmaG$Value[1], NormalRef = profileCGH$NormalRef,
amplicon = amplicon, deletion = deletion, assignGNLOut = assignGNLOut)
## ###############################################################################
## Bkp filter
## ###############################################################################
if (verbose) print("daglad - step filterBkpStep (pass 1)")
profileCGH <- filterBkpStep(profileCGH, MinBkpWeight=MinBkpWeight, DelBkpInAmp=DelBkpInAmp, DelBkpInDel=DelBkpInDel, assignGNLOut=assignGNLOut, verbose=verbose)
## ###############################################################################
## Déplacement des Bkp
## ###############################################################################
if (CheckBkpPos)
if (verbose) print("daglad - step MoveBkpStep")
profileCGH <- MoveBkpStep(profileCGH, assignGNLOut=assignGNLOut)
if (verbose) print("daglad - step filterBkpStep (pass 2)")
profileCGH <- filterBkpStep(profileCGH, MinBkpWeight=MinBkpWeight, DelBkpInAmp=DelBkpInAmp, DelBkpInDel=DelBkpInDel, assignGNLOut=assignGNLOut, verbose=verbose)
print("Results Preparation")
## suppression des champs inutiles
profileCGH <- prepare.output.daglad(profileCGH = profileCGH, genomestep = genomestep, normalrefcenter = normalrefcenter, inputfields = inputfields)
return (profileCGH)
prepare.output.daglad <- function(profileCGH = NULL, genomestep = NULL, normalrefcenter = NULL, inputfields = NULL)
if (genomestep)
profileCGH$profileValues[["NormalRef"]] <- profileCGH$profileValues[["ZoneGNLGen"]]
profileCGH$profileValues <- profileCGH$profileValues[setdiff(names(profileCGH$profileValues),"ZoneGNLGen")]
if (normalrefcenter)
profileCGH$profileValues[["Smoothing"]] <- profileCGH$profileValues[["Smoothing"]] - profileCGH$NormalRef
profileCGH$profileValues[["LogRatio"]] <- profileCGH$profileValues[["LogRatio"]] - profileCGH$NormalRef
if ($BkpInfo))
profileCGH$BkpInfo$LogRatio <- profileCGH$BkpInfo$LogRatio - profileCGH$NormalRef
profileCGH$BkpInfo$Smoothing <- profileCGH$BkpInfo$Smoothing - profileCGH$NormalRef
profileCGH$BkpInfo$SmoothingNext <- profileCGH$BkpInfo$SmoothingNext - profileCGH$NormalRef
profileCGH$NormalRef <- 0
## conversion en data.frame
profileCGH$profileValues <-$profileValues)
if ($BkpInfo))
profileCGH$BkpInfo <- merge(profileCGH$BkpInfo, profileCGH$profileValues[c("PosOrder","NewPosOrder")], by="PosOrder",all.x=TRUE)
profileCGH$BkpInfo <- profileCGH$BkpInfo[setdiff(names(profileCGH$BkpInfo),c("SmoothingNext","NextLogRatio","MaxPosOrder","MinPosOrder","ZoneGNLnext","PosOrder"))]
namesprofile <- names(profileCGH$BkpInfo)
namesprofile[which(namesprofile == "NewPosOrder")] <- "PosOrder"
names(profileCGH$BkpInfo) <- namesprofile
profileCGH$profileValues <- profileCGH$profileValues[setdiff(names(profileCGH$profileValues),c("Sigma","DiffBase","Region","NextLogRatio","MaxPosOrder","MinPosOrder","PosOrder", "NormalRange", "ZoneGen"))]
namesprofile <- names(profileCGH$profileValues)
namesprofile[which(namesprofile=="NewPosOrder")] <- "PosOrder"
names(profileCGH$profileValues) <- namesprofile
outputfields <- setdiff(names(profileCGH$profileValues),inputfields)
at <- setdiff(attributes(profileCGH)$names,c("PosOrderRange","findClusterSigma","NbClusterOpt"))
profileCGH <- profileCGH[at]
profileCGH$profileValues <- profileCGH$profileValues[c(inputfields,outputfields)]
class(profileCGH) <- "profileCGH"
DelRegionTooSmall <- function(profileCGH, region.size = 0, verbose = FALSE)
# print("suis dans la fonction DelRegionTooSmall")
if(region.size == 0)
BkpInfoTmp <- BkpInfo(profileCGH)
RegionSize <- data.frame(BkpInfoTmp[c("Chromosome", "PosOrder")], AbsoluteBkp = 0)
RegionSize <- rbind(profileCGH$AbsoluteBkp, RegionSize)
RegionSize <- RegionSize[order(RegionSize$Chromosome, RegionSize$PosOrder),]
RegionSize$indice <- 1:length(RegionSize[,1])
RegionSize$Size <- c(0,diff(RegionSize$PosOrder))
RegionSize$contig <- 0
RegionSize$contig.first <- 0
RegionSize$contig.last <- 0
## récupération des régions trop petites
ind.region <- which((RegionSize$Size <= region.size) & (RegionSize$Chromosome != 0))
if(length(ind.region) > 0)
RegionWithSmallSize <- RegionSize[ind.region,]
## a-t-on des régions contigues
# print("regions contigues")
RegionWithSmallSize <- RegionWithSmallSize[order(RegionWithSmallSize$Chromosome, RegionWithSmallSize$PosOrder),]
# print("taille de petites regions")
# print(RegionWithSmallSize[,-c(2:3)])
ind.contig <- which(diff(RegionWithSmallSize$indice) == 1)
# print(ind.contig)
RegionWithSmallSize$contig[ind.contig] <- 1
ind.contig.first <- which(diff(RegionWithSmallSize$contig) == 1)
ind.contig.last <- which(diff(RegionWithSmallSize$contig) == -1)
RegionWithSmallSize$contig.first[1+ind.contig.first] <- 1
RegionWithSmallSize$contig.last[ind.contig.last] <- 1
# print(RegionWithSmallSize[,-c(2:3)])
BkpToDel <- NULL
## breakpoint dans les chromosomes
# ind.notabsolute <- which((RegionWithSmallSize$AbsoluteBkp == 0) & (RegionWithSmallSize$contig.first != 1) & (RegionWithSmallSize$contig.last != 1) & (RegionWithSmallSize$contig != 1))
ind.notabsolute <- which((RegionWithSmallSize$AbsoluteBkp == 0) & (RegionWithSmallSize$contig.first != 1) & (RegionWithSmallSize$contig.last != 1) )
# ind.notabsolute <- which(RegionWithSmallSize$AbsoluteBkp == 0)
if(length(ind.notabsolute) > 0)
BkpToDel <- RegionWithSmallSize$indice[ind.notabsolute]
## breakpoint aux extrémités des chromosomes
ind.absolute <- which(RegionWithSmallSize$AbsoluteBkp == 1)
if(length(ind.absolute) > 0)
## BkpToDel <- c(BkpToDel, RegionWithSmallSize$indice[ind.absolute] + 1)
BkpToDel <- c(BkpToDel, RegionWithSmallSize$indice[ind.absolute] - 1) ## fix PG
if(length(BkpToDel) > 0)
PosOrderToDel <- RegionSize$PosOrder[BkpToDel]
ind.bkp <- which(profileCGH$profileValues[["PosOrder"]] %in% PosOrderToDel)
profileCGH$profileValues$Breakpoints[ind.bkp] <- -1
l <- length(profileCGH$profileValues[[1]])
res <- .C("updateLevel",
Level = as.integer(profileCGH$profileValues[["Level"]]),
NextLogRatio = as.double(profileCGH$profileValues[["NextLogRatio"]]),
# Smoothing = as.double(profileCGH$profileValues[["Smoothing"]]),
# profileCGH$profileValues[c("Level", "NextLogRatio", "Smoothing")] <- res[c("Level", "NextLogRatio", "Smoothing")]
profileCGH$profileValues[c("Level", "NextLogRatio")] <- res[c("Level", "NextLogRatio")]
profileCGH$TooSmall <- TRUE
## #########################################
## On optimise à nouveau les points de cassure si des petites régions ont été supprimées
## #########################################
if (verbose)
print("daglad - Small regions detected")
## Optimization of the Breakpoints and DNA copy number calling
profileCGH <- OptimBkpFindCluster(profileCGH)
dogenomestep <- function(profileCGH, = NULL, new.fields = NULL,
smoothfunc = "lawsglad", lkern = "Exponential", model = "Gaussian",
qlambda = 0.999, bandwidth = 10, sigma = NULL, base = FALSE, round = 2,
lambdabreak = 8, lambdaclusterGen = 40, param = c(d = 6), alpha = 0.001, msize = 5,
method = "centroid", nmin = 1, nmax = 8,
amplicon = 1, deletion = -5, deltaN = 0.10, forceGL = c(-0.15,0.15), nbsigma = 3,
MinBkpWeight = 0.35, DelBkpInAmp=TRUE, DelBkpInDel=TRUE, CheckBkpPos = TRUE, assignGNLOut = TRUE,
breaksFdrQ = 0.0001, haarStartLevel = 1, haarEndLevel = 5, = NULL,
verbose = FALSE, ...)
## il y a déjà les noms Smoothing Level Region Breakpoints OutliersAws
## ces champs sont renommés pour qu'ils soient spécifiques
## de l'étape chromosome par chromosome:
## ils portent à la fin la lettre C
namesprofile <- names(profileCGH$profileValues)
namesprofile[which(namesprofile == "Smoothing")] <- "SmoothingC"
namesprofile[which(namesprofile == "Level")] <- "LevelC"
namesprofile[which(namesprofile == "Region")] <- "RegionC"
namesprofile[which(namesprofile == "Breakpoints")] <- "BreakpointsC"
namesprofile[which(namesprofile == "OutliersAws")] <- "OutliersAwsC"
namesprofile[which(namesprofile == "MinPosOrder")] <- "MinPosOrderC"
namesprofile[which(namesprofile == "MaxPosOrder")] <- "MaxPosOrderC"
names(profileCGH$profileValues) <- namesprofile
if (verbose) print("daglad - step genomestep")
## pour le smoothing sur l'ensemble du génome, il ne faut qu'un seul chromosome
profileCGH$profileValues[["ChromosomeTrue"]] <- profileCGH$profileValues[["Chromosome"]]
profileCGH$profileValues[["Chromosome"]] <- integer(profileCGH$NbProbes)
## Indicateur des Bkp détéctés chromosome par chromosome
BkpDetectedAux <- profileCGH$BkpDetected
## Range des PosOrder chromosome par chromosome
PosOrderRangeAux <- profileCGH$PosOrderRange
## AWS smoothing sur l'ensemble du génome
## ici, on impose un qlamba élevé (l'utilisateur n'a pas le choix du paramètre)
## pour dégager la tendance des données
## ajout des champs nécessaires
new.fields <- setdiff(new.fields,"NewPosOrder") <- length(
if (smoothfunc == "haarseg")
profileCGH$profileValues[new.fields] <- lapply(as.list(rep(profileCGH$NbProbes,, numeric)
profileCGH$profileValues[new.fields] <- 0
print("Smoothing over the genome")
profileCGH <- chrBreakpoints(profileCGH, smoothfunc = smoothfunc, base = FALSE, sigma = sigma,
bandwidth = bandwidth, round = round, verbose = verbose,
lkern = lkern, model = model, qlambda = 0.9999999,
breaksFdrQ = breaksFdrQ, haarStartLevel = haarStartLevel , haarEndLevel = haarEndLevel, =
## estimation de l'écart-type sur l'ensemble du génome
profileCGH$SigmaG <- profileCGH$Sigma
profileCGH$Sigma <- NULL
profileCGH$AbsoluteBkp <- NULL
## réinitialisation de BkpDetected aux valeurs détéctées chromosome par chromosome
profileCGH$BkpDetected <- BkpDetectedAux
## réinitialisation de PosOrderRange aux valeurs détéctées chromosome par chromosome
profileCGH$PosOrderRange <- PosOrderRangeAux
## maintenant, le champ ChromosomeTrue ne sert plus à rien
## on récupère le nom des chromosomes de départ
profileCGH$profileValues <- profileCGH$profileValues[setdiff(names(profileCGH$profileValues),c("Chromosome"))]
namesprofile <- names(profileCGH$profileValues)
namesprofile[which(namesprofile == "ChromosomeTrue")] <- "Chromosome"
names(profileCGH$profileValues) <- namesprofile
## les champs Smoothing Level Region Breakpoints MinPosOrder MaxPosOrder sont supprimés
## on conserve le champ Level qui est renommé en LevelG
## on réinitialise les Min et MaxposOrder aux valeurs chromosome par chromosome
fields.kept <- setdiff(names(profileCGH$profileValues),c("Smoothing","Region","Breakpoints","MinPosOrder","MaxPosOrder"))
profileCGH$profileValues <- profileCGH$profileValues[fields.kept]
namesprofile <- names(profileCGH$profileValues)
namesprofile[which(namesprofile == "Level")] <- "LevelG"
namesprofile[which(namesprofile == "MinPosOrderC")] <- "MinPosOrder"
namesprofile[which(namesprofile == "MaxPosOrderC")] <- "MaxPosOrder"
names(profileCGH$profileValues) <- namesprofile
## #####################################################
## on cherche la ligne de base à partir du
## smoothing sur l'ensemble du génome
## #######################################################
## l'object doit etre de type profileChr
## à l'avenir, il faudra supprimer cette classe
## (attention à faire les modifs également dans la fonction glad)
class(profileCGH) <- "profileChr"
## détection des outliers
profileCGH <- detectOutliers(profileCGH, region="LevelG", alpha=alpha, msize=msize)
## le clustering est fait sur les niveaux LevelG
print("Find cluster over the Genome")
profileCGH$findClusterSigma <- profileCGH$SigmaG$Value[1]
profileCGH <- findCluster(profileCGH, region = "LevelG", method = method, genome = TRUE,
lambda = lambdaclusterGen, nmin = nmin, nmax = nmax, param = profileCGH$param)
class(profileCGH) <- "profileCGH"
## On a besoin d'un champ OutliersAws:
## on ne considère comme Outliers AWS que ceux détectés
## à l'étape chromosome
profileCGH$profileValues[["OutliersAws"]] <- profileCGH$profileValues[["OutliersAwsC"]]
print("Find the Normal Baseline")
## on trouve le normal (ligne de base) à partir de la fonction affectationGNL
profileCGH <- affectationGNL(profileCGH, verbose=verbose)
## notre niveau de référence pour le normal correspond
## à la médiane des log-ratios correspondant à une ZoneGNLGen de 0
profileCGH$NormalRef <- median(profileCGH$profileValues[["LogRatio"]][which(profileCGH$profileValues[["ZoneGNL"]] == 0)], na.rm=TRUE)
## on supprime les champs LevelG et ZoneGNL
fields.kept <- setdiff(names(profileCGH$profileValues),c("LevelG", "OutliersAws", "ZoneGNL"))
profileCGH$profileValues <- profileCGH$profileValues[fields.kept]
## on récupère les champs calculés chromosome par chromosome
namesprofile <- names(profileCGH$profileValues)
namesprofile[which(namesprofile == "SmoothingC")] <- "Smoothing"
namesprofile[which(namesprofile == "LevelC")] <- "Level"
namesprofile[which(namesprofile == "RegionC")] <- "Region"
namesprofile[which(namesprofile == "BreakpointsC")] <- "Breakpoints"
namesprofile[which(namesprofile == "OutliersAwsC")] <- "OutliersAws"
names(profileCGH$profileValues) <- namesprofile
## ajout des champs nécessaires
profileCGH$profileValues[setdiff(new.fields, names(profileCGH$profileValues))] <- 0
### 01052009 Suppression de cette étape
### Les Breakpoints consécutifs ont été supprimés
### dans les fonctions précédentes
## RecomputeGNL <- FALSE
## ## Epuration des Breakpoints consécutifs
## if ($BkpInfo))
## {
## profileCGH$BkpInfo <- profileCGH$BkpInfo[order(profileCGH$BkpInfo$PosOrder),]
## profileCGH$BkpInfo$BkpToDel <- rep(0, length(profileCGH$BkpInfo[,1]))
## profileCGH$BkpInfo$Side <- profileCGH$BkpInfo$BkpToDel
## profileCGH$BkpInfo$NextPosOrder <- profileCGH$BkpInfo$PosOrder + 1
## ## on regarde que si il y a au moins 2 Bkp
## if (length(profileCGH$BkpInfo[,1])>1)
## {
## deleteContiguousBkp <- .C("delete_contiguous_bkp",
## BkpToDel=as.integer(profileCGH$BkpInfo$BkpToDel),
## Gap=as.double(profileCGH$BkpInfo$Gap),
## LogRatio=as.double(profileCGH$BkpInfo$LogRatio),
## NextPosOrder=as.integer(profileCGH$BkpInfo$NextPosOrder),
## PosOrder=as.integer(profileCGH$BkpInfo$PosOrder),
## Side=as.integer(profileCGH$BkpInfo$Side),
## Sigma=as.double(profileCGH$BkpInfo$Sigma),
## Smoothing=as.double(profileCGH$BkpInfo$Smoothing),
## SmoothingNext=as.double(profileCGH$BkpInfo$SmoothingNext),
## Weight=as.double(profileCGH$BkpInfo$Weight),
## as.integer(length(profileCGH$BkpInfo[,1])),
## RecomputeGNL=as.integer(0),
## as.integer(nbsigma),
## profileCGH$BkpInfo[,c("BkpToDel",
## "Gap",
## "LogRatio",
## "NextPosOrder",
## "PosOrder",
## "Side",
## "Sigma",
## "Smoothing",
## "SmoothingNext",
## "Weight")] <- deleteContiguousBkp[c("BkpToDel",
## "Gap",
## "LogRatio",
## "NextPosOrder",
## "PosOrder",
## "Side",
## "Sigma",
## "Smoothing",
## "SmoothingNext",
## "Weight")]
## RecomputeGNL <- deleteContiguousBkp$RecomputeGNL
## }
## ## ICI on peut encore optimiser en supprimant la boucle for
## indexBPtoDel <- which(profileCGH$BkpInfo$BkpToDel==1)
## if (length(indexBPtoDel)>0)
## {
## profile <- profileCGH$profileValues
## profile <- profile[order(profile$PosOrder),]
## for (ind in indexBPtoDel)
## {
## profile <- profile[order(profile$PosOrder),]
## indextochange <- profileCGH$BkpInfo$PosOrder[ind]
## profile$Breakpoints[indextochange] <- 0
## if (profileCGH$BkpInfo$Side[ind]==0)
## {
## profile$Level[indextochange+1] <- profile$Level[indextochange]
## profile$Smoothing[indextochange+1] <- profile$Smoothing[indextochange]
## }
## else
## {
## profile$Level[indextochange] <- profile$Level[indextochange+1]
## profile$Smoothing[indextochange] <- profile$Smoothing[indextochange+1]
## }
## }
## profileCGH$profileValues <- profile
## profileCGH$BkpInfo <- profileCGH$BkpInfo[-indexBPtoDel,]
## }
## profileCGH$BkpInfo <- profileCGH$BkpInfo[,setdiff(names(profileCGH$BkpInfo),c("Side","BkpToDel","NextPosOrder"))]
## }
## if (verbose) print("daglad - step recomputeGNL")
## if (RecomputeGNL)
## {
## profileCGH$profileValues <- profileCGH$profileValues[,setdiff(names(profileCGH$profileValues),c("ZoneGNL","ZoneGen"))]
## ## on prend comme référence ceux qui sont compris entre certaines valeurs
## l <- length(profileCGH$profileValues$NormalRef)
## NormalRange <- .C("compute_NormalRange",
## as.double(profileCGH$profileValues$Smoothing),
## as.double(profileCGH$profileValues$NormalRef),
## as.integer(profileCGH$profileValues$Level),
## NormalRange=integer(l),
## as.double(deltaN),
## as.integer(l),
## ## le clustering est fait sur les niveaux NormalRange
## class(profileCGH) <- "profileChr"
## profileCGH <- findCluster(profileCGH, region="NormalRange", method=method, genome=TRUE,
## lambda=lambdaclusterGen, nmin=profileCGH$NbClusterOpt, nmax=profileCGH$NbClusterOpt)
## class(profileCGH) <- "profileCGH"
## ## le cluster correspondant au normal est celui qui comprend
## ## le NormalRange 0
## lengthDest <- length(profileCGH$profileValues$ZoneGen)
## myZoneGNL <- .C("compute_cluster_LossNormalGain",
## ## variables pour la jointure
## as.integer(profileCGH$profileValues$ZoneGen),
## ZoneGNL=integer(lengthDest),
## as.integer(lengthDest),
## as.double(profileCGH$profileValues$Smoothing),
## as.double(profileCGH$forceGL[1]),
## as.double(profileCGH$forceGL[2]),
## as.double(profileCGH$NormalRef),
## as.double(profileCGH$amplicon),
## as.double(profileCGH$deletion),
## ## variables pour le calcul de la médiane par cluster
## as.double(profileCGH$profileValues$LogRatio),
## as.integer(profileCGH$profileValues$NormalRange),
## profileCGH$profileValues$ZoneGNL <- myZoneGNL$ZoneGNL
## }
## ## ajout phupe
## print("ajout phupe")
## calc.range <- function(profileCGH = NULL)
## {
## ind <- which(profileCGH$profileValues[["OutliersTot"]] == 0 )
## LogRatio <- profileCGH$profileValues[["Smoothing"]][ind]
## ZoneGNL <- profileCGH$profileValues[["ZoneGNL"]][ind]
## print("max")
## print(aggregate(LogRatio, by=list("GNL"=ZoneGNL), max))
## print("min")
## print(aggregate(LogRatio, by=list("GNL"=ZoneGNL), min))
## return(profileCGH)
## }
## ## fin ajout phupe
OptimBkpFindCluster <- function(profileCGH = NULL)
## choix de la méthode de clustering
METHODS <- c("ward", "single", "complete", "average", "mcquitty",
"median", "centroid")
method <- pmatch(profileCGH$method, METHODS)
if (
stop("invalid clustering method")
if (method == -1)
stop("ambiguous clustering method")
startChr <- profileCGH$PosOrderRange$MinPosOrder - 1 ### car on commence à compter à 0
sizeChr <- profileCGH$PosOrderRange$MaxPosOrder - profileCGH$PosOrderRange$MinPosOrder + 1
NbChr <- length(startChr)
l <- profileCGH$NbProbes
resLoopChr <- .C("daglad_OptmisationBreakpoints_findCluster",
Smoothing = double(l), ## valeur de sortie
NormalRange = integer(l),
NextLogRatio = as.double(profileCGH$profileValues[["NextLogRatio"]]), ## valeur de sortie
Level = as.integer(profileCGH$profileValues[["Level"]]), ## valeur de sortie
OutliersAws = as.integer(profileCGH$profileValues[["OutliersAws"]]), ## valeur de sortie
OutliersMad = as.integer(profileCGH$profileValues[["OutliersMad"]]), ## valeur de sortie
OutliersTot = as.integer(profileCGH$profileValues[["OutliersTot"]]), ## valeur de sortie
Breakpoints = as.integer(profileCGH$profileValues[["Breakpoints"]]), ## valeur de sortie
as.integer(NbChr), ## Nombre de chromosome a analyser
as.integer(sizeChr), ## taille de chaque chromosome
as.integer(startChr),## position pour le debut des valeurs de chaque chromosome
## paramètres pour findCluster
ZoneGen = integer(l), ## valeur de sortie
nbclasses = integer(1),
## paramètres pour le calcul du GNL
ZoneGNL = integer(l),
as.integer(l), ## nombre total de sondes
## #########################################
## Récupération des résultats
## #########################################
fields.replaced <- c("Smoothing", "NextLogRatio","Level", "OutliersAws", "OutliersMad", "OutliersTot", "Breakpoints", "NormalRange", "ZoneGen", "ZoneGNL")
profileCGH$profileValues[fields.replaced] <- resLoopChr[fields.replaced]
profileCGH$NbClusterOpt <- resLoopChr[["nbclasses"]]
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