#'@name cptModel
#'@aliases cptModel
#'@title Computes within and between gene feature profile statistics by feature and amongst features
#'@description Computes the percentiles on the estimated profile statistics within a gene and across genes for one or more combination of feature or data types (expression, methylation, copy-number variation, or variant change)
#'@usage cptModel(psm, genelist,, cpt.method, cpt.max, profile, feature)
#'@param psm : A data matrix of estimated gene profile statistics for each feature
#'@param genelist : A vector of gene names or gene symbols corrosponding to the profile statistics
#'@param : Identify changepoints in the data using variance (cpt.var), mean (cpt.mean) or both (meanvar). Default is cpt.var.
#'@param cpt.method : Choice of single or multiple changepoint model. Default is "BinSeg".
#'@param cpt.max : The maximum number of changepoints to search for using "BinSeg" method. Default is 60. This number is dependent on the number of input data points
#'@param profile : The desired direction of genomic change. The values are "up" (default) or "down" to select for increased or decreased gene set profile, respectively
#'@param feature : Analysis type i.e., one ('1'), two ('2') or three ('3') dimensional feature analysis.
#'@details This function estimates within and between feature profile statistics by gens in addition to the summed percentiles and successive differences
#'@return Estimated change points in the input data set
#'@author Bhakti Dwivedi & Jeanne Kowalski
#'@keywords Profile Statistics
#'@importFrom stats ecdf
#'@importFrom data.table data.table
#'@importFrom data.table setorder
#'@importFrom changepoint cpt.var
#'@importFrom changepoint cpt.mean
#'@importFrom changepoint cpt.meanvar
#'@importFrom changepoint cpts
#'id <- 1000 ## number of probes
#'s <- 3 ## number of sample groups
#'dm <- matrix(runif(id*s,0,200), nrow=id, ncol=s, dimnames=list(paste("gene", 1:id, sep="") , paste("fs", 1:s, sep="")))
#'genelist <- rownames(dm)
#'cptModel(dm, genelist,"var", cpt.method="BinSeg", cpt.max=60, profile="up", feature=1)
cptModel = function(psm, genelist,"var", cpt.method="BinSeg", cpt.max=60, profile, feature) {
.I <- NULL
fs <- NULL
rn <- NULL
#apply ecdf to each profile statistics by each gene
psm_dt <- data.table(genelist, psm, keep.rownames = TRUE)
psm_dt_copy <- psm_dt
WGFPS <- 0
for(f in 3:ncol(psm_dt)){
colnames(psm_dt)[f] <- 'fs'
f_peg <- psm_dt[, ecdf(fs)(fs), by=genelist]
colnames(psm_dt)[f] <- colnames(psm_dt_copy)[f]
WGFPS <- WGFPS + f_peg$V1
dt_per <- cbind(psm_dt,WGFPS)
#carry gene combination with minimum within feature profile statistics
cof_stat <- dt_per[dt_per[,.I[which.min(WGFPS)], by=genelist] [['V1']]]
row_header <- cof_stat[,genelist,rn]
#reprep the data
cof_stat = cof_stat[, -c("WGFPS", "genelist", "rn")]
#apply ecdf to each profile statistics column across genes
bgfps <- cof_stat
BGFPS <- rowSums(bgfps)
bgfps <- apply(cof_stat, 2, function(c) ecdf(c)(c))
BGFPS <- rowSums(bgfps)
#log transformation
Neg_log10_BGFPS <- -log(BGFPS,10)
bgfps_stat_log <- cbind(row_header,bgfps,BGFPS,Neg_log10_BGFPS)
bgfps_stat_log <- bgfps_stat_log[!$Neg_log10_BGFPS),]
#sort log transformed values
bgfps_stat_log10_sort <- bgfps_stat_log[ order(-Neg_log10_BGFPS), ]
#successive differences of sorted log transformed profile statistics
diff <- c( rep(0,length(bgfps_stat_log10_sort$Neg_log10_BGFPS)) )
for (i in 1:length(bgfps_stat_log10_sort$Neg_log10_BGFPS)){
diff[i] <- bgfps_stat_log10_sort$Neg_log10_BGFPS[i] -
if(i == length(bgfps_stat_log10_sort$Neg_log10_BGFPS) ){
diff[i] <- 0 #assign the last element a zero value
#identify change points for the data using {changepoints}
max <- length(diff)/2
if (cpt.method == "AMOC") {
if( == "mean"){
diff.cpts <- cpt.mean(diff,method=cpt.method,Q=1)
} else if( == "var"){
diff.cpts <- cpt.var(diff,method=cpt.method,Q=1)
} else{
diff.cpts <- cpt.meanvar(diff,method=cpt.method,Q=1)
if(max > cpt.max){
if( == "mean"){
diff.cpts <- cpt.mean(diff,method=cpt.method,Q=cpt.max)
} else if ( == "var") {
diff.cpts <- cpt.var(diff,method=cpt.method,Q=cpt.max)
} else {
diff.cpts <- cpt.meanvar(diff,method=cpt.method,Q=cpt.max)
} else if(max <= cpt.max){
if( == "mean"){
diff.cpts <- cpt.mean(diff,method=cpt.method,Q=max)
} else if ( == "var") {
diff.cpts <- cpt.var(diff,method=cpt.method,Q=max)
} else{
diff.cpts <- cpt.meanvar(diff,method=cpt.method,Q=max)
#check for the number of diff.cpts identified
stop("No gene sets by changepoints were identified in the data set!")
#add the estimated changepoint locations to the data points
level <- character()
l <- 1
locate.cpts <- cpts(diff.cpts)
for(i in 1:length(cpts(diff.cpts)) ) {
idx <- cpts(diff.cpts)[i]
locate.cpts[i] <- bgfps_stat_log10_sort$Neg_log10_BGFPS[idx]
for(j in 1:cpts(diff.cpts)[i]){
a <- cpts(diff.cpts)[i-1]+1
for(j in a:cpts(diff.cpts)[i]){
a <- cpts(diff.cpts)[i]+1
for(j in a:length(diff)){
locate.cpts <- as.numeric(locate.cpts)
locate.cpts <- round(locate.cpts,digits=2)
#append changepoints to the original data frame
#generate results table
cpt.out <- data.frame(bgfps_stat_log10_sort,diff,as.numeric(level))
setorder(cpt.out, -Neg_log10_BGFPS)
colnames(cpt.out)[ncol(cpt.out)-2] <- "-log10(BGFPS)"
colnames(cpt.out)[ncol(cpt.out)-1] <- "succ.diff."
colnames(cpt.out)[ncol(cpt.out)] <- "changepoints" <- as.matrix(cpt.out[,-c(1,2)])
rownames( <- cpt.out[,1]
return (data = list( =, locate.cpts = locate.cpts))
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