#' GAPGOM - expression_prediction()
#' Predicts annotation of un-annotated genes based on existing
#' Gene Ontology annotation data and correlated expression patterns.
#' This function is specifically made for predicting lncRNA annotation by
#' assuming "guilt by association". For instance, the expression data in this
#' package is actually based on mRNA expression data, but correlated with
#' lncRNA. This expression data is the used in combination with mRNA GO
#' annotation to calculate similarity scores between GO terms,
#' @param gene_id gene rowname to be compared to the other GO terms.
#' @param expression_set ExpressionSet class containing expression values and
#' other useful information, see GAPGOM::f5_example_data
#' documentation for further explanation of this type. If you want a custom
#' ExpressionSet you have to define one yourself.
#' @param method which statistical method to use for the prediction, currently
#' there are 5 available; "pearson", "spearman", "kendall", "fisher", "sobolev"
#' and "combine".
#' @return The resulting dataframe with prediction of similar GO terms.
#' These are ordered with respect to FDR values. The following columns will be
#' in the dataframe;
#' GOID - Gene Ontology ID,
#' Ontology - Ontology type (MF or BP),
#' FDR - False Positive Rate,
#' Term - description of GOID,
#' used_method - the used method to determine the ontology term similarity
#' @examples
#' # Example with default dataset, take a look at the data documentation
#' # to fully grasp what's going on with making of the filter etc. (Biobase
#' # ExpressionSet)
#' # set an artbitrary gene you want to find similarities for. (5th row in this
#' # case)
#' gid <- "ENSG00000228630"
#' result <- GAPGOM::expression_semantic_scoring(gid,
#' GAPGOM::expset)
#' @import Biobase
#' @export
expression_semantic_scoring <- function(gene_id, expression_set,
method = "combine") {
old <- options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, warn=-1)
on.exit(options(old), add = TRUE)
starttime <- Sys.time()
# check inputs
if (!(.check_ifclass(gene_id, "character", "gene_id", accept_null = FALSE) &
.check_ifclass(expression_set, "ExpressionSet", "expression_set",
accept_null = FALSE) &
)) {
stop("Error: one or more arguments are faulty!")
# prepare the data with some special operations/vars that are needed later
gene_id <- as.character(gene_id)
if (!(gene_id %in% rownames(assayData(expression_set)[["exprs"]]))) {
message("Could not calculate any scores! (gene id not present...)")
# Target expression data where gene id matches
target_expression_data <- assayData(expression_set)[["exprs"]][gene_id,]
# make args list for ambiguous functions
args <- list(
"gene_id" = gene_id,
"expression_data" = assayData(expression_set)[["exprs"]],
"target_expression_data" = target_expression_data)
scores <- switch(method,
"pearson" = .score_pearson(args),
"spearman" = .score_spearman(args),
"kendall" = .score_kendall(args),
"fisher" = .score_fisher(args),
"sobolev" = .score_sobolev(args),
"combine" = .score_combined(args),
function() {
cat("Selected method; \"", method,
"\" does not exist! Refer to the ",
"help page for options.", sep = "")
#' @rdname ambiguous_functions
.ambiguous_scorecalc <- function(args, expression_data, applyfunc) {
# check if the expression_data has any 0 values in it and filter them.
expression_data <- expression_data[!(apply(expression_data, 1,
function(x) {all(x==0)})),]
if (nrow(expression_data) == 0) {
stop("dataset does not contain any non-zero expression values!")
# apply the score calculation function
score <- apply(expression_data,
1, applyfunc, args)
# prepare and format a dataframe to return
score_df <- .prepare_score_df(rownames(expression_data), score,
#' @rdname ambiguous_functions
#' @importFrom stats cor
.score_pearson <- function(args) {
score_df <- .ambiguous_scorecalc(args, args$expression_data, misc_pearson)
score_df <- .ambiguous_method_origin(score_df, "pearson")
#' @rdname ambiguous_functions
#' @importFrom stats cor
.score_spearman <- function(args) {
score_df <- .ambiguous_scorecalc(args, args$expression_data, misc_spearman)
score_df <- .ambiguous_method_origin(score_df, "spearman")
#' @rdname ambiguous_functions
#' @importFrom stats cor
.score_kendall <- function(args) {
score_df <- .ambiguous_scorecalc(args, args$expression_data, misc_kendall)
score_df <- .ambiguous_method_origin(score_df, "kendall")
#' @rdname ambiguous_functions
.score_fisher <- function(args) {
score_df <- .ambiguous_scorecalc(args, args$expression_data, misc_fisher)
score_df <- .ambiguous_method_origin(score_df, "fisher")
#' @rdname ambiguous_functions
.score_sobolev <- function(args) {
score_df <- .ambiguous_scorecalc(args, args$expression_data, misc_sobolev)
score_df <- .ambiguous_method_origin(score_df, "sobolev")
#' @rdname ambiguous_functions
.score_combined <- function(args) {
# Run enrichment for each method
score_methods <- c(.score_pearson, .score_spearman, .score_kendall,
.score_sobolev, .score_fisher)
# apply for non-parallel testing purposes
scores <-
lapply(score_methods, function(method) {
scores <-"rbind", scores)
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