#' GAPGOM internal - enrichment_analysis()
#' This function is an internal function and should not be called by the user.
#' Enriches score results from multiple methods to give a better idea of
#' important similarities.
#' This function is specifically made for predicting lncRNA annotation by
#' assuming "guilt by association". For instance, the expression data in this
#' package is actually based on mRNA expression data, but correlated with
#' lncRNA. This expression data is the used in combination with mRNA GO
#' annotation to calculate similarity scores between GO terms,
#' @section Notes:
#' Internal function used in expression_prediction_function().
#' @param ordered_score_df the score dataframe see documentation on
#' GAPGOM::example_score_dataframe for formatting.
#' @param id_select_vector gene rowname(s) that you want to keep in the
#' dataset. For example, let's say you need to only include protein coding
#' genes. You then make a vector including only ids that are protein coding.
#' Most importantly, this is used in the GO term enrichment. Meaning that this
#' vector should only contain genes that are annotated in the GO databases.
#' @param id_translation_df dataframe that has translation between rowname,
#' entrez id and GO ids (generated internally using GOSemSim+entrez ids).
#' @param organism where to be scanned genes reside in, this option
#' is neccesary to select the correct GO DAG. Options are based on the org.db
#' bioconductor package;
#' Following options are available: "fly", "mouse", "rat", "yeast",
#' "zebrafish", "worm", "arabidopsis", "ecolik12", "bovine", "canine",
#' "anopheles", "ecsakai", "chicken", "chimp", "malaria", "rhesus", "pig",
#' "xenopus". Fantom5 data only has "human" and "mouse" available depending
#' on the dataset.
#' @param ontology desired ontology to use for prediction. One of three;
#' "BP" (Biological process), "MF" (Molecular function) or "CC"
#' (Cellular Component). Cellular Component is not included with the package's
#' standard data and will thus yield no results.
#' @param enrichment_cutoff cutoff number for the amount of genes to be
#' enriched in the enrichment analysis. (default is 250)
#' @param significance normalized p-values (fdr) that are below this number
#' will be kept. has to be a float/double between 0-1. Default is 0.05
#' @param filter_pvals filters pvalues that are equal to 0 (Default=FALSE).
#' @return The resulting dataframe with prediction of similar GO terms.
#' These are ordered with respect to FDR values. The following columns will be
#' in the dataframe;
#' GOID - Gene Ontology ID,
#' Ontology - Ontology type (MF or BP),
#' FDR - False Positive Rate,
#' Term - description of GOID.
#' However, unlike in expression_prediction, this dataframe will have unsorted
#' row numbering. And it won't contain used method.
#' @import AnnotationDbi
#' @importFrom plyr ddply .
#' @importFrom stats phyper p.adjust na.omit
#' @importFrom fastmatch %fin%
#' @keywords internal
.enrichment_analysis <- function(ordered_score_df, id_select_vector,
id_translation_df, organism, ontology, enrichment_cutoff, significance,
filter_pvals, go_amount) {
old <- options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, warn=-1)
on.exit(options(old), add = TRUE)
# extracted_genes -> Extracted genes with correct gene ontology.
# now filter EG to also extract only genes that are present in user defined
# expression data rows
extracted_genes <- id_translation_df[(id_translation_df$ORIGID %fin%
id_select_vector), ]
# List of top n (cutoff) genes (Ensembl ID)
list_top_genes <- ordered_score_df[c(seq_len(enrichment_cutoff)), 1]
# List of gene ontologies given the Extracted genes that are in the top
# 250 genes of the score dataframe. for each ensemble ID there are more
# gene ontologies.
# list_of_gos, n genes but all unqiue corresponding GO IDs
list_of_gos <- extracted_genes[(extracted_genes$ORIGID %fin%
list_of_gos <- unique(list_of_gos)
list_of_gos <- list_of_gos[which(!]
if (dim(extracted_genes)[1] == 0 | dim(extracted_genes)[2] == 0) {
return(data.frame()) # return empty dataframe if there's no extracted genes.
# Count the amount of genes with the same GO ID and quantify them.
term_id_to_ext_id <- .term_id_to_ext_id(extracted_genes)
# set the column name to Freq Anno. (This was broken before.)
colnames(term_id_to_ext_id)[2] <- "Freq_Anno"
# Filter the quantification to only have the top genes where the go ID
# corresponds
qterm_id_to_ext_id <- term_id_to_ext_id[(term_id_to_ext_id$GO %fin%
list_of_gos), ]
# now order qterm so go's correspond later
qterm_id_to_ext_id <- qterm_id_to_ext_id[order(qterm_id_to_ext_id$GO),]
# ---
# Quantify extracted_genes in List of top genes (grab every go_id for
# corresponding ensembl IDs)
quantified_ext_id_to_term_id <- .ext_id_to_term_id(extracted_genes,
# After this, filter it for existing Gene ontologies within the top GOs
quantified_ext_id_to_term_id <- quantified_ext_id_to_term_id[(
quantified_ext_id_to_term_id[, 1] %fin% list_of_gos), ]
# now order the thing so go's correspond with others
quantified_ext_id_to_term_id <- quantified_ext_id_to_term_id[
order(quantified_ext_id_to_term_id$GO), 2]
# GeneList | Genome
# ------------------
# In Anno group | n1 | n2 |
# ------------------------------------
# Not in Anno group | n3 | n4 |
# ------------------------------------
# Where, GeneList is the number of protein-coding genes that co-expressed
# with lncRNA, Genome is the number of all protein coding-genes,
# In Anno group is the number of protein-coding genes that were both
# co-expressed with lncRNA and annotated in the Term, and Not in Anno group
# is the number of protein-coding genes that were co-expressed with lncRNA
# but were not annotated in the Term
n1 <- quantified_ext_id_to_term_id
n2 <- qterm_id_to_ext_id[, 2] - quantified_ext_id_to_term_id
n3 <- length(unique(id_select_vector)) - enrichment_cutoff -
qterm_id_to_ext_id[, 2] + quantified_ext_id_to_term_id
n4 <- rep(enrichment_cutoff, nrow(qterm_id_to_ext_id)) # Issue #1 Bitbucket
# now bind into 1 df.
qterm_id_to_ext_id <- cbind(qterm_id_to_ext_id, n1, n2, n3, n4)
# select quantification values to at least be 5 for goID quantification.
qterm_id_to_ext_id <- qterm_id_to_ext_id[(qterm_id_to_ext_id[, 2] >=
go_amount), ]
# select last 4 columns (n1,n2,n3,n4)
args.df <- qterm_id_to_ext_id[, c(3:6)]
# calculate p-values using the hypergeometrix distribution.
pvalues <- apply(args.df, 1, function(n) min(phyper(0:n[1] - 1, n[2], n[3],
lower.tail = FALSE)))
# if the is no significant pvalues, return empty numeric array. This doesn't
# interfere with rbind later on in combine method.
if (length(pvalues) == 0) {
# Grab corresponding go_ids
go_id <- qterm_id_to_ext_id[, 1]
# Replicate the ontology for the amount of rows
ontology <- rep(ontology, nrow(args.df))
# Benjamini & Hochberg multiple comparisons adjustment
fdr <- p.adjust(pvalues, method = "fdr", n = length(pvalues))
# grab description of each gene ontology term using Term() from the
# annotationDbi package.
term <- Term(qterm_id_to_ext_id[, 1])
# Create a dataframe containing all results in a neat format.
enrichment_dataframe <- data.frame(GOID = as.character(go_id),
Ontology = as.character(ontology),
Pvalue = pvalues,
FDR = fdr,
Term = as.character(term))
# Omit NA's
enrichment_dataframe <- na.omit(enrichment_dataframe)
# Order the result by FDR (the adjusted p values)
enrichment_dataframe <- enrichment_dataframe[(order(as.numeric(
enrichment_dataframe[, 4]))), ]
# Only keep every P-value that is significant (set by user)
enrichment_dataframe <- enrichment_dataframe[(as.numeric(
enrichment_dataframe[, 4]) < significance), ]
# filter out 0's if set by user.
if (filter_pvals) {
enrichment_dataframe <- enrichment_dataframe[(as.numeric(
enrichment_dataframe[, 4]) !=0), ]
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