# For help/vignette:
# genesUniverse <- refList(refPackage, geneIdType)
# geneID2GO <- buildDatabases(orgPackage, geneIdType)$geneID2GO # To execute multiple queries...
# # Arguments
# geneList <- c("ADA2", "APC1", "APC11", "APC2", "APC4", "APC5", "APC9",
# "CDC16", "CDC23", "CDC26", "CDC27", "CFT1", "CFT2", "DCP1", "DOC1", "FIP1",
# "GCN5", "GLC7", "HFI1", "KEM1", "LSM1", "LSM2", "LSM3", "LSM4", "LSM5",
# "LSM6", "LSM7", "LSM8", "NGG1", "PAP1", "PAT1", "PFS2", "PTA1",
# "PTI1", "REF2", "RNA14", "RPN1", "RPN10", "RPN11", "RPN13", "RPN2", "RPN3",
# "RPN5", "RPN6", "RPN8", "RPT1", "RPT3", "RPT6", "SGF11", "SGF29", "SGF73",
# "SPT20", "SPT3", "SPT7", "SPT8", "TRA1", "YSH1", "YTH1")
# annotations=c("GO_BP","GO_MF","GO_CC")
# genesUniverse <- NULL
# organism="Sc"
# geneIdType <- "GENENAME"
# nodeSize <- 5 # 1 (no prune), more stable: 5-10
# pValThr <- 0.01
# geneID2GO=NULL
# refPackage=NULL
# nodeSize=5
# pValThr=0.01
# testStat=NULL
# jobName=NULL
# results <- fea_topGO(geneList, geneIdType=geneIdType, organism="Sc", annotations=annotations, refPackage=refPackage, nodeSize=5, pValThr=0.01, testStat=NULL)
# GO evidence codes:
# (
# "TAS" (traceable author statement, probably the most restrictive)
# AnnotationDbi::keys(, keytype="EVIDENCE")
# "EXP" "IBA" "IC" "IDA" "IEA" "IEP" "IGI" "IMP" "IPI" "ISS" "NAS" "ND" "TAS"
fea_topGO <- function(geneList, geneIdType="ENSEMBL", geneLabels=NULL, organism="Hs", annotations=c("GO_BP","GO_MF","GO_CC"), evidence=NULL, genesUniverse=NULL, refPackage=NULL, geneID2GO=NULL, nodeSize=5, pValThr=0.01, testStat=NULL, jobName=NULL)
if(!loadInstPkg("topGO")) stop("Package topGO is not available.")
if(!loadInstPkg("GO.db")) stop("Package GO.db is for fea_topGO.")
# Check arguments
if(!is.null(nodeSize) && !is.numeric(nodeSize)) stop("nodeSize should be numeric.")
if(!is.null(pValThr) && !is.numeric(pValThr)) stop("pValThr should be numeric.")
if(!is.null(jobName) && !is.character(jobName)) stop("jobName should be character.")
# Prepare jobName / folder
if(is.null(jobName)) jobName <- paste(sample(100000:999999,size=1), "_topGO",sep="")
folder <- jobName
# Create folder
currWD <- getwd()
# Get organism package
data("organisms", envir = environment())
organisms<- get("organisms", envir = environment())
if(!is.character(organism)) stop("Organism should be the name of an organism db package or one of the rownames in the following table: data(organisms)")
if(organism %in% rownames(organisms))
orgPackage <- organisms[organism,"orgPackage"]
} else
orgPackage <- organism
# Get background list (genes universe)
if(!is.null(refPackage) && !is.null(genesUniverse)) stop("Please provide either 'genesUniverse' or 'refPackage'.")
if(is.null(refPackage)) refPackage <- orgPackage
if(is.null(genesUniverse)) genesUniverse <- refList(refPackage, geneIdType)
# Get GO gene sets
if(!is.null(orgPackage) && !is.null(geneID2GO)) stop("Please provide either 'orgPackage' or 'geneID2GO'.")
if(any(!annotations %in% c("GO_BP","GO_MF","GO_CC"))) stop('"annotations" should be "GO_BP", "GO_MF" and/or "GO_CC"')
if(is.null(geneID2GO)) geneID2GO <- buildGeneSets(orgPackage, geneIdType, annotations=annotations, evidence=evidence)$genes2terms
# Reshape input list
recogPercent <- sum(geneList %in% genesUniverse)/length(geneList)
if(recogPercent < 0.1) stop("There are no genes from the gene list in the genes universe.\nMake sure the arguments 'genesUniverse', 'refPackage', 'organism' and 'geneIdType' are correct.")
warning(paste("Only ",recogPercent*100, "% of gene ids were recognized.",sep=""))
inputGeneList <- factor(as.integer(genesUniverse %in% geneList))
names(inputGeneList) <- genesUniverse
## topGo
annotations <- gsub("GO_", "", annotations)
names(geneID2GO) <- gsub("GO_", "", names(geneID2GO))
GOdata <- list()
goResTable <- list()
if(is.null(testStat)) testStat <- new("classicCount", testStatistic=topGO::GOFisherTest, name="Fisher test")
for(ont in annotations)
GOdata[[ont]] <- new("topGOdata", ontology=ont, allGenes=inputGeneList, annot=annFUN.gene2GO, gene2GO=geneID2GO[[ont]], nodeSize=nodeSize)
# Get significant terms and build table:
resultFisher <- getSigGroups(GOdata[[ont]], testStat)
goResTable[[ont]] <- GenTable(GOdata[[ont]], classic=resultFisher, ranksOf="classic", topNodes=sum(resultFisher@score<pValThr), numChar=100)
# Check size?
# Get genes in each term:
goResTable[[ont]] <- cbind(Ont=ont, goResTable[[ont]], Genes=sapply(goResTable[[ont]]$GO.ID,function(go)
gTerm <- genesInTerm(GOdata[[ont]], go)[[1]]
paste(gTerm[gTerm %in% sigGenes(GOdata[[ont]])], collapse=",")
geneTermSets <-,goResTable)
# Adaptar formato
fileName <- paste(jobName, ".txt", sep="")
# Equivalent to format_results(goResTable, newFileName=fileName, clusterCol=NULL, geneCol=NULL, geneSep=NULL, termDescCol="Term", termIDCol="GO.ID", termCatCol=NULL, termCat="GO", termSep=NULL), but deltes extra columns
colnames(geneTermSets)[which(colnames(geneTermSets)=="Term")] <- "Terms"
geneTermSets$Terms <- paste(geneTermSets$GO.ID, capitalize(geneTermSets$Terms), sep=":")
geneTermSets <- geneTermSets[,!colnames(geneTermSets) %in% "GO.ID"]
# Replace Gene ID?
geneTermSets <- addGeneLabels(geneTermSets, geneLabels)
# Save file:
ret <- format_results(geneTermSets, newFileName=fileName, tool="topGO")
queryArgs <- list(queryArgsAsCharacter(
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