#' Detect splicing events using EventPointer methodology
#' Identification of all the alternative splicing events in the splicing graphs
#' @param Input Output of the PrepareBam_EP function
#' @param cores Number of cores used for parallel processing
#' @param Path Directory where to write the EventsFound_RNASeq.txt file
#' @return list with all the events found for all the genes present in the experiment.
#' It also generates a file called EventsFound_RNASeq.txt with the information of each event.
#' @examples
#' # Run EventDetection function
#' data(SG_RNASeq)
#' TxtPath<-tempdir()
#' AllEvents_RNASeq<-EventDetection(SG_RNASeq,cores=1,Path=TxtPath)
#' @export
EventDetection <- function(Input, cores,
Path) {
################################### Detect AS Events Using EP Methodology
if (is.null(Input)) {
stop("Input field is empty")
if (class(cores) != "numeric") {
stop("Number of cores incorrect")
if (is.null(Path)) {
stop("Path field is empty")
SgF <- rowRanges(Input)
SgFC <- Input
# Obtain unique genes to find alternative
# splicing events.
genes <- unique(unlist(geneID(SgF)))
GeneIDs <-
GeneIDs <- GeneIDs[, c("geneID", "geneName")]
IdName <- apply(GeneIDs, 1, function(X) {
A <- unlist(X[2])[1]
GeneIDs[, 2] <- IdName
GeneIDs <- unique(GeneIDs)
GeneIDs[[, 2]), 2] <- " "
cat("\n Obtaining Events")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(genes),
style = 3)
# registerDoMC(cores=cores)
registerDoParallel(cores = cores)
# for(jj in 1:length(genes))
Result <- foreach(jj = seq_along(genes)) %dopar%
setTxtProgressBar(pb, jj)
# print(jj)
Gene <- genes[jj]
SG_Gene <- SgF[geneID(SgF) ==
iix <- match(Gene, GeneIDs[,
if (! {
GeneName <- GeneIDs[iix,
} else {
GeneName <- " "
if (nrow( !=
1) {
featureID(SG_Gene) <- seq_len(nrow(
SG_Gene_Counts <- SgFC[geneID(SgFC) ==
# Function to obtain the information of
# the SG, the information returned
# Corresponds to the Edges, Adjacency
# matrix and Incidence Matrix of the SG
# that is being analyzed
SG <- SG_Info(SG_Gene)
# Using Ax=b with A the incidence matrix
# and b=0, we solve to obtain the null
# space and obtain the flux through each
# edge if we relate the SG with an
# hydraulic installation
randSol <- getRandomFlow(SG$Incidence,
ncol = 10)
# To find events, we need to have fluxes
# different from 1 in different edges
if (any(round(randSol) !=
1)) {
# Identify the alternative splicing
# events using the fluxes obtained
# previously. The number of fluxes
# correspond to the number of edges so we
# can relate events with edges
Events <- findTriplets(randSol)
# There should be al least one event to
# continue the algorithm
if (nrow(Events$triplets) >
0) {
twopaths <- which(rowSums(Events$triplets !=
0) == 3)
# Transform triplets, related with edges
# to the corresponding edges. Also the
# edges are divided into Path 1, Path 2
# and Reference
Events <- getEventPaths(Events,
# Condition to ensure that there is at
# least one event
if (length(Events) >
0) {
# Classify the events into canonical
# categories using the adjacency matrix
Events <- ClassifyEvents(SG,
Events, twopaths)
# A simple piece of code to get the
# number of counts for the three paths in
# every event within a gene
Events <- GetCounts(Events,
Events <- Filter(Negate(is.null),
Events <- lapply(Events,
function(x) {
x$GeneName <- GeneName
Events <- lapply(Events,
function(x) {
x$Gene <- Gene
Info <- AnnotateEvents_RNASeq(Events)
# browser()
return(list(Events = Events,
Info = Info))
Result <- Filter(Negate(is.null), Result)
Events <- vector("list", length = length(Result))
TxtInfo <- vector("list", length = length(Result))
for (jj in seq_len(length(Result))) {
Events[[jj]] <- Result[[jj]]$Events
TxtInfo[[jj]] <- Result[[jj]]$Info
# browser()
TxtInfo <-, TxtInfo)
iix <- which(TxtInfo[, 2] == " ")
if (length(iix) > 0) {
Info <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(TxtInfo[iix,
1]), "_")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)[,
TxtInfo[iix, 2] <- Info
write.table(TxtInfo, file = paste(Path,
"/EventsFound_RNASeq.txt", sep = ""),
sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE,
quote = FALSE)
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