#' CDF file creation for EventPointer
#' Generates the CDF file to be used under the aroma.affymetrix framework
#' @param input Reference transcriptome used to build the CDF file. Must be one of: 'Ensembl',
#' 'UCSC' , 'AffyGTF' or 'CustomGTF'.
#' @param inputFile If input is 'AffyGTF' or 'CustomGTF', inputFile should point to the GTF
#' file to be used.
#' @param PSR Path to the Exon probes txt file
#' @param Junc Path to the Junction probes txt file
#' @param PathCDF Directory where the output will be saved
#' @param microarray Microarray used to create the CDF file. Must be one of: HTA-2_0,
#' ClariomD, RTA or MTA
#' @return The function displays a progress bar to show the user the progress of the function.
#' However, there is no value returned in R as the function creates three files that are used
#' later by other EventPointer functions.1) EventsFound.txt : Tab separated file with all the
#' information of all the alternative splcing events found. 2) .flat file : Used to build the
#' corresponding CDF file. 3) .CDF file: Output required for the aroma.affymetrix preprocessing
#' pipeline. Both the .flat and .CDF file take large ammounts of memory in the hard drive, it is
#' recommended to have at least 1.5 GB of free space.
#' @examples
#' PathFiles<-system.file('extdata',package='EventPointer')
#' DONSON_GTF<-paste(PathFiles,'/DONSON.gtf',sep='')
#' PSRProbes<-paste(PathFiles,'/PSR_Probes.txt',sep='')
#' JunctionProbes<-paste(PathFiles,'/Junction_Probes.txt',sep='')
#' Directory<-tempdir()
#' microarray<-'HTA-2_0'
#' # Run the function
#' CDFfromGTF(input='AffyGTF',inputFile=DONSON_GTF,PSR=PSRProbes,Junc=JunctionProbes,
#' PathCDF=Directory,microarray=microarray)
#' @export
#' @import Matrix
#' @import SGSeq
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom affxparser writeCdf
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom GenomicFeatures makeTxDbFromBiomart makeTxDbFromUCSC makeTxDbFromGFF
#' @importFrom utils read.delim txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar combn write.table read.table
#' @importFrom stringr str_count
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb 'seqlevelsStyle<-' seqlevelsStyle seqnames
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_data_frame as_adj clusters graph_from_adjacency_matrix
#' @importFrom igraph
#' @importFrom MASS Null ginv
#' @importFrom stats dist qnorm quantile runif
#' @importFrom nnls nnls
#' @importFrom limma lmFit eBayes topTable voom
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowMaxs
#' @importFrom RBGL connectedComp
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom graph ftM2graphNEL
#' @importFrom prodlim row.match
#' @importFrom 'methods' is
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges makeGRangesFromDataFrame
#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits subjectHits
CDFfromGTF <- function(input = "Ensembl",
inputFile = NULL, PSR, Junc, PathCDF,
microarray = NULL) {
# CDFfromGTF is the corresponding
# function to create a CDF file based on
# the GTF file provided that contains the
# 'reference' trasncriptome to be used to
# identify alternative splicing events.
# Input Files: input -> GTF File of the
# transcriptome Dsource -> Information
# about the CDF (not required) PSR -> Txt
# file with the information of the PSRs
# of the array Junc -> Txt file with the
# information of junction probes in the
# array
# Crate TxDB object that contains all the
# information contained in the gtf file
# that was given in the input, the
# function makeTxDbFromGFF corresponds to
# the GenomicFeatures R package
cat("Creating SG Information...")
# Possible Arrays: HTA-2_0, ClariomD, RTA
# and MTA
if (is.null(microarray)) {
stop("Microarray field empty")
if (microarray == "HTA-2_0") {
if (input == "Ensembl") {
TxDb <- makeTxDbFromBiomart(biomart = "ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL",
dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl",
host = "")
TranscriptFeatures <- convertToTxFeatures(TxDb)
SplicingGraphFeatures <- convertToSGFeatures(TranscriptFeatures)
} else if (input == "UCSC") {
TxDb <- makeTxDbFromUCSC(genome = "hg19",
tablename = "knownGene")
TranscriptFeatures <- convertToTxFeatures(TxDb)
SplicingGraphFeatures <- convertToSGFeatures(TranscriptFeatures)
} else if (input == "AffyGTF" | input ==
"CustomGTF") {
if (is.null(inputFile)) {
stop("inputFile parameter is empty")
TxDb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(file = inputFile,
format = "gtf", dataSource = "Custom GTF")
TranscriptFeatures <- convertToTxFeatures(TxDb)
SplicingGraphFeatures <- convertToSGFeatures(TranscriptFeatures)
} else {
stop("Unknown reference genome")
} else if (microarray == "ClariomD") {
if (input == "Ensembl") {
TxDb <- makeTxDbFromBiomart(biomart = "ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL",
dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
TranscriptFeatures <- convertToTxFeatures(TxDb)
SplicingGraphFeatures <- convertToSGFeatures(TranscriptFeatures)
} else if (input == "UCSC") {
TxDb <- makeTxDbFromUCSC(genome = "hg38",
tablename = "knownGene")
TranscriptFeatures <- convertToTxFeatures(TxDb)
SplicingGraphFeatures <- convertToSGFeatures(TranscriptFeatures)
} else if (input == "AffyGTF" | input ==
"CustomGTF") {
if (is.null(inputFile)) {
stop("inputFile parameter is empty")
TxDb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(file = inputFile,
format = "gtf", dataSource = "Custom GTF")
TranscriptFeatures <- convertToTxFeatures(TxDb)
SplicingGraphFeatures <- convertToSGFeatures(TranscriptFeatures)
} else {
stop("Unknown reference genome")
} else if (microarray == "RTA") {
if (input == "Ensembl") {
TxDb <- makeTxDbFromBiomart(biomart = "ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL",
dataset = "rnorvegicus_gene_ensembl")
TranscriptFeatures <- convertToTxFeatures(TxDb)
SplicingGraphFeatures <- convertToSGFeatures(TranscriptFeatures)
} else if (input == "UCSC") {
TxDb <- makeTxDbFromUCSC(genome = "rn6",
tablename = "refGene")
TranscriptFeatures <- convertToTxFeatures(TxDb)
SplicingGraphFeatures <- convertToSGFeatures(TranscriptFeatures)
} else if (input == "AffyGTF" | input ==
"CustomGTF") {
if (is.null(inputFile)) {
stop("inputFile parameter is empty")
TxDb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(file = inputFile,
format = "gtf", dataSource = "Custom GTF")
TranscriptFeatures <- convertToTxFeatures(TxDb)
SplicingGraphFeatures <- convertToSGFeatures(TranscriptFeatures)
} else {
stop("Unknown reference genome")
} else if (microarray == "MTA") {
if (input == "Ensembl") {
TxDb <- makeTxDbFromBiomart(biomart = "ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL",
dataset = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl")
TranscriptFeatures <- convertToTxFeatures(TxDb)
SplicingGraphFeatures <- convertToSGFeatures(TranscriptFeatures)
} else if (input == "UCSC") {
TxDb <- makeTxDbFromUCSC(genome = "mm10",
tablename = "knownGene")
TranscriptFeatures <- convertToTxFeatures(TxDb)
SplicingGraphFeatures <- convertToSGFeatures(TranscriptFeatures)
} else if (input == "AffyGTF" | input ==
"CustomGTF") {
if (is.null(inputFile)) {
stop("inputFile parameter is empty")
TxDb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(file = inputFile,
format = "gtf", dataSource = "Custom GTF")
TranscriptFeatures <- convertToTxFeatures(TxDb)
SplicingGraphFeatures <- convertToSGFeatures(TranscriptFeatures)
} else {
stop("Unknown reference genome")
} else {
stop("Microarray should be: HTA-2_0, ClariomD, MTA or RTA")
# Read Information for the probes in the
# array
cat("\nReading Information On Probes...")
stopifnot(!is.null(PSR) & !is.null(Junc))
# Read ProbeSets TXT
ProbeSets <- read.delim(file = PSR, sep = "\t",
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Arrange the information in the txt file
# to have the information in the way the
# algorithm needs it
ProbeSets <- PrepareProbes(ProbeSets,
# Read Junctions TXT
Junctions <- read.delim(file = Junc,
sep = "\t", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Arrange the information in the txt file
# to have the information in the way the
# algorithm needs it
Junctions <- PrepareProbes(Junctions,
if (input == "Ensembl" | input == "UCSC" |
input == "CustomGTF") {
Junc <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(Junctions)
PSRs <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(ProbeSets)
seqlevelsStyle(Junc) <- seqlevelsStyle(SplicingGraphFeatures)
seqlevelsStyle(PSRs) <- seqlevelsStyle(SplicingGraphFeatures)
Overlap_Junc <- findOverlaps(Junc,
GeN <- geneName(SplicingGraphFeatures[subjectHits(Overlap_Junc)])
GeN <- sapply(GeN, function(X) {
A <- X[1]
GeN_iix <- cbind(queryHits(Overlap_Junc),
GeN_iix <- unique(GeN_iix)
Junctions[as.numeric(GeN_iix[, 1]),
"Gene"] <- GeN_iix[, 2]
Overlap_PSR <- findOverlaps(PSRs,
GeN <- geneName(SplicingGraphFeatures[subjectHits(Overlap_PSR)])
GeN <- sapply(GeN, function(X) {
A <- X[1]
GeN_iix <- cbind(queryHits(Overlap_PSR),
GeN_iix <- unique(GeN_iix)
ProbeSets[as.numeric(GeN_iix[, 1]),
"Gene"] <- GeN_iix[, 2]
# Get genes with probes and index them to
# get locations in Junctions and Probes
cat("\nIndexing Genes and Probes...")
# Obtain the genenames('TCXXXX.hg') and
# geneIDs (1,2...) for all the genes in
# the transcriptome used
geneIds <- geneID(SplicingGraphFeatures)
Genes <- as.list(geneName(SplicingGraphFeatures))
# As certain genes share geneID we repeat
# each geneID as many times it is used by
# a gene
LLs <- unlist(lapply(Genes, length))
geneIds <- rep(geneIds, LLs)
Genes <- unlist(Genes)
# Create a matrix with both Gene Names
# and Gene IDs
GeneIndex <- cbind(Genes, geneIds)
# Get Genes with Junctions probes, PSR
# probes and already located in the
# GeneIndex matrix
KeptGenes <- intersect(GeneIndex[, 1],
intersect(Junctions[, "Gene"], ProbeSets[,
# Order GeneIndex as the genes in
# KeptGenes
iix <- match(KeptGenes, GeneIndex[, 1])
GeneIndex <- GeneIndex[iix, , drop = FALSE]
# For the probe variables, we only keep
# the genes that appear in KeptGenes
ii.P <- match(ProbeSets[, "Gene"], KeptGenes)
ii.P <- which(!
ProbeSets <- ProbeSets[ii.P, , drop = FALSE]
ii.J <- match(Junctions[, "Gene"], KeptGenes)
ii.J <- which(!
Junctions <- Junctions[ii.J, , drop = FALSE]
# Order all the variables in the same
# way, so the genes in different
# variables have the same 'index'
Ord <- order(KeptGenes)
GeneIndex <- GeneIndex[Ord, , drop = FALSE]
KeptGenes <- KeptGenes[Ord]
ProbeSets <- ProbeSets[order(ProbeSets[,
"Gene"]), , drop = FALSE]
Junctions <- Junctions[order(Junctions[,
"Gene"]), , drop = FALSE]
# With rle we get how many times a
# certain value appears in the variable
# this way we can get the indices that
# correspond to the probes for a
# particular gene.
# For example, with the indices we can
# now that a gene X has PSR probes
# between lines 235 and 312 of the
# variable.
Junc_rle <- rle(Junctions[, "Gene"])
PS_rle <- rle(ProbeSets[, "Gene"])
indexE_Junc <- cumsum(Junc_rle$lengths)
indexS_Junc <- c(1, indexE_Junc[seq_len((length(indexE_Junc) -
1))] + 1)
indexE_PS <- cumsum(PS_rle$lengths)
indexS_PS <- c(1, indexE_PS[seq_len((length(indexE_PS) -
1))] + 1)
# Main loop to apply functions to all the
# genes in the GTF
# The list Result will contain all the
# information of the Events found
Result <- vector("list", length = length(KeptGenes))
Flat <- vector("list", length = length(KeptGenes))
# Set a progress bar to track the overall
# progress
cat("\nFinding Events...")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(GeneIndex),
style = 3)
for (jj in seq_len(nrow(GeneIndex))) {
# cat(jj,' of 30476 \n')
setTxtProgressBar(pb, jj)
Gene <- GeneIndex[jj, 1]
# Obtain the required information to
# build the SG, the Exons correspond to
# Nodes while Junctions correspond to
# edges. It is important to take into
# account that the Exons are already
# 'divided' into subexons, non
# overlapping regions between transcripts
SG_Gene <- SplicingGraphFeatures[unlist(geneID(SplicingGraphFeatures)) ==
GeneIndex[jj, 2]]
# Get the number of transcripts that
# appear for the gene that is being
# analyzed
Txx <- unique(unlist([,
# In order to have alternative splicing a
# gene must have at least more than one
# exon and more than one transcript
if (nrow( !=
1 & length(Txx) != 1) {
# Function to obtain the information of
# the SG, the information returned
# Corresponds to the Edges, Adjacency
# matrix and Incidence Matrix of the SG
# that is being analyzed
# SG <- SG_Info(SG_Gene)
# SG <- SG_creation(SG_Gene)
SG <- SG_creation_RNASeq(SG_Gene)
# Using Ax=b with A the incidence matrix
# and b=0, we solve to obtain the null
# space and obtain the flux through each
# edge if we relate the SG with an
# hydraulic installation
# The new parameter (ncol) is used to
# generate 10 fluxes to ensure that the
# eventdetection is exaclty the same
# every step.
randSol <- getRandomFlow(SG$Incidence,
ncol = 10)
# To find events, we need to have fluxes
# different from 1 in different edges
if (any(round(randSol) != 1)) {
# Identify the alternative splicing
# events using the fluxes obtained
# previously. The number of fluxes
# correspond to the number of edges so we
# can relate events with edges
Events <- findTriplets(randSol)
# There should be at least one event to
# continue the algorithm
if (nrow(Events$triplets) >
0) {
twopaths <- which(rowSums(Events$triplets !=
0) == 3)
# Transform events into triplets, related
# with edges to the corresponding paths.
# Also the edges are divided into Path 1,
# Path 2 and Reference
Events <- getEventPaths(Events,
# Condition to ensure that there is at
# least one event
if (length(Events) > 0) {
# Get PSRs that map to the gene that is
# being used
PSR_Gene <- ProbeSets[indexS_PS[jj]:indexE_PS[jj],
# Get junctions that map to the gene that
# is being used
Junc_Gene <- Junctions[indexS_Junc[jj]:indexE_Junc[jj],
# Classify the events into canonical
# categories using the adjacency matrix
Events <- ClassifyEvents(SG,
Events, twopaths)
# Obtain the corresponding
# PSRs/JunctionProbes for each of the
# paths of every event
Events <- annotateEvents(Events,
PSR_Gene, Junc_Gene,
GeneIndex[jj, 1])
Result[[jj]] <- Events[[1]]
Flat[[jj]] <- Events[[2]]
# Create .flat file used in flat2CDF
# function
cat("\nCreating .flat ...")
Result <- Filter(Negate(is.null), Result)
Result <-, Result)
colnames(Result) <- c("Affy Gene Id",
"Gene Name", "Event Number", "Event Type",
"Genomic Position", "Path 1", "Path 2",
"Path Reference", "Probes P1", "Probes P2",
"Probes Ref")
# if(input=='GTF') {
# GeneNames<-read.delim(file=paste(GeneNamesFile,sep=''),sep='\t',header=T)
# iix<-match(Result[,1],GeneNames[,1])
# Nmb<-as.vector(GeneNames[iix,2])
# Result[,2]<-Nmb }else
# if(input=='Ensembl' | input=='UCSC') {
# Result[,2]<-Result[,1] }
Flat <- Filter(Negate(is.null), Flat)
Flat <-, Flat)
colnames(Flat) <- c("Probe_ID", "X",
"Y", "Probe_Sequence", "Group_ID",
# tag<-'r'
ROWS <- 2572
COLS <- 2680
write.table(Result, file = paste(PathCDF,
"/EventsFound_", microarray, ".txt",
sep = ""), sep = "\t", quote = FALSE,
col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
write.table(Flat, file = paste(PathCDF,
"/", microarray, ".flat", sep = ""),
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE,
row.names = FALSE)
# Cant change wd during BioCCheck
# setwd(PathCDF)
flat2Cdf(file = paste(PathCDF, "/", microarray,
".flat", sep = ""), chipType = microarray,
rows = ROWS, cols = COLS, Directory = PathCDF)
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