### Copyright 2003, Christina Kendziorski <>,
### Michael Newton <> and Deepayan Sarkar
### <>
### This file is part of the EBarrays library for R. It is made
### available under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
### version 2, or at your option, any later version, incorporated
### herein by reference.
### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
### useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
### PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
### details.
### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
### License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
### Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
### MA 02111-1307, USA
## Derivation:
## Given matrix X (kxn) with k genes and n rows, where x_1, ..., x_k
## are rows of X. Each x_i is iid
## MVN(\mu 1_n, \sigma_g^2 I_n + \tao^2 M_n)
## where M_n = 11' = nxn matrix of ones. Then, with
## A1 = x_i x_i^T
## A2 = [ x_i 1' ]^2
## A3 = [ x_i 1' ]
## the log likelihood reduces to
## l(sigma_g^2, tao^2, mu) = - n/2 log(2 pi) - (n-1)/2 log(sigma_g^2)
## - 1/2 log(sigma_g^2 + n tao^2) - c/2 (n mu^2 + A1 - 2 mu A3)
## - d/2 (A2 + n^2 mu^2 - 2n mu A3)
## where c = 1/sigma_g^2, d = - tao^2 / (sigma_g^2 (sigma_g^2 + n tao^2))
eb.createFamilyLNNMV <-
f0 <- function(theta, args)
## mu0=theta[1], log(tau02)=theta[2]
theta[2] <- exp(theta[2])
spnt <- args$sigmag2 + args$n * theta[2] ## sigma_g^2 + n tao0^2
negloglik <-
log(cbind(rep(2 * base::pi,length(args$sigmag2)), args$sigmag2, spnt)) %*%
c(args$n, args$n - 1, 1)+
(args$n * theta[1] * theta[1] + args$sumsq.logdata - 2
* theta[1] * args$sum.logdata) / args$sigmag2 -
theta[2] * (args$sum.logdata * args$sum.logdata +
args$n * args$n * theta[1] * theta[1]
- 2 * args$n * theta[1] *
args$sum.logdata ) / (args$sigmag2 *
-0.5 * negloglik
## x is log intensity. Calculating marginal density of x
logDensity <- function()
cat("\n logDensity is not available for family \"LNNMV\" \n")
f0.arglist <- function(data, patterns, groupid)
## returns a list with two components, common.args and
## pattern.args. common.args is a list of arguments to f0 that
## don't change from one pattern to another, whereas
## pattern.args[[i]][[j]] is a similar list of arguments, but
## specific to the columns in pattern[[i]][[j]]
## Note: f0 will also have an argument theta, which would need
## to be specified separately
data <- log(data)
k <- nrow(data)
n <- sum(groupid!=0)
## Assume sigma_g^2 ~ Inv-chi-square (v0,sigma0^2).
groups <- unique(groupid)
groups <- groups[groups!=0]
ngroup <- length(groups)
vars <- 0
for(i in 1:ngroup){
temp <- data[,groupid==groups[i]]
ncoltemp <- sum(groupid==groups[i])
vars <- vars
vars <- vars + (ncoltemp-1)*apply(temp,1,FUN=var)
## gene specific sample variance
svars <- vars/(n-ngroup)
# The following is the moment estimate of the (v0,sigma02)
v0 <- mean(svars)^2/((length(svars)-1)/length(svars)*var(svars))*2+4
sigma02 <- mean(svars)*(v0-2)/v0
## estimate of sigma_g^2 for each gene, do not depend on patterns
common.args <- list(sigmag2=(v0*sigma02+vars)/(n+v0-2))
pattern.args <- vector("list", length(patterns))
for (i in seq(along = patterns))
pattern.args[[i]] <- vector("list", length(patterns[[i]]))
for (j in seq(along = patterns[[i]]))
tmpdata <- data[, patterns[[i]][[j]], drop = FALSE]
pattern.args[[i]][[j]] <-
list(n = length(patterns[[i]][[j]]),
sum.logdata = rowSums(tmpdata),
sumsq.logdata = rowSums(tmpdata * tmpdata))
list(common.args = common.args, pattern.args = pattern.args)
## function to get initial values of theta if they are not supplied
thetaInit <- function(data) {
data <- log(as.matrix(data))
means <- rowMeans(data)
mu.hat <- mean(means)
tausq.hat <- var(means)
## return value: theta = (mu_0, log(tao_0^2))
c(mu.hat, log(tausq.hat))
deflate <- function(theta, args, num.sample=10000)
stop("LNNMV family does not support ordered hypotheses.")
description = "Lognormal-Normal with modified variances",
thetaInit = thetaInit,
link = function(x) {
x[2] <- log(x[2])
## theta = (mu_0, log(tao_0^2))
invlink = function (x) {
x[2] <- exp(x[2])
names(x) <- c("mu_0", "tao_0^2")
f0 = f0,
deflate = deflate,
f0.pp = f0,
logDensity = logDensity,
f0.arglist = f0.arglist,
lower.bound = c(-Inf, -Inf),
upper.bound = c(Inf, Inf))
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